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Vlka Fenryka: WIP/PIP + Warband Fluff


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Summer's Advance Vow: WIP/PIP


not much of an update, I've been busy with work and just got back from San Diego Comic-Con with MavGirl. I'm glad that I will be able to finish by the deadline.


not much of an update, I've been busy with work and just got back from San Diego Comic-Con with MavGirl. I'm glad that I will be able to finish by the deadline.


@Chef Wulfen, thank you! I try to have my lost company as primal as possible.

@Tsavong Lah, thank you! it's an OOP piece, Insane Psychopath is right on the nose!

@Insane Psychopath, good eye brother! and for some reason, I have this feeling that you and I would get along with one another LOL

@Ace Debonair, thank you I also love the style of the old Space Crusade dreads. It's different and unique! I'm planning to make a second one to have a pair.

@Max_Dammit, haha thank you! you should see his biceps! LOL gotta love those genetically enhanced humans, anything goes.

@TiguriusX, LMAO that was a great movie!



San Diego Comic-Con '11. MavGirl as Marvel Comics, Felicia Hardy aka The Black Cat.


C & C are welcomed, thank you for looking!

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Basing: Snow Flock


I tried out this guys how-to, http://youtu.be/UBqtYJwDDWs and I'm very pleased with the results. It gave the snow more volume,

using GW snow flock (not the best quality IMHO) and I do realize that it's hard to tell from the pictures, but I'm content with the result of the snow flock.


Jonas Stromclaw, Fenris Hunter (Grey Hunter/Grey Slayer) belongs to my third pack of hunters.


WIP Pack Leader/WGBL Max_Dammit


C & C are welcomed. Thank you for looking!

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1: The new bases and minis look phenomenal as always, and 2. Mav_girl the cosplay came out awesome! I'm a big fan of cosplay, but I've never had a chance to even go to a convention yet. I like the fact you went with her newer costume (the white fur popping out has become a little dated)


Edit: Something that really sticks with me is the Melta gunner. His spiked shoulder runs perfectly along with the lines of the gun.

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kick ass as always mav. i like the way your Logan(?) is coming out. i plan to update him also for my army when i get to him. i plan to have him 2 hand his axe. nice cosplay there mavgirl, i dont think i could do it myself lol. and the snow looks awsome. im not much of a baser but it looks kool :tu:
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Mav_girl the cosplay came out awesome! I'm a big fan of cosplay, but I've never had a chance to even go to a convention yet. I like the fact you went with her newer costume (the white fur popping out has become a little dated)

haha thank you :tu: she's one of my favorites, and I'm glad to hear your feeling better! we're going again next year, making it our third convention in a row.


nice cosplay there mavgirl, i dont think i could do it myself lol.

haha we love dressing up :D it keeps things interesting and fun ;) ohh I mean yes cosplay stuff yah! haha wait until I start getting into tournaments and if and when I start doing well, I'll be out there dressed up in costume. I think of it as a good way to promote myself, my army and the tournament. Not to mention, psychological warfare... being beat by wonder woman or little red riding hood with her Space Wolf army.

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Mav_girl the cosplay came out awesome! I'm a big fan of cosplay, but I've never had a chance to even go to a convention yet. I like the fact you went with her newer costume (the white fur popping out has become a little dated)

haha thank you :tu: she's one of my favorites, and I'm glad to hear your feeling better! we're going again next year, making it our third convention in a row.


nice cosplay there mavgirl, i dont think i could do it myself lol.

haha we love dressing up :D it keeps things interesting and fun ;) ohh I mean yes cosplay stuff yah! haha wait until I start getting into tournaments and if and when I start doing well, I'll be out there dressed up in costume. I think of it as a good way to promote myself, my army and the tournament. Not to mention, psychological warfare... being beat by wonder woman or little red riding hood with her Space Wolf army.


if i got beat by those 2 even in a friendly i would shake your hand and find a nice dark hole to hid in lol.

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Long Fang Pack Leader. Lord Ragnarok, bringer of the rains. Also known as Ripclaw, the old bear. I decided to change him up a bit, I wasn't feeling his previous head. It wasn't primal and savage enough to be amongst the ranks of my Lost Company. I also changed up some of his bits to better compliment the Long Fang, as a grizzled veteran of war.


He is long in tooth, and wise in war. He brings death from the skies, raining hell upon the enemies of the Wolf King. He commands the storms, as his anger is the rolling of thunder itself. Pelting bodies with heavy bolter shells, to blowing enemy tanks with the lighting from the clouds, or directing the falling stars to end the enemies misery. And worst of all, commanding the power of the sun wolf itself, to destroy all those who oppose the Rout. He is Lord Ragnarok... bringer of the rains, his words command death itself. A lord in his own right, for he is an agent of Morkai, and a son of Russ.


C & C are welcomed. Thank you for looking!

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I'm thinking next year, I'm gonna start going to tournaments, and get myself more involved into the scene. Hopefully most of these models are painted up by them ahem, *cough* *cough* but I'm gonna stay grounded! and just have fun with it! I'm not gonna change my attitude or outlook and game-play or style. I know and I've read about tournament players, how most of them are cut-throats and serious people. It's funny I know, but my list would be a balanced one. Hey if I win, I win. If I lose then I lose, it's not the end of the world and I do have a social life. I'm just doing this for fun, and if tourny players forgot the word "FUN" then it's their loss and not mine.
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PIP: Long Fang with Missile Launcher


sad update I know... am I the only one who works at a single model for one or two weeks at a time?


this time by next year I'm sure I'll be done the rest of his pack LOL


still have allot to touch up on the guy, clean him up a bit


so what do you all think? I'm thinking he's about 70% done, but I can let him be right now if I'm feeling lazy. It's just that my OCD is saying he's only 70% done. Just saying!


@Nrthstar, thanks dude! the melta gunner and his spike was intentional, I wanted to make him stand out, with some symmetry and have the flow going through, from should pad to the tip of his gun.

@Chef Wulfen, yessir! he's my Logan Grimnar proxy. I wasn't much of a baser either, but even the greatest model can look ugly if the base is done poorly. Or a sub-par painted mini can look magnificent by having a nicely done base. So I think having a nicely done base can help the model. And a poorly done base can break a model.

@maverik_girl, I'm sure not all tourney players are power-gamers or WAAC hahaha, at least, lets hope not!

@Loki-LaughingDeath, chaos. As I've said before in this thread, it's best to look at the entire GW site and all the armies out there for nice bits and pieces. Don't have that narrow minded view, and expand your imagination by using different bits from everything GW has to offer. All of my minis (excluding my crashed long boat/ship marker) are GW.


C & C are welcomed. Thank you for looking!

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Your work is amazing Maverik, so radical and original. Whenever im stuck for an idea or inspiration I always have a peek at your blog. My stuff always seems bland afterwards though, lol. The Wolf with the missille launcher and warhorn is awesome, so much attitude. Wish I had done something differant with the Long fangs I did for the Summer challenge now. ho hum...Thanks for sharing.
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I actually was hoping that you would tell me what the bits were because....welll... to be blunt I was going to steal your idea. I think it's really good and their ain't no shame in my game.


Hell I am still trying to assemble my Ulric based off of DV8's however that is kicking my behind most thoroughly!

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Summer's Advance: Completed Vow


The Phantom Wolf, Uncas the Warblade (Logan Grimnar). More pictures of Uncas on my new blog... http://murdermake.wordpress.com

I'm glad I made it just in time, before the cut-off deadline for the Summer's Advance. It's currently August 1st. 10:30pm so I'm all good hahaha.


C & C are welcomed. Thank you for looking!

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MaveriK Posted Jul 28 2011, 02:56 AM

@maverik_girl, I'm sure not all tourney players are power-gamers or WAAC hahaha, at least, lets hope not!


Sorry if this take your topic a little off, just though I post about tournament :)


Don't belive in the horror story you hear on the fourm, it best going to experince it yourself, everone got there own view & experince in general from music & movies for exsample.

There are a few people out there who take it to over the top of course, but you will get this anywhere from tournaments, local GW/gaming store or gaming clubs.


But from my experince, I been attend tournament for almost ten years. I belive I only ever had three games I ever class as terrible & one that was not the best but it was not also the worst ether. I have seen some arguments, but it has general been from one or four people out of 150 gamers.

While back in 2006/2007 the terrible games I had local out weight this by so much that I loss count, not going go into detail. But same time since then local I think I only ever had three terrible games from 2008 up to now, this is just point out that local though 2006/2007 was bad for me, it dose not mean everwhere else as since 2008 up to now I had a lot of new life brought into the hobby & got a lot of good friends/oppents to battle. By local I mean just like GW store, gaming club, friendly games.


I view tournaments as a great thing as it allow you to battle new armies & new people, for exsample ToS July I fought Orks, Guard, Chaos Marines & Daemons armies I rarely get to battle localy. You learn a lot as everone got there own play style. In fact a lot of people on my friends list on here, warseer & facebook are past tournament oppents who I kept in contact with as we enjoy our games. Or a lot of past oppents will come up & chat to myself or hang with me & my group of friends or like ToS July I'll be hang out with them during tournaments, having a laught & just talk about the hobby, from army list idea to conversion or how our games have went.

I think my game improve a bit since I first start tournament in 2002 & 2005 when I got into the game a bit more.


You seen my tournament reports? I do them to show they are a great laught again no matter if I am winning or lossing, from top tables, middle or bottem.


It's funny I know, but my list would be a balanced one. Hey if I win, I win. If I lose then I lose, it's not the end of the world and I do have a social life. I'm just doing this for fun, and if tourny players forgot the word "FUN" then it's their loss and not mine.


That pretty much my attuide in ever tournament (and friendly games of course :D ) I had in almost ten year. If I am winning I am winning, I'll take it was good grace & never shove it in my oppent face, would thank them for a great game. If I loss I lost, but I will make sure it epic that I go all out, again will take it in good grace & thank them for a great game, ether way no matter what happen in the game it all about what I learnt from it, me & the oppent have a good game.


End of the day it about meeting new oppents as said above, social as this is a social hobby. It great with the tournaments in Warhammer World Nottingham, as said above how oppent will hang out in Bugman bar & talk about there games after battle you or you both go though your own games to learn from each other & about each other armies, why you take the units in your army.

Or talk about conversion they got in mind or new army they are starting. While Sat night, there the pub quiz, everone social & having a laught. Or if it the local tournaments that I attend up here in Scotland, if people are not rush off home due to family, then people head out to the pub or to get a curry in the town.


Again just check out my past tournament reports :D Where it not just tournament report, but I'll also talk about the social aspect like Warhammer World pub quiz for exsample or Scotland Invasion where me & my friends as well as new people who where going went out for a curry.


@Insane Psychopath, good eye brother! and for some reason, I have this feeling that you and I would get along with one another LOL


Just got a good memory. Due to my SPD (semantic pragmatic disorder) though I am rubbish with being told where a place is or a telephone number. I can rememeber item. So when it come to GW part if I see a part I can pretty much tell you which kit it come from. Local GW a lot of people tend to try test me with a conversion they done.

Or if they need to know somthing from a WD, I can rememeber the front cover & roughly what issue No give or take/around that.


So it help when planning conversion, what parts would suit the model being made.



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For some reason I like this pic, kinda like a dying body's perspective after he's been shot up by they guy! while fading in and out of consciousness, and seeing the Warblade as the last thing he/it sees before death.

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For some reason I like this pic, kinda like a dying body's perspective after he's been shot up by they guy! while fading in and out of consciousness, and seeing the Warblade as the last thing he/it sees before death.


yea i see what you are saying mav_girl

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@Chef Wulfen, I'm still planning to do subtle highlights on the brown pelts. The brown really helps define the pre-heresy style colored grey.


@Insane Psychopath, haha all good wolf brother! I always enjoy reading and looking through your battle reports.


@Levitas, thank you brother! I'm glad the savage/raw primal is expressed in my lost company. I'm actually working on your model (Grey Hunter) for my third pack. Keep an eye out for the guy, I based him from your White Wolves, Eryk Dawnchaser. It's a little tribute haha.


@Firenze, haha glad you approve! hey why not right? your a brother at arms, and a good wolf. I'm still updating the blog, I'm planning to post all those previous pictures from this thread to there. It's gonna take me awhile until I'm content with the new blog HAHAHA

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