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Oooh Not Grimnar looks great. That axe looks frosty as... The orange could be the Jarls hair colour?


Now I have to replace the axe for the ETL...but I'll use the Jarl far more than I use Santa on his sled


and yes, that makes perfect sense. Please excuse my sleep deprived rambling

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Got a game against RR this Saturday

Points: 5770 (the highest RR can reach at the moment)
Not crazy about the army list, still VERY small compared to what I am used to.

Decapitation Strike
Praetor with Legion Command Squad Squad in Anvillus
Praetor with 10 Cataphractii in Spartan
MoS with Thudd Guns

2x10 Tactical Marines in Drop Pods
2x10 Tactical Support Marines in Drop Pods
1x15 Tactical Marines

1x3 Contemptor Talon
1x6 Mor Deythan

1x10 Dark Furies
Leviathan Dreadnought Talon 1x3
Points: 5766
Probably more hateful than I'd usually go, but the Decapitation Strike actually prevented me from taking the friendlier list I had originally planned for. (i had planned for allies to try out somethings, but re-read the Decap Strike and saw it PREVENTS me from taking Marine allies)
I'd feel worse about the above list, but Rx2 is bring Lorgar. He deserves the hate.
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Bah! Were it not for his psychic shenanigans he'd be the weakest of the Primarchs!


Thats like saying without Horus's armor he'd be a punk.


a dude with primarch level stats who can toss powers with ease is nothing to laugh at. 


Well, if we're going by pure in-game stats, Non-Transfigured Lorgar can almost be reliably killed by Sigismund in CC; its only because of the Psychic Powers giving him a bit more Staying Power...or Invisibility...that really makes him potent.


What will really up the Ante is Magnus.


Oh, and since Lorgars a Psyker I think he'd deny Corax's Snap Shot debuff in this instance?

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Russ just breaks magnus' back on a 2+  everytime they are in  close combat forcing him to be removed from play along with every  unit with  LA: Thousand sons 


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