Flint13 Posted October 29, 2016 Share Posted October 29, 2016 Two smaller changes I'd also suggest. Use the AoD Destroyer Weapon rule (Str10Ap1, instant death, sunder, successful invulns are re-rolled, d3+1 wounds/hull points) and change any "remove models from play" effect such as Thunderblitz and Stomps to D3 Str D hits instead. We've been play testing these changes for about six months over about 80 games and they've done great things. They took the modified version out, as the 7th ed one is weaker most of the time Nah, they didn't reprint it bc it's in a campaign book. Either way, while not quite as model-scoopingly redic as the 6th Ed interpretation, the 40k Str D rules are way too "roll 6 to win" for us. Same deal with Thunderblitz and stomp. So we fixed them. Angron is only crunchy vs questoris lists IMO Take him for the fluff Er... How do you figure? He's nasty as hell regardless of opponent. I'd rather not charge Angron into a Knight that fall over on him when he kills it. It's just funny when it happens. Terminus 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294658-hh10-tactica-chainaxe-world-eaters/page/74/#findComment-4547616 Share on other sites More sharing options...
OPTIMVSCHRISTVS Posted October 31, 2016 Share Posted October 31, 2016 The new league starts this weekend, first game is 1,750 points with the mission currently TBD. I'm thinking of running this for my list: HQ- Surlak Delegatus (Berserker Assault, otherwise bare bones) Troops- Inductii, axes, sgt w/fist x 15 Inductii, axes, sgt w/fist x 10 Inductii, axes, sgt w/fist x 10 Elites- Contemptor, Kheres/melta Heavy Support- Spartan, Aux drive, flare shield, armored ceramite Land Raider Phobos, aux drive, armored ceramite, extra armor x2 Plan is to footslog the Contemptor behind or next to the tracks so he can give himself cover on any side not protected by his invuln. My only problem is my Delegatus- he doesn't really fit anywhere so I'm probably going to drop him inside a building and forget about him (and hope my opponent does too). I figure anything too tough for Inductii to deal with can be hosed down by massed lascannon fire before they get there (i.e., anything AV13) As I briefly touched on before, I'll be fighting 40k armies but they're stuck with a pretty restrictive FOC for this league (1+ HQ, 3+ troops, 0-3 elites, 0-3 heavy support, 0-3 fast attack) Any critiques/suggestions? My toolbox at this point consists of a Spartan, 3 Phobos, and whatever comes in Betrayal at Calth and Burning of Prospero. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294658-hh10-tactica-chainaxe-world-eaters/page/74/#findComment-4549470 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Terminus Posted November 1, 2016 Share Posted November 1, 2016 (edited) Are you playing maelstrom where everything can score excerpts Inductii? In an AoD mission you have zero scoring. Edited November 1, 2016 by Terminus Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294658-hh10-tactica-chainaxe-world-eaters/page/74/#findComment-4550049 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Unholyechoes Posted November 1, 2016 Share Posted November 1, 2016 He is a true Eater of Worlds, he kills everything or he dies trying. Objectives are for other legions, not for the Astartes shaped incarnations of violence that are the XIIth. OPTIMVSCHRISTVS, Brother Tankred and Plaguecaster 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294658-hh10-tactica-chainaxe-world-eaters/page/74/#findComment-4550077 Share on other sites More sharing options...
God-Potato of Mankind Posted November 1, 2016 Share Posted November 1, 2016 I want to use a funbus as an allied detachment but would it be worth including if allied to a Loyalist force? Or would the loss of permarage and inductii make them a bit meh? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294658-hh10-tactica-chainaxe-world-eaters/page/74/#findComment-4550481 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Unholyechoes Posted November 1, 2016 Share Posted November 1, 2016 I want to use a funbus as an allied detachment but would it be worth including if allied to a Loyalist force? Or would the loss of permarage and inductii make them a bit meh? Inductii are a huge boon if you want to go fluffy chop chops. The 6 strength from chainaxe Inductii really increases your odds of rolling to wound and explodes anything smaller than than Astartes and pen a Rhino on a 6. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294658-hh10-tactica-chainaxe-world-eaters/page/74/#findComment-4550532 Share on other sites More sharing options...
OPTIMVSCHRISTVS Posted November 1, 2016 Share Posted November 1, 2016 Are you playing maelstrom where everything can score excerpts Inductii? In an AoD mission you have zero scoring. It's going to most likely be a modified form of maelstrom, but missions will vary pretty heavily week to week. Kill points are pretty popular at my flgs. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294658-hh10-tactica-chainaxe-world-eaters/page/74/#findComment-4550542 Share on other sites More sharing options...
nightwrench Posted November 1, 2016 Share Posted November 1, 2016 (edited) Hello all my fellow World Eaters champions. I am a reformed Raven Guard and Iron Hands player and moving to the legion I should have played from the beginning. Now that chain axes are handed out like candy at Halloween to our troops it is time to take the plunge. I am getting ready for Adepticon friendly and the rumor is it will be at 2500 points. Also keep in mind everything typically scores for strategic objectives unless it says it doesn't. I am going to talk about my concept first before I list build. I have read most of the 72 pages. I skipped a few in the 30's and 40's. I have no dreams of winning, more about having fun and seeing how many chain axes I can embed in other people's armies. That said an army needs anti-infantry and anti-tank. We get lucky as our troops handle the anti-infantry pretty well. ROW: BA HQ Surlak Khârn or Preator Troops 3x Tactical squads with inducti, chain axes and sarg with AA and PF. Elites Rapier battery with grav cannons Tartoros terms some chain fists riding in a Spartan with flare/AC Fast 3 Dreadclaws Heavy Deathstorm Levi w/ melta lance and phosphex in dread drop This all comes in around 2400 points. Plan is to have the levi drop to be a pain in the back field and two dread claws come in with him. Spartan advances supported by the HQ and grav cannons. Thoughts? Do I drop the Spartan and get a Khardbys but that only gets me to 6 pods. I am not sure how to get to a 7th pod in 2500 points. What am I missing? Edit** I see where legion terms can take a dread claw as well. Hmm. Maybe I can get to 7. I figured out how to get to 7 Second list HQ Surlak Khârn or Praetor Troops 3x Inducti Tac squads with sarge AA, PF Elites Tart terms, 2x chain fists and dread claw 3 rapier grav cannons Fast Dread claw Dread claw Dread claw Heavy Kharybdis Deathstorm Levi in dread pod melta lance and phosphux That gives 7 pods and some free points. I would almost consider dropping the gravs to put a squad in the kharybdis. Thank you Edited November 1, 2016 by nightwrench Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294658-hh10-tactica-chainaxe-world-eaters/page/74/#findComment-4550557 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guiltysparc Posted November 1, 2016 Share Posted November 1, 2016 (edited) Hello all my fellow World Eaters champions. I am a reformed Raven Guard and Iron Hands player and moving to the legion I should have played from the beginning. Now that chain axes are handed out like candy at Halloween to our troops it is time to take the plunge. I am getting ready for Adepticon friendly and the rumor is it will be at 2500 points. Also keep in mind everything typically scores for strategic objectives unless it says it doesn't. I am going to talk about my concept first before I list build. I have read most of the 72 pages. I skipped a few in the 30's and 40's. I have no dreams of winning, more about having fun and seeing how many chain axes I can embed in other people's armies. That said an army needs anti-infantry and anti-tank. We get lucky as our troops handle the anti-infantry pretty well. ROW: BA HQ Surlak Khârn or Preator Troops 3x Tactical squads with inducti, chain axes and sarg with AA and PF. Elites Rapier battery with grav cannons Tartoros terms some chain fists riding in a Spartan with flare/AC Fast 3 Dreadclaws Heavy Deathstorm Levi w/ melta lance and phosphex in dread drop This all comes in around 2400 points. Plan is to have the levi drop to be a pain in the back field and two dread claws come in with him. Spartan advances supported by the HQ and grav cannons. Thoughts? Do I drop the Spartan and get a Khardbys but that only gets me to 6 pods. I am not sure how to get to a 7th pod in 2500 points. What am I missing? Edit** I see where legion terms can take a dread claw as well. Hmm. Maybe I can get to 7. Thank you I run a tac heavy list with the same HQ and Leviathan action...here are a couple of 2500pt lists i've worked up. Both run berserker assault. Dual Levithan 2500pts HQ Surlak Khârn or Praetor Triibune Troop 15 Tac Marines - Vexilla, Arty Armor, Melta bombs, and Powerfist on sarge 10 Inductii - Arty Armor and Powerfist on sarge 10 Inductii - Rhino Arty Armor and Powerfist on sarge Fast Attack 2x Javelin Attack Speeder - Multi Melta, Cyclone Missile, Hunter Killer Missiles (2) 2x Javelin Attack Speeder - Multi Melta, Cyclone Missile, Hunter Killer Missiles (2) Dreadclaw Droppod Heavy Support Spartan - Flareshield, dozer blades, AC Leviathan - Melta/Drill, Phosphex, AC Leviathan - Grav/Claw, Phosphex, AC Mantis Bots 2500pts HQ Surlak Khârn or Praetor Triibune Praevian - Arty Armor, Thunder Hammer + 4 Vorax Automata - enhanced targeting array, bio ammo Troop 12 Tac Marines - Vexilla, Arty Armor and Powerfist on sarge 10 Inductii - Arty Armor and Powerfist on sarge 10 Inductii - Rhino Arty Armor and Melta bombs on sarge Fast Attack Javelin Attack Speeder - Multi Melta, Cyclone Missile, Hunter Killer Missiles (2) Javelin Attack Speeder - Multi Melta, Cyclone Missile, Hunter Killer Missiles (2) Heavy Support Spartan - Flareshield, dozer blades, AC Land Raider Phobos - dozer blades, AC Leviathan - Grav/Claw, Phosphex, AC The dual levi list was my original 2500pt idea when i started my WE army in January. As i close in on finishing the first 2000pts i am leaning more towards the mantis bots list just to have a little more variety. You can swap out the inductii with reguar tacs if you want more scoring. There is also room to work in a dreadclaw and deathstorm instead of the land raider, which would let you drop the levi and inductii on turn 1...lots of great interchangeability with this legion. Edited November 1, 2016 by Guiltysparc Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294658-hh10-tactica-chainaxe-world-eaters/page/74/#findComment-4550683 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ethrion Posted November 2, 2016 Share Posted November 2, 2016 ^Not really. If you build a proper list that is capable of handling more than grots, you can handle a Primarch. They are worse than many other LOW options. For a scion of the Thousand Sons, you sure let ignorance inform your misplaced fears! You can do better than that, frater. I exaggerate of course, primarchs are not all that bad. But in our group we don't want primarchs in each and every battle so we somewhat limit there deployment. Maybe I just feel mean when Angron goes nuts and chops through an entire knight army or Fist army lol! :P Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294658-hh10-tactica-chainaxe-world-eaters/page/74/#findComment-4551218 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lanky27 Posted November 3, 2016 Share Posted November 3, 2016 Hey guys, was wondering if anyone has lists for an army of dark compliance with WE? i'm looking at putting one together based off Bodt and the numen gun clans. This tactics thread is amazing and so far i've gathered everything should be transported via assault vehicles. So if thats the case the bonus to cover saves is pretty useless right. The only usefull thing i can think off is cheap scoring units? cheers Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294658-hh10-tactica-chainaxe-world-eaters/page/74/#findComment-4552641 Share on other sites More sharing options...
OPTIMVSCHRISTVS Posted November 4, 2016 Share Posted November 4, 2016 Quick (possibly stupid) question: which books do I need to have all the most up to date rules for us? My first ever game with my 30k army is tomorrow and I just want to make sure I have everything on hand... Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294658-hh10-tactica-chainaxe-world-eaters/page/74/#findComment-4553537 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Terminus Posted November 4, 2016 Share Posted November 4, 2016 The two Age of Darkness redbooks. Army List and Legions. https://www.forgeworld.co.uk/en-US/The-Horus-heresy-legiones-Astartes-Age-of-Darkness-Army-List https://www.forgeworld.co.uk/en-US/The-Horus-Heresy-Legiones-Astartes-Age-of-Darkness-Legions Book VI has Surlak. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294658-hh10-tactica-chainaxe-world-eaters/page/74/#findComment-4553581 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guiltysparc Posted November 7, 2016 Share Posted November 7, 2016 (edited) Alright bros and bro-ettes...its getting down to crunch time. I'm doing my first ever tournament this weekend in Atlanta and i have a question worth 10pts, lol. Below is the list i'm bringing. 1850pts - Berzerker Assault HQ Praetor Tribune Ghalan Surlak Troop 10x Tac Marines - Vexilla, AA/PF on Sarge 10x Inductii Marines - AA/PF on Sarge 10x Tac Marines - Rhino Fast Attack Javelin Attack Speeder - Multi-melta, 2x Hunter Killer Missiles Javelin Attack Speeder - Multi-melta, 2x Hunter Killer Missiles Heavy Support Land Raider Phobos Spartan - Dozer Blade Leviathan - Grav/Claw, Phosphex, Dreadpod The question - what do you think about dropping a hunter killer each from the Javelins to free up 10pts in order to swap the Praetor out for Khârn? The key differences are thus: Praetor is 10pts Cheaper Praetor has +1 attack when rampage isn't in effect Praetor has +1 LD The list with the praetor has 2 more hunter killer missile shots Praetor has -1WS compared to Khârn (meh) Praetor doesn't have a ranged weapon (meh) Praetor doesn't have Armor bane (kind of want) Praetor doesn't have precision strikes (meh?) No rampage, so 1 or 2 fewer attacks against a hordey unit (meh, i think) I originally had Khârn in but then swapped the praetor for the point savings. I think it comes down to the armorbane vs +1A in all scenarios. What say ye fellow chainaxe enthusiasts? Khârn List HQ Khârn - Gorechild Ghalan Surlak Troop 10x Tac Marines - Vexilla, AA/PF on Sarge 10x Inductii Marines - AA/PF on Sarge 10x Tac Marines - Rhino Fast Attack Javelin Attack Speeder - Multi-melta, 1x Hunter Killer Missiles Javelin Attack Speeder - Multi-melta, 1x Hunter Killer Missiles Heavy Support Land Raider Phobos Spartan - Dozer Blade Leviathan - Grav/Claw, Phosphex, Dreadpod Edited November 7, 2016 by Guiltysparc Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294658-hh10-tactica-chainaxe-world-eaters/page/74/#findComment-4556034 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ethrion Posted November 8, 2016 Share Posted November 8, 2016 The armourbane on Khârn is still only off base strength 4 so really he won't be that much more reliable at breaking into high armoured targets. He'll be able to rip open AV10 but then inductii powerfists can do that better.It sounds like you'd prefer the praetor really. Have you given him digital lasers and master-crafted paragon? Plus I assume all the other bells and whistles? - 4++ etc... If it was a fluffy game I'd say go with Khârn but seeing as this is a tournament I'd go with the praetor.p.s. However, Kharns +1 to go first and +1 seize initiative might be worth taking in a tournament environment... Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294658-hh10-tactica-chainaxe-world-eaters/page/74/#findComment-4556670 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guiltysparc Posted November 8, 2016 Share Posted November 8, 2016 (edited) The armourbane on Khârn is still only off base strength 4 so really he won't be that much more reliable at breaking into high armoured targets. He'll be able to rip open AV10 but then inductii powerfists can do that better. It sounds like you'd prefer the praetor really. Have you given him digital lasers and master-crafted paragon? Plus I assume all the other bells and whistles? - 4++ etc... If it was a fluffy game I'd say go with Khârn but seeing as this is a tournament I'd go with the praetor. p.s. However, Kharns +1 to go first and +1 seize initiative might be worth taking in a tournament environment... Ya, the praetor tribune has the digi lasers, iron halo, etc. I forgot about the master-crafted-ness of the paragon blade though. Edited November 8, 2016 by Guiltysparc Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294658-hh10-tactica-chainaxe-world-eaters/page/74/#findComment-4556749 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Unholyechoes Posted November 8, 2016 Share Posted November 8, 2016 Armorbane is S+2D6, so Khârn with Gorechild is 5+2D6 at AP2. He has a pretty high chance at popping a Spartan all by himself. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294658-hh10-tactica-chainaxe-world-eaters/page/74/#findComment-4556913 Share on other sites More sharing options...
IronDrake28 Posted November 8, 2016 Share Posted November 8, 2016 (edited) Armorbane is S+2D6, so Khârn with Gorechild is 5+2D6 at AP2. He has a pretty high chance at popping a Spartan all by himself. I'm not so sure about that, average roll on 2D6+5 is only 12, even if you do get a lot of attacks I wouldn't trust in that. Edited November 8, 2016 by IronDrake28 Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294658-hh10-tactica-chainaxe-world-eaters/page/74/#findComment-4556984 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guiltysparc Posted November 8, 2016 Share Posted November 8, 2016 12 is be great vs dreadnoughts and most vehicles. IronDrake28 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294658-hh10-tactica-chainaxe-world-eaters/page/74/#findComment-4557041 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Unholyechoes Posted November 8, 2016 Share Posted November 8, 2016 Plus if you have a command squad with melta bombs it improves your chances. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294658-hh10-tactica-chainaxe-world-eaters/page/74/#findComment-4557307 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Terminus Posted November 8, 2016 Share Posted November 8, 2016 Rather than going by average roll (which is 7.5), just look at the chance to roll 9+ (28%) or 10+ (17%). He has the volume of attacks to strip at least a few hull points off, and one good damage roll will see it blow up. Ethrion 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294658-hh10-tactica-chainaxe-world-eaters/page/74/#findComment-4557671 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Unholyechoes Posted November 9, 2016 Share Posted November 9, 2016 Rather than going by average roll (which is 7.5), just look at the chance to roll 9+ (28%) or 10+ (17%). He has the volume of attacks to strip at least a few hull points off, and one good damage roll will see it blow up. When Khârn knocks on the door, you answer, one way or another. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294658-hh10-tactica-chainaxe-world-eaters/page/74/#findComment-4557806 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charlo Posted November 9, 2016 Share Posted November 9, 2016 All I can picture is Khârn wailing on a Spartan with Gorechild and inside the occupants can just hear muffled DMX.... As Gorechild pierces the ceramite the sound goes full blast and... Hidden Content KNOCK KNOCK OPEN UP THE DOOR IT'S REAL, WITH THE NON-STOP POP POP AND STAINLESS STEEL *WRRRRRRRRRHHNNNGGGGGGG* Gorgoff and Guiltysparc 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294658-hh10-tactica-chainaxe-world-eaters/page/74/#findComment-4557959 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guiltysparc Posted November 9, 2016 Share Posted November 9, 2016 All I can picture is Khârn wailing on a Spartan with Gorechild and inside the occupants can just hear muffled DMX.... As Gorechild pierces the ceramite the sound goes full blast and... Hidden Content KNOCK KNOCK OPEN UP THE DOOR IT'S REAL, WITH THE NON-STOP POP POP AND STAINLESS STEEL *WRRRRRRRRRHHNNNGGGGGGG* this is the best post in the history of ever. Charlo 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294658-hh10-tactica-chainaxe-world-eaters/page/74/#findComment-4558074 Share on other sites More sharing options...
God-Potato of Mankind Posted November 12, 2016 Share Posted November 12, 2016 (edited) Hi gang, after realising I can "requisition" the Stormlord from my allies, I thought about replacing my double Spartan loadout. Pro's : No more double Spartans World Eater Funbus Intensifies Finally can use Cataphractii Con's : Eggs in one basket Question 1: do the Stormlords occupants have to charge the same unit? Or can I task each squad with a yolo? List @ 2.5k Gahlan Praetor with paragon and MC/DL. Beserker Funsault 14 Inductii, AA & PF X2 10 Despoilers, AA & PF Kheres-Cortus x2 10 Cataphractii - 5 Combiplas, mix of fists, chainfists and claws Spartan - goodies Stormlord - Sponsons, SM Crew So my ploy is to either wait for deepstrikers and delete them with counter charges/all power to weapons. Or yolo straight at them and use the Cortii to secure flanks/stop meltas getting close Viable? Or too eggs in one crazy murderbasket? Edited November 12, 2016 by The God-Potato of Mankind Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294658-hh10-tactica-chainaxe-world-eaters/page/74/#findComment-4560261 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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