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Thanks Prot.  See if this link to their FB works also for their marketing toward it.  Looking at the comments looks like GW is sourcing players with painted armies.



I like how they are pretty much shaming folks who don't have their stuff painted.. It's gotta be like 80% of folks on fb ;)

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I honestly feel like I take so long painting because I'm bad at it! The better I get at something the less time I take.


It seems like if you're going to go Infantry go Ahriman to save points for more models. If you go Daemon Engine or Land Raider roll with Magnus to hold your back line.

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I take forever to paint stuff... I just brute force it... keep going til it's done


I have a friend who played on warhammer tv with his Harlequins. When he comes back to Canada I'm not looking forward to facing off with that army. They seem very deadly, and super fast. Potentially a very good match up for us.

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Sorry if I missed discussion of this- any thoughts yet on whether the warpflame pistol for the Aspiring Sorcerers is a worthwhile investment?  Sounds like warpflamers are rubrics, but heavy warpflamer isn't for scarab occult.

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Sorry if I missed discussion of this- any thoughts yet on whether the warpflame pistol for the Aspiring Sorcerers is a worthwhile investment?  Sounds like warpflamers are rubrics, but heavy warpflamer isn't for scarab occult.

The range is a big issue. By the time you get in range to fire them, you are going to get charged, last place you want rubrics is in combat.

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Sorry if I missed discussion of this- any thoughts yet on whether the warpflame pistol for the Aspiring Sorcerers is a worthwhile investment?  Sounds like warpflamers are rubrics, but heavy warpflamer isn't for scarab occult.

The range is a big issue. By the time you get in range to fire them, you are going to get charged, last place you want rubrics is in combat.

But it is worth noting you are hitting full force with tjose flamers in overwatch.

I'll be experimenting with some extra Warp flamers in my next game... probably Friday.

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Does anybody that saw the dark angels versus 1000 sons match spoken of earlier care to give a brief synopsis of how that went down for us cheapskates that don't want to Pay for a twitch prime account?
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I meant charge with SOTS not charge SOTs. I was hesitant with charging SOTs in 7th though with ap -3, teleporting, warp time shenanigans, this seems much more viable now with less worry on range with a flamer.
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Wow, I had missed that detail on Magnus! He looks better and better though looking forward to hearing how he is in actual play and what strategies come up to protect him (being in CC as much as possible, fly etc...)


The scans are great but looking forward to actually holding the books to dig deeper. My group is focused on Shadow War Armegeddon right now anyway until 8th drops officially. :/.

The way to play him now is to charge while screaming : BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! ;P

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Played my first game, Dark Angels (pure deathwing + a single flyer) vs a 1400 point list for thousand sons. (he had an odd number of points so it was slightly more then this)

10 Rubrics in rhino, 10 rubrics on foot, 25 cultists, 2 exalted sorcerers, forgefiend, maulerfiend, Ahriman on disc. 


He had 5 knights, champion, apothecary, librarian, 10 man unit with rockets/assault cannon, chaplain, the Nephilim flyer (void cannon and the 24 bolter shot one) 


Game went.....very badly the first few turns, but this is due to Ap -2 bolters not really making a difference against 3++ invulnerable save models, and that my friend has a habit of making a ludicrous amount of invulnerable saves.  He lands a unit of knights and makes the charge on an 8 so my one unit of rubrics is put directly into combat top of turn 1. (The case for flamers right bloody here)  Of course being that they are tougher then regular models my rubrics actually survived and pulled back so my Maulerfiend could engage.  the fiend kills a few but is eventually beaten to death, but overall im actually quite impressed with its damage output! Its still a very good walker (had he not rolled almost 20 3++ saves over the course of a few turns..... the fiend wouldve done fine :p) 


Note; Infernal Engine is fantastic. +1 wound healed each turn is fantastic, and kept the buggers in the "good" brackets of health far longer then one would expect. 


Ahriman I made a huge tactical error with.  I moved him closer to support that group and in doing so made him the perfect target for the Nephilim, it flew directly so that ahriman was the closest model (silly me for not paying attention) and Ahriman takes 4 wounds from the cannon, and another final wound from its crazy amount of bolter shots.  Should have kept him buried in the dang Cultists as he was. 

my Forgefiend had been consistently getting the spell debuff for -1 BS/WS from the dark angel libby, so he failed to do anything the first couple turns...and when i finally was able to stop it the forgefiend in 1 turn of shooting grinded through almost half the squad of terminators in a single go of shooting.  So thats a thing....may be expensive but they are DANGEROUS.  


I buffed my second rubric squad with Prescience, they get out of the rhino and light up the flyer that just killed Ahriman, bringing it down to 1 wound. unfortunately everything in the army shooting at it was not enough to kill it leaving it at 1 wound, it then proceeds to void-bomb the Rubrics killing 3 with Mortals.  Ouch. 


Cultists are then shot off the table by its bolters, however in a hilarious turn of events the fighter is finally shot down......by the RHINO.  4 shot bolters on rhinos are fun. 


end of the game one of my exalted sorcerers beats his deathwing champion to death, the other exalted gets obliterated by his Chaplain, a loss....but not as bad as one would think, it looked awful the first few turns but a good round of shooting leveled the playing field ALOT. Funny ending; the rhino charges....and proceeds to grind a single deathwing knight to death under its tracks.....


Observation; Deathwing are nasty this edition, this of course was just a play testing game but it reinforces my thoughts that a "mostly terminator" list would work a charm.  Ironically I was thinking of doing nothing but spamming rubrics/terminators/tzaangors and said "no, thatd be a bit rough for him so ill go easier this time around" taking the cultists.... Never leaving the bloody tzaangors at home again.  

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I am not terribly good at them, but its just some observations.  Of course a game against pure deathwing is highly skewed given the nature of 2+/3++/5++/2 wound models. 

So perhaps not the best barometer....that and him making a ludicrous number of saves which I kept in mind. 


Question; can our guys cast smite while engaged in combat? it came up but i didnt use it this game, and if casting and it happens that an engage unit is closest first do we hit them with a smite? 

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It never says we can't, so I assume we can. Keywords like "witchfires" don't exist anymore so it looks like all psychic powers are fair game in combat including infernal gaze.

And so far we haven't seen any catastrophically damaging psychic powers anyway so I think this makes sense.

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Great write up.  Its good to see that though the first few round went badly you were able to still compete in the later rounds.


Man a lot of termies are tough for us though great to see the fiend doing its part.


Smite in CC would be great.

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Great write up.  Its good to see that though the first few round went badly you were able to still compete in the later rounds.


Man a lot of termies are tough for us though great to see the fiend doing its part.


Smite in CC would be great.


IKR? I was shocked that within a single round I managed to come back, even taking 20 rubrics I did not just die like a scrub. 


Rubrics are great now overall, very survivable, reliable, and good guns.  the 5++ (re-rolling ones) really did work this game, even though "all is dust" didnt help very much in the circumstance. 


The forgefiends damage output is great with 2 flat per wound dealt. It feels worth its cost. 


Side note; Never take cultists in a thousand sons list...  You get double the bang for your buck for 2 points more in Tzaangors, there is literally *no* reason to take a unit of cultists over tzaangor at all, pay the extra points for a unit that is far far far better as of the moments given synergies. 


Remember "Lord of the Thousand Sons" DOES effect tzzangors (and I think it also effects maulers/forges doesnt it?) 


Edit;  DAMN IT!  I forgot Death to the False Emperor!!!!!!!!!! THE ENTIRE GAME! >_>; 

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Honestly, I think we would be better at taking on termies than most armies with the ludicrous amounts of ap-2 and Decent amounts of smite going on. Am I wrong?


He had a big block of knights, 3++ invul (and made TONS of saves) 


That was the issue, 3++ invul and his ridiculous luck that game. (though smite helped!) 


against normal terminators you are spot on. 

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