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Clever Girl... - Wink Wink, Nudge Nudge


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i have been thinking it over and i do agree with people having this captain model i plan to build with 2 'lightning claws' seems like the best idea... i could always lave that open but i was thinking this man was more like a walking armoury for my idea. a Master of the Armoury before Gullimon(sp) made such a title. which is why i plan to now only have him outfitted with the axes but i am thinking of trying to add the terminator calgar's sword on him, have a bolt pistol hostler etc. to show this man truly has an 'answer' for any problem coming in his direction. anyway wish me luck *goes back to bits and digs for ideas*
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@DavidKits: Best of luck, brother, I like your idea for a Weapons Master a lot.


@Lacerus: It's gooey Typhus. Actually, I've diverted from that a bit, it's more like buggy Typhus. Since he's the living Hive and such, I'm cutting a little on the pus and tentacles and going for a more "cracked carapace" tone.

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@DavidKits: Best of luck, brother, I like your idea for a Weapons Master a lot.


@Lacerus: It's gooey Typhus. Actually, I've diverted from that a bit, it's more like buggy Typhus. Since he's the living Hive and such, I'm cutting a little on the pus and tentacles and going for a more "cracked carapace" tone.


Can't wait to see it, I'm sure it will be awesome!

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Decided to change Octavius's base armour colour slightly tonight...


Why didn't I do it on a seperate layer to the base colour for the details like I did on the other two >_<


*cue 2 hours of retouching...*


Is this a knee pad I see before me?




I've made the decision to put the DPI up to 300 and increase the size of the image up to 2k width, it just gives me that much more to play with. At the old size after I zoomed in 3 times I was literally able to colour individual pixels! Hopefully this should help me put in a lot more detail on the image.

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Ohmygooood...it's coming...


Typhus is getting the finishing touches soon. Unfortunately, "finishing" means a ton of work in a guy who has bone, flesh, rotten flesh, ceramite, cracked ceramite, metal, rusted metal, bug parts...sigh...

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Retributis, mate, you know you're free to post your colouring here, no hijacking whatsoever. If anything, I have to thank you for giving life to my sketches.


I'll do everything to present Typhus to you today.

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I've been lurking on this thread for some time and love the artwork (and the added colour for that matter).


Looking forward to your interpretation of Typhus <_<


I'll have to get a riddle correct, as I'd love a character from one of my DIY's done Greyall style! :P

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Ladies and gents, cover any open wounds for the guy with the deadliest fart jokes in the galaxy.






So, like I said, I avoided the slimes and pus and wounds and all that for a more dried, deteriorated look, trying to make his armour resemble an insect's husk.


Other insect parts:


The itsy bitsy legs coming out of his midriff armour.

The scythe was inspired by the stag beetle's mandibles

The daemon-fly trophy tucked beneath his shoulder plate, I love to imagine its legs wagging which each step Typhus takes.


Hope you like it.


Next it's Retributis' turn to have a character drawn. It's a knightly one, right, mate?

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Sweet! That looks exactly like the kin of guy I wouldn't want to run into in a back alley somewhere in the Eye.


Out of curiosity, I know you mentioned that you draw pictures for answers to riddles, coloring your pictures and when someone creates somethin that inspires you. Has a piece of well-written fluff ever inspired you?

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Fantastic! The level of detail you get in your drawings is amazing. I particularly like the corroded Space Marine Helmet and skull in his hand. My only criticism is that the left arm looks a tad too slender. Still an amazing drawing though!
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Thanks, everyone =)


@Castiel: His left arm's armour is broken, what you see are his lower arm's bones and a couple of cables. Admittedly, it's a bit confusing :P


I see, my bad! :D As a Chaos player seeing this was a great birthday present as well. Cheers Greyall!

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I've been holding back on the announcement, since I really really like drawing your characters...but I don't know if I'll be able to take on any requests after 1000 Heathens', the reason being a big joint-project I've gotten myself into.


I'm not regretful of taking this challenge in any way, it's an awesome concept, it's ambitious and, above all, it means I get to work with two amazingly talented 40K fans.


But it does mean I won't be likely to take on any requests soon. Rest assured, though, I'll take any opportunity I can to contact you. In the meantime, I'll be posting everything related to the project here. Not that I plan to cut contact with you guys, but thank you for your support, brother Chainsworders, hope I can earn it for what's to come.


It won't be long, now. =)


In the meantime, there's a Chapter Master coming for Retributis.

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