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Forté's creations: Started Crimson Fists (pg 67)


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So you are saying he isn't pretty already?:tongue.:

Part way there but there's no bright metals, the flesh isn't done, book, gun, staff marble, and I'm sure I'll come up with more. Bit of freehand maybe ;)
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+++ ETL3 UPDATE 9 +++

Yet another late night session that went well into the morning. I'm going to be in trouble today if the kids realise I only got two hours sleep and will find it easy to nod off. Such is the power of painting to eat away the hours.

So then...I focused on the Sorcerer because he has more detail going on and I thing alternating the sessions between the two models will see me finishing them before mid June. Well, that's the plan anyway. I mainly focused on the two biggest areas (robes and cloak) so I can work on the smaller parts next time, but I did get some metalwork done too.


I think I need to hit the turquoise with another glaze to soften the highlights a bit more as I did jump a little on the colours. Maybe I should learn to wet blend. I stippled the final layer on the white and I'm pretty happy with it (though daylight may tell me different). The photo doesn't really show the metal properly but it does go all the way to Mithril Silver at the brightest points.

And my list of things still to do on him:

  • Gold trim/ staff/ gun
  • Flayed skin finished
  • Face finished
  • Skulls
  • Main staff area finished
  • Glove trim
  • Pouches/ straps/ book
  • Backpack arms finished
  • Glowing runes added to some skin areas
  • Freehand on cloak (I'm a little unsure on this as painting onto white doesn't leave much room for error. That and I'm not sure what to paint apart from the Slaanesh rune)

Thank you for stopping by and taking a look. C&C always welcome as are ideas, suggestions, and lots of coffee (black, no sugar please) :thanks: :thumbsup:

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Great job on the white cloak! It can be such a difficult colour to get right but you've done just that :)

Cheers. I'm still weighing up whether to attempt some freehand on it or not, and if so, what? Be different if it was a dark surface as it's easier to fix mistakes.

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Problem is, I've been looking at pinstriping scrolls which may work if kept small. Kind of "less is more". And if I can do it too. Maybe I'll experiment on some plasticard or something.
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Before people ask if I've painted more, yes I have. But only the turquoise on the Forgefiend and that took longer than it should have. And no, I've not photographed it. My eyes have been pretty tired which doesn't help with painting but I've not totally wasted my time. I've been building a Stormsword for my second ETL3 vow so I'll be able to just crack on and paint that after the current vow is completed.


What I have been introduced to though is a FREE PDF magazine which I hope in posting a link doesn't violate B&C rule (if it does, please could a mod let me know and I'll adjust this post accordingly. Cheers). Portal Magazine. Full of really good tutorials, sexy painting, beautiful modelling, and loads of other stuff.


Just click on the pic for the link.


And I'll do a proper ETL update very soon.


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aww and here i wantd to aak what you planned next, oh well really looking forward to the storm sword, reminded me i have a baneblade to chaosyfy, but waiting a bit hoping subtle discord might make some baneblade chaos tracks first :)


go go forte you need to keep impressing people so they dont realice the rest of us is soo slow at getting things done

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Ok you talked me into a proper update with pics and waffle ;)

I worked on the armour plates for the Forgefiend. Only took nearly three hours and about seven layers...why...I don't know really. I may still add a bit of marble effect to the larger turquoise plates to break the colour up a bit too. The guns have had some colour too but is barely visible due to it being a Chaos Black & Metallic Medium colour which I have washed with Badab Black (it's only on the main body of the guns, not the barrels).



And the tongue


Needs a few more washes and some highlights. Shame you can't see the red veins too.

And that's it for vow 1...

Vow 2 building however



One Stormsword and various bits I plan to add after I've gone at it with a dremel at the areas which are likely to come into contact with things like walls, Imperialist heads, etc.

Oh, and




Banesword or Shadowsword options thanks to magnets.

Cheers for looking and don't forget C&C is more than welcome :thanks: :thumbsup:

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Can't wait to see your take on that tank brother :biggrin.: And thanks to the portal link. I always forget the new issue.

Not sure how the tank is going to go. I'm thinking along the lines of a recent capture so it is still in AM (Imperial Guard) camo (likely ash style due to my Chaos bases) with the Imperial Eagles defaced and other new bits added. Maybe a few coloured areas as if the crew have started to make their mark on it.

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Those Turquoise robes are gorgeous. What paint(s) were used? The head is really creepy and otherworldly, good job.

I used four colours for the robes. Hawk turquoise is the base. Red was added to start the shadows and vmc black grey added for final shadows. Highlights were built up by adding skull white. Think it was about 12 layers in total. Oh, and a final glaze of turquoise to smooth it out a little.


The head I've still not highlighted ;)

Edited by forte
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Don't think I've ever seen a super heavy blinged up Slaanesh-style before. Looking forward to it.

Not sure it'll count as blinged up. No stick on stones ;)

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To be honest, I'm not sure if a imperial guard color scheme will work with your army. I think it is a hard thing to pull off without looking to out of place. I'm sure you can make it work though.

It'll be the details to tie it in really. And let me paint a bit different. Just got to work on an ash waste type scheme.

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Normally i'm really..meh..on turquoise coloring. But i have to say you have made it look good in a way that i will never be able to. So I tip my hat to you sir for making me like that color on your models

Cheers Lord of the Cull and welcome to Bolter & Chainsword too :tu:

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