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New Army Blog: Storm Brothers (Primaris Chappy WIP on p.33)


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Wish I had some photoshop skills- once these guys are done, I would love to take a picture with a "speeding" background :-)


Thanks for humoring me. I can probably work something up for you. If you get me a pic you want of the background it'd be easy to add the blur and put these bad boys on there. 


Side note: I think that lance is pretty effective out of the box just like that. 


EDIT: Is it just me or is his shoulder pad unusually narrow? 

Edited by JeffTibbetts
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Wish I had some photoshop skills- once these guys are done, I would love to take a picture with a "speeding" background :-)



EDIT: Is it just me or is his shoulder pad unusually narrow?

Not just you- parts of these guys are from the "white scars upgrade kit", which unfortunately only come in Failcast now, so of course it totally sucked... Same reason all the swords are wonky.

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That picture of the lance guy made me think of this for some reason


Excellent! Or how about this, one of the silliest movies of all time:

I seen that last post and remembered I have the old up grade kit :D. Just sitting in a box hmmmm. 

I don't do bare heads, even if they have awesome mustaches, so I did a lot of chopping on them :-)

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it must be a curse knowing if you ever swapped chapters, if they were purple, yellow or white theyd all be perfect. git :p i cant recall seeing the jetbike painted though did i skip over it by accident? it was beautiful

No, you didn't miss it- I am going to finish up these other units I started before I had to take a break, and then the Khan on jet bike is next.

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Hey all- need some help, here. Not happy with the way my test "power lance" keeps coming out.


I think it is too busy (ie too much lightning). Also, something about the way the shape of the blade is defined bugs me... I need to paint the sharp part of the blade differently, I think? Or maybe it just looks bad because there is too much going on?



Open to any and all feedback, thanks.



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I think you're right. It's too uniform. I'd say either make it come from a clearer source, so there's more towards the base of the blade, or just reduce the amount. Is this the first power blade you've done? I don't think it should look any different.


Defining the blade can be tough if this is your first. If you do something like the force weapons on Grey Knights, it really pops but you might confuse people. I think it will look better naturally if you tone down the lightning effect, and then you can decide what else you need to do. I usually think it looks goofy to have the sharp part of the blade in a different color entirely.


Have you thought about trying any NMM type effects on the blade?

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Thanks, guys- good feedback. I am not a NMM fan, but I think I know what you are saying- you mean painting the "reflections", right?i thought about that, but I do want to have some sort of lightning affect and I don't think they both will work.


I'll keep you updated as I try new stuff today.

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