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New Army Blog: Storm Brothers (Primaris Chappy WIP on p.33)


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Geektom, what is your recipe for the white? It's so friggin crisp it's unreal.  Seriously, I can't stop looking at this landraider.

Thanks, Chaplain! Coming from you, that is a real compliment!


My secret is... It's not white.


I actually use a very light gray (or grey, if you'd rather)- specifically, GW Ulthuan Grey



Primer: the Army Painter, "Uniform Grey"

Base: GW Citadel Grey

2-3 coats *thin* Ulthuan Grey (or spray, if it is a large surface, like the tanks)

Shade: thinned Agrax Earthshade (1 pt. shade to 2 pt. water)

Highlight: Ceramite White


Hope that helps!



The cure to painting white: don't paint white :biggrin.:


Are the turrets and sponsons going to be yellow/purple?  As it stands, the 'white' on the front of the Raider could really use a bit more breaking up.


I think the red may have been a bad call, too.  There are already enough colors in the scheme.  It balances on a knife's edge of garishness. 

Edited by Firepower
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  • 4 weeks later...

Almost no time for painting lately, but I have gotten a few things done on the LR... Hope to finish it soon and take an army pic.




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Yes, Chap- I am guilty, guilty, guilty! Please send me to the closest Inquisitor for reeducation! Work is killing me, body and soul, brotha... Counting my blessings- there are plenty of unemployed people who would love to have my problems...
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Almost no time for painting lately, but I have gotten a few things done on the LR... Hope to finish it soon and take an army pic.





Incredible work! That really came together nicely. I think it's the perfect mix of your chapter colors. Almost exactly the same ratio as the foot troops, and that's not easy to do with such a unique and complicated scheme. I'd like to see that meltagunner a little closer, if you don't mind. Also, seeing the rest of your army peeking around the edges of the photos makes me want to see them arrayed on the battlefield. I'll forgive the filthy xeno abomination, just this once. It's been a lot of fun watching this army take shape (really rather quickly, kudos for that) and I'm looking forward to seeing where else you go. What's next? 

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I keep finding things I missed! Driving me a little batty!


I think the light weathering on the decals is a good indication of what the weathering level will be for the rest of the model (and by extension, my army as a whole): a little dirt, a few scratches, but that will be the extent of it.


I don't love the red of the guy with the MM- he has gold edging because he is attached to 1st Brotherhood, but it makes him look a little too Chaos-y for me... Hmmm. I will leave it for now.


C/C welcome as always!

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Quite the centerpiece you have there.


From what you're saying, you plan on weathering things up a bit?  That'd be wise.  As is, there's the patina on the aquilla, the scratchy decals, and then everything else is pristine.


Firepower, you are correct. My plan will be to add dirt and weathering around the treads, and a little bit around the doors, and that will be it.

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Oh, nobody else is going to do it? Okay, I'll ask:


Is that some kind of dreamcatcher on the side? It looks like it could be from a Space Wolf kit but I don't recognize it. Interesting touch, anyway. I like the subtle reminders that they recruit from some kind of psuedo-tribal culture. Not heavy-handed, but between the horse tails and rare bits like that, it comes through. 


Also, kick-butt freehand lettering. I dig. 


One note that I'm sure you're going to address but I'm mentioning anyway: since you post of Photobucket I can zoom, like, WAY in... You can see there's e textural difference between the decals and the paint scratches. If you don't plan to hit the whole Raider with some spray coat at the end, I'd consider using a little Lahmian Medium to dull the whole thing down if you didn't already. Hard to tell. If you did, think about blending or feathering your chips so they're not quite as stark. :D 

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Jeff, the thing on the side is a shield with a Tyranid scale nailed to it. I will make sure to capture a good pic of it from the side.


You are right on re: the decals. I will be doing some more blending around them, and also coating the whole thing, which I think will help.


What do you think about the melta gunner? Is the mechanicum red too jarring?

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Jeff, the thing on the side is a shield with a Tyranid scale nailed to it. I will make sure to capture a good pic of it from the side.


You are right on re: the decals. I will be doing some more blending around them, and also coating the whole thing, which I think will help.


What do you think about the melta gunner? Is the mechanicum red too jarring?


Oh, you asked and I didn't address that. Sorry. Do I think it's jarring? Not really, based on everything else going on. Do I think it complicates an already really complicated scheme? Absolutely. To the point of being too much? For some, maybe. I don't really have any great ideas for how to NOT do that, though, unless your techmarines end up even more red as opposed to just the helmet and pauldrons.


I think part of the problem is the contrast with the purple and yellow. It just looks like a riot of colors. I've always been a fan of adding more of the unique color to specialist marines like librarians, techpriests, apothecaries and so on. On the other hand, you're probably trying to stick to a more rigid system of designations and markings than I might, so your results may vary. I do think the gold trim is, again, adding more complication than it really needs to. But you have justification for that as well.


One thing you might be able to lean on while retaining the fluff is the fact that metallics in Space Marine heraldry always have a color alternative. In the case of gold, yellow can be substituted, which might help as it's just one fewer thing happening in that scheme. I don't know how much that would help overall, but it'd def look less chaosy as you mentioned that was a concern. Careful around that red if you repaint. It looks awesome. 


EDIT: looking at the pic again and knowing it's a Nid scale, I can definitely see it. Now I want to know how you made it. Looks pretty good! 

Edited by JeffTibbetts
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What about going ALL red on the tech marine? Trim and all.


I thought about doing another exception like I did with making my chappies purple... Like maybe all yellow? But then I got worried the Cult Mechanicus would "lose" my armament orders.


I have been thinking about Librarians, also... Not sure what to do- bright blue will look even crazier with my scheme than red.

Edited by geektom
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I'd argue for the full red on the tech gunner, and predominately blue on the librarian.  Both the librarium and the religion of mars are both steeped in their traditions/ways, and deviation from the accepted paint jobs gets them acting anxious rather quickly.


Things settling down at all IRL Geektom?

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Little bit, Chaplain... I work in a very volatile industry, and was basically told that to keep my job I had to accept a new area with a longer commute and more time away from home. Not happy about it, but blessed to have a job that supports my family.
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Little bit, Chaplain... I work in a very volatile industry, and was basically told that to keep my job I had to accept a new area with a longer commute and more time away from home. Not happy about it, but blessed to have a job that supports my family.

That's rough dude. Hope this rough patch is only temporary! 

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