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Let The Galaxy Burn! Balefire Legion: 40k again!


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Minor Threadromancy here, but this is a spectacular thread. I don't have enough likes. Amazing work from concept through paint.

Nothing wrong with that on this thread. Thamier needs to get some more stuff on here ;)
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i been murking a bit lately, but ill post a update later today, also have to thank kraut fir all his too kind words on his thread, and have to tell him i also made some hellbrute misslie launchers :)
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okay at last update time, so been busy and havent had much time to warhammer but little by little stuff is progressing.


so i am still preparing my ETL vow and then a cupple of side projects i couldent resist.


a little chaos lord snuck in and still working on the defiler/chaos knight prototype.


now some pictures, as allways i know it isent the best pictures but hope you can still see what the blurry things are.


the defiler project, slowly taking shape, used tinfoil for the torso base then sculpted ontop gonna try makeing the front chest plates like the maulerfiend and the spine like helldrake, the base of the shoulders im using the decimator as inspiration.

made the neck and i am quite happy with that, the head and everything else needs alot of work.













and the two predators are finally ready for paint, ofc fully magnitized incase i need rhinos or vindicators instead




couldent help it wanted a chaos lord basic weapons only lightly converted but managed to slip in a magnet so he could show what mark he might be.













started on plague zombies for my vow not done and need to make more





also got a few missile launchers ready for my hellbrutes was sadly before i realized that they can only use one, was fun kraut also worked on ml, got my second hellbrute ready for paint, and thinking that ill use my fw decimator as a proxy hellbrute, as always hope you like what you see and ill try to upload some more updates soon.

Edited by thamier
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thanks alot, its great all the feedback and ideas i get always helps me improve, and all of you guys and your awsome modeling and painting is super inspiring urging me on to do more :)
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Those brutes are freaking terrifying. What are you going to give them instead of the additional missile launcher? That Lord, while simple, is one of the best conversions I've seen using that model. It looks stock, which many others don't. Typhon eh? Are you going to do him in Balefire colours? I'd love to see that.

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as i said manny times, sock you defenetly hve a ticket, really loke your stuff, anyways thanks the brutes have some weapons already i have a few powerfists and a reaper and lascannon arm that can click on or stick with magnets, but i like ranged brutes so lascannon and missiles most likely for all, have the new brute kit laying on a shelf just waiting for helldrake spare parts for the legs, so that might have to wait a little.


glad you like the lord, in quite happy ith it gonna be my default low cost chaos lord.

and ofc alllll of my models are going to be apart of the balefire legion so black grey and green glow :)

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The Defiler will indeed be a beast, that much is clear already! The Lord may be a fairly straightforward conversion, but it's also a very clever one -- especially the backpack/trophy rack. And the Helbrutes never fail to amaze: That idea for building a rocket launcher is so good that I wish I'd thought of it first :wink:


In fact, the quality of your work is turning into a bit of a trap now: With your conversions as awesome as they are, the fact that you're using a stock Warpsmith model almost seems like a bit of a cop out ;)



In any case, this thread is always worth the visit. Stunning work!

Edited by KrautScientist
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Hello Thamier :P may I say that that defiler/decimator/knight is freakin huge?!?!? Going to be awesome when you're done.



heya Tanith, i hope it will be almost knight sized so it can compte and maybe be count as "imperial" knight


The Defiler will indeed be a beast, that much is clear already! The Lord may be a fairly straightforward conversion, but it's also a very clever one -- especially the backpack/trophy rack. And the Helbrutes never fail to amaze: That idea for building a rocket launcher is so good that I wish I'd thought of it first ;)


In fact, the quality of your work is turning into a bit of a trap now: With your conversions as awesome as they are, the fact that you're using a stock Warpsmith model almost seems like a bit of a cop out ;)



In any case, this thread is always worth the visit. Stunning work!



i really like feedback on the defiler as it progresses, a ton of stuff to do on it still

the warpsmith model i had to get one, but ofc im gonna have to build one or more conversions


Some more great looking Models.:tu: 


thanks :)

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I don't think you'll need to worry about its size mate. Judging by your marine comparison, pretty sure you're good in that department! When we going to see more of that beast?

well that latest picture is up to date, gonna build more on it today and on zombies.



also i need to ask you all, what makes a noise marine? do they have to be pink or purple?

what is a must for noise marines?


wanted to make some that fit in with balefire legion colours :)


so now please a ton of sugestions on whats neded for cool noise marines

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so now please a ton of sugestions on whats neded for cool noise marines



Guitar-based sonic weaponry. I know it's a little bit cheesy, but I'm a bit old-school like that. Also, I can watch how you do it, then st-borrow any techniques when I do mine.


Other than that, extravagance as forte says. Also freaky distended jaws and other mutilations.



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so now please a ton of sugestions on whats neded for cool noise marines



Guitar-based sonic weaponry. I know it's a little bit cheesy, but I'm a bit old-school like that. Also, I can watch how you do it, then st-borrow any techniques when I do mine.


Other than that, extravagance as forte says. Also freaky distended jaws and other mutilations.



thanks dragon, i beed to think it over and see what ideas i can come up with.

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Must for Noise Marines...extravagance and more.

oh no you dont, gotta be more precise forte, im a bit slow at times, so like what?? :)
Precious metals, fine silks and chiffon, fur, leather, skin, incense burners, bright contrasts, subtle hues, outlandish patterns, self mutilation and piercings, tattoos, mutations, and everything between
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Must for Noise Marines...extravagance and more.

oh no you dont, gotta be more precise forte, im a bit slow at times, so like what?? :)
Precious metals, fine silks and chiffon, fur, leather, skin, incense burners, bright contrasts, subtle hues, outlandish patterns, self mutilation and piercings, tattoos, mutations, and everything between

now that was much better, keepnem comming.


also got me wondering, forte you almost sound a little too sure about all things slaneshy i wonder why ;)

yes im onto you!

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I'm actually pretty straight laced. No tattoos or piercings myself. But it's nice to paint things in a way that you haven't before.

hehe you cant fool me, i know you IZ da noise marine forte!

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