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New Army Blog: Storm Brothers (Primaris Chappy WIP on p.33)


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No biggie, I am always going back and finding details that need changing anyway... Excited!


That last 'excited' made me think of Steve the monkey from Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. :D I'm glad you're pumped. They'll look cool. Promise. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Base coats on the Jetbike are pretty much done and I should have most of the detailing finished this week- at least enough to join the halves together and mount on a stand.




I like it. I mostly just commented to say that I like the 'papa' on the charger, though. :D Does that mean there's a 'mama' or 'junior' one somewhere else? 


I think that lance weapon looks pretty good. The one thing that strikes me as odd is that the extra wire-wrap detailing on the front section makes the back look a little out of balance, but that could just be the angle. I don't remember thinking that when I saw it pre-paint. Basically it just looks really top heavy now. Holding it that far back makes it more obvious. Maybe if there was a little more movement in the angle it would look like he's about to bring it around in a polo-strike. That's pretty close to what I think the pose is doing now, I just think from this angle it looks more like he's holding it up to rally the troops to him or something. Depends what you're going for. 

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Interesting feedback, Jeff- thanks! I wanted the lance to look like it has a "power coil".., we'll see how it comes out.


On the charger: with a wife and 3 kids all addicted to electronics, I have to label my stuff or it wanders away, lol!

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Right on. I thought it looked like a power coil the first time 'round. To sell that concept, that coil should link to something. Maybe run a tube down the back of his arm, or hanging down terminator style, and then connecting to his backpack? That would make it look over-charged and bulkier as well. Might help bulk up his sort-of-thin-looking arm as well. Man, I really wish I would have mentioned this before it went to paint... Sorry. I mean, it looks good as is anyway and it does show off a lot of purple, so it'll look fine if you leave it. 


As for the charger, I'm shocked that any of the involved 3rd parties respect the label at all! :D 

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If someone said to me 'purple, white and bright yellow with red weapons makes a great colour scheme' before I'd seen this thread, I'd probably have laughed at them.


Now I think I'd just nod and go 'yeah, fair enough'. :laugh.:


Some lovely work going on in this thread. That jetbike looks marvellous!:happy.:

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If someone said to me 'purple, white and bright yellow with red weapons makes a great colour scheme' before I'd seen this thread, I'd probably have laughed at them.


Now I think I'd just nod and go 'yeah, fair enough'. :laugh.:


Some lovely work going on in this thread. That jetbike looks marvellous!:happy.:


I had the exact same thought. I was like: "There's no WAY he's going to pull that off" and then I looked at it. Amazing stuff. 

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I don't know if building a Land Raider is good or bad for my mild OCD issues... Lots of parts and I am convinced I am going to make a fatal error that causes the whole thing to be crooked.


Does everyone paint the inside of their tanks? Part of me really wants to- but part of me doesn't quite see the point...



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Lots of parts and I am convinced I am going to make a fatal error that causes the whole thing to be crooked.


Having just glued my first land raider together today, I can say I understand that fear perfectly.  You might :cuss up, I certainly did.  But you know what to do if you do-- take a deep breath, take it apart, clean and sand the parts and try again.  I have faith in you buddy, you can tackle a land raider and knock it out no problem.

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:cuss me, trying to get the guy manning the multi-melta in the right position so his arms make sense.

Where do those stupid, tiny extra handles go???

Edited by Grotsmasha
Added :cuss smiley, please use the smiley/filter in the future
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Deep breaths, bro. Deep breaths. 


What little extra handles are you talking about? He should be holding his hands up on two handles, with a piece bridging across the middle. On the weapon, there should be a blank area where the one grip usually is, and the little bridge piece should slot right in there. Right? 


Or am I missing something? Snap a pic, maybe. 

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Deep breaths, bro. Deep breaths. 


What little extra handles are you talking about? He should be holding his hands up on two handles, with a piece bridging across the middle. On the weapon, there should be a blank area where the one grip usually is, and the little bridge piece should slot right in there. Right? 


Or am I missing something? Snap a pic, maybe.


I think I figured it out- they give you an extra set of handles for setting up a weapon *without* a Marine manning it. The instructions don't make it clear at all, since they show both the extra handles and the Marine's hands going to the same place.



Every painter I follow seems to glue their land raiders shut because the hatch pops open during gaming and breaks too often.

Yeah, I can see already how that could be the case.

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Progress slow and steady. I have decided not to finish painting the inside... I feel a little guilty about it, but my painting time is too few and far between to spend it on something I will never look at. Maybe for a showcase piece someday...


I got the frame glued together and I am pretty sure it is straight- I am counting that as a victory.


Thanks to the awesome Jeff Tibbets for helping me finalize my paint scheme- he is an excellent example of what this site is all about.


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