Iron-Daemon Forge Posted March 18, 2015 Author Share Posted March 18, 2015 Thanks for the tips with the Oxide, I think I am loading my brush with to much. Looking forward to seeing the berzerkers, is the reason for using NL helms to avoid the 'bunny ears'. I can see Khorne being attractive to the IWs, especially amongst those breaching the gaps made by the siege machines. Games Workshop youtube page has a lot of great video & painting guide. Like wise if you check out the video where member of the studio talk about the now current painted, there lot cool models/there own armies. With the Night Lord Terror squad Helmets. Just think they look cool :D & as a kid one of my main movies to watch was Willow, just the evil army commander look cool. Nothing against the era part, kept some of them on trophies in my IW force - Dreadnought w/Plasma Cannon from Mayhem pack :D It just to show there not World Eater Berzerker. Iron Warriors who gone done sort of a Death Company sort way/Urik Hai Berzerker from the LotR Movies. That way if finial get around to a World Eater army, mean there something look/theme wise for them. Right now just trying get idea, I think once my FW order arrive that'll help me out a bit more & how I want the unit to look. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Biohazard Posted March 18, 2015 Share Posted March 18, 2015 Looking forward to seeing you tackle some Berzerkers mate. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted March 19, 2015 Author Share Posted March 19, 2015 Looking forward to seeing you tackle some Berzerkers mate. Hopeful have somthing sorted as soon as my FW order arrive & talk to a few friends during the weekend. Just that way while adding lot cool models to my own army & a lot in persoanl life/busy just not been able to focuse as much. But having the week off help out just get my head clear & work out idea. Also going to pick up the new Khârn novel due out on Saturday, it sound good from what I've heard. I also got my FW order place. Went from Brass etching to adding in the World Eater & Night Lord Terror squad upgread pack. Talk to the memeber of staff for idea. Update I'm half way though my week off & just been spend Tuesday, Wed & a bit of today getting the command Predator tank built. It mainly been the plasticard work that took a little time. But here how the model looking so far :D I just need the Heavy Bolter from the Land Raider kit & useing the camera part from the Crusader kit to make the tank stand out a little bit. In friendly games I might ask my friends if I'm going unbound if it alright for me to roll on the warlord trait for this tank when I go Mech heavy. As well as adding Berzerker. I'm going to try add a Bloodcrusher Lord - Part this is the 2nd ed era model one I'll rememeber & I saw a really cool converted one that a wargaming show last year that the bring & buy (shame never got photos). Also think it be somthing pretty cool to do. It would also give me some great parts to use for the Berzerker unit as well like the mini shield. As always just add cool new model. Also due to a few event going 1875pts, I've usely game that 1500pts to 1850pts, so this give me some great extra point. I will need to get around & add a new Terminator arm with Chainfist. Just it allow me to add this to the Terminator, it'll look cool model wise & help in the event I come across any Lord of Wars chose in combat. Dantioch, Biohazard, Radiation and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted March 21, 2015 Author Share Posted March 21, 2015 Quick update. That the Heavy Bolter weapons sorted for the Predator & will be getting the model painted next week I've enjoy converting the Predator tank during my week off & looking forward to painting the model next week. Gaming wise it will carry on the glory of past version of the model. Back 2007 I had a 4x Pred list, which I shown photo of the army a few update ago Predators names from this version of my army 2007: Predator: Immisericors Predator: Tormentia Predator: PyrobolusPredator: Furibundus I'll need to try add a Relic predator some point in the future, just give me chose & most all conversion. I'm hope to spend tomorrow focuse & getting a few Battle Brother for the new Khorne Berzerker unit started tomorrow. Still checking out the Bloodquest comic just get the finial idea down. Also seen the Daemon Kin codex art work for the cover look really cool. Also need to look out all those Raptor spure Just pick this lot up today - New Warhammer Khorne model - Assault Marines for the running legs & CCW's - Chaos Marines - Khârn novel as it look pretty cool - This week White Dwarf, really looking forward to the Khorne Supplament release next week. Also my Forge World order arrive first thing today - World Eater upgread pack - Night Lord Terror squad helmet - Brass etching. Next to-do:- Terminator w/Chainfist & Combi Plasma as part of Lord Narach honour guard. - LB marker, like my First blood. Going to be a IW Siege Breacher & try model the base as a trench - Bloodcrusher Lord. Biohazard 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted March 23, 2015 Author Share Posted March 23, 2015 Quick update Spent yesterday night converting up the first Battle Brother for the new Khorne Berzerker squad. Also mange to get today as a extra day off from my week off, spend today painting up the new Khorne Berzerker model Photo just taken before he was undercaoted Just take a quick break from painting After this post, going to get all highlight painted onto the model. Want to try get the Berzerker finish by today & ready for varnish tomorrow & add Blood for the Blood god!!!! :D I'm going to arm my Berzerker with the weapons from the new Khorne Warhammer unit, they look cool. There tainted by the power of chaos & help just make this unit stand out a little bit. Also with the World Eater FW upgread kit having part of the armour breaking away. Unit will be 8 models with Rhino. Try see if I can model somthing cool for dire caster. Brother Dallo, Urauloth, Drunes and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pearson73 Posted March 23, 2015 Share Posted March 23, 2015 (edited) Great berserker, love the use of parts. Edited March 23, 2015 by Pearson73 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Urauloth Posted March 23, 2015 Share Posted March 23, 2015 The thirster turned out great. Love the berserker so far, he has a good blend of aesthetics going on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted March 23, 2015 Author Share Posted March 23, 2015 Thanks for the commentMange to get the Berzerker finish painted & varnish today Just need to plan out there Rhino transport now :D Biohazard, Pearson73 and Forté 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kizzdougs Posted March 24, 2015 Share Posted March 24, 2015 That Berzerker is looking great! Nice use of the Skullreaper axe, it fits perfectly. The NL helmet is another great touch. I'd never have thought of using a NL helmet for Berzerkers, but it works brilliantly :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Son of Carnelian Posted March 24, 2015 Share Posted March 24, 2015 Terrifying. Love it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted March 24, 2015 Author Share Posted March 24, 2015 Thanks for the comments. I should hopeful have another two Khorne Berzerker build this weekend & also hopeful get the parts to help finish building the squad as my Easter day/own hobby time.I'm going to pick up the Daemon-kin supplement this weekend as well just check out the background & see what art work there & general just get lot of idea's :D I really like how this model turn out & looking forward trying then in a few games. Going to go for 8 Berzerker, the Champion will have Power Fist, few Plasma Pistol in the unit & then Rhino with Dire Caster. Just trying to work out how I want the Rhino to look, still have the extra armour plate that have been converted on all my tanks in this army. Just work out how make it more Khorne, possible just ton of skull & more trophies :D Pearson73 and Kizzdougs 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Biohazard Posted March 24, 2015 Share Posted March 24, 2015 Great looking berzerker can't wait to see the complete unit. Also interested to see your take on the rhino. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted March 29, 2015 Author Share Posted March 29, 2015 Great looking berzerker can't wait to see the complete unit. Also interested to see your take on the rhino. Thanks Biohazard Little dely on update due to cable for my lap top chose to stop working during the week there. Along with a few other things, this has not been the great week of 2015 for me. Bought this lot yesterday to make put me in a good mood + Daemon-kin codex. As said before, Chaos is my main force. The one I've been collecting since 1996 just short few week into the hobby. I'm aim to try pick up the supplament each time there release & if there any painting guide in the future. Also to check out background & art work. + White Dwarf. I'm going to add Dark Mechanicus allies to my Iron Warriors. Not quite sure what I want to do conversion wise. A lot of it waiting until I see the spure. Right now I've been looking that the Dark Eldar model range - Wracks & the plastic Storm trooper from guard range. But right now wait until I pick up the mechanicus box set on Saturday. I've got Easter Sunday off & going to aim get some hobby done, so most like going to try convert the Dark Mechanicus during then. + Chaos Marines: For Berzerker. Command Predators I've spend the week just there painting the Predator tank I'd been building during my week off. The Predator tank was varnish yesterday & aim to get Forge World weather powder added when I've got some free time (most like Easter day). New Berzerker I've been converted up a few hour ago Other photo of the third Berzerker turn out to blurry But here side view of the model. But you can see him in the photo just above to the left of the running Berzerker model. I'll be getting the two Berzerker painted up this week. Not quite sure how I want the Champion to look so far other than use the art work from Bloodquest comic Then I'm going to pick up the new Mechanicus models on Saturday, along with any other box set for conversion. I'm also going to pick up the brand new Crusade case, I was check out the new case on Saturday from my local store & they look cool. It'll be nice to be able to carry a few extra units like my Vindicator, Bikers, Dreadnought & other Breacher squad I converted up last year for Rapid Fire. Also still need to get around to converting a Terminator with Combi Plasma & Chainfist. Join Iron Captain Narach Delau, Sorcerer Nârik Gharrok, Herald of the 5th Grand Company & Terminator squad: Proeliator led by Champion Sevatar Rauth. Radiation 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vissah Posted March 30, 2015 Share Posted March 30, 2015 As Always I am loving them! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted April 2, 2015 Author Share Posted April 2, 2015 Quick update I've just got one more layer of Forge World weather powder to add to my predator tank & then let the MIG pigment fixer dryer before moving onto the other side to seal the weather powder in. Two new Berzerker I just to finish painting the trophies, add squad marking & then Blood for the Blood god!!!! Also bought the Terminator lord model yesterday that my local Games Workshop store who will be arm with Combi Plasma & Chainfist for my 1875pts force Also order the brand new Crusade case as it look cool. As well as carry my standard 1500pts force of Iron Warriors. I'm hope to get - Iron Havocs+Rhino, second Breacher Siege unit+Rhino, Biker, Rapier Weapons Battery, Vindcator & Mayhem formation. I've also got Imperial Armour 13: Lost & the Damned arrive any time soon along with the Iron Warriors rhino part for my Berzerker transport from Forge World.Saturday I'm going to pick up a box set of Mechanicus model as well & spending Easter Day building these models to join the 5th Grand Company. Right now I'm thinking going 50/50 with the box set for both unit of troops. Dantioch, Chandrian and Biohazard 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daemon2027 Posted April 2, 2015 Share Posted April 2, 2015 The command tank is looking great and so are the bezerker. Any thoughts on how you will do the Mechanicus models? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Midnightmare Posted April 2, 2015 Share Posted April 2, 2015 Nice conversion on the pred, looks well (impressive weathering). Your 'Zerks are pure win too mate, they are really well done; you have captured their 'feel' down to a tee. Blood for the Blood God indeed :D You will love IA 13 btw, such a cool, cool book and well worth the money Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted April 2, 2015 Author Share Posted April 2, 2015 Thanks for the comment :DThe Hydra - I've been looking that the Dark Eldar Wracks unit/models. I was given a few sprue back in Decemeber & they had a lot cool parts. Other thing to paint Chaos icon on the robes as well. Hopeful this can led on to a stand alone army as well..........while also push to get my Chaos Guards finish (6 more tanks). The Wrack models where something I though about adding to my Chaos Guards to be Dark Mechanicus a while back when the plastic models where release. Also just saw Games Workshop youtube account has a video painting guide for the new Mechanicus model. There really help & would suggest people check out those video for lot great tips. Midnight Runner - Yes I'm looking forward to the book & see background & art work. Just after borrow a friend copy of the book & with me using the Rapier Weapon Battery in a lot my games recently. Though never seen anything about given the crew member Veteran of the Long War. Just a upgrade I like given to all Chaos Marines model in my Iron Warriors force other wise doesn't seem right & I've loss amount time that +1 Ld has help me in games after losing the Icon of Vengeance. But I'm looking forward to getting the book. Also just place another order to get the Iron Warriors MkII helmet today. I saw Dantioch post over on his army log - Bitter Iron - A IVth Legion WIP over in Age of Darkness part of the forum & they look a lot cooler. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Midnightmare Posted April 2, 2015 Share Posted April 2, 2015 I know what you mean with the VoLW, most seem to dislike it but I like due to both the leadership bonus and the amount of loyalist marine armies in our club. I have just bought the Daemonkin for use with my Black Legion/Hounds of Abaddon, the lack of Vets makes me sad as I like it for the thematics more than anything as well as the LD/hatred, buuuuuuut I think I should still be able to come up with something fluffy and fun combining CSM/IA13 and a cheeky Land Raider Spartan :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daemon2027 Posted April 2, 2015 Share Posted April 2, 2015 Thanks for the comment :D The Hydra - I've been looking that the Dark Eldar Wracks unit/models. I was given a few sprue back in Decemeber & they had a lot cool parts. Other thing to paint Chaos icon on the robes as well. Hopeful this can led on to a stand alone army as well..........while also push to get my Chaos Guards finish (6 more tanks). The Wrack models where something I though about adding to my Chaos Guards to be Dark Mechanicus a while back when the plastic models where release. Now that is a very good idea, one I may have to steal for my own Dark Mechanicus. Will look forward to seeing how your come out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted April 4, 2015 Author Share Posted April 4, 2015 Update That the two Berzerker finish Just pick up the new leadbelcher spray which I will be trying out tomorrow. Going to try this on a spare model & then it will be use for the Berzerker seen next to the spray. The Berzerker be glue onto the base after I've spray the Leachbelcher colour Mechanicus Right now I've just built this one model so I can get some painting done tomorrow. I've added the spine from the Dark Eldar Wrack models & since the photo was taken, added green stuff to show the Obliterators virus & though be cool to rep the feel no pain rule. I should be building a few more of the Mechanicus models tomorrow later afternoon. As said the box set going to be 50/50 with the unit as they both look cool. The box set has a lot of cool parts. It also made me want to go back to my Chaos Guard & try push forward/get this army finish as a stand alone force & ally chose. I just need three Leman Russ, I'm keeping a few part aside from the Mechanicus to use for the Leman Russ Tank Commander & his bodyguard Leman Russ.Thinking about it, I've got a few Sentinal models that need to be built as well. Try get that done tomorrow. Terminator - Just getting parts together for the Terminator arm with Chainfist for my 1875pts list. Join Lord Narach Delau, Sorcerer Nârik Gharrok, Herald of the 5th Grand Company & Terminator squad: Proeliator led by Champion Sevatar Rauth. I'm waiting for my Forge World order to arrive with the Iron Warriors upgrade & I also need to get some really cool trophies. My Terminators are a unit I'm well know for & have gain a lot of honour & glory in the games they've fought over the years since the Mk5 era of my Iron Warriors force. Veteran Chaos Guards - I've been painting these three models over the past week on/off. Going to get them finish tomorrow. It was just to give my two unit of Veteran a chose for the army list I'd planned. I've been mean to get my Chaos Guard army on the go for last few years. Last year saw a sort push but it slow down. I'm close. I think I'm going to aim get the Chaos Guards finish up to 1850pts during the Summer as I need a few Leman Russ & a few other tanks. It going to be a Tank Company, I like useing Mech heavy armies in games. Pearson73 and Biohazard 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pearson73 Posted April 5, 2015 Share Posted April 5, 2015 Nice work, love the blood on the berserkers! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lionofjudah Posted April 5, 2015 Share Posted April 5, 2015 On the first 'zerker conversion- what is the metal 'skirting' from? Love that look and would like to use it for my doods. IP- really impressive output you have consistently going. Looking forward to seeing your take on the skitarri and the guard. Would love to see your take on the incinerator tanks volkite weapon:) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted April 5, 2015 Author Share Posted April 5, 2015 Thanks for the comment. I had today off & aim to try get as much of my own models built & painted during today. Lot of this was to test out the new Leadbelcher spray & quickly paint up a single Mechanicus model so I can work out how I want the model/unit/army to look like. Leadbelcher spray Try this out today, the Bloodletter model being the test model before it went onto the IW Berzerker. I do like useing this along with the other spray Games Workshop has release. It only been Khorne I felt was still a little tacky even a hour let it dry on the Bloodthister model & even then it would leave finger print. It does come across more like Runefang steel. But as soon as you start adding the wash there not to much of a differance. I like useing leadbelcher spray. 15 min after spray this & going to check the IW Berzerker it was ready for painting. The spray cover the models really great. I had no issue & I'm going to pick up a few more.Beyound that, as soon as they run out I've always got leadbelcher paint pots. Berzerker spray on a stand by base, just make life easyer & glue one one the spray was dry. Dreadnought just to show painted on leadbelcher/before wash when I got my Contemptor Dreadnought for my birthday last year. This is just to show the spray painted model next to hand painted model useing Ledbelcher Just put Nuln oil on the Berzerker. Also a quick +How I paint IW armour+ Games Workshop purple wash (still getting use to the name change) Nuln Oil wash. Dry brush leadbelcher with the Games Workshop tank brush Drybrush Runefang steel with Games Workshop tank brush. I do not wash my brush after the leadbelcher, instead going right to runefang steel. Just to keep the Games Workshop tank brush dry more than anything. Nuln oil - not to heavy/make sure none of this pool's. Then a quick photo of my painting stastion from today/today hobby day. Wanted to get the Chaos Guard models finish today. As said also to try test out leadbelcher spray & get work started on Mechanius. Mechanicus model - Just wanted to get start painting this lone Mechanicus model. Just get idea how I want the models to look. There still a LOT to get painted on the model. I'm waiting until the codex is release so I can work out some detail for the robes & squad icon. Also want to add Chaos star icon in sort of bone colour, but again just chosen how I want this to look on the model. Use one of the spine part from the Wrack models & added Obliterator virus. Wanted to try show this as the feel no pain & how they became corrupted/part of the Iron Warriors force. So there still a lot to get done before these Mechanicus are finish. Main one waiting for the codex release on Saturday. But right now I've built the other four memeber of this unit along with some Dark Eldar Wrack part. Hopeful get them base tomorrow & ready for undercaoting.I will also be adding weather to the robe once all the icon & squad marking been painted.The Forge World Techpriest is a model I painted up back in 2012 as part of my Armies on Parade board. End of the day he a really cool model & that the main thing for me that the end of the day. The Ranger unit, the other five model I'll be building soon will be sort of the same colour with the hood. On the first 'zerker conversion- what is the metal 'skirting' from? Love that look and would like to use it for my doods. There from the Ork Nobz models. I also use the shoulder pads from this kit for my Obliterators. Pearson73 and Dantioch 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted April 6, 2015 Share Posted April 6, 2015 Some excellent work there, mate, just as usual ;) While I am normally not a big fan of the organic weapons from the Skullreaper kit, they are great for communicating your fact that your berzerkers aren't just regular Iron Warriors -- a very clever idea! The (Dark) AdMech test models are also looking excellent! One question about the Leadbelcher spray can, if you don't mind: Did you use it on the unpainted models, or over an undercoat of Chaos Black? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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