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Lorenzen's Abyss: Heresy, Necro & a load of other stuff


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ive got to finish the tac squad & cataphracts mainly, but once thats done i should be doing some assault marines & some destroyers. essentially working through my backlog of resin so i can buy more crap
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im not sure about the destroyers atm, im thinking of painting them as normal but with black added (stripe on helm, backpacks etc) i feel that the destroyer corps of the death guard would be more mainstream than other legions, what with the predeliction to chemical warfare the legion has. its a shame you arent going to do world eaters but another son of the reaper will do nicely! :)


oh and as a random bit of info my guys are 5th company. having so few unamed captains kinda made me decide on this.

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I'm actually doing a combined force of World Eaters and Death Guard!

I was dead set on a pure World Eaters army, but when I saw the new Death Guard Contemptor I just couldn't help myself :)

And besides, I was bound to fall to the grim legion as soon as Mortarion is released anyway.

Unless Mark Bedford is sculpting him... Not a fan of his lazy sculpting style.

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hes doing the deathshroud.. but simon egan said he wanted to do mortarion (above all other primarchs & without me mentioning legions, i was discussing the evolution of his face sculpting) his work on the plague marines was decent i just think that simon outshines the rest of them by too much of a margin (compare the red wake & culln to huron..)


i look forward to your stuff as you know im a fan of your other works.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So ive been busy with work and moaning about things again recently.. so i thought it was a bout time i showed an update even if it is pretty minor.




im currently trying to get the metallics to look "right" for this.. i want a mix of worn but still with a functional look.. im finding it to be a bit of a challenge to get the balance just right (the engine is too shiny atm.. needs to be dulled down and look a bit more oily and the such.)

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  • 2 months later...

been quite a while since i updated this thread, but im still chipping away at the death guard slowly but surely..




here is Vlast "The Nightmare of Galaspar" my 2nd contemptor (sans face and hands atm), there is also a squad of deathshroud, a typhon, 2 heavy weapon squads, a 2nd tac squad, a destroyer squad, moritat. 4 more cataphracti, a predator, a rhino and an assault squad to come.. and thats just what ive got build and ready to prime.. my fw addiction continues -_-

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rightio.. not a huge update paint wise.. but ive got my camera recharged and ready to rock so thought id take some pics for y'all









and finally something with a bit more paint.. (vlast has a head!)


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I will put up a group shot at some point, glad you like them.. really need to concentrate on getting stuff finished atm but my debit card and fw have a special bond that makes me get distracted by new shiny things. =/

Edited by Lorenzen
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done some more work on vlast.. hes currently borrowing somebody elses arm whilst his is getting primed.. not long now til hes complete i reckon.. having a lot of fun painting him, the death guard dread is a really lovely bit of kit.



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  • 2 weeks later...

thanks guys, i'm having nothing but fun with this army so its good to hear that people like them, i normally find painting a chore after about 5 models.


the fist on vlast is taking a bit of time ill admit (ive made process.. just boring process of block colours and sealing oil washes etc.) but i got an urge to paint up a "proper" tank and dug out my rhino.




ive also started building my death guard assault marines "the vultures" a group of misfits led by Gorthian Wake. The rough background for them is that they were seconded to the night lords for a while and picked up some bad habbits.. hence the bird of prey monicker. theres 5 more mk 2 marines to be built, but painting tanks, dread arms and dudes comes first atm need to be game worthy for open day.




finally we have a rough shot of how the army was looking a few days ago sitting on top of 1/4 of my side project.



(theres a small destroyer squad amongst all that that i havent shown yet because i want to do some greenstuff work and the such to them first.)


thanks for looking :happy.:

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Lorenzen, I have been considering a Traitor Heresy-era force for some time - now (thanks to this thread) I've made up my mind! :smile.:


Just to go back to a discussion on Death Shrouds, what are you going to do with them? Dark metals and gold - or go for the Legion colors?

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