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Glory and Hate! A Marines Malevolent Project


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Greetings heathans,


Well, i like what you have done with the curret models. The poses are great.


Now i see the problems with the "Vengence Squads" modeling.


Fluff - When making the "Vengence Squad" idea, i was going with what Nick Kyme was leaning to, which was that the Malevolents used equipment that was out dated and unused by the other marine chapters due to newer tech coming out. The idea was to have a 5 man team use a Rogue Trader piece of equipment called a targeter web. This "targeter Web" allowed the 5 man team to target one individual and combine all their attacks on him. I wasn't suggesting that only that 5 man team would go out alone after this individual but to deliver the emperor's vengence to ensure his demise in battle.


So what have you changed in the fluff or what new fluff are you going with?


How i see the Malevolents, is that they use alot of old equipment that has been forgotten or unused by other chapters in favor of the newer tech that becomes available. They use older marks of armour (Mk3 - Mk6). If they have an oppurtunity to obtain newer equipment they wouldn't hassitate. They would be quick to answer a call against other chapters that have gone rogue or are seen as impure (Black Dragons), so they can claim the right of conquest to secure the rogue element's equipment.


I do not see them as taking murderers and criminals as aspiriants. Their actions might be seen by others as criminal or murderous, but they are not "Night Lords".

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First Veteran WIP (sternguard)...Comments and critisism welcome, as always! Hope he looks a bit better than the last guy...




@Undecideded & Shortsonfire: Thanks guys!

@Vairocanum: 'Borderline" is the key word man. No CSM gear, that'd be stepping over the line, I believe. Thanks for the idea though!

@Mikhail: I'm trying to use as few Mk. 7 & Mk. 8 pieces as possible, not a bad thought though! I'll keep it in mind for later. And I've (finally) got some good ideas for the bikes, keep an eye out.

@Hushrong: Thanks man! Hope this meets your expectations, lol.

@Varen: I'm not entirely starting from scratch, just getting back to the roots of the homemade fluff I made (back a page or two for the specifics). I feel that the MM use the stuff they got not out of a preference for the older gear, but because they are on the edge of extinction, so yeah, they'll use any excuse to aquire new stuff, such as targeting renegade chapters that recently went rogue. I don't think they would intentionally recruit murderers or theives, instead I think they really don't care as long as the apiriant falls under four things: They are biologically capable of recieving implants (of course), are arrogant as hell ("yeah, you're a demi-god, and I'm 10 years old. So what? I could take you...') , have a strong survival instinct (needed considering the condition of the Chapter), and can hate so much you can taste it. I was thinking they would recruit straight from the battlefield, war orphans and such from all sorts of planets and cultures, probably survivors from the MM own indescriminate fire. If a thief or criminal made it through...so what? As long as they are loyal to the Chapter and the Emperor, that's all that matters to the MM. Everyone is beneath them anyway, who cares if outsiders are complaining...

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That is one sexy hunk o' Malevolent anger.


I like very much. Like it's proper pro. I'm always amazed at your conversions cuz you really manage to make it look like an entirely different model from its own kit rather than something you kitbashed together. There's one thing I have to ask though; that outstretched hand, I see it everywhere, but what box is it from? Actually now that I think about it, I'm not sure it works. It almost looks a bit.. feminine


One thing's missing though: FACEPLATE ARGGH.

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Thanks, bro, glad you approve (mostly). The hand's from the Sang. Guard box. Almost all my guys have closed fists if they ain't rockin' a bolter or a knife, so I wanted to add a little something to make 'em look a little less like little plastic men, the open hand just made sense. Kinda like he's sweeping away a string of razor wire, or preparing to swing his bolter up to hold the stock and gun some poor jerk apart. Meh, I like it.
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I really like this guy. Part of me wishes there was something going on on top of the power pack, or on the bare shoulderpad, but painting ought to take care of that.


This guy isn't going into hulk rage, he doesn't need clenched fists or anything. the relaxed hand goes perfect with the pose and feel or the mini. It's arrogance in standing out in the open ,peering about for something to shoot with mass reactive bolts, just needs that relaxed hand.

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Well i must say i like the veteran. He came out very good.


I like the little sheild on the shoulder guard idea. Are you making all veterans like this one?


The only thing i'm not sure about is the trophies on the chain (skull and helmet). It seems to chaos or traitor to me. I can see using ork teeth, named bolter casings for special enemy kills, or small items. Kill markings on armour forearms and bolters. Ork boss poles on power packs.

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I dunno, I think that helmet and skull might work out, but I don't now that much about Marines Malevolent background, it might fit to them... If you are trying to differentiate your vets from the rest with that idea, and it does not really fit their fluff then don't cherish it and get rid of it... You know yourself what will fit...



Well i must say i like the veteran. He came out very good.


I like the little sheild on the shoulder guard idea. Are you making all veterans like this one?


The only thing i'm not sure about is the trophies on the chain (skull and helmet). It seems to chaos or traitor to me. I can see using ork teeth, named bolter casings for special enemy kills, or small items. Kill markings on armour forearms and bolters. Ork boss poles on power packs.



I feel where you are coming from, but again, if it's fitting to their background, I don't see why not.


My humble opinion....

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The actual, established fluff from GW is super thin (from the old Armageddon worldwide campain website, R.I.P); other than that, I'm using what Mr. Kyme has been creating in his 'Salamander' Trilogy. From the first book, where the main character goes onboard a MM ship, the captain of the ship greets them in what could be considered no less than a throne room, it's walls encyclopedia-thick with papers detailing every victory, hundreds of banners hanging from the ceiling and walls with pictures of MM marines in vain poses atop mountains of foes, and skulls of humans and every xenos imaginable, along with helms from the traitor legions, 'hollowed out and staring balefully'. He also describes one helm which was stygnian black, and had no hallmark symbols of the ruinous powers, but had a bony protusion jutting from it's apex. That friggin' screams 'Black Dragons' space marines to me, which is a healthy sign that the MM will target Chapters they consider mutated, loyal or not.

That helm will be painted in Flesh Eaters heraldry, a chapter that has been disbanded due to genetic instability. I'm imagining that my MM company got the notice from the Senate (or whatever arm of the Imperium that puts APV's out on broken Chapters), and intentionally targeted a loose company of Flesh Eaters that was 'unwilling to heed the disbanding' (more likely, we shot the hell outta them before they had a chance to submit). We get to slaughter some mutated false Angels before they get a distress signal out, lay claim to their equipment, and no one can argue. I call that a win-win. This certain brother earned his entrance into 'The Pride' during this engagement, and kept the helm of the foe that earned him that right (probably some company champion that put up a hell of a fight). My other vets will carry a variety of trophies, ranging from ork, to 'nid, to tau etc etc. Just give me a chance to lay out my ideas guys, sheesh... :lol:

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lol, heathens. Ok will stop harrassing you until you get your ideas out :tu:


What made you come up with the "pride"? Just trying to see where your twisted logic and thinking come from, lol.


Can't wait to see more.

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I like the hand myself, it does give the feel of "hold" ... and the way he's looking angled up makes it seem he's scanning for enemies.


I'm not a trophy fan in general, in my mind I just couldn't see someone going into combat with a large amount of junk flopping around :huh: I'd be annoyed in a minute and tear it off ..


He's coming along nicely. Looking forward to seeing the bikes B)

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i like that guy brother :tu:


but i think you should reposition the purity seal. the one on his left leg hangs down pretty straight and the one on the left arm looks like wind is blowing it backwards.

the trophies also don't look like they're in motion, so i think you should change the direction of the purity seal on the left arm downwards or remove it, cuz it would probably cover the cool GS lightning bolt ;)

-just my 2 trophy skulls-

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I took a pretty hefty hiatus from the B&C and only ever dropped in to update my rather shabby fanfic concerning my DIY Chapter, but I decided to come down to the WIP pit and have a gander.


Congratu-freakin'-lations brother!


These Marines Malevolent are simply superb. I think my personal favourite of all your work here is the Marine with the bionic arm, leaping forward to seriously facecave someones day. Very many kudos to you for this army, I dare say its even tempted me to have a rummage through my carry case. There was a layer of dust on it so thick I couldn't see the embossed aquilla on the front, my Knights Vermillion are looking so lonely with no new models. Consider yourself an inspiration, sir.


The only thing that occurred to me, and perhaps it is far too late to even suggest, but the problem you encountered with the rhino doors. The idea that instantly sprung to mind was they do in fact hinge and are supposed to give the impression of being operable like you have modeled it, my mind instantly had a Marine, bursting up through the roof doors and leveling his heavy bolter over the side of the rhino to punish some bizatches in the face.


A lot of modelling I know, but it just seemed like such a boss idea and something any bro-marine of the MM would be seen dead doing.


Thanks for your hard work and effort, mate.


Brother T.

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Sorry for the loooong delay, ladies and gents. My area got hit pretty hard by the recent storms, I lost power for a few days, as well as quite a few shingles off my roof. I was ticked about that, until I drove down the street. I had a tornado hit only about 2 miles down the road, which shredded a thick treeline, and the entire neighborhood behind it. I was thanking my family's lucky star after that. I've been fixing up the house, and helping with the cleanup around town as much as I've been able. I finally got some free time to finish up the first vet, so here we go...





And now, a taste of the future Loganwing / Hatewing. My heroes from Poland, Maxmini, finally came through with the pre-heresy shoulderpads, huzzah! The first two are ready for paint (minus a few purity seals, lol), the second two need some real heavy greenstuff work for their knees and such, but I wanted opinions on the poses, so fire away please...



@Everyone: Thank you for all the comments and support!

@Varen: My counts-as Logan grimnar is gonna be a heavily converted FW Lugft Huron. I love the beautifully crafted lion head on his right shoulder, and thought it would've been a shame to ditch it. So his nickname (probably self-given, being a stuck up, vain jerk, lol) will be 'The Lion of Terra', and the 1st Company / Crusade 'The Pride', which I thought fit their vainglorious, stuck up attitude. Granted, they're more like hyena's, but they see themselves as better than everyone, so lions will work.

@Sin: Trophies may be a bit annoying, but the whole 300 "heads of kings" look is a great intimidation tactic, you must admit, lol.

@Wiccid: Fixed. Thanks bro!

@Chappy B: Taa Daa!

@Vairo: Here ya go, a taster of the termies. Enjoy!

@Olis: Hope this was worth the wait. Thaks brother!

@Tyrax: I'll keep the Rhino idea in mind bro, thanks! And I am humbled by your comments, sir; thanks for your support, and glad I was able to inspire!

Talk to y'all soon...

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I'm really liking the second two terminators especially the left hand guy - it's a really good pose (shades of Space Hulk I think). Of the first two the right hand one (bare headed dude) looks decent enough, although he doesn't seem to ooze character like your other models. There's nothing wrong with him though so it be a case of me having high expectations. :P The left hand terminator's right arm seems... off. At least I think that's the problem because I've been looking at that pose for a couple of minutes wondering what wasn't right. :P I'm not entirely whether this a good suggestion or not but maybe getting him to look to his left might help? Hmm, I don't know.
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The vet looks good as does everything else you post as usual. I was wondering one thing though. Why didn't you sculpt the chapter badge on the vet's shoulder guard? You obviously have the skills to do so judging by your other sculpted icons. It just seems like a waste not to when you can.
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The Vet looks sweet. He certainly pulls off the skulls and trophy helmets look without looking like a Chaos Marine.




As for the terminators, the dual-lightning claw guys left arm looks kinda odd, like the wrist is bent (could be the picture angle) bringing the claw more towards the body would have him look like hes barging through a group of guys. Could be cool.

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Still looking as awesome as ever...


Though What I would like to know is how you got the shoulderpads to fit right? I couldn't get mine to fit over the arms... was it just a matter of trimming them down?

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So Heathens has the 4th crusade fleet been changed to the 1st crusade? I do like the idea though. I'll wait to see how you do it.


The vet looks outstanding. Still unsure about the hanging trophies.


The terminators look good. The terminator on the left of the 1st picture does look odd with the left hand. I like the unhelmeted head terminator. Anyway to get a close up picture of him?


My Malevolent army is on hold right now do to needing parts for it. I was going to use the BA codex for them and got to thinking of making a BA successor strike force. Thanks to you, i think i'll make them Flesh Eaters, lol.


Have you decided on a point value for the Malevolent army yet?

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