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Forté's creations: Started Crimson Fists (pg 67)


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This is going to be awesome. And disgusting. But mostly awesome, right? ;)

Fingers crossed. Though I've given up fully scratch building the mace so using a DA terminator one as a starting point.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I could easily say "that escalated quickly" but it's more of a case of me being really slack at updating my own wip project thread. So, well, the Nurgle Lord is actually finished now so here's a few pics. And sorry for not documenting the whole thing.






Cheers for looking in and I'll be better at posting next time :thanks: :tu:

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Awesome work, Forte! You just get better and better :tu:

Cheers kizzdougs. Time for a few more painting things before I touch another gaming piece now.

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I'm sorry. I'll have to pull pics from my Facebook as I didn't shade/highlight the armour in the usual way (base, shade, highlight being usual). But I painted the two colours. Highlighted trying a Painting Buddha technique they call the Loaded Brush (two colours on the brush at the same time). Then shaded using a mix of P3 Coal Black, Army Painter Strong Tone, and old GW Black Ink.


And, I also purposely haven't used any green on this.

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^^That 'Budda style' all sounds really rather complicated ^^


Great conversion/paint job and I love the non-standard colour scheme; you always knock your 'character' models out of the park :cool.:

Edited by Midnight Runner
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Cheers Midnight Runner.


If that sounds complicated, I wouldn't start to describe how I plan to paint the Tooth Fairy and Hellboy busts that are on my desk (which I sadly cannot post here).

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I've got plenty of time for painting, but it's motivation and a merciless internal critic that keep from getting it done. It's not so bad with the building and converting.


That's one reason I'm glad me an' Hyenas got our project underway, because it's really forcing me to do stuff on the writing, modeling/painting, and Photoshop fronts. :)

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He looks great. I love the classic metal nurgling, and the pooled effect turned out great. The flamer's -for lack of a better word- scrotum, looks particularly disgusting. I a beautiful, alluring kind of way? Jeez, Forté, you corrupting creep! Even your Nurgle miniatures weird me out. Edited by Augustus b'Raass
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He looks great. I love the classic metal nurgling, and the pooled effect turned out great. The flamer's -for lack of a better word- scrotum, looks particularly disgusting. I a beautiful, alluring kind of way? Jeez, Forté, you corrupting creep! Even your Nurgle miniatures weird me out.

Hehe, job done on my part. Can you spot the second Nurgling though?

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amazing work! what resin did you use for the water?

Thank you.


It's a two part Crystal Resin by Pebeo. Main thing with water effect stuff is you need to make sure your barrier is water tight or it'll leak...like my first pour on this did which ment a second top up pour and hours of sanding.

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Just to spread the word...


The Nurgle Chaos Lord is going to be part of a raffle to help raise funds for a family coping with child Cancer.


Please take a look as there's some world class miniature painters putting up their work.





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Forté, just...Wow..I'd celebrate, but I'm not feeling the nurgled love lately - he's visited my family five times this month already

Ouch. That's no fair.

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Forté, just...Wow..I'd celebrate, but I'm not feeling the nurgled love lately - he's visited my family five times this month already

Ouch. That's no fair.

Nope....damn that happy sickly...yeah ok...


Seriously all this chaosy inspiration....what to do...argh sketch time

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