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For my 2pc worth, I am voting for a Volkite. Or two. Or a dozen.

While I enjoy a good flame cannon like the next brother, there is nothing like a Martian death ray cannon zipping through the dark and flay -burning some git before vaporizing him. I always imagine Volkites having some sort of high pitched, metallic, scream like noise, like some infernal bird of prey of a cybernetic banshee wail.

For my 2pc worth, I am voting for a Volkite. Or two. Or a dozen.

While I enjoy a good flame cannon like the next brother, there is nothing like a Martian death ray cannon zipping through the dark and flay -burning some git before vaporizing him. I always imagine Volkites having some sort of high pitched, metallic, scream like noise, like some infernal bird of prey of a cybernetic banshee wail.

This. So much this! And while I mostly agree on the sound of a volkite I think they should have a bassier boom upon the initial firing of the weapon followed by the screeching during continued fire.

Check this out!!!




They're designed and produced by a Russian start-up and not available outside Russia yet. I found it on the Night Lords - VIII Legion group on Facebook. 


They're obvisouly based on MkIV armour. Not sure if there's any copyright infringement and if so, if that's against forum rules here. If so, feel free to mod the post but please don't shoot the messenger :tu:

Anything considered copyright infringement is against forum rules. That's why online piracy discussions usually end with "don't discuss it in an open thread".


That said, minis fall into a weird place. I think as long as we aren't advertising recasts, its no different than showing off the minis of any other third party developer that happens to make bitz that resemble 40K Astartes.


But it might be better to wait for someone more official to answer before taking my word for it.

They're not recasts for sure. They made torso's that look very similar to MkIV and sculpted Night Lordish stuff on it, and mass produced these.


We are in luck though: the OP, our Midnight Clad Queen happens to be a mod, so let's wait and see what she things. Again, as it's kinda vague here if the just forum rules apply, I'm more than happy to leave the decision to the mods. :D I just couldn't not share these here. So enthused!

Sure, sure. Yet I've never seen these before and certainly not in any GW affiliated branch. Hence my decision to share here. And again: If this is deemed a cr infringement by the mods I'm happy to delete the post, no problem! :biggrin.:

Check this out!!!



They're obvisouly based on MkIV armour. Not sure if there's any copyright infringement and if so, if that's against forum rules here. If so, feel free to mod the post but please don't shoot the messenger :tu:

Nah, no problems. You're good to go rules wise. Discussing stuff like Kromlech or Chapterhouse works, so these guys are just fine. http://imageshack.com/a/img673/2734/Cye9vU.gif


Very decent for start up dudes, those are pretty darn awesome.


Nah, no problems. You're good to go rules wise. Discussing stuff like Kromlech or Chapterhouse works, so these guys are just fine. http://imageshack.com/a/img673/2734/Cye9vU.gif


Very decent for start up dudes, those are pretty darn awesome.


The blue of your mod voice and the little sprite doesn't instill as much fear in me as the blue in my avatars robo-death-face...


Then again, freezing to death is just as deadly as being flayed/burnt/other...


Speaking of those chests, I'm only worried about the small bone details getting lost in the casting process through wear and tear. That said, if they could sell individual legs, I'd be a happy camper....

What about making his trophies only skulls from guys he's head-shot?
The only Skulls he offers to Khorne are those he's personally ventilated. A gutshot, a Heartshot, not worth it. Only those that have been opened to Khorne's glory are kept.

Modeling wise, if it's on a spike, use the ones that are mounted at an angle that a shot could have come from. if it is attached in another manner, make sure there's a third (or fourth) hole on the skull. Don't use any other bone trophies, and the only flesh trophies should be faces with extra damage (if you're up to sculpting that).

That sounds amusing yet moderately inneficient.

Bah this is 40k. Not to mention Chaos 40k! If it pleases the blood god, then all's fair :p Also since he's rolling with Night Lords, having a weapon that flays people at a distance can't be a bad thing, can it?


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