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2,000 point game tonight against Inquisition/Imperium stuff. I've played against him once the day 8th came out, he brought an inquisitor, 2 Leman Russes, several laser/assault cannon razorbacks, and some acolytes.


I'll try out the Xiphon tonight. If there are other flyers they become target number 1 for the Xiphon, and then it will focus on armor.

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The thrice damned inquisition has delayed my work, but is still in progress.


But I do have a small example of one of the figures in good lighting.


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The better lighting and the black background really helps hos the colour off.



Here is my test figure so you can do a colour comparison.

The white background and the bad lighting gives the impression of the armour being black.

But it's the same paint job.


Which is exactly the effect I was going for. The 2 different layers of Shade on Eshin Grey really paid off.


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List for tonight is pretty similar to last time.


Arkos, 8 Berzerkers, and a Lord in a Rhino (+1 CP)

5x Plasma Chosen and a Lord in a Rhino (Blade of the Hyrdra)

5x Plasma Chosen and a Lord in a Rhino (Intoxicating Elixir, -1 CP)


3x10 Cultists (with chosen lords above as HQ for the battalion, +3 CP)


(Spearhead, Lord with Arkos is the HQ, +1 CP)

2x Scorpius

7x Havoks

Xiphon Interceptor


8 Command Points after relics. 10 placements. I'm thinking about Forward Infiltrating the Havoks into cover midfield. Last game the scorpius' did pretty well, but would have done better if we hadn't been night fighting. Hoping they still do well. Missile Havoks last time were excellent and I hope they stay that way. No psykers this time. I'm not sure what I would want to drop to bring any. I could drop the Scorpius' and bring a battalion of renegades, but I like the scorpius' and would rather bring both or none.


I swapped my sorcerer for a lord and my 2 chaos marine squads for chaos cultists, and then took the chosen down to 5 man squads in order to fit the Xiphon. I was able to upgrade the chosen champions to have combi-plasma so I'll have 5 plasma in each squad.

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With a cunning show of courage and tactical genius I snatched a draw out of the jaws of certain defeat.


Used the open war cards and had to divide my force into three equal parts, bring one more third onto the table each following turn. This favored my opponent who went first.


Objective was a winner take all moveable item that started dead center, winner would be whomever had it at the end of turn 5.


Four turns saw me losing horribly, but having two chaos lords near the objective, locked in combat with a group of crusaders who would not die. Both lords courageously broke from close combat, one grabbing the objective and the other positioning himself between my other lord and my opponent. In his shooting phase he had to shoot most everything at that lord since it was closer than the lord with the objective. He kills that lord with overwhelming firepower, but now has a dilemma.


See, if he kills my last lord in the shooting phase he can't pick up the objective, but if he kills him in close combat he can consolidate onto the objective. He decides to shoot a single immolation flamer at the lord to soften him up so he can kill the lord in close combat.


There are three possible outcomes: I don't die and I win, I die in the shooting phase for a draw, or I die in close combat and lose.


He rolls a 12 for the number of immolation flamer hits, he gets 8 wounds, I fail 5 and tie the game.-


The xiphon lived until turn three with no dedicated anti air, and generally crippled a tank each turn. It rolled a couple of 1s for lascannon damage which was frustrating.


Havoks did well. Fired 8 missiles first turn and took a pair of razorbacks down to just a few wounds between them. They hit an Eversor with a krak missile in overwatch but it wasn't enough to keep him down and they died shortly after.


A rhino kept a culexis annoyed in close combat for a few turns

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After playing a few games I'm starting to make observations about how my units are performing, and will likely be making some adjustments to my future lists based on these observations.


Arkos: Arkos just hasn't been a performer for me so far. He seems schizophrenic. He's tooled up to be an anti-character beast in close combat, but he has a worse invulnerable save than Chaos Lords and doesn't re-roll 1s. He's made it into close combat every time I've used him, but once there he has generally died after a few turns without doing much. 3 damage is awesome, but is wasted on everything but characters and vehicles. His combi-melta is probably not what I would choose if I were equipping a chaos lord to kill characters. For the same points I could take a tooled up Chaos Lord that would be better at either close combat, or vehicle hunting.


Scorpius: These guys have been huge targets and take a lot of fire as soon as they are on the table; on the other hand, they will decimate small squads of infantry every time they shoot. They are surprisingly good at overwatch through sheer volume of fire, high strength, and 2 damage per shot. I don't know if I will always take these, but I have been pretty happy with them so far.


Missile Havoks: Havoks with missile launchers have been my MVPs almost every time I've brought them. I've kind of settled on bringing squads of 7 as that gives me a few ablative wounds while keeping the cost decent. Endless Cacophony has been amazing with them. Allowing 165 points of models to put out 200 points of missile shots a turn is really good.


Plasma Chosen: These guys have been okay for me, but they have the same problem Arkos has, they are schizophrenic. If I want things to shoot plasma I should bring Havoks and save points. If I want things to die in close combat I should bring more berzerkers. Only reason I haven't brought more berzerkers is because I need to buy another box or two of them. 5 rapid fire plasma shots is devastating, but you can do it for less points with Havoks or Fallen.


Chaos Cultists: I've got mixed feelings on these guys. In most of my games they haven't done anything other than put the odd wound on something with autoguns and fill out the troop requirement for a battalion. In one game they kept a bunch of drop pods from landing near my Scorpius', and easily earned their points back.


Chaos Marines: Mixed feelings on these guys as well. A minimum squad with a missile launcher costs over twice as many points as a minimum squad of cultists, so if you are only bringing them to fulfill battalion requirements cultists or 5 marines with no equipment are likely better; however, that single missile launcher with 4 ablative wounds is situationally really nice to have.  I've tried them with a heavy bolter which is more cost effective, but if they have to move the heavy bolter isn't worth bringing. I still haven't tried the plasma/combi-plasma on 5 yet, but it seems like it would work out okay to me.


I think I will try two minimum squads of chaos marines with missile launchers and a moderate sized squad of cultists to bubble wrap my heavy support choices and see how that does.


Rhinos: I have brought three rhinos to my last several games. Last night I could only place one per turn because of the damn game conditions. That's a mistake. Never put only one rhino on the field unless you want it killed in one turn. Three rhinos, two scorpius', and a xiphon on the board means that probably two if not all three rhinos will actually get to move your troops forward, one rhino means it explodes and kills some of the riders inside. I've been bringing rhinos because I don't have anything that can deep strike and I don't have anything else that can move quickly and take objectives. I think I need to free up some points by keeping the rhinos at home and bring some bikers/raptors/terminators instead, but I need to buy those first.


Malefic Lords: 4 Malefic Lords is less points than Lord Arkos, and if brought in a supreme command detachment by themselves they will give you the +1 command point. 4 Malefic Lords will generally do 4 or more wounds per turn with smite. They will also give you a good chance to shut down the enemy psychic phase by giving you four extra chances to deny the witch. They are pretty durable with their 4+ invulnerable save. I will definitely be bringing these more often to "serious" games.


Chaos Lords: I've brought at least two to every match lately and they have always done well. I spend a command point to give both a relic, mostly I just want them to be strength 5 so they can hurt up to Toughness 9 on a 5+, if I don't want to spend the command point for a relic I can just give them a power axe/fist. Blade of the Hydra has been great, strength 5 and extra attacks is nice. Intoxicating elixir is great for the same reason. Black Mace and Axe of Blind Furry both seem like they would work really well. I've been running mine with bolt pistols in the off chance that I want to use the Daemon Shell stratagem. (Now that I think about it I could have used that last night effectively, oh well).


Berzerkers: Mixed feelings on these guys. They are nasty in close combat, but everyone knows that and does their best to keep them from ever getting to close combat. At the end of the day, they are marines who die as easily as marines do. They are a recognized threat and will draw fire. I've been running mine with 3 plasma pistols, power sword on the champion, and then axe/sword on all the rest. Strength 5 on all of them is nice, so the power sword on the champion can damage most things on 5s at worse and has the best AP of the power weapons.


My next 2000 point list is three detachments


supreme command with 4 Malefic Lords


Spearhead with 2 Malefic Lords, 3 Earthshaker Batteries, and 2 Hellforged Scorpius'


Battalion detachment with 2 Lords (power axe/bolt pistol, and chainsword/combi-plasma), 2x 5 marines with heavy bolter, 1x13 cultists, 2x7 havoks with missile launchers, 7 Havoks with 4x plasma/combi-plasma, and a Xiphon Interceptor.


Cultists blob my artillery, chaos marines blob artillery and shoot and maybe eventually hold objectives. Lord with combi-plasma and plasma havoks infiltrate and endless cacophony if needed to fire 22 supercharged plasma into a target re-rolling 1s. Other Lord hangs with the Missile Havoks to re-roll 1s.

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Sounded like a good game. I had one as well last night but with a different Legion. 


With this edition I have been loving the rules for heavy weapons and coupled with the weapons they can bring Havocs have been absolutely stunning for me. They just sit back, worry less about incoming shots(Legion Trait) & wounds(I put them in cover), and then they open up with their weapons. I have been liking missile launchers best because they have a missile type for vehicle killing and another to deal with squads of infantry.


These guys have been a foundation for most chaos armies I have put together.

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New member here, ive just purchased the chaos codex + cards and im ready to dive into the world of alpha legion!


Ive been playing just over year and i started with tau, and i have everything i need so i thought id start something new. Alpha legion lore wise have always appealed to me and with rules drop last month i knew what needed to be done.


I cant wait to start kitbashing (never done it before) and i want something easy to start off. Thinking of some cultists, a sorcerer and a demon prince.


Already got a test model going and i dont know whether to do the 40k or 30k theme. Im not the best painter but i really want to take my time with this army conversion/painting wise.


Im thinking a box of neophyte hybrids, flagellants, fw torso and weapon arms for the culists to start off with, something basic then build up from there.


I want to be eventually competitive adding things such as decimator engines, assault claw, double tapping noise marines, obliterators etc.


Is there any advice people can give to start me off on my journey, i may put a thread up with my progress.


Sorry for the long winded post! Thanks

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New member here, ive just purchased the chaos codex + cards and im ready to dive into the world of alpha legion!


Ive been playing just over year and i started with tau, and i have everything i need so i thought id start something new. Alpha legion lore wise have always appealed to me and with rules drop last month i knew what needed to be done.


I cant wait to start kitbashing (never done it before) and i want something easy to start off. Thinking of some cultists, a sorcerer and a demon prince.


Already got a test model going and i dont know whether to do the 40k or 30k theme. Im not the best painter but i really want to take my time with this army conversion/painting wise.


Im thinking a box of neophyte hybrids, flagellants, fw torso and weapon arms for the culists to start off with, something basic then build up from there.


I want to be eventually competitive adding things such as decimator engines, assault claw, double tapping noise marines, obliterators etc.


Is there any advice people can give to start me off on my journey, i may put a thread up with my progress.


Sorry for the long winded post! Thanks

The cultist recipe sounds good- and the slow 'n steady approach is not a bad one when painting. I am doing that myself with my AL.


Competitive is easy- havoks are deadly and hard to shake, especially if you keep the enemy's faster-moving elements or alpha strikers busy with chaff. Get some lascannons and missile launchers and you can really bring the pain.


Decimators are lovely, and I really like fielding them. Hellflamers, butchercannons, siege claws- the things are like hulking daemonic swiss army knives.

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The decimator engines will have the soul burners along with changling for -2 to hit, havocs sound good, along with quad heavy bolter batteries and combi plasma terminators. Going to do basic detachment first and work towards a 1000pts then go from there.


Is there any other kits i could use for cultists?

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Welcome, operative! Looks like you've come to the right place.


I don't use the cultists but I believe there is a stratagem that helps them out that I want to try some day. Seeing the new guard codex I do want some Chem Dogs so I may have to sneak some into my AL army once I find out all the right bits. Also, anything human can be used as cultists in my opinion, the Alpha Legion can and have made use of everyone and everything. Skitarii infiltrators under deep cover, Escher gangers from Necromunda paid a handsome price, or even a squad of guardsmen under hypnotic conditioning. The right fluff can probably work for quite a few models.


For my army I have been using the heck out of terminators. I loved the idea of an execution/decapitation force of Terminators teleporting into the midst of the foe and causing hell. That unit equipped with combi plasma, mark of Slaanesh, and the Endless Cacophony stratagem can really wreak havoc.


Speaking of havocs I mentioned how much I've been loving them. Lately I have been using missile launchers and autocannons with great success.


Be sure to report progress!

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Played first game with the full codex yesterday against necrons, I'll post a report later, but it felt pretty good. Used cultists to fill up a double Battalion and filled up on havocs, predators and Terminators. The cultists were super useful for objective grabbing and being annoying. Preds and autocannon havocs as a firebase standing next to a lord did the bulk of the killing. Deep striking plasma Terminators were fun (in that 2 of them died from supercharged plasma).


If I had the models I'd consider replacing preds with las/missile dreads to take advantage of the -1 to hit at range.

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That sounds good! I always enjoy a battle report. In my last few games most of my terminator losses were from supercharging despite having a lord nearby for rerolls. It is the risk and danger that makes the game fun however.


I had run lascannon/missile helbrutes but changed the twin lascannon for an autocannon. He made for a decent weapons platform. I love lascannons but I am cursed to never land a hit, even when using a CP to re roll. Also, am I missing something? Wouldn't predators take advantage of the legion trait as well?

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Also, am I missing something? Wouldn't predators take advantage of the legion trait as well?

All of the Legion traits apply specifically to infantry, bikers and helbrutes (keyword, not unit) only. It's slightly confusingly in the main rules for Legion traits rather than in the traits themselves, so easy to miss at a quick glance.

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*swore I posted a responses earlier...


Also, am I missing something? Wouldn't predators take advantage of the legion trait as well?

All of the Legion traits apply specifically to infantry, bikers and helbrutes (keyword, not unit) only. It's slightly confusingly in the main rules for Legion traits rather than in the traits themselves, so easy to miss at a quick glance.



Pretty sure I have read the book at least twice but I checked it out last night and face palmed a bit.

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I finally finished painting and assembling my sergeant


I look a couple of picture in 2 different light settings



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4 marines and a captain are not far behind.

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Having a modelling quandary on my Lord,if you fine folks could weigh in on what head I should pick that'd be awesome! Choices are in the link: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/339733-the-nine-legions-redux/?p=4902766



First off, awesome work on the pose!


I am also partial to the bald heads. I kind of like the BaC without the bionic a wee bit more. For some reason I imagine Alpha Legionaires a shaven headed but thats just me. The more grim/Clint Eastwood stare also shows some menacing composure in that pose.

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Cheers dude, it came together surprisingly easily. A lot of folks are going for one of the bald heads, although I'm kind of partial to C. I'm gonna let it percolate for a bit longer I think.



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