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Today in the hobby I....


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Today in the hobby:


I got my Ravens of Bahltimyr (Raven Guard 21st Founding successor) and Sons of Cruor (Blood Angels successor) HQ's undercoated;


I won 15 Tactical Marines on eBay for £7 (including p+p) :happy.:


So I either have the choice of two 10 Marine Tactical Squads plus HQ (as I already have a combat squad for them) for my RoB Chapter, or 1 squad for them and one 10 Marine Tactical squad plus HQ for the SoC Chapter (although I don't have the BA Codex as yet)


I have also decided that the remaining nine RTB01 Marines I have will be painted in the colours of my favourite Loyalist Chapters. Considering that I have more than nine favourites, what Chapters get painted is something I'm currently mulling over :laugh.:


Also am planning on stripping all of the old metal minis I still have left (Metal Termis, old style MKVII Devastator Torsos, etc), the Devs are ear-marked for an Iron Hands unit! (oh yes!) :wub.:


Hopefully will have the HQ's basecoated by tomorrow evening :smile.:

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Today in the Hobby, I did something in the hobby...


been gone several years now, living in an area where there was no one else around me to play against, I'm back now though!

was convinced to get the Dark Vengeance box, just put the finishing touches on my converted bikes.

almost caught up on the rules

and started a IA for my marines, and a WIP for them too...

lets see how far I get...

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Today in the hobby, I almost gave into the red thirst when my cat managed to break apart my recently assembled Sanguinary Priest.


However, after calming down, I realized the moggy had not destroyed my work with an oblivious sort of malice. No, he had been pointing out the extraordinarily weak bond of my plastic glue, and that the model would look a lot better if the torso was rotated a little more to the left.


So it all worked out well in the end.

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Today in the hobby, I almost gave into the red thirst when my cat managed to break apart my recently assembled Sanguinary Priest.


However, after calming down, I realized the moggy had not destroyed my work with an oblivious sort of malice. No, he had been pointing out the extraordinarily weak bond of my plastic glue, and that the model would look a lot better if the torso was rotated a little more to the left.


So it all worked out well in the end.

"Suffer not the witch kitty to live."

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Today in the hobby, I almost gave into the red thirst when my cat managed to break apart my recently assembled Sanguinary Priest.


However, after calming down, I realized the moggy had not destroyed my work with an oblivious sort of malice. No, he had been pointing out the extraordinarily weak bond of my plastic glue, and that the model would look a lot better if the torso was rotated a little more to the left.


So it all worked out well in the end.

"Suffer not the witch kitty to live."

You mean "Hail the Omnicatssiah."  Or in Lingua-cat-technis: "Meow 01001000 01100001 01101001 01101100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01001111 01101101 01101110 01101001 01100011 01100001 01110100 01110011 01110011 01101001 01100001 01101000 Meow...purrrrrr"

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Today in the hobby I...


...fleshed out and sketched a "grimdark" stormraven gunship conversion and browsed b&c, dakkadakka, etc. for 4 hours while my fiances car was being serviced at the dealership, this was followed by errands, and the figurative "drama llama" being fed everywhere we went today.


Just getting home, another one of my models is broken on the floor- and the culprit is a cat trying to get out of the window through my airconditioner box unit.


Guess the stormraven work will have to wait until I find a replacement flamer nozzle for my devastator chaplain's combi-flamer.  This day just seems to go on forever...

Edited by The_Chaplain
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Today in the hobby, I almost gave into the red thirst when my cat managed to break apart my recently assembled Sanguinary Priest.

Just getting home, another one of my models is broken on the floor- and the culprit is a cat trying to get out of the window through my airconditioner box unit.

No matter how many times I warn you all, you continue to let things like this happen :laugh.:


Just give me 5 minutes alone with it Chap, and look the other way. :wink:


As for you Zin, clearly you let the witch-kin distort your reasoning. I'm afraid he'll have to be put down, and you'll have to be neutered. You can opt just to be put down too instead, if you repent. :biggrin.:

Edited by Firepower
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oops, posted in the wrong thread, please ignore, been one of those days.



Just give me 5 minutes alone with it Chap, and look the other way


I would firepower, but its one of my mom's cats- and seeing as how shes gracious enough to let me live at home during this between phase rent-free, im gonna let this one slide.  I'll just sacrifice the barrel off of a sternguard combi and call it a moral victory that I didnt toss the cat like a football through the pane.

Edited by The_Chaplain
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Yesterday in the hobby I...

Finally tried out the light glow thing everyone seems to like so much. A touch rough from what you're all used too but I now see the appeal

(I did it on a dirty stinking tau xenos so I won't post it here :P)

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Ishagu, on 14 Oct 2013 - 22:57, said:

I bough the dark heresy role play book....

I've been tempted myself, but I haven't played RPG stuff for decades (despite getting the Firefly/Serenity RPG - no fether that knows about the series wants to play it, so I flick through the pages and imagine that I'll one day have enough money to give FOX an offer they cannot refuse...)
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