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Let The Galaxy Burn! Balefire Legion: 40k again!


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i havent had much time to build and not sure if ill get much done anytime soon, but if i have anything orth showing ill take a pic

meanwhile my workspace is a total mess styrene bits all over rhino and landraider along with hellbrutes and defiler projects along with anborrowd warhound titan that im going to study so i cqn build my owen in styren.


and i been getting more ideas like could a nightlord raptor join the black legion?


and watching he forum i feel i should have pics to show too but cant keep up with all of you, im toooo slow

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i havent had much time to build and not sure if ill get much done anytime soon, but if i have anything orth showing ill take a pic

meanwhile my workspace is a total mess styrene bits all over rhino and landraider along with hellbrutes and defiler projects along with anborrowd warhound titan that im going to study so i cqn build my owen in styren.


and i been getting more ideas like could a nightlord raptor join the black legion?


and watching he forum i feel i should have pics to show too but cant keep up with all of you, im toooo slow

Haha don't worry man, it's not a competition. You see how often I put out stuff, and even more rarely DarkVen, what counts is quality. Also a Night Lords Raptor could totally go Black Legion, most of the Raptor cults are mercenaries anyways, so it stands to reason that they work with whoever they want.

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i havent had much time to build and not sure if ill get much done anytime soon, but if i have anything orth showing ill take a pic

meanwhile my workspace is a total mess styrene bits all over rhino and landraider along with hellbrutes and defiler projects along with anborrowd warhound titan that im going to study so i cqn build my owen in styren.

and i been getting more ideas like could a nightlord raptor join the black legion?

and watching he forum i feel i should have pics to show too but cant keep up with all of you, im toooo slow

Haha don't worry man, it's not a competition. You see how often I put out stuff, and even more rarely DarkVen, what counts is quality. Also a Night Lords Raptor could totally go Black Legion, most of the Raptor cults are mercenaries anyways, so it stands to reason that they work with whoever they want.

of course you would say it isent a competition, just cause you are winning herinrich! ;p


also you do highlights before or after lightning on your models?

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you mean like OSL and stuff? My process is:


• Primer

• Airbrush basecoat

• Airbrush Ink wash

• Metal

• Metal wash

• Brown/Skin colors

• Brown wash

• Edge Highlights

• OSL effects/Freehand/Blood Spatter
• Gloss coat

• Matte coat

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the nightlords lightning effects is osl ? and what kind of gloss and matt coat you use?

Oh sorry! I read that as "lighting" not "Lightning". I do the first part of my lightning with the highlights because I use the same color for the background glow. I then go back over it with white, leaving just the edges of the blue beneath to create a glow effect, however it is not an OSL effect. I thought you meant like the eye lenses and whatnot.

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Just real your whole blog that I somehow manage to neglect

I don’t know what is in the Swedish blood but I see a lot of great artists on the web from that place.

Your blog is very inspiring.

I’m close to a 10 years break also and looking how to restart the hobby.

I see a lot of things in the background of your pictures that look like what I used to own.

You showed me that starting again is possible. The creation of the obliterators is truly awesome.

Right now I’m debating on how to start a faction but you showed that one can achieve more than just a paint scheme. I mean the Black Legion is by excellence the standard for chaos but your conversion put them in pure chaos.

Well done!!!

Can’t wait to see what you are going to pull out next time.

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As in the brand? I use Vallejo for the varnishes as well as most of my paints.

thanks heinrich, dont use any myself so the paint is worn away in places rather fast.




Just real your whole blog that I somehow manage to neglect

I don’t know what is in the Swedish blood but I see a lot of great artists on the web from that place.

Your blog is very inspiring.

I’m close to a 10 years break also and looking how to restart the hobby.

I see a lot of things in the background of your pictures that look like what I used to own.

You showed me that starting again is possible. The creation of the obliterators is truly awesome.

Right now I’m debating on how to start a faction but you showed that one can achieve more than just a paint scheme. I mean the Black Legion is by excellence the standard for chaos but your conversion put them in pure chaos.

Well done!!!


Can’t wait to see what you are going to pull out next time.

thanks alot, glad you like it, and its quite possible to return even after a long break as long as you play chaos ;)

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Ah yeah, you gotta protect those awesome paint jobs man. I spray a gloss coat, let it sit through the night, then hit it with a matte coat in the morning. Works like a charm and lets you use your beautiful army on a regular basis to wage war :)

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Ah yeah, you gotta protect those awesome paint jobs man. I spray a gloss coat, let it sit through the night, then hit it with a matte coat in the morning. Works like a charm and lets you use your beautiful army on a regular basis to wage war :)

ill try too but sadly i dont have a airbrush like all of you, just sad and worn brushes.


anyways wont be anle to do any updates before i get back home, so might be a while,

here is a little update, i like to thank Subtle Discord and his legion rising thread.

i bought some of his chaos star tracks sonneoke lose the old tracks and added the new ones.

also used his trim patterns as base for my own versions so been adding trim to them, after magnetizing them so they can all be changed to predators or vindicators if needed, then painted up the insides, why? cause its fun.


started on the base of the defiler torso a freind said use tinfoil as base thengreen stuff ontop, its rather thin atm but will beef it up and do details when i have time.

like if you like, would like comments and ideas from you guys its a huge help








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Man, if your Obliteartors are anything to go by, that Defiler/Decimator conversion will be sooo awesome! On a related note, you should show us more of your concept drawings: By the look of it, not only are you a fantastic converter and painter, but you also definitely know how to draw!


I love the Rhino interior, btw: That helmet's such a nice little detail, and somehow pretty cute. Makes you wonder how the Chaos Marines stand up in these transporters, though ;)


Keep up the amazing work!

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Man, if your Obliteartors are anything to go by, that Defiler/Decimator conversion will be sooo awesome! On a related note, you should show us more of your concept drawings: By the look of it, not only are you a fantastic converter and painter, but you also definitely know how to draw!


I love the Rhino interior, btw: That helmet's such a nice little detail, and somehow pretty cute. Makes you wonder how the Chaos Marines stand up in these transporters, though ;)


Keep up the amazing work!

thanks alot mate, these pictures here are barely worth showing, just started om them, but since i wont be doing anything the next week or more, have a few more of my doogles and the test head prototype wip






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Good update there as usual. Defiler coming on nicely. And the bits from SD look great. Were the trim plans easy to use?

thanks, fairly easy i printthem out then draw ontop then cut out tape onto a sheet of styren then score it with a scalpel.

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since i havent had time to build, i spent some of my idel time trying my hand at fluff writing.

so the spelling is dreadful and the grammar is horrible but here you are



Balefire Legion





He walked down the dimly lit corridor, the sound of cerimite against metal from his boots periodically drowned out by the blare of sirens, he snarled, anticipation building, soon he would unleash his wrath upon those he long ago called brothers, his step quickened, and he felt the heat inside flaring up.

Long ago what seemed a eternity they were wolves, lunar wolves, but all that chance when the warmaster renamed them sons of Horus, his legion, but when he fell,,, when he fell the pain of it was almost unbearable, his legion broken and defeated was forced to retreat back into the eye, a place of chaos, there again reborn the legion in black, black armored in mourning for there fallen primach, in the eye time flows differently and the powers of dark gods twists and change the legion.

At first it was just a few of them, the lust for revenge and hatred of the corpse emperor and his empire that killed Horus.

But the warp crept inside and fueled the embers of anger, until there very soul burst into flame, the chance was first noticeable in the sons of Angron that joined with Abbadon and his black legion, but then more and more started to change, the glow of the warp radiating from those inflicted. The pain becoming unbearable only reprieve given when exacting brutal vengeance on the empire and who or what ever got in the way.

Captain Arix arrived at the door to the launchbay, his brothers was already there, they looked up at him as he entered the hangar, the eerie green orbs of their eyes upon him.

Get ready! We will translate shortly,

they checked their weapons bolters were loaded and clamped onto maglocks.

Arix was the last to climb into the droppod, he felt the ship shift, as it tore back into reality from the warp,

He slammed the button on the door panel, with a loud hiss the hatch closed.

He knew they would be in orbit in a few minutes and soon the planet would BURN!

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its been a while since i posted, im not dead im just busy, but tomorrow! ill be going to warhammerworld! but should be back home before monday.


been thinking of falling and wall jumping khorne berserkers and the sculpting and building ill do when i get home, also been qurious about the army painting challenge here on b&c were we all paint up wows for our codex then the army with most points oainted wins, but scrachbuilding dosent count sadly

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Please do beserkers


Blood for the Blood God and all that.


Think of the running legs, the chainsaws, the decapitations!


You Must!

yes thinking about the details, poses andnpaibt scheme, been thinking ill paint them same as the rest of my army and then like my plague marines add a twist to it, like they might coat thir powerarmour and flesh eith fresh blood makeing glisten the signature red of the blood god.

liked alot of krauts models and ideas and thinking ill use khan as a basis for my project

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Well, it shouldn't be a big surprise that I would love to see some Khorne berzerkers in your force as well! ;) As for wall jumping, make sure to check out GuitaRasmus's World Eaters because he has some brilliant berzerkers that interact with their bases and surroundings in a very effective way -- a highly recommended inspiration, that!


Anyway, looking forward to your next projects!

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Well, it shouldn't be a big surprise that I would love to see some Khorne berzerkers in your force as well! ;) As for wall jumping, make sure to check out GuitaRasmus's World Eaters because he has some brilliant berzerkers that interact with their bases and surroundings in a very effective way -- a highly recommended inspiration, that!


Anyway, looking forward to your next projects!

i looked at them and they are great, not sure about adding "cover save" to the base but ill test, got my first real forgeworld stuff, at warhammer world!

some 30k models just 5 and a real desimator along with typhon, the rest i wanted was out of stock bit they will send it to me woooohooo

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