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I actually see the game more like this 


cause the Ray Ray v WLK  fued is a lot like the Kane and Taker one with an underlying brotherhood/friendship  

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Those were the days. I hope our feud is that epic. I really think this weekend will be an ugly hate match full of tough choices and hilarious rolls. After completeing assembly on one of WLK's models, I'll be dreading seeing the thing across the table.

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for something hobby related...


half of a WiP Wolf pack Im building. Im currently arming them as a Legion Veteran Tactical Squad. If the Wolves change drastically, they'll hang out with the RG and represent.



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I bet his die rolls would whiff big time over that one....

Thank you Rayray.


I am trapped in the middle of the sea... on a boat full of men



Thank you!


I think they are a bit boring as is, and plan on using extra bits from my Thunderwolf sprue (such as pelts, necklaces and such) to wolf them up a bit.

I'm trying to find the fine line between themed and parody.


Not too boring, mine ar quite plain, letting the sculpts speak for themselves.... Plus I want to see what FW do, so I can tart them up to match :biggrin.:

Worst case scenario, is that my guys are Terrans and less influenced by the Fenrisian ways of the stripling Legionnaries sent to join them ;)

Edited by dantay_xv
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I'm more of a mk3 fan, but mk2 is growing on me.


Frankly, if a plastic mk3 kit is released with the next rumored gw HH release, my wallet is going to need a doctor because I'm gutting that fool


The squad leader for the veteran tactical squad






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Is tat a despoiler you used for the conversion.


I have to say I am a mark 3 man myself as well... Just look brutal. The hammer looks good. Did you pin it?


Also I have that old school Space Wolves codex at home too!!

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The whole squad is despoilers.


I didn't pin it, I actually haven't pinned anything before. If it's done by me it's a combination of blood, loc-tite and tears.


I didn't mean to use my 2nd Ed book as a cutting board but it was the only thing in reach and I was very tired.

But yea, I keep any rule book the Wolves get attention in

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The whole squad is despoilers.


I didn't pin it, I actually haven't pinned anything before. If it's done by me it's a combination of blood, loc-tite and tears.


I didn't mean to use my 2nd Ed book as a cutting board but it was the only thing in reach and I was very tired.

But yea, I keep any rule book the Wolves get attention in

I also know of the flesh tearing struggle you endure, brother.


I like your wolf pack as well! here's hoping the wolves get their just due when they do get their time in the limelight; I would not want any upcoming honor duels with the Ist to be lacking challenge :cool.:

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What an interesting question you pose, my brother of Fenris. However, I posit that one must have the freedom to act without nobility for their choice to remain noble to mean anything. I suppose you would not appreciate that distinction given the leash about your throat, though. :tongue.:


In all seriousness, I can't wait for the battle report! I'm eager to see the two primarchs(potentially) meet in battle!

Edited by Jerichus
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