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Night Lords 18th Battle Company (Treadhead)

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I took some quick pics to show the process. Those seriously interested need to check out Nihm's Lightning Tutorial. I used this tut. There are some things that i had to find out the hard way though.

-Thin your paints a lot

You want all the paints going on almost translucent. If they are too thick your lightning will be harsh and chalky.


Above you can see (left to right) enchanted blue watered down, enchanted blue watered down further, and ice blue watered down extra. When mixing the colors on your pallet you want them to be thin enough to receed back into themselves after you've moved them around. It's hard to describe but there is a sweet spot.

- Enlist your coffee hands

shakey hands while normally a pain in the butt are a treat here. Painting a jagged harsh lightning bolt on a tiny model can be a bit tricky. Don't be afraid to apply your brush to the model and guide your shaky hands around to get your detail. I brace both my hands on my knee and let my wrists and fingers do the shaking.



Ice Blue


Skull White


There are some crappy pictures to show you how translucent the paints must be. follow Nihm's guide and keep each color inside the one before it. Also notice the base of the figure during the ice blue/skull white phases. I wiped the excess paint off on the base and practiced keeping the colors inside the lines before i applied anything. the last thing you want is to attack your wonderful models with ice blue before you know just what your brush is going to do.

Edited by Dan The Deamon
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Lord is finished. I'm not sold on his claws yet as they didn't turn out like the other power weapons. The gore from the guardsman arm is still waiting on some more water effects.


a little detail I added after breaking a skull off during paint stripping.


and then there's this guy


A Taurus marine I made for this thread.

Hope you guys enjoy!

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This is pretty great. One of my favorite projects currently on the forums. Though, Nightlords have always been one of my favorite chapters.


You've got some really menacing looking mini's there. Just what I imagine chaos marines looking like. Especially that lord. Looks about ready to eviscerate an orphanage. Right after he sets it on fire.

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lord gunthar

I kept the eyes off the guardsman because i felt the focus should be kept on the marine instead of the body underfot. I deliberately painted the guardsman a little differently than i normally would.


Yeah the claws were a challenge for me. I wanted to bring them up lighter but wasn't sure i had the steady hands at the time to deal with it. They look better in person and I will have to come back to them after the army is finished to touch them up.

Thanks to all of you guys for the responses. You guys rock.

What i've been working on in the meantime...

WargamesCon display board! B)

my 2k army.


and my 1k for doubles


I tried making the board universal to my 1k team and 2k independent list in order to use it for both. There are a couple of 40mm bases i can't fill in the display and may have to make some objectives out of them.

To those who may have noticed the daemon prince has been getting some attention. I'm embarrassed to say he is on his 4th re-prime because i couldn't get happy with the skin tones. I'll edit in a quick pic of him here in a minute plus a couple of finished marines.

+edit for pics+




back to the painting grind.


Edited by Dan The Deamon
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Simply WOW on all the awesomenes there mate! And the Prince is looking very cool and sinester too!

But still cant stop loving your sweet and awesome Alphas!! and your Nightlords simply getts better and better all the time to..

Cant wait to see more of your wicked and jawdropping models come to life either! there isent an army im more eager too se evolve and grow then yours and i never whant you to stop making your awesomens in in this army!

Simply briliant In all aspects..


I bow in your honour and pressens o dark lord of true Chaos

Edited by Xavier Targhost
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Thread delivers.


My crit of the Daemon prince is that he is quite muted colour wise compared to his base.


The infantry closeups are fantastic. You have posed them in natural looking ways and your painting has borught them to life.


The display board is very nice also.


Nevertheless it is a wonderful army. You do Chaos proud.

Edited by Yogi
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yogi, I've spent the past week working on his skin alone. He was purple for a little bit, blue, black, and finally last night completely blended up to skull white. He didn't mix well with the rest of the army in its dark state so i put some badaab black in my airbrush and attacked him. About half a bottle later this is where he is. His skin is muted because i found out i'm not really that good at blending it together with a deadline like Wargames Con coming.


So I agree with you, I couldn't pull it off. I may come back to him later i just needed to get him in a gaming state.


Vladvar it's so awesome that you like the display board. It's the first one i've ever made and certainly tried my patience in it's extremes. I have to make another in a couple of weeks as this one is three inches too big for games day. I will try and log what i do on the next.


Xavier, you never cease to validate me with wonderful praise. You rock.


Keep your eyes open for the other half of the doubles list. It's themed, and looks awesome!


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WargamesCon display board! ;)

my 2k army.


and my 1k for doubles


Damn, those look good! You've tempted me to make one for my Legion of Tuarus, but at around 5,000 points I think it'd be more like a gaming table than a display board, ha! :D

The Daemon Prince looks to be coming along great, looking forward to seeing it finished B)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well Andy thanks for dragging this thread up for me! I had some updates to put up but got so caught up in Games Day preparation that i've been dropping the ball.

First things first, the other half of my doubles list. My partner is a buddy that lives close enough that we're able to game frequently and he's pretty good with a brush and file. He decided to give the Alpha Legion another try and built a themed list to compliment what i would be able to bring to WarGamesCon. He doesn't have the internet and I've gotten some questions about people seeing my work in Austin a couple of weeks ago. To Give credit where credit is due I am posting these images for him. This is his Pre Heresy Alpha Legion army.

Disclaimer these are not my models.

First up his lord, a Kh

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Ah yes, forgot to mention i placed second to last in the first wargames con bracket. something like 33 or 35. I played some really good games against some great opponents but my paint scored kept me on the competitive side of the floor. I was matched against some guys that were more concerned with winning than having fun so i decided to hand over most of my games without much of a fight.


I did get second best 40k army which was fun, and totally worth it.

Edited by Dan The Deamon
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i was wondering. where exactly did your friend get the three skulls on the front of his champions chest. i noticed you did something similar with the champion you did awhile ago with the banner on his back and the power fist. do those skulls or that chest piece come as a set or did you convert them?
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