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Gives +1 to wound, so a power sword wounds on 3s, which to be fair is something I have not considered as last time I used chosen it was with the index, and I tend to forget VOTLW, which is more on me spending command points to shoot more or move cultists around

Durr, I was thinking of Icon of Vengeance. 7th holdover thinking.

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@slitth:Looking good. Definitely hit it with some highlights!


@micahwc: Unfortunately I cannot see the image. The computer I am using is finicky. However, I do not know anything about airbrushes either.


And a fun fact I learned from my game yesterday, if you are going to deep strike a MoS terminator squad with combi plasmas (with a lord for rerolls) be sure to conserve CP to Endless Cacophny. :rolleyes:

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That's straight out of the bottle with no thinning and after shaking the bottle with an agitator for a bit.

What you need, sir, is Airbrush Flow Improver by Vallejo. It doesn't really thin the paints, it makes them milky and flow smoother.  You could have a bum paint pot, but all the pigments seem separated.  Also, wear gloves you savage, no one wants fingerprint evidence on their Alpha Legion. :P

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It's a candy blue from Wicked Colors I believe, it's airbrush paint. I brushed some on this afternoon after shaking the hell out of it. It acted almost like an ink. It's the same paint I used on all my other earlier Alpha Legion so I'm not sure what's different now.
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Champion and sorcerer will get their trim done in gold instead of silver.

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It's literally the same bottle of paint, but now it's doing this. I wonder if I'm not waiting long enough for the silver to dry before spraying the blue?

In that case, you may have not shaken it enough in previous uses, and the pigment was settled on the bottom with more binder agent being used proportionally in the first few applications.  Again, flow improver is basically binder and should fix the scattered pigment issue.  GW lahmian medium does the same thing, although I've never used it for non-GW paints, only to turn GW paints into inks.

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Out of curiosity, has anyone tried infiltrating a 20-man CSM w/IoE/Khorne Berzerker squad and smashing them into the enemy T1?


Alternatively, 40 Cultists as a hella annoying unit/distraction Carnifex in front of something with anti-tank weapons?


I plan to do this with Arkos and his posse of Faithless Bersekers. +1 charge rerollable for the win.
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Out of curiosity, has anyone tried infiltrating a 20-man CSM w/IoE/Khorne Berzerker squad and smashing them into the enemy T1?


Alternatively, 40 Cultists as a hella annoying unit/distraction Carnifex in front of something with anti-tank weapons?

I plan to do this with Arkos and his posse of Faithless Bersekers. +1 charge rerollable for the win.



What's the plan to keep them alive for T1? 

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Infiltrating is such a great stratagem to stick a thorn into your opponent. I've had my NM infiltrate into cover by my enemy and watched them dish out hurt while absorbing it.


I've been thinking about trying it with plague marines thanks to their durability.

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The question is how much of the opponents army had to focus on them to kill them. It's okay for Cultists to die. In fact that's what they are supposed to do. Means your expensive toys survive longer. ^^

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My game a few weeks ago I had a large NM squad infiltrate into cover. They didn't get to do what I wanted them to do but they attracted a void raven bomber (suffered the most wounds from it), a squad of reavers, and two raiders loaded with warriors. My NM's number dwindled slowly and they even kept up a few rounds of fighting.


I was upset that they didn't get to go in and launch 33 +2d6 shots (11 SB, 2 BM) and then do it again. Looking back now they did attract a ton of attention and kept it busy.

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Who said something about infiltrating Plague Marines? Because I've got a batch nice and ready for ya. I wanted to try and encapsulate a look of Alphas that have changed and become Plague Marines, so that's my inspiration for the chipped and worn off paint. They're not quite finished yet - still a few details and things to go, but for the most part this is the final product. Let me know if you like, and I'll share my secrets.




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Scourged: They look pretty darn good! I am pretty tempted, I have two sets of DI Death Guard where most are going old school cool with legion colors and probably one PM squad getting Black Legion love. However, your scheme is quite intriguing.


As for squads, for about 222 points I get ten noise marines with two blastmasters and eight sonic blasters. For a little less I can get ten plague marines with a plaguesword of the champ and two blight launchers. Believe you me I will stick them into cover. I love that one of these squads can dish out tons of shooting while the other one will probably take forever to die. So I can get them right into my opponents face, with their arms raised and shouting frat boy related challenges for dueling!


Also, to clarify, lets say I bring said NM or PM squad and I bring a rhino for them to use. If I infiltrate the squad do they infiltrate in their transport?

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Out of curiosity, has anyone tried infiltrating a 20-man CSM w/IoE/Khorne Berzerker squad and smashing them into the enemy T1?


Alternatively, 40 Cultists as a hella annoying unit/distraction Carnifex in front of something with anti-tank weapons?


I plan to do this with Arkos and his posse of Faithless Bersekers. +1 charge rerollable for the win.


What's the plan to keep them alive for T1?

Well, infiltration is not deep striking, so they get a full move. The average result of 2D6+1 re-rollable is something like 10". That's a decent threat range where I can hide them from LOS or at least get cover somewhere mid-field. We use a lot of GW terrain and other big buildings, so that's usually not a problem.
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