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A Mordian march to glory


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Thanks all!


Scored two Mordian melta gunners, a flamer and trooper on ebay this evening for a reasonable price. :D (so much for no buying toys... haha)

Also got 2 more Mordians sgts to final stages of painting and finished of 7 troopers I had painted a while back and forgot to do some minor details and basing. :D


I have 15 started mordians in my queue to finish. 14 of which I need so I can field 6 barebone infantry squads. I think I have the same number again needing to be primed. Not counting all the commanders and hwts and special weapons I also have to paint.


I also bought some large tubs to consolidate about 6 boxes worth of sprues and bits together. Everything fits on my shelves [for] now. ;)


I also have some pics from a Konor battle yesterday... as valiant as my Mordians were the Death Guard were undeterred by the fire power we unleashed upon them. :(

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Thanks! :D


Well as it happens I was meant to be working on a Stormhawk I vowed in the RG forum. However I had 3 heavy weapon teams staring at me (2x AC & 1HB), so I had to paint them first! ;)

So maybe more Mordians soon :)


As for the DG, they were certainly tough! Especially when my opponent made 9/10 5+ FNP's on a pox walker squad! However they weren't super scary in terms of damage output. We were also playing fairly casually for the campaign though. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been a bit slack about updating this lately

And I know I still haven't posted the DG batlle...

Although I hope these suffice! :D

I am prepping for my next tournament end of next month. Fortunately I only have 1 Mordian commander left to paint and I might go back and spruce up (ie layer + highlight more detail) on my existing Mordians

That is unless my 2 "new" Praetorian Commanders show up... in which case they'll need to be painted up and 1 of the Mordian commanders will be donning a black Commissar's cape :)





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More! You want more!


Tbh that's probably it on the banner. I have gone back and layered it (was attempt at blending but apparently my paints were not thin enough) and highlighted it


I could grab out some decals, but with so many curves on it I dont really wanna mess around with that either.

Finally my free hand is definitely not that great. I could attempt a stencil ... but I'm not sure what I would even do?


Thanks that Commissar has quickly become a favourite I've been wanting him for a while. I hope he proves as effective as his comrade who already has a distinguished service history in 8th.

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There is another method for banners. Twenty years ago when the options were not that great I simply printed one on paper. Used a thin layer of watered elmers glue to bind the two layers and to create the waves from the wind. Attached it to the pole with some super glue and sealed it. Edited by Guardsman Bob
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  • 1 month later...

So last weekend I attended the Iron Halo in Oklahoma for the second year

It was a great event and had nearly 100 people show up! (97 registrations I believe)

I ended up going W/D/L: 3/1/2

Which was surprisingly well, seeing as my goal was to bring a fun (yet somewhat competitive list) that could go 2-4 (W/L)

I ended up placing 34th (again I was aiming for top of bottom third, as opposed to just outside the top third)

So heres my list:

2 Battalions + Vanguard


2 Commanders (BP + Chainsword)

2 Lord Commissars (Plasma pistol, p.sword, p.fist)

Tank commander (Demolisher, lascannon)

Tempestor prime (p.sword, plasma pistol)

Primaris Psyker



Cmd Squad (Lascannon, banner, laspistol + ccw)

Bullgryns (3 man w/ maul, 2+ shield)

Platoon Commander (p.sword, laspistol)

Fast Attack

2 Hellhounds (w/ HB)


2 5man Scions (2 plasma guns)

3 IS (flamers)

1 IS (HB, GL)

Heavy Support

Manticore (HB)

Basilisk (HB)

Wyvern (HB)


Valk (ML, MRPs)



My match ups were

  • Artillery guard + Space Wolf dreads: Renegade format W

    • His army was quite static with 5 basilisks, 1 manticore and a bunch of SW dreads. Boxed him in a corner and played the mission
  • Primaris marines + Guilliman: Renegade format L

    • Bad target priority, shouldn't have tried to take down RG, mission was assassinate I obliterated most models off the board, except for the 1 squad of aggressors that hid back and I couldn't get to in time
  • Shadowsword guard + Celestine: Renegade format L

    • Again shouldn't have wasted my shots on the SS, despite it deleting an armoured unit a turn, I didn't have the fire power to strip that many wounds in a kill point mission. Celestine is easy to take out with Hellhounds, although again should have ignored her for points that would have actually counted towards the end of game as she came back to life :sad.:
  • 1950's robots + dune crawler AdMech: ITC Relic W

    • Fun opponent (got my sportsman vote), the punchy 1950's robots were the only unit in all 6 games that close to deleting my Bullgryns in 1 turn, only 1 survived. They were wounding on 2's AP-3 D3!
  • Salamanders dakka list: ITC Big guns W

    • Poor rolling on his first turn and not much LOS blocking terrain meant I could clean him up in my turns, I had more units and firepower, despite his lascannon pred and FW dread with 20 S7, AP-2, D2 shots
  • FW throw out mortal wound dreads + Nurgle characters: ITC Secure & Control D

    • Oddly enough I was the player being aggressive and my opponent said given my list he would specifically play defensively, I actually enjoyed that :smile.:


The event was a lot of fun, there was a lot of cheesey guard and chaos lists there unfortunately.

MVP's, definitely my Bullgryn star! I'm starting to think these things are borderline OP (or at least most my opponents were not ready for what they unleashed), followed by Lord Commissars.

I am considering running a second squad of these guys in a Chimera to support my airborne ones :smile.:

My favourite moment of the event.

Final round I was looking at a minor loss, my opponent had taken the maelstrom, we were tied on primary and he had first blood.

I looked at the table and realised my Vendetta which had been a hovering gunship the entire game with a flamer squad and platoon commander sitting in it. It was still at full strength I flew it near max range up the board (hammer and anvil deployment) disembarked the units.

Ran them towards his objective which although he held, his 3 models holding it were loosely placed. I then ordered them to "Move Move Move", which resulted in another 11" move and the squad finished neatly on his primary objective and scoring linebreaker to draw the match :smile.:

Most my opponents were fun to play with, I have to admit I was somewhat disheartened to see so much artillery spam on the board. As well as a lot of poorly painted guardsmen... I hope more seasoned guardsmen will be parading their armies in battle in future to show these less experienced commanders what a well presented army looks like! :biggrin.:

So heres what you're probably waiting for pics!

Round 1



Round 2




Round 3



Round 4



Round 5





Round 6




Where my cheeky red squad managed to force a draw :smile.:

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Most the dreads I faced were dakka ones.

The FW one with 20 shots is brutal! Fortunately in both games they only fired once each, my Bullgryns stormed in and took them out in 2 phases of combat.

Side note: Another highlight of the event, the dumbstruck look on my opponents face when I nonchalantly said I'd stop softening up his FW dread with shooting as my bullgryns would probably take it out in a single round.


The salamander player took rifleman dreads and the FW one. So not being CC one's they were easy work for my Bullgryns and Demolisher.

As for the the SW's, their 3++ helped as you would expect. He also deployed and played them defensively so I was able to whittle them down in the midfield before they got too close for comfort. 

T7 isn't that difficult for guard to deal with, so I just blasted them away.


In the SW game I think even my lasguns took 4-6 wounds off the things. Not to say I wasn't scared of them getting into my tanks!

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Comrades! I need your help!

With the new edition and new codex, in particular the inclusion of RTs I am wondering if I need to address my armoured regiment. Currently they are a White + Red theme, which I actually based off the UN black on white. However everyone keeps asking why they are White Scars...


Its an effective and eye catching them however I'm wondering if its time for a change. One scheme that comes to mind (and full disclosure I am stealing this from someone else suggestion on the board. I just can't remember who) is based off the WW1 French colours.

It would be a Space Wolves esque blue grey and a muted red (crimson / maroon).





Although I think this would be an effective colour scheme I'm wondering if becomes too similar to my Mordians and if I should keep them contrasting to my Mordians.

From a fluff perspective I've always considered my Armoured division to be a different make up to my Mordians (hence the very different themes), although I never named where they were from. With the new dex I will probably run them as Mordians or Valhallans (the latter for tournaments most likely).


On another note I finally got around to adding some layers and highlights to my Mordians. It was an additional 8 paints and an hr of work to get this guy to where he is. I think long term I would like to get them all to this standard. It might only be a couple of models at a time though. I will also be putting a protectant coat on these because I really dont want them chipping at this standard!

Is it worth it? (One on the left is current tabletop standard)


/end ramble

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Anyone confusing them for White Scars is a bit weird, maybe they need to realise the hobby is more than just Space Marines :P A WW1 French scheme would be quite cool, work well with Mordians, but I think it's fine as is.


As for the troops I think it makes a big difference - maybe not so much from two feet away but really makes them pop :)

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I think you would have done better in your last tourney if you weren't using that Dance revolution game in between turns...


Anyway, White Scars!? That's a bizarre thing to confuse them for. There are no bikes for a start. I really like your colour scheme because the crisp white isn't something you see much of on Guard Vehicles. mine are all a rather boring Grey for instance. I'd say they look more Inquisition or Sisters of battle if anything but to me, they look like a fine Guard Regiment.


Those upgraded Mordians are wonderful. They make my Praetorians (the %5 of them I've actually painted so far anyway...) look like my 5 year old niece had a go at them, so thanks for that!


So in conclusion, keep your tanks the way they are unless you really want a change, and I've always like Space Wolf colours so that's a fine option. Keeping them Aesthetically different from your Mordians makes a lot of sense, I've done that too with my Infantry, Scions, Armour and Veterans all coming from different Regiments (although my Infantry and Vets are very similar looking, but the Vets wear Kilts) that share some elements to bind the army together. Anyone moaning that you've only done that to "abuse" the Regimental Doctrines can go soak their heads and then pick up a history book or even the Guard Codex!

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Regarding the addition of the infantry highlights, the difference is really noticeable and definitely worth it. Obviously it's a lot of extra time & work but I think I'm the long term you will appreciate it and be glad that you did do it. Doesn't matter how long it takes right? Just do it at your own pace and enjoy it :)
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If you are considering valhallan regiment for them, I'd definetly leave them in white and red... but then, I also really like the white scheme. At most I'd go the space wolf grey colour on them.


I think the highlights really make the mordian pop, although could be a slower project for sure.

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