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Woah woah woah there Bladewolf.


Let the man get the batrep up first... Getting the result before seeing the fight is like getting a sunday dinner and eating the steak first ;)

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So tempted to ruin the ending of it before WLK posts it, lol. It was probably one of the most brutal beatings eve though, I'll say that much. I think it was revenge for playing chaos and trouncing WLK from the 3.5 codex.

Edited by Rayray
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Yea, I got distracted by job 2 and the weather today,so the report will go up tomorrow...


that said, RR does give away the ending.


EDIT: I've just decided sleep is for the weak. I'm going to post tonight!


so no replies in thread until I finished, dont break up the report!

Edited by Wolf Lord Kieran
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Mission was Maelstrom 6

RR won roll to go first, I failed both re-roll and to Seize

Game size was 5770 points (highest RR can meet at moment)


Raven Guard

-Corax and 10 Dark Furies

-Praetor and 4 Legion Command Squad in Anvillus

-Praetor with 8 Cataphractii in Spartan

-Master of Signals with 2 Thudd Guns


Mor Deythan 1x10

Contemptor Talon 1x3


Tactical Squad 2x10 in Drop Pod

Tactcial Squad 1x15

Tactical Support Volkie 1x10 in Drop Pod

Tactical Support Plasma 1x10 in Drop Pod


Leviathan Talon 1x3

5772 pts


Will update whenever RR gets copy of list to me


Table view


My deployment



RR Deployment




Mor Deythan sneaky Infiltrate move

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Turn 1


I didnt take many pics of RR advance, and his turn 1 had light damage across the army but no outright destruction. Did kill 1 of my 2 thudd guns


Plasma and Volkite squads arrive and open fire at Erebus and 20 strong Tactical Squad.


the Mor Deythan move to flamer the Tzeentch flamers


Table view (yes, 2 of my Leviathans crept into cover. Thats a armor+flesh bane'd Bloodthirster aimingat them, I want cover to swing first)



Turn 2

RR Daemon allies arrive, but a pack of Bloodletters Mishaps to the far table corner


The Flesh Hounds and Bloodthirster move to engage both Leviathans...


Erebus and lackey charge the depleted Volite Squad in CC


The Flesh Hounds make their charge, but the Blood Thirster fails! The Hounds cannot hurt the Leviathan, but do tarpit it in CC


One of my 2 Tactical Squads arrive and make suicidal move to steal objective from RR's deployment zone


Table view



Corax and Dark Furies move to engage summoned Pink Horror squad, Leviathan 2 moves to aid tarpitted Leviathan while last Leviathan moves to engage the Soul Grinder


My Contemptors and Mor Deythan move to challenge RR on my right (he has 2 Contemptors in the middle ruins)


the 15 strong Tactical Squad unleashes the Fury of the Legion, and kill the Bloodthirster!


but my dice continue to dislike the Leviathans and now 2 are tarpitted


Corax and the Dark Furies make short work of the Pink Horrors


I can only immobilize the Soul Grinder, and now my last Leviathan is locked in CC


this "fight" continues on, with nobody hurting the other


Table view of my left flank

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Turn 3

View of RR left flank...my Anvillus creeps beind Lorgar's position


RR moves his Cataphractii and Zardul to deal with my newly arrived Tactical Squad while Possessed in Spartan and Mhara Gal move towards Corax and Dark Furies in the ruins


It's going to get ugly in there...


the Possessed arrive


RR Contemptor and Melta Support squad wipe out my Plasma Support squad


RR charges a Contemptor into my Spartan while the Possessed engage above


with predictable results...


My last Tactical Squad arrives behind Lorgar and 20 Tactical Squad, the remnants of the other Drop Pod tactical squad and my Praetor and Command Squad emerge to try and assassinate Lorgar!


My Contemptors leave all cover to push RR back or support the assassination attempt


Corax, who broke from combat as the Dark Furies were torn apart, joins Jarl Kjaran Randulfsson to purge the Possessed while the Cataphractii Terminators move towards Mhara Gal


My Leviath finally finishes off the Soul Grinder while the Tactical Squad moves towards the Plague Bearer unit


Yea, this was cool



RR's Contemptor kills my charging Contemptor with his overwatching Multi-Melta


table view


While Corax butchers the Possessed, Jarl Kjaran engages his opposite number among the Word Bearers...


and paragon's his head off, take no damage in return!


the dogs are dying, but not fast enough


Unpictured, the massed chain fists of the Cataphractii turn the Mhara Gal into scrap.


the Mor Deythan kill the Rhino with some grenades


the mass fire kills around 12 of the Tactical Squad, and the Praetor and Command Squad thunder into combat with Lorgar and friends!


With predictable results...Lorgar IS a primarch.


The combat ends this round...

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Turn 4

Damn near everything in RR army moves to aid his Primarch!


Erebus moves into Sonic Shriek range




Corax Hits and Runs from Combat after failing to kill the Possessed Champion, leaving Jarl Kjaran to face the beast

The Cataphractii move to attack the enemy Cataphractii


the Praetor kills the last of the Tactical squad while Lorgar finishes his Command Squad...its starting to look bad back here


Corax races towards his treacherous brother


While my last Contemptor charges Zardul and his Blade Slaves who just wiped out the 5 strong Drop Tactical Squad


Its clunky combat time!


The Jarl makes short work of his latest opponent


While my Leviathan moves to engage the Bloodletter squad who have been racing to get back into the fight


Jarl Kjaran Randulfsson is pretty angry right now


The Leviathan plunges into the Blood God's minions


While I lose 3, the enemy Cataphactii are wiped out


Let's get serious this round...


Or not. My to Wound rolls...


Corax makes his charge!

While he wounds his brother 2 times, he is wounded and concussed in return

Edited by Wolf Lord Kieran
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Turn 5

the summoned Daemonettes charge into the remnants of my Cataphractii Squad


and butcher them with ease


i finally kill a single Blade Slave


Combat continues, with Lorgar failing to cast his first psychic buff (re-roll hits+wounds+saves), but gets his second (re-roll hits+wounds). Corax uses his fighting style and gives Loragr a -1 to hit him, and Lorgar uses his ability to make all 5+6's rolled to wound be re-rolled


My Contemptor moves to charge the Word Bearer Spartan


Corax finally dispatches Lorgar and the two Praetors join forces to wipe out the Word Bearer artillery position


the table at the end of the game


the final score

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RR was tabled, the first time I think I ever did that.


-Lorgar was nastier than I thought he would be (serves me right for thinking of him as weak), and his buffs were invaluable across the field.

-the Tactical Squad using "Fury of the Legion" on the Bloodthirster was damn crazy and more luck than anything. I did the exact number of wounds needed to drop him, not a single one more.

-Mhara Gal scares me. His ignoring terrain allows him to spring into combat suddenly and took me by surprise. The Dark Fury Squad paid for that one.

-It seems that whenever I get a new dread on the table, RR manages to get his Flesh Hounds in combat with them turn 2. I have to start thinking smarter to avoid that tarpit tactic RR pulls of so swell.


a very enjoyable game, which was very tense the first 2 turns. It took RR not scoring 2 turns for me to pull firmly ahead, and killing a Primarch scored me a stupid number of points (Price of Failure, Prioritize and Destroy, Slay the Warlord)


all for now gang. 
Hope this was worth the read. (and wait)

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After thinking about this game while working out, I've come to realize I pretty much lost this game in the deployment. By not being aggressive enough with nearly any portion of my word bearer's force, I feel like I let WLK pick his battles after shooting anything that he knew he would have trouble with. It was a great game with K using his army like a pro,  but apparently I'm not throwing enough rocks and am guilty of using my Primarch like a priss. An even better game next time, no?

Edited by Rayray
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Rayray, You always learn more in defeat than you do in victory. Or atleast that is what I have found.


Not being there to see th e bigger picture it is hard to advise you on what to put where, but you seem to be getting a good grasp of your army. For example the tarpitting of the Leviathans for one thing,


Looks like you 2 had a great time though... Damn I need to get a friend over here into the Heresy. So far all he is interested in is the Dark Angels.

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Maybe you should grab your friend and head towards Florida. lol. As far as the game goes, it really boiled down to the setup. I should have packed Lorgar with the Terminaters into the land raider, as WLK told me, deep struck the gal vorbak, and genuinely pushed forward with every single model in my army in order to force WLK into reacting instead of being the aggressor. The bloodthirster going down like a lead weight should have been no surprise to me with him being unsupported, and WLK capitalized on that along with drop podding in to handle his armies possible problem units. Chest and Bicep days are good for days when you need to think back to what went wrong in a game.

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Hmmm... Devastation in Disney... The battle of Paramount..... The Rumble in the Busch Gardens Jungle.


So now you know what to do next time, although be warned. Now WLK knows too.


Learn your strengths and play to them


Or switch to Iron Warriors :D

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Damn I need to get a friend over here into the Heresy. So far all he is interested in is the Dark Angels


Yes, more knights for the Ist Legion! plus you could some great SW vs DA battles 


@RR; I think it's also important to realize what you did right as well as your mistakes. For instance, the warhounds did a bang-up job of reducing the Leviathan's impact for a couple turns. Looking at both I feel lets you think up new strategies that capitalize both on what's worked before and on what you've learned from mis-steps. Although what do I know, I'm not exactly Sun Tzu over here:tongue.: .


On another note I'm not actually too far from you guys; maybe sometime I could head up and we can party like they used to in M30 :biggrin.:

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Heck yeah! Get over here, Jerichus! 30k is happenin! I would say that there were a few things that went right overall, such as my Kheres gun-contemptors and the flesh-hounds, but the flesh-hounds are the mvp's overall. If your mvp's are a tar-pitting unit, you know you've made a mis-step in a game, LMAO. I have to say that WLK's tactics with walking walls of armor and drop pods are the stuff of nightmares, and I have to say that the 4th quarter punch between his praetor pod and spartan with catephracti's and praetor was really awesome

Edited by Rayray
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It sounds more like facing Imperial Fists than Raven Guard.


Sounds like you need podding or teleportation of your own into his backfield, to either get at the squishy rear of his armour & to slow his rate of advance

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They were hands down raven guard. He brought units that held down the opponent while slicing up the pieces he needed in decisive strikes. Maybe not the end all be all most RG thing to do, but I envision that that's how Corax would have fought that fight in a book.

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It sounds more like facing Imperial Fists than Raven Guard.


Sounds like you need podding or teleportation of your own into his backfield, to either get at the squishy rear of his armour & to slow his rate of advance

Can you elaborate on that first sentence?


I know Rayray has 2 10 man ashen circle coming in, and I advised him in the past and on Saturday to start deep striking the Gal Vorbak. They are too big and skilled to be ignored.

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On another note I'm not actually too far from you guys; maybe sometime I could head up and we can party like they used to in M30 :biggrin.:

Where are you located?

Ray and I are both in north east Florida (him in jax and I in Fernandina Beach) and I'd love to arrange something. Killing another traitor would be fun!

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The walls of armour part lol... Sounds like you have a darned good gameplan though.


I can't really comment on strategies, my last game was middle of last year. 


This may be a heretical idea, but have you considered swapping armies, or running his word bearers while he runs a different army.

Maybe seeing other tactics used might help him to see where strengths and weaknesses of his army lie

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Where are you located?

Ray and I are both in north east Florida (him in jax and I in Fernandina Beach) and I'd love to arrange something. Killing another traitor would be fun!



I'm kinda half-way between Orlando and Deland. Not an unmanageable drive by far!


I'd love to play vs either of you. And killing an honourless rogue would be entertaining.


Feel free to shoot me a PM whenever you feel like facing the DAngels!

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The walls of armour part lol... Sounds like you have a darned good gameplan though.


I can't really comment on strategies, my last game was middle of last year. 


This may be a heretical idea, but have you considered swapping armies, or running his word bearers while he runs a different army.

Maybe seeing other tactics used might help him to see where strengths and weaknesses of his army lie


Well I figure that the Raven Guard have one thing in abundance...wounded. Angry, angry wounded. While heavy armor goes against the ethos of the RG, I see Dreadnoughts as being the answer to many of their problems.


We havent discussed swapping armies, but these reports only show the results. I can vouch that during the first 3 turns, RR and I were pounding each other's armies pretty hard. It took multiple turns and preventing RR from scoring for me to pull so far ahead. RR has also had some utterly apalling luck pulling Strategy Cards, often pulling Secure Objectives that I firmly control. The mission starts off with alot of cards, but quickly drains to a halt.


Ray and I play at a leisurely pace, often taking breaks after every single game turn. We discuss what happened, what could have happened, what was purely a mistake, all that crap. We often discuss tactics mid-turn as well, and coach each other for the best result...or the coolest result. We often play the Rule of Cool (which explains how the ambush of Lorgar occured)



Where are you located?

Ray and I are both in north east Florida (him in jax and I in Fernandina Beach) and I'd love to arrange something. Killing another traitor would be fun!



I'm kinda half-way between Orlando and Deland. Not an unmanageable drive by far!


I'd love to play vs either of you. And killing an honourless rogue would be entertaining.


Feel free to shoot me a PM whenever you feel like facing the DAngels!



Will do! We are always looking to expand our Heresy circle

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