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I'm a jerk most of the time, but I try to be an honest jerk.


Lorgar gave Corax some s8 love taps and I failed to make invul saves or it will not die rolls.

Corax got out of that fight by apply liberal use of -1 to hit and lightning claws

The fight actually was drawn out enough to be a very good one. I wasn't fooling myself though, I knew the chance was there for him to bite the bullet...erm...talon...

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So I just lost 5 days of drafts.  

All of the Terran and Fenrisian Space Wolves Defending a Floating hive city that  is ringed by Promethium Oil Rigs Vs Ork Pirate stuff I was doing for Dantay.  

The ending to the Boria campaign where the 775th start wearing the Veterans Crusader Cross.

A drafted out 775th Zone Mortalis Encounters  one that saw  Godfrey , Humbolt ( Leviathan ) two contemptors and  a Terminator Bodyguard investigating a  distress call from a Raven Guard Predation Fleet ship crashed into a  space station and under assault by a particular Word Bearers Captain  trying through sacrifice to bring a particular demon  into realspace 

Im so angry I could  take a rock to my  laptop 

Edited by Bladewolf
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Create an even bigger draft including all of our characters. I'm sorry for your loss. Heck, I've got no complaints even having any mention of my armies being trounced by WLK's RG, if you did include us in anything.

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I think we need to chip in and get BladeWolf a portable hard drive.


That sucks man.... I have never had that happen to me, but if I did, I'd be going to the 2016 Olympics for discus, with a laptop.


It is a real pity about the laptop.


Don't beat up on yourself too much though :censored:  happens.

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Current question plaguing WLK:


RR and I have been bros since about 2002. 

We murderize each other on a regular basis.

We rarely play on the same side as he is a dirty traitor.


So we made each other a deal: He'd build a loyalist force and I'd build a traitor force. So we can wreck face for both the Emperor and the Warmaster. I'm stuck to who I should burn the galaxy with, this is where I am stuck:

1) Iron Warriors, HEAVY artillery, managable paint scheme, brutal rules
2) World Eaters, love Angron, love the Legion attitude, meh on the rules and hate painting clean white

3) Death Guard, I wanna field so much phosphex it'll make the BP spill look like a used hankie.

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Sounds cool! I've been thinking about starting a traitor legion myself(hurr durr but DA are traitors). I need to get my army up to force first though.


So, to address those options one by one:


1). I like IW too, especially with their uber-pragmatic thinking (and hazard stripes!!).

My main question would be how you would feel playing with the more shooting-oriented IW as opposed to your proponence for the melee-oriented RG and SW. Not to say one cannot run melee IW; just that their unique units and rules lend themselves to massed gunlines and artillery.


Might be a plus in the sense that it's a fresh playstyle or a minus in that it's a different playstyle than you want.


2). I love how the WE sculpts look. Especially those greek gladiator-style helms and chains.


Kind of the opposite in regards to rules from the previous legion; they might be somewhat similar to your RG in that their shtick is overwhelming assaults, although they might be more mechanised than the assault-packing RG.


As for the paint scheme you could always paint them as War hounds or halfway through the transitions to their 40k scheme. 


3). Phosphex for days indeed, my friend. 


I'm unfamiliar as to the DG's rules, from hearsay I've heard they like lots of footslogging infantry that just drown you in grenades and bolter fire. Might be fun, but I personally am not a huge fan of that playstyle, so, like I said, not exactly able to contribute a huge amount of advice.


Have either you or R2  thought about using stuff like traitor mechanicum or Solar Auxilia, or are you comitted to an opposite legion? I'd think their might be some fun stuff there, so just throwing it out(I've heard Scoria is an interesting character in particular).

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Canr iron warriors also use phosphex via the medusa shells?

They are also the only one wheee you mentioned a manageable colour scheme.

What about shattered legion and do a bit of each?

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do iron warriors  cause they have a notable Loyalist HQ  so if you need to savagely pound Ray Ray into the dust  as loyalist iron warriors ( when not assisting him as traitor iron warriors )  its entirely feasible 

Just Read the Fluff for Kyr  , trust me hes a bad bad man 

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And they'd make a good anvil for his Raven Guard hammer, besides I though Iron Warriors were noted for their savagery when assaulting enemy breaches etc.

Edited by dantay_xv
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Maybe I'll look him up...what book? I think that WLK's side of the project will probably happen before my side of it, as I want to be done with collecting the WB army before starting another, especially considering that the new army may very well see my 40k wb's going the way of the dodo.

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