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SMM's Horus Heresy WIP Armies - Iron Warriors 1000 points


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Yeah, I'm quite a fan of them so far Charlo, though i do reallly like the new kits too


I didn't have this done in time for my previous update, but I did a red version of the face plate terror marks that i started to use recently, gotta say im hooked on them.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I got the betrayal at calth dudes this week so I've been hard at work making and painting them up as tac/vet marines, but I did get distracted and made Madrym Llansahai out of my very limited bits.









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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright so this is a fairly decent update; as a nice little christmas gift to myself I got a Fire Raptor for my VIIIth Legion. Now I'd heard they were a pain at best of times to put together, and the friend I bought it from attested to this fact; it had taken him 20 hours and 10 stitches to put his together. My first problem was the instructions, as my friend had got it from china, though this fact did give me some hope for the assembly as I've heard they can give unwarped stuff a lot of the time. 


This wasn't the case, the right main wall (as well as a number of other pieces) was indeed warped and to make it even better it was twisted instead of bent, causing a whole slew of gaps throughout the build. Unfortunately I don't have the equipment to fix those kinds of warps so in the end I had to leave the wing supports not connected to the center  piece and fill as many other gaps as I could with greenstuff. Thankfully, its pretty hard to notice 90% of the imperfections post paintjob.


VIIIth Legion Gunship Afortiori 







The waist turrets are magnatized for travel, though I didn't magnatize the guns themselves as I don't think I can ever see myself not taking the reaper batteries.


Painting wise I think its closer to the sicaran or spartan rather than the xiphon as its such a large model and I needed to break the blue up with bronze and black. I did try and keep the paint chips, relatively light other directional weathering red canopy to tie them together. 


I do need to get its base done too (its borrowing the Xiphons currently), but so do my BaC marines so I can get it all done at once for my game saturday.


Thanks for looking and hopefully more updates soon :)

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Great looking fire raptor, dude. Although from China, I can't see any flaws! Teasing nitpick: those aren't reaper batteries, they're autocannons. Reaper batteries should have four barrels each. :tongue.:


Oh, and that Madrym Llansahai looks great. I'm totally stealing the idea of those backpack mounted thingies. :tu:

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Thanks friend :smile.: . I was actually a bit confused over the kit only having 2 auto cannon barrels per, but I looked at forgeworld and that's how it comes and the only options in 30k are the quad bolters or reaper battery, so at least there's no confusion.
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These guys are basically done, except for the bases needing a bit of detailing on the bases. I do think I'll need to give these guys proper highlights as the armour is super smooth and doesn't create any contrast like the mkIII. I'm also debating the studded portions being a solid colour



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Thanks Viridia :)


Updated the Vets a bit, darkened the pads into more of a bronze and did the faceplates in bone to add more detail and break up the blue



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Flaymaster confirmed best anti-air option available for Night Lords? :tongue.:


Very enjoyable!


For sure. Our last game, where he was used for the first time, he charged through a Helm of Blind Judges Overwatch and Instant Killed the Cataphractii armoured Warlord with his knife.


Flaymaster sleeper OP ;)

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Always nice to see you & Ben throw down. I've been working hard on my own stuff so we can meet at the table again; maybe tournament practice (invite permitting of course) in the near future?
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  • 4 weeks later...
Its been a while with no updates, mainly because I've been doing commission work and have had little time for my own stuff, but here's what I've managed to sneak in.


Fully built 5 man plasma support squad, I used them in a game last week where they held down the fort from outriders and a flamer support squad so they deserve a paintjob soon.




And because of the upcoming Heresy tournament I'll be co-running (and playing in) in march, more terminators, tho still half assembled/painted currently. Planning on giving them powerfists, but not sure if combi weapons and/or plasma blaster for ranged.




Also as a bonus, you guys can watch me get ruined by a daemon list, enjoy! :laugh.:


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Looking good, man! I'm working on a plasma support squad myself.


Also loving the bat-reps. You bros do good work. Gotta watch out for those Soul Grinders though :biggrin.:




Also, you bear a striking resemblance to Wes Bentley. 


Good job. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
Not a lot of progress on here, what with all the Mechanicum painting I've been doing, but I have made some progress. 


First off is the Plasma Support squad is 90% done, I need to make the bases actually look impressive and blend the plasma, but are good to go other than that. I used all the heads with down slanted grills on these guys to give them more of a menacing appearance compared to the bolter wielding mk IV guys, but kept the white faceplate theme going.








I also have a normal apothecary awaiting paint



And finally, for a double sell-out moment, another Cover Slaves Battle Report, where Stricken puts the boots to me, medium style, and my plasma terminators continue their streak of being useless



@Flint Its all in the eyebrows and cheekbones :P

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