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Stobz'z Legends.... Hello Darkness, my old friend...

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Ok; on a related note... I have not picked up a brush all week, too many 12 hour days. grrrrrr :tongue.:


I might give you crap man but RL comes first.. If I had it my way you would be chained to the painting desk, but you have to eat you have a family to support :smile.:



Plus it gives me and Elmo ammunition :smile.:


Have you decided what is next?


And think of all the time you are going to get to call me a slacker when I start soon™ :)

Edited by Brother Arkley
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Sunday night musings: Whilst I've only painted two power swords and glued a few things together for future projects I've been looking at these guys on the shelf and thought it would be time for a update group pic.

Now there is still two Deathwing Squads to be finished up to ride in the Landraiders and another two planned to be deep strikers so bear with me as I slowly work on them :P


Going alright?





Log, Log, Log.

20 to go...




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You know what Bobz...


You may be slow

You may be dodging the Chickenhawk

You may disappoint me by showing my models up

You may be doing the lighter, almost white DW


BUT it is absolutely worth it to see this standard of models - You Sir, put Heavy Metal to shame! :eek:



Keep on the great work :thumbsup:  - you are not getting away from the Chicken Hawk... I will be watching! :ph34r.: 

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Well, I have been quiet but I haven't been totally idle.

Please excuse the green on green, I'm going camping tomorrow over the Easter long weekend and can't set up things for better pics.


This bit is done,


And this bit is done,


And this bit is done,


And this bit is almost done


And this bit is almost done,


And this bit is nearly done,



Log, Log, Log...




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