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Stobz'z Legends.... Hello Darkness, my old friend...

Go to solution Solved by Interrogator Stobz,

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Brother Nemiel: Cheers


Brother sargon:

1. My self portrait will return and replace that of my wife's once I have repainted my jetbike Sammael over October.

2. Cheers, I really appreciate you noticing my improvement, it is a lot of work :) but I love painting and the BnC has given me a fertile garden in which to plant my crop....weird hippy feelings, must be the new avatar :(


Baptain Bember:

Wait patiently my friend!



Edited by Stobz

now thats what i think of a chaplain looking like!


awe inspiring model stobz! send a few shots to the new WD team and see if you can get it featured!


am tempted to get a dv chaplain just to try this out - may wait for the codex first though to see if its worth taking

You guys are funny,


Not much of an update this week sorry; just some T/L heavy bolter's.

You can guess what they're off ;)




Now, to start on the October PtR vow before I go out of town for a week...




Edited by Interrogator Stobz


Yup, I haven't completely forgotten Ferdinand the flying menace.

A couple of major real life issues mean he will be slower than I vowed to myself but he is getting a bit of attention, baby steps will have to do.




5 working days from shipped to arrived, well done FW and the courier company.

Even if this puppy never gets used I'll be happy just smelling it...yes, it smells nice.



Nope, still have 3 RWAS, 3 Typhoons, 4 DWS, 3 LRs, all the Chapter characters and Emprah knows what new DA goodness is coming our way with a new dex. Edit: not even counting Ferdinand, and that's just the DA jobs :tu:

No hurry here :)


Just drooling, it really is a nice book about the Borus Steresy ^_^

Edited by Stobz

Hey Stobz!


Just a quick question about your T-Hawk. How did it come packaged? Was it in a box or in a bag? There's a chance one will be coming my way soon. What's your overall impressions of the kit?


Also, your painting is exemplary! keep up the great work (and inspiration)

Edited by captain sox



I hatez you right now!  I thought I had a plan for my Chaplain and I think Methuselah Rex may have just killed them.


Where to start?


The basic block painting is great, per your usual standard with very nice clean highlights.


I really dig all the free hand text, very awesome, and I think really serves to set off other details about the figure.


All the free hand icons (knees, greaves and pauldrons) are fantastic!  Superb work!  They really give him a connection to the overall background of the character.


Your power field effects get better and better for each weapon you do.  That crozius is some bad ;) and looks lethal as all get out.


Now, for some questions:

I don't want to rip you off completely, but where did all those parts come from?


I see the bike from the DV RW Sgt, the DV chappy's head and crozius, along with a DA icon, backpack and little censers/lamps from the DA Vet sprue.

- Where did the arms come from?

- Are those FW shoulder pads?

- Which chest piece did you use?  It looks like the RW icon robed piece from the RW sprue.


Can you give us a run-down of how you do your power field effect (including colors/layers) please? Also, I'd really like to know how you did the glass in those little lamp things up on his backpack.


Beautiful figure dude, that really looks like he'd be right up front leading to Ravenwing to beat face!


On the Thunderhawk front, great heavy bolters, but I was actually looking forward more to seeing a DW dread from you. Not that I don't want to see a DA Thunderhawk to your standard, but still...


Can't wait to see more, I see something small I want to steal for my guys here or there. I think you are definitely helping me improve my painting, I definitely feel that I have some things to learn from you! Good show, chap, good show! Awesome figs!

Sorry about the slow reply. Luckily though,my 5 day work trip turned into a 3 day trip, great to be home early.


MC: I hope your book has arrived, it really is nice but check the binding, the made in China aspect shows a little in the quality or lack thereof in that regard :)


Sox: I have had mine for a few years, it was lots of bags in a brown box, that may have changed.

As to the quality of the kit, I had a little rant back on page12 about it, sorry but FW have not reached their usual high standard in keeping that kit awesome. I really hope your one is better, and you'd better share your build with the brothers here too! ;)


Bryan: Rip away, I'd be keen to see others versions, I have no monopoly on ideas.

A parts list is on page 19, I think his upper right arm is a banner holding one, not totally sure now sorry.

Yup, the pads are FW mk III ones and you are correct about the chest, I was in two minds but that one seemed to tie him in properly to the RW.

The crozius glow was UC grey, basecoat Turquise, ink Blue, 1st HL Ice Blue, 2nd HL White, wash Blue, lightning 1st go Ice Blue, 2nd go in White, wash with Blue, 3rd go with White, wash Blue, 4th go white, wash around lightning to create some depth. I think I've nearly got it right, a bit sharper and brighter and I think it'll make me happy, maybe a gloss varnish will lift it up?

The backpack lights I stole PHDgamers effect but did it my way, it is silver basecoat, OOP red ink, twice, OOP brown ink around top, twice, gold along bottom, silver dot at top. I think the shiny paints help it catch the light and separates it from the grimdark Chaplains armour and bike.


Hope that helps guys, I hope to get to work on Octobers PtR vow tonight.




Edited by Stobz

Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant! I'm actually a little bit sad that I painted a biker Chaplain as part of the ETL, cos now I haven't got any excuse to build another one using yours as an inspiration......perhaps I can do something for my upcoming biker Librarian? Anyway, what can I say? That Chaplain is simply one of the nicest models I have ever seen - the modelling is superb, and the paint job is beautiful....and the crozius is just "I-hate-you" awesome!! ;)


Can I ask your technique for doing the script, as its something I'm trying to improve on at the moment.

Thanks a ton fmp, I'm glad you still have room and creative juice left to build a bike libby, I can't wait to see your take, your chappy is brilliant and again I thank you for the chain inspiration.

I can't visualise one yet, maybe new kits will inspire me.

My DV libby will be the only DV model I don't chop up, he will get attached to the 3rd Company once he is done. Maybe with a jumppack :ermm: :)


I can't offer much advice for my scribble, it's just block capitals with extra lines on for the big words and squggly lines for the small stuff. I do do the small stuff backwards though, it helps if any ink globs to have it at the front, like capital letters.

Use ink, not paint, it is easier to control.

PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE, just like anything.



Woot! Post 500 in the thread! Time for the CnC beat-down! You asked for it...




Okay, so it's really not a beat down, I've already praised the awesomeness of Chaplain Rex. My CnC for him would be that the bike and his black armor are a little too similar, even with all the details. I would possibly have gone with a deep blue-grey like Fenris Grey/The Fang to give it a little more distinction. Also, I know it's the grim darkness, but I think the feathers could have used a brighter white scheme, they look a little dingy.


Also: stop using OOP colors I can't get my hands on and start using the new paints so I can mimic your power weapon effects easier! :D


All of the above is very much tongue-in-cheek, I really do like your model as is. Those were the only things I could think of I might have done differently.


Smashing work again! Now let's see that Sammy!

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