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Vlka Fenryka: WIP/PIP + Warband Fluff


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  • 2 weeks later...

:: WIP/PIP ::


Rift Blade the Hungry. Grey Hunter/Grey Slayer


Grimjaw Coldhands (Wulfebane). Grey Hunter of the Rout. This addition makes my Lost Company a little more believable. I love these old armour marks.


Coldhands is my current favorite FW piece in my warband.


Kraken Slayer and Ice Breaker



Daughters of Fenris. Frigg and Lady Sif. Objective markers/Wound counters.


Frostborn Maidens. Personal stewards (Shield Maidens) of both the Fleshmakers and Jarls of the Rout.


Comments are welcomed. I will post and update more photos in due time. Thank you for looking!

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I like idea of wound counters. When there will be 3 of them, they will be strong enough to grab the Lord,  pull him away from the battle and fly with him to the All Father :)


What is that spear on Kraken Slayer?

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@Leif-thunderstand, Thank you wolf brother!

@Brother Ramses, I'm sure you will find the time and motivation once our chapter gets something new in the form of HH or FW models and hopefully a new codex next year.

@wostry, Thank you! but to be honest, they are only shrunken down. The best I can do which I have been doing is posting 600x400 sized photos.

@PupLord, Thank you wolf brother!

@maverik_girl, I know right? I can't wait until the other FW bits parcels arrive. After I'm caught up I'm gonna purchase a Contemptor. I have a vision on how I want it to look and it's going to be a killer.

@forte, a little bit of both I guess?! LMAO

@pedrogzc, They are both armed as-is (Missile Launchers and Heavy Bolters). I try not to over complicate my work, due to the fact that there will ALWAYS be opponents out there who will cry foul and ruin an aspect of the hobby I have a passion for.

Anyway, as for the term "STEAL" I hate the word. Please don't take this the wrong way, and I realize that this will come off as arrogant. But In my own personal opinion, the word implies (towards individuals who say or use the term) that people lack the imagination, innovation and originality to create their own vision. They say imitation is the best form of flattery, but in my mind it takes something away from the original. There is a difference between growing from an idea, to doing a carbon copy/replica. Now don't get me wrong, there are and have been great works of art out there from users that have truly inspired and motivated me to grow and create my own vision for my Lost Company. Sorry, I know your intentions were in the good, I just had to get that off my chest. Words will always retain their power. People often abuse and misuse words without having the responsibility that entails. I'd rather be praised and appreciated by having someone say, "Your work is amazing, and it has helped me get some ideas of my own." rather than reading/hearing "I like your stuff, I'm going to steal/borrow it." At the end of the day, it is as easy as seeing the differences between a man, a child and a gentleman. END SELF MONOLOGUE. My bad! LMAO

@Nadir, Actually I have a third one. I just didn't add it to my vow. I have six in total, three of which are fully completed shield maidens for my warband. Spear you say? nay wolf brother tis but a big axe!



Thank you for looking!

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:: WIP/PIP ::


Brother Ramses, kraken slayer and cutter of threads.


Saga of the Beast Slayer


He is a man of The Rout. Grim faced and always lurking in the shadows. He is the executioners of old.


Thank you for looking! Please excuse the old post, I'm slowly updating the font sizes, I made it up to pg12 today. PS Wolf Lord Keiran on a Thunder Wolf mount coming up on my next post.

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@pedrogzc, They are both armed as-is (Missile Launchers and Heavy Bolters). I try not to over complicate my work, due to the fact that there will ALWAYS be opponents out there who will cry foul and ruin an aspect of the hobby I have a passion for.

Anyway, as for the term "STEAL" I hate the word. Please don't take this the wrong way, and I realize that this will come off as arrogant. But In my own personal opinion, the word implies (towards individuals who say or use the term) that people lack the imagination, innovation and originality to create their own vision. They say imitation is the best form of flattery, but in my mind it takes something away from the original. There is a difference between growing from an idea, to doing a carbon copy/replica. Now don't get me wrong, there are and have been great works of art out there from users that have truly inspired and motivated me to grow and create my own vision for my Lost Company. Sorry, I know your intentions were in the good, I just had to get that off my chest. Words will always retain their power. People often abuse and misuse words without having the responsibility that entails. I'd rather be praised and appreciated by having someone say, "Your work is amazing, and it has helped me get some ideas of my own." rather than reading/hearing "I like your stuff, I'm going to steal/borrow it." At the end of the day, it is as easy as seeing the differences between a man, a child and a gentleman. END SELF MONOLOGUE. My bad! LMAO



Thank you for looking!


Ey Maverik, I didn't  want to offense you. My apologies. Surely STEAL wasn't the best word and I took it without responsability. I just have and old model and some missile pods dusting in my bitbox, and yes, I thought I could use in this way.


About your new works. Truly ace, as always. I like the character and own style you have developed for your army and it's well represented in the new figures-

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Maveric: "Brother Ramses, kraken slayer and cutter of threads."


I fell off the chair :D

Yes, now i see the BIG (chaos) axe :). In the first look it reminds me my idea of kraken hunters with spears/harpoons.

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pedrogzc, on 03 Feb 2014 - 02:53, said:

@pedrogzc, They are both armed as-is (Missile Launchers and Heavy Bolters). I try not to over complicate my work, due to the fact that there will ALWAYS be opponents out there who will cry foul and ruin an aspect of the hobby I have a passion for.

Anyway, as for the term "STEAL" I hate the word. Please don't take this the wrong way, and I realize that this will come off as arrogant. But In my own personal opinion, the word implies (towards individuals who say or use the term) that people lack the imagination, innovation and originality to create their own vision. They say imitation is the best form of flattery, but in my mind it takes something away from the original. There is a difference between growing from an idea, to doing a carbon copy/replica. Now don't get me wrong, there are and have been great works of art out there from users that have truly inspired and motivated me to grow and create my own vision for my Lost Company. Sorry, I know your intentions were in the good, I just had to get that off my chest. Words will always retain their power. People often abuse and misuse words without having the responsibility that entails. I'd rather be praised and appreciated by having someone say, "Your work is amazing, and it has helped me get some ideas of my own." rather than reading/hearing "I like your stuff, I'm going to steal/borrow it." At the end of the day, it is as easy as seeing the differences between a man, a child and a gentleman. END SELF MONOLOGUE. My bad! LMAO


Thank you for looking!

Ey Maverik, I didn't want to offense you. My apologies. Surely STEAL wasn't the best word and I took it without responsability. I just have and old model and some missile pods dusting in my bitbox, and yes, I thought I could use in this way.

About your new works. Truly ace, as always. I like the character and own style you have developed for your army and it's well represented in the new figures-

@pedrogzc, No need to apologize! I know your intentions were coming from a good place. It is merely a personal pet peeve, very similar to my thoughts when I hear or read the term Loganwing. I mean really? can we do any better than that? But I wont get deeper than that LOL. Anyway, I've seen your work and your painting is impressive! I look forward to seeing your completed vow and your future projects.

@Nadir, LOL



Wolf Lord Kieran, The Talon of Fenris.


The Talon Saga began many moons ago. However Kieran gained much renown during the early days of the tavern brawls and of the gauntlet hunts. Kieran has accomplished many great deeds, both great and dark. Word of his murder-make quickly reached the ears of both the Old Wolf and Jarl Ragnarok of Onn. The Talon elevated quickly within the ranks of the Rout, but the skjalds will always whisper the story of when Wolf Lord Kieran was merely an aspirant.

Legend tells a story about Kieran's test of Morkai, during his journey back towards the Fang. Kieran fought and slew one of the many giant eagles perched high up on mountain ranges of Asaheim. The young wolf should have died there, but it is shown within the rune stones that Kieran is destined for a greater purpose....


I love the concept of Thunderwolves, however I dislike the idea/image of power armoured space marines riding them. I've played with several ideas and test models using female riders or even having shield maidens run alongside Thunderwolves. I am still playing with several concepts and ideas, as I already have a pack of Thunderwolves waiting and ready for my army. As for now, this model will represent my Wolf Lord on a Thunderwolf mount.


Thank you for looking!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I was surprised as I have been very quiet here as of late, mostly due to the ebb and flow of my community, as well as my Wolves taking a hiatus due to my efforts to finish my RG battle company project.


I am honored to be a part of your War Wolves of Fenris, the Vlka Fenryka



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  • 2 months later...

+++ E Tenebrae Lux III Vows+++


The Hooded Wolf, counts as Cypher.


...known only as The Hooded Wolf. He is Captain Semper, the lone gunslinger. Hunting oath breakers across the galaxy.


5 WIP Fenris Hunters. Grey Hunter/Grey Slayers wearing MKIII Iron Armor.


WIP Grey Hunter/Grey Slayer wearing MKIII Iron Armor.


WIP Grey Hunter/Grey Slayer wearing MKIII Iron Armor.


WIP Grey Hunter/Grey Slayer wearing MKIII Iron Armor.


Thank you for looking!

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+++ E Tenebrae Lux III Vows+++


GODSMOTE version II. Counts as Arjac Rockfist.


I am Fith Godsmote, last of the Ascommani. Champion of Tra and Húskarl to the Great Wolf Bjorn the Fell-Handed.


I've had version II in my mind for over a year now. I've always known what this Godsmote would look, and I've waited patiently for the right bits to come along.


This version is an older Godsmote from my original model. He still bares some of the same subtle pieces, although they are little different now than what they were before.


I am the Trueclaws champion. My name is Godsmote, son of Russ. Warrior of Fenris.


‘We are the Allfather’s killers,’ he repeated. ‘It is a matter of honour that we will face anything down. This also may explain why others may regard us as deranged. We deny fear. It plays no part in our lives. Once we deploy, fear is gone from us. It doesn’t ride with us. It doesn’t stay our hands. We exclude it from our hearts and from our heads.’


Thank you for looking!

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I have no idea how I missed this thread when I joined up! Your Wolves are jaw dropping and this thread's a real inspiration as I'm working on a 13th Company project at the moment with a healthy mix of CSM, Chaos Marauder and WoC bits. Though I think I might need to get some Maruader horsemen by the looks of it, as those bearded heads with the half helms look awesome.


I totally agree that Frazetta is a great reference point when working on the Wolves, there really is no better when it comes to epic fantasy barbarians than him.

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where do you get your close combat weapons?


(long chainsword, spiky ball on stick)

My entire Lost Company is 95% Games Workshop/Forgeworld bits. I use allot of Warhammer Fantasy bits, you can find your bits and own inspiration from there. The Long Chainsword is from a Forgeworld upgrade bit for the MKIII Iron Armor. The spikey ball on a stick is called a Morning Star.

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I have looked at this thread with admiration and amazement for a while now brother and thought the time was right to post and say god damn, your wolves look feral and dangerous, and basically just how they should look ! Awesome work, your Godsmote is one of the best looking models I think I've ever seen, keep doing what you do, and all glory to Russ and the Allfather :thumbsup:

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