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Oh holy crap... You win the arms race :) Awesome looking army.


Struggling for a name for the Primus Medicae at the mo, but will get back to you if I have an idea.


Are your terminators first company Templars under Sigismunds command or are they from another company?


If another company then stick to yellow pauldrons. In fact keep tem yellow, the bone helms look good. If you really want to include bone armour, maybe a leg plate with a black templar cross?


Acheron looks ace too :tu:

Played Against Chaos Space Marines today 

Some Interesting Notes 
Venerable Brother Bohemond dropped in ,  and took out the entire anti tank havok squad with phosphex and his grav flux bombard , he also blew up a cultist squad and stripped 2 hull points off the hullbrute in another turn from the grav flux bombard .  He then killed it before it could swing in melee. Very effective 

The Sicarian Battle Tank actually shot down a helldrake , it was glorious 

Sigismund and Godfrey with the Templar brethren is a fun unit when you can just chew other units to death with them.  The enemy warlord was a psyker so it was even sweeter a victory.  I feel like Godfrey is mostly there for Rad Grenades , but he just so badly wants to be one of the Templar that im sure he dosent mind. 

Primus Medicae feel no  pain saves for unit : 4  

Sicarian Venator blew up a hellbrute after the predators did a good bit of work on the cultists to remove its cover save

Jetbikes did okay,  I  plan on  stripping these to repaint them for my upcoming Ravenwing Protocols allied project , I am pleased with their performance in this game I cant wait till im feilding twelve of them with acid bolts 

I underestimated his vindicator and paid for it in templar lives. Mine are always so lack luster , his was right on point. 

I  rolled 5 direct hits in  a row on a scatter die. 

I had a lot of fun , and my opponent said he did to  as he is a co worker of mine Im glad thats the case. 

Primus Medicae still needs a name @ u @    I  will tell you  that my Dark Angels Praetor is named Hadriel and the mark of his order is the Ravens Wing ( Get hype)  not sure how and when exactly he and Godfrey crossed paths suggestions welcome. 

All for now , thanks for checking in. 


Primus Medicae still needs a name @ u @ I will tell you that my Dark Angels Praetor is named Hadriel and the mark of his order is the Ravens Wing ( Get hype) not sure how and when exactly he and Godfrey crossed paths suggestions welcome.

It's like you're just reading and Blade comes in like





Looks like you had a lot of fun, anyways. Always enjoy your batreps!

Amusingly enough , I  challenged my brother Matt  to step from his comfort zone and paint some space wolves , in turn I  said I  would work on  some Ravenwing. Though I  plan on  doing so in  30k as opposed to 40k.  

Hadriel as a character will take the form of a Legion Praetor with a Paragon Blade , Digilazers , Iron Halo , Jetbike , with Rad Grenades and Acid Shells for his Jetbike
He and his command squad were trained in the ways of the old Knightly Orders i.e. the sort of third wave of Dark Angels raised up by Luther and heavily influenced by the old traditions of the Order.   

He and Godfrey get along but only tentatively so due to the circumstance of their meeting which revolves around culling a Xenos race called the Ythriss Parasite.  A race of parasitic xenos that work  somewhat in a hivemind they burrow into their hosts and rewrite their DNA  causing rapid mutation into any one of the specific castes of their kind.  At the time of Godfrey and Hadriel's meeting , Hadriel and his chapter are doing their best to contain and destroy an outbreak of these things on an Agri world.  


  • 3 weeks later...


This is me , This is me trying to wrap my head around work , the Hobby , and my responsibilities as an adult. 

I picked Kingler Because Its claw looks like a powerfist , deal with it. 


Some Shots from  the Last Zone Mortalis Game. 

Time to Take Down another Hive Ship. 

Hive Fleet Hoy has been quite the thorn in my side as of late.   

This was a bit of a larger game of ZM  with that one mission where the attacker needs to hold a single point and the defender starts arriving from random table edges. He got the +1 to reserves result for his swarmlord  and I really figured I was in Trouble. 

tumblr_oajup5AUN91tdqdkto6_1280.jpgWith the swamlords +1 to reserves he gets 4 units he wouldnt otherwise have got @ n @   but its fine cause  the Swarmlord scatters to a place where hes sort of by himself. The Stonehide Terminators heroes of the 775th  Armored division move to engage.  They lose their Sargent but with an entire armies worth of shooting into it the Swarmlord dies. 
tumblr_oajup5AUN91tdqdkto1_1280.jpgA glorious trophy for the Stonehides ... you would think if they just got that done then they would have effectively done good this game ... BUT THEY WEREN'T DONE 
tumblr_oajup5AUN91tdqdkto7_1280.jpgThe Psykers were annoying , but the way they scattered I just needed to move just away from  them enough that they stopped being terribly  useful. The four carnifexes and the Swarmlord being on one side made it very important that I  concentrade my army over there , so I  did 
tumblr_oajup5AUN91tdqdkto8_1280.jpgSpeaking of Carnifex two of the four come barreling around the corner to engage the  Stonehides 
tumblr_oajup5AUN91tdqdkto5_1280.jpgThe Stonehides proceed to say " ITS COOL BRO WE MIGHT AS WELL HAVE  XENOBANE "  killing two of the Carnifex for the life of one more of their number. 
tumblr_oajup5AUN91tdqdkto2_1280.jpgaround this point the gaunts start to fail synapse checks and break and run from the board , a good  number of them were culled by the other stonehide terminator squad on  the other side of the board with their reaper autocannon and combi bolters. 
tumblr_oajup5AUN91tdqdkto4_1280.jpgIn a last ditch effort to make something happen the other two carnifex engage the stonehide terminators  
tumblr_oajup5AUN91tdqdkto3_1280.jpgIt doesn't go well  for the Xenos as they are cleanly bodied by the Stonehide 


We called it at this point cause there really wasant a way he could come back from  the board state to try and take that objective. 
Something we are considering is ignoring the Instinctive behavior rule for any mission where the Tyranids are the defender since we figure they are defending a hive ship they should be in synapse.  Anyway  That game was fun and the last one I got to play before I started that hellacious stretch of work.  Which .. Im about to re join  bunch of graveyards in a row then  a long weekends worth of suffering , BUT I WANT THE MONEY @ n @  

I WANT THE MONEY SO I CAN BUY MODELS , AND PAY BILLS , AND EAT GOOD FOOD  and i have no more nuln oil , a fact that keeps me up and weeping at night 

On the Dark Angels Side of things 
Hadriel and his Command Squad are pretty much done
( Hadriel is a Preator with a Paragon Blade Iron Halo and Digilasers carrying rad Grenades cause hes an uncompromising scumbag.)
( The Command Squad is the banner bearer with a Power fist , Two guys with Powerfists , Two guys with Power Swords. )  
Trying to keep it simple with the scheme for these guys , subscribing to that WLK school of thought where black Armor should not reflect light. 

Thats all for now  @ u @  I promise I will  do more stuff as soon as work lightens up a little 

You chose Kingler because he's a top Pokémon! :biggrin.:


Like the DA! They look like my 40k BA a tad. Either way, interested to hear how they go - I realy want to play some Acid Bikes.

Whats that supposed to mean ?  



Also I just secured a Dreadclaw drop pod and some Catprachtii terminators , I will need to get some combi weapons for the Termis so I can set them up to be my drop in and murder stuff unit for my DA. 

If you're running lots of S8 melee it doesn't really matter.

I respectfully Disagree 


Rad Grenades are just good kit regardless of what yer doing.  Str 8 in abundance or not.  


If fighting bike riding or jetbike riding Characters suddenly you can once again instant death them in melee with a powerfist.  


The Dark Angels Legion rules for Equal Weaponskill fighting allowing them to hit on a 3+  and  the  Ravenwing Protocol rules that allow them to re roll sweeps AND re roll wounds against t5 or better are also helped by having Rad Grenades on all yer characters. 


It was actually one of the interesting things for me the whole balance a Ravenwing Command Squad on Jetbikes has , 2+ / 6++ (5++ in close Combat)   with a 4 + jink save in your back pocket.  Rad Grenades , hitting equal WS on a 3+  due to legion rules.  AND having Acid  ( Poison 2+ heavy bolters )  which have a  50% chance of being ap3 or BETTER  (roll each time you fire )   its a very balanced unit for culling things.  If the Ravenwing rite of war wasant so restrictive it would be even better. 

I play a good number of games versus other 30k armies... The point of some of my batreps is to showcase my army versus some of the considered higher tiered 40k armies. I had a great versus Iron Hands (HH) last week that was a real nail biter. I understand your point though - rad grenades are more powerful overall in 30k versus 40k... Doesn't nearly matter as much versus gargantuans.

Again I think you are missing the point I am gently trying to make.


So I will be a bit more blunt as this is not a tactics thread atleast as far as we have one for the imperial fists and the dark Angels respectively.


What you do with your army is your business

Particularly with your choice of opponents and allowances made for you by them to decide what can constitute a viable compulsory choice.


As I was discussing a tactic for a legion you do not play and am working from the perspective of someone who plays a large swath of games against a plethora of opponents I think you ought to just leave your misconceptions at the door or better yet kindly take them and leave.


I care very little for how your army plays and what works for you is dandy unfortunately not universal.

did a bits sweep for Combi Meltas ended up having to convert two of them  for my Dark Angels terminator Squad 
I  am aiming for something like this though I will likely paint the powerfist in the same Dark Green Accent color ive been using

As such I hit up shapeways for some Shoulderpads 


Their dreadclaw I ended up picking up for 56pounds is likely to be shipping out of england soon , pretty happy about the deal I got on it. 


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