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Yes but if you put enough holes in them even the astartes cant keep up. as shown in the HH novel Angels Exterminatus. The iron hand captain had 4 holes in him from mass reactive shells and his body was going to bleed out, his body couldnt cope with it which is why he was put in a stasis field.

Edited by CaptainAsmodai
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I dunno, did you guys ever read Heathen's piece that he wrote for Heinrich's obliterator weapon team conversions? I think that paints the perfect idea of how an Astartes sniperwould function.


An Astartes sniper rifle isn't so much a rifle as it is a (not so) miniature rail gun. It's not really going to be a matter of causing peripheral flesh wounds... If you hit an extremity with a high enough caliber, that extremity is coming off.

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Actually, if you can get your hands on the Scout Index Astartes, you'll find that the space marine sniper rifle shoots toxic needles guided by a laser beam that melts any armor in the way before impact.


My White Dwarf is not in English so tough luck to prove it though.

That's the description for the Needler Sniper Rifler, which was definitely used by Space Marine Scouts at one point.

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That article mentions it was in 1st and 2nd Editions... But the Index Astartes dates back to the plastic (non-sniper) scouts, which was at the same time of one Black Templars codex if memory serves, long after these editions.


So a Night Lord would use a needle sniper rifle, except instead of lethal poison, you've got fear toxins.

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Again, if you're fighting astartes then it would cauterize rather quickly and just piss them off.

Perhaps the shells contain some sort of high strength anti-coagulant that prevents their Larramen Cells from sealing the wounds?

Also, for that extra Night Lords flavour, how about he likes to string up his victims where they can be seen and then lace the area with all manner of vicious traps to maim and mutilate anyone fool enough to try and recover the bodies, so more blood for Khorne! :devil:


That said the idea of a Khornate Sniper seems... Unlikely, to me. In my mind Khorne is all about proving your martial skill and bloody honour toe-to-toe with the enemy, facing their best and then crushing them.

The whole modus operandii of a Sniper goes against that kind of behaviour, if you end up in CQB as a Sniper you're dead meat (and a fething idiot to boot). Snipers don't stand and fight, they fire once and then fade away until they're ready to shoot again.

Snipers are so hated and feared by other soldiers that no-one ever captures them, if you catch a sniper off-guard you rake that scruffy nerfherder with bullets until you run dry. So while they may strongly disagree, to other soldiers Snipers have no honour, they're the invisible hand of death that torments them, that haunts their every step, one wrong move and BANG, look ma, no face.


I think something more fitting for the Sniper role would be a Slaaneshi Sniper who delights in setting up that most perfect, most impossible of trick shots and lives for the terror in his victims' eyes as his toxin-laced rounds cause men to explode, mutate or suffer any other number of horrible effects.

Or perhaps a Tzeentchian Sniper whose scope sees not the distance, but the possible futures his shot creates and ends, whose bullet is irresistable fate and travels along the threads of destiny to murder whole timelines before they happen.

Edited by SanguiniusReborn
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I'll change it to markless then, seeing as how I'm tired of armchair debates on snipers.

*stuffs pipe and quietly nods* ;)


Perhaps you could sculpt a gilly suit out made out of flayed skin for the sniper? To make him look more Night Lordy? :D

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I'll change it to markless then, seeing as how I'm tired of armchair debates on snipers.

Sorry Incinerator, I didn't mean to stomp all over your idea, I only wanted to put forward my thoughts on the subject. :(


Like I said, a Khornate Sniper is unlikely, but not entirely out of the realm of possibility.

The hunter mentality of KrautScientist's Eternal Hunt army comes to mind, perhaps the Sniper views himself as hunter of the enemies' champions, yet views them as beneath him and so will not dignify them by dirtying his blade with their blood?

Or perhaps the Sniper himself is not Khornate but his weapon is? Maybe the rifle was forged from melted down swords so that the thirst for blood was ingrained into it's very being? Or it's possessed by a daemon of fury whose vile rage empowers every bullet fired from it's maw? Maybe the "bullets" are made from bone and inscribed with runes of bloodshed and hate?


If you want to make a Khornate Sniper Incinerator, then go for it, it's your army, your choice.

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Why and Imperial Fist!?!?! I feel unjustly targeted there :p


Oh well, at least since its based in America we can go into the gore-y details that are the Night Lords while keeping it 'Family Friendly'. 

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I think something more fitting for the Sniper role would be a Slaaneshi Sniper who delights in setting up that most perfect, most impossible of trick shots and lives for the terror in his victims' eyes as his toxin-laced rounds cause men to explode, mutate or suffer any other number of horrible effects.

Or perhaps a Tzeentchian Sniper whose scope sees not the distance, but the possible futures his shot creates and ends, whose bullet is irresistable fate and travels along the threads of destiny to murder whole timelines before they happen.


this sounds awesome

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