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Thanks! :biggrin.:


I'll be honest I was concerned in the first couple of rounds that those toasters might break through my lines.
Fortunately my Commanders experience paid off and made the correct tactical decisions, whilst the Overlord still clearly still groggy after coming out of whatever hell those Xenos come from.


I was torn about using the Bullgryns because they weren't painted, but I really wanted to see them in action! 
After 2 turns of failing do deal any damage, their durability paid off in the end. With a Priest they probably would have cleared out those Warriors before being charged again.

They're the next in the paint queue once I finish the Baneblade (or before as these things go)  :wink:

Those are two nice looking armies there. Your white and blue color schemes really look impressive on the table and I love your opponent's use of orange.


Glad to see you enjoyed your game of 8th edition. With regard to arty, at my gaming store we've agreed that even indirect fire weapons follow the same shooting rules vs chracters (p 179 of the rulebook) as our other ranged weapons. Therefore arty cannot be used to character snipe unless the character is the closest target. This is a bit difficult for me to get used to after 17 years of targeting specific points on the board with my arty, but, in terms of game balance and streamlining the rule does make sense. Of course, you could always house rule that arty can, in fact, target characters.


Thanks for the great battle report! I especially like the photo of your commissar shouting encouraging threats to your bullgryns during the melee with the warriors.

Thanks TC! :D

So having re-read the Character special rule, I think your interpretation is correct. Just because artillery doesn't need LOS, it doesn't override the requirement that the Character be visible to the unit for it to be targeted. Hopefully they'll FAQ that, as I can see the counter argument, but I do not think that it is the intent. Fortunately in our game it made little difference :)

Now for the Hellhammer! Normally if this was my own personal tank I would call it finished. However I think the general consensus among us who have been commissioned to paint these (there are 6 of us total!), is that we will weather the tanks too. So here are the pre-weathering completed photos of the BB! :) I have to say I'm pretty happy with how it turned out! Although slighlty annoyed that I went through the effort of setting up my lightbox and tripod and forgot to close the blinds, which when I was setting up I made a mental note that I would have to do that, ohwell... Also excuse the fact that the BB is trying to squeeze into my little 10" lightbox, at some point I think I will get their new 36" one... :D












Unfortunately I'm not sure the weathering is captured by the photos, but I'm calling this done!




Edited by duz_

Since the beginning of the project I wasn't sure if I was going to or not.

I did see the guys other LR's on the table top a couple of weeks back and noticed he had them integrated into the camo scheme.

So I figured I would follow his lead on that. I did wash them and the recesses then go back over with the same colours to try and provide a bit more contrast.

Its super subtle, so definitely wont come out on a camera.

When it comes to mine however, that will be a different story! ;)

Thanks! :D

Yes Baz I agree, when I went to paint it I viewed it as a large battleship vs a tank.
The Dazzle worked out really well and not that I'm biased, but from the other more standard camo patterns I've seen the other painters do, I like mine the best ;)

I'm still not convinced on the weathering though, its such a large tank its either too small to notice, or large and kind of out of place? At least now I know I won't be doing that on mine ;)
I need to do a stock take of my unpainted mini's and see what I want to build next. I've put a hiatus on buying anything new until I make a dent in that!

Meanwhile I had a fun weekend of hobby, other than finishing the Hellhammer I also got a 2000pt game in (batrep to follow in the coming days) and painted up my test models for my Cadian conscripts. The logic being these were some of the last Whiteshields shipped off Cadia before the fall. :yes:

I ended up painting 5 models, because after I finished the 4 I realised that I had been using Loren Forest as my secondary instead of DWF... :sweat:

So here's the line up


[L-R: Castellan Green / Black, Castellan Green / Eshin Grey, Castellan Green / DWF / Black, Castellan Green / Loren Forest / Black, Castellan Green / Loren Forest]

Individual close ups:


Castellan Green / Black


Castellan Green / Eshin Grey


Castellan Green / Loren Forest / Black


Castellan Green / Loren Forest

The one nice thing about messing up with the Greens is when I did my 5th one I got pretty close to what my final model will look like!


(Same model, different lighting / exposure)

Some minor changes to this will be the webbing will also be DWF, as opposed to Loren Forest. That will be a pure layer / highlight colour.

I used Nulin Wash Gloss on the black to show a high polish, I like it, but might thin it down with Medium in future.

I also need to apply the white stripe ;)

I hope to post up a batrep from my game on Saturday in the coming days. It was a lot of fun! :D

Thanks for the Batrep. I forgot that it was YOUR Mordians with the snazzy white and red armour. Your army looks great on the tabletop. Don't know why you're wasting time with Cadians :wink:  ... almost makes me regret my foray into Praetorians your Mordians look so good.


It's nice seeing a battle where the tanks survive. My Eldar opponent's AT assets are just too darn good. He usually fields 3 Wave Serpents and they just delete a vehicle of mine each, per turn.


RE: stripping models, I am definitely an "LA's Totally Awesome" adherent. I picked up a bottle and although I've only used it twice, it worked famously. Soaked the models for about 24 hours and the paint and primer just fell right off. Not a whole lot of brushing required. If I left them in a bit longer it would probably be even more effortless.

Some times my Tanks do, sometimes they don't. Depends on my friends target priority. They're certainly more durable overall, but still die to focused fire.

A bit delayed, however better late than never!
The other weekend I had another match up against my friend.
He brought Iron Hands and I had my Guard :)
It was right after I had finished painting the Hellhammer so we decided we should take it for a test spin. I lent my friend a knight Errant to even the odds.
As all my games of 8th have been thus far it was a lot of fun and really back and forth. The final result was 7-6 I lost by first blood. (Which I am ok with, it really is a tiebreak for me).
As its been a while I forget the gritty details of the match so some highlights.
  • As tough as Baneblades are getting nuked by a Knight Errant, lascannon Dev's and lascannon Annhilator T1 means T2 it will probably die. (Did a quick roll off to see how the the tables would have turned if I had T1. The Hellhammer would have come close to nuking the Knight single handly in 1 turn! :D )
  • My combined fire from 4 infantry squads with FRFSRF managed to knock of 6 wounds from the Knight in 2 rounds and they weren't always in double tap range! :) T1 they managed to drop the Knight down 1 tier with a single wound done :)
  • Rolling 3x 1's for grav chuting my 3 Bullgryns sucks... fortunately we were adults and let it slide for the sake of the game. The Bullgryns tied up a Land Radier for most the game. I returned the favour and let him bring in a drop pod T4 after forgetting in T3 even though it was too his advantage.
  • Move move move is really effective and so are Platoon commanders! They have W:3 and a 5++! Running them with mobile footsloggers + a commissar I think will be a regular thing for me :)
  • Marines in cover with +1 to SV are farily difficult to dislodge! Even with a Wyvren :(
  • Having run the Punisher twice now I am not convinced its worth its points. I generally becomes a pseudo flame tank. I need to try the stock LRBT next time!
  • Basilisk continues to shine B)
Here's some action shots of each round:
T2, bye bye Hellhammer!
Battle of the Warlords (Lord Commissar with +1A WL Trait :) )
T3 bye bye Knight
T4 Objective grabbing!
T5 end game

Bullgryns are done*! :D can't wait to play these alongside my recently painted Lord Commissar!



Here's a size comparison vs a Mordian Sgt / Lt


*sans some minor washing and dry brushing of the base

  • 3 weeks later...

So today was judgement day for the 6 Baneblade commissions!
Here they all are! As you may (or may not) recall mine was the Hellhammer with the sandbags. I was "third favourite" as voted by the guy who had us paint them all up for him. I scored a nice little GW gift voucher for it :) Even better when I've put a hold on buying hobby for a month or two! :D

(First was the tiger stripe Stromsword and second was the Baneblade)

Anyhow here are some group shots! :)





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