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The Shattered Heart Warband. Make it louder.


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Got another new guy.


I figure the Sorcerer Sicalas had a despute with his senior commander; over the proper use of his powers. It seems Sicalas was tired of adhering to the codex astartes and the Nikaea Prohibition. Sicalas believes in a new age, and if something is within his power to do so; why not? Needless to say this didn't go down to well with his superior, and the command squad was split over the debate. The Company Champion named Verocious Malgorath, (The HeadHunter, the Reaper of Sinna and the wielder of BloodRaain) sided with Sicalas; he wanted to explore the limits of his potential. The two of them plotted along with the apothercary (yet to be realised) and there was a bloody and ritual coup within the Serpentas command chain. I like to think that they were Blood Angels successors who's Sanguinius gene helix has just flipped a switch on them, and they have lost themselves in the BlackRage, which has become a Blood-Rage; taking heads and drinking the blood of enemies, even eating flesh, they are well and truly on the path to Acension through Khorne. Though they are Blessed by All Four powers as usual.


The Headhunter Verocious Malgorath






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Now I remember why I took 100 billion pictures of the demon prince. I wanted to show that, despite all the heavy converting, I think he came up pretty alright in the end.


I feel like I need to cleanse the thread. I'm probably going to post more pictures of my completions in the ETL because I'm too lazy too paint but still so wrapped with the miniatures.












I love the way he's kinda leering at you and just floating there. Is he coming towards you? Is he just touching down? Or is he just taking off? He is the pulse. The in between moments. Neither here nor there.


After Augg's comment I went looking for Paz's demon prince in his thread. Yup; turns out his one appears to use the stock legs. It was the nail in the coffin for my decision to try it out. Though I like to think I came to the idea independently. His is WAY better though, and certainly inspired mine. Before that I just had a vague idea that it could be done from looking at the kit online.



I need to make dinner then I might take some more photos of the highlights from my ETL.

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Well I was going to paint them black so that would have made them Bringers of Decay. However I went with green so I guess that makes them Death Guard.


However I hold the Death Guard in very high esteem so if I were to do a death guard army I would need a lot of MKIII armour.


They are just my personal take on the concept of plague marines. The old concept before the heady days of ForgeWorld armour mks.



I wouldn't dare to say "I have a death guard army"


But if other people say that, that would please me.

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I'm loving these happy family photos of my warbands.


My ambition now is to build up and paint the renegades and bring them up to speed, so I will have three little families, or cults if you will.


Need to work out my paint scheme so I might try a few testers this weekend.

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Well while things tick over in the background I wanted to show you guys some puesdo cloaks I have puesdo sculpted for my Chaos Lords.


I took a lot of pictures. I wanted to show all the angles. I've made Dodgey cloaks like this before. I think the next level will be to mix in some milliput and try to get a wind blown effect going on.
















In the back ground I am waiting on some more brown wash, black wash, some white spray undercoat, and some purity seal. That is what I need before I can paint. Particularly some more washes.


Before I can build I need some more 5mm plastic tube, and some 5mm cork sheet, as well as the tentacle tube maker. All of which are available from this new eBay store I discovered (well new to me.)


Before I can game I will need my codex and a battleforce case. I'm actually rather embarrassed about the whole drawer and Chinese container affair. I tried to pack away the army. It lasted about a week. I'm just too in love with it. So I will have to get gaming. Either that or buy a display case to keep it in. The Warband of Shatteried Heratius too awesome to live under the bed.

















Ahh I never get tired of this. Soon I'll have to write some epic fluff. Just a few nuts and bolts I want to sort out. Mainly I don't know who's POV to write from. I think I could do Noxious, he's really cool and interesting and crazy and warp-jacked. But not these two (above) the Black Legion dudes are just way too bad ass. I could only write about them; not as them. And they would always be killing. I've been brain storming about a squire type underhiver who has been swept up in the wake of the Shatteried Heratuis. The young squire hiver has found the safest place to be on the battlefield is in the shadow of his Lord Vadermir. So I could tell the stories through his eyes and any errors or ingnorances would be his.





I'm actually rather taken with it; I will need to finish the vehicles. Which brings me back to my shopping list. At least the FW doors and maybe the extra armour too. Perhaps I will try my own extra armour for the plague forces; so more plasticard.

I also want some bikes. And maybe the warp talons.


There are some things I can work on and things I can paint, but everything will just be slow. I'll get some washes tomorrow.


The white undercoat is for my up coming Inquistorial Forces, which I will attempt to paint from a white undercoat. I want to try for a lazy puesdo Blanche-esque style of painting. I've never really worked from a white undercoat, and considering how thin I keep my paints it could be a lot of fun. Or it could just turn out to be a horrible mess. Which might look ok too. If you squint your eyes a little bit.






So I am sorry to say my Chaos Lords and Ladies, but I think the time has come for me to rotate away for awhile. I think the army has elevated beyond my ability to really express its awesomeness adequately. I want to read The Talon of Horus, grab my codex, maybe even get a few practice games under my belt. Then I'll come back to this thread, esteemed in all the deep awesomeness, and bring the Shatteried Heratius into the new age.

With all the fancy words and black and white imagery; you know with the borders and what not.


I really enjoy the naviety of my army, in terms of fluff and gaming, I really don't know that much. But it terms of art and imagery I think it's safe to say I grew up on this stuff. But I think the army is deserving of more; particularly battle scenes (gaming) and cool fluff (reading/writing)




Most likely I will grab the Death Masque, assemble them all and spray them white; they will be the pureist of them all. Which I will of course document in the General WIP section.


I am also reading Scars and I have a few other heresy books to read before Talon.

If I actually do anymore work on the army; I'll be sure to let you guys know. You know how it is; summer is coming again. I've been riding my skateboard. Might be time to go outside again. Maybe.


Having said all that; I am completely enamoured with the Black Legion and Virulent Malador. I just keep packing and unpacking it; taking a whole bunch of photos. What do you do with an army when it's finished? This has only happened to me once before. Normally I hate it and rage/purge the lot. That's normally what happens now.


So I'm still feeling the love, but I'm going to rotate to some other things for a time.










Thanks again.

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Hey guys,


Could somebody please remind me when the Call of Chaos runs? Like what are the dates so I can make plans and buy stuffs. I think I wil hammer out the havocs and raptors I mentioned aswell as some characters. So I need to know what bits to buy by when...


Thanks in advance



I also brought the latest picture of my termie lord. The wheels are turning slowly know while I focus on some other things.


I stole the idea for the icon from Midnight, I tried to make some bone horns, but ultimately wasn't really feeling it.

He also got a new axe.



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Yeah, that axe head will work. :)


I really can't help thinking, when I look at your army, "There's a warband that spends some time in the Eye."


I haven't read through all the text of your project log, but I feel this way because of all the dead CSM trophies they're draped with. Makes sense that warbands are fighting each other all the time for resources or just to conquer/kill in the name of their god (or survival), and it's awesome to see bits and pieces of fallen opponents. If I've got it wrong about those being trophies, do let me know. :P


Is there an assault marine with 2 power fists in that group shot? What a beast!

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@ Venomlust - thanks matey. It's probably better if you don't read the words!


Yes I orginally had the troops all with Imperial trophies, hanging from their backpacks. But it looked a bit wonky and un-natural. I still need to go back and do the BL troops, and the Berserkers aswell. Though I'm considering making them into raptors and making legit berserkers from the Berserker kit. (But not the arms.)


So there is still a lot to do for the Black Legion. But the Plague Marines are totally bossin. Even if I do say so myself. I took a spin through the thread the other day, and the last family (Killteam) shots totally caught me off guard!

It phenomenal how much the look like the artworks. The way the faces roll into one another, the sprouts, the horns the weapons the backpacks. Man all I can complain about is the painting, I need to step it up a notch.


I really caught myself by surprise, like feth; this is mad!


I want to buy more troops kits, I have recently donated the rhinos and Landraider to some Imperial swine, so now the Black Legion Warband of the Shattered Heart is a foot slogging force.


Should work out great as I can just by troops kits forever indefinitely. *cue mad cackling hysteria


That is a cool axe aye.


Yes there is. Yes he is.



Aspiringchaoschampion - thanks! My next squad will be a havoc squad of doom.

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I also feel it's just a fundamental rule of chaos - FACES EVERYWHERE!!!


Faces on your swords, faces in the warp, faces on your armour, your gun, faces on your faces.


"Hey! He's got two faces!"


"Just who the hell do you think I am?"


If you guys haven't seen Gurren Lagaan those last references won't make sense at all. But I strongly advise you check it out.



In other breaking news; I am now reading the Gildar Rift. It's nice to be away from the heresy. I'm making my way towards Talon, but this one should be good. It's got Red Corsairs and I read some good reviews. I was going to read the Shira Calpurnia omnibus, (she's like an arbite enforcer tough chick) but I think it will put me in the wrong mood so I'm saving it for another time. I think I'm done with the Heresy for awhile now. Unless another ABD or Chris Wright (even Ben Counter) book comes out. Then I will be on that. So I'm avowed to only read the Black Library, as much of it as possible, to help me write my own stuff.


Etc etc etc ad nausea

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Here comes the etc



Another thing that's cool and interesting, I suppose this is the part of me that I bring to the party. Well I did do tradition Japanese Martial arts for many years. For the record I applied to join the Army when I was 21, that was my first dream, to be a warrior engineer in the ADF. So as it happens we discovered I am colourblind. Which only qualifies me for the positions of chef/storeman/musician. Which as an adult now; I realise are fantastic opportunities. However my 21 year old self was absolutely gutted. I really thought I was going to be a pilot or something otherwise amazing. And I passed every test but the eyesight one! So devo.


Anyway I was already doing my trade here in civilian life, I was doing jujutsu and I had girlfriend and a good life, so at the time I didn't take the job, much to my regret. Hence the Warband of the Shattered Heart. (Broken dreams.) (the story gets much worse as we progress through my 20's - I'm not a criminal or anything! I have a brown belt and a bad temper! I get in a lot of fights. For the record I didn't finish my training either.


So now we progress to the cool and interesting part. What was it again. Oh yes; Bushido - the Way of the Warrior. They say - it's not WHAT you do - it's the WAY that you do it.


So coming back on track, if I am building little warrior men, it makes sense to me, in my 17th century puesdo Samurai mindset. That if you are a warrior, and you fight for a living. That's why you get paid. Your boss pays you food for defending his land. He pays you three meals of rice a day. And you take up your sword and go and fight his battles for him. You come back alive - well done! You get to keep the sword, and you probably took the weapon of anyone you killed. Perhaps there was and enemy with a fancy hat that you favoured? So you took his head and his hat.


You are getting better at this! Now you have a horse and armour and two swords! You train everyday with the lords warriors and eat 5 rice meals, and go of conquoror your neighbours rice patties.


Anyway I'm getting carried away, but yes, I see my warriors as the collectors of things, much like myself. They have their reasons and their stories to tell. If you were a Chaos marine fighting a 10,000 year old war, expelled from your home, permanently exposed to Chaos, I think keeping little tokens and trinkets, old habits, would be the only things keeping you sane. Or at least functioning on a daily basis.

I've been thinking a lot more seriously about writing these stories. I see each or my characters with all their little facets and clicks.


So I wanted to get all the emotional real world stuff out of the way. My life's not so bad, I don't have any real trauma. I just made a mess of things along the way. It's funny you don't realise until you sit down to write - how confronting it is! How much BS has been backed up for years just waiting to come out.



But anyway yes; many things - many reasons.

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It gets much worse if you are a Chaos Space Marine. You are a purpose bred Warrior. Kill or be killed; there is only killing. That's what you do; it's you're lifestyle. If I were a Chaos Marine I think I would keep every weapon I came across. It's what you do. I would take a trinket of every warrior I killed - that's the highlight of your Life! Seeking battle- seeking death! The glorious confrontations is how you would mark the passage of time in your life.


I think My Black Legion use and fight chaos where it suits them. Whether literal or metaphorical; in their hearts and minds. On the battlefield. I don't see them as being completely fallen or degenerate as the Plague Marines are. Those guys are a riot. They are constantly high on the stuff of chaos. Imagine a tweeking raver who's been up for three days and then drops some Lsd. That's about the approximate mindset of the Plague Chosen. Their a gaggle of jackals and degenerate twisters.


The Black Legion however, are still proud. They are yet to bend the knee to anyone; even Chaos. Sure they Are Chaos Space Marines, but they believe they do it for their own reasons, in their own way. They haven't completely given themselves over, gone completely off the deep end like so many others before. They resist, the Struggle. And this creates a tension. A push back.


Anyway yes lots of ideas.


I was reading about the webways the other day and I think I have finally imagined my war zone. It will be difficult to explain, I think I may have to draw it. But anyway the planet is called Catonica. Warzone Catonica. Basically, effectively, there is a hive planet, in which there is a hive, and on this planet there have been many different ecosystems and ecologicies; I'm not sure how to describe in; underground, in the ground. Very large caves let's say, that are connected to underground rivers which connect all the seas. So the largest of these underground ecologies, which connect all the seas via rivers and has a huge city above. Is right exactly where the Imperium decided to plant their hive system, upon discovering Catonica.


So time passes and the local culture is absorbed and beat by the Imperium. But these ecologies are vibrant and habitual places, full of diverse flora and fauna. Like a living psychedelic underworld jungle. And the imperium is there dutifully recording all the life.


So cut a long story short; the Black Legion Arrive. Typically smashing the orbit defence network and pententrating the planet Cotonica. They are in cohorts with the Plague Marines looking for some type of ingredient only found in the Catonlonia Caves. I was going to have the BL crash an battleship into the hive tower, thus bringing it down on top of the Cave systems and there by creating Warzone, Catonica.


Basically the hive breaks apart and crashes through the outer layer of the planets crust, penetrating the Cave systems. So it would be a Hive Tower, broken up, inside the vast ecologies, all open to the surface of the planet, and the crown of the tower I imagined would have broken through several other layers. If this were a video game map, that's where the baddie boss would be.


So I will draw pictures. I need to Trademark it. I like the idea because it combines everything into one, whilst still seeming feasible. It's a hive, in a jungle, underground, with chaos space marines.


I was thinking having a ship crash into the tower and bring it down, might be a little in-sensitive; and I'm sorry if bringing it up upsets. But given 911, I think it would be more wise to maybe have them BL destroy the tower from within.


But that seems like more of an Alpha Legion thing. Or NightLords would do it at night. And quiet. For no apparent reason; the hive tower seems to be falling over! "Run.....!"


But I think the Black Legion Style is a bit more loud and violent and in your face. They just rock up and destroy everything and by the time you realise you are too scared to move; it's all over anyway.


I think they would just rock up and get the job done, no fuss, no bells and whistles. The whole story will just be them escorting Noxious and his chosen around on their mad search for the most elusive spice substance.


I really like this setting and I can easily imagine any character having a reason to be on Catonica. Perhaps there was an Inquistor investigating an Ad Mech Official, who was doing shady dealings with a high Lord of Hive Catonia. I figure the Lord is a drug runner who is cultivating some kind of wicked substance whichs subdues and extricates it's users towards chaos.


And then the Space Marines arrive to save the day! (Poor bastards ;))


Perhaps I should check out the lore sub forums....

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Brother Jim i have to say i love the ideas you have

For my black legion warband im running with the fallen knights/angels idea and that when they leave the eye they will target imperial world slaughter/capture the occupants of the city and with the help of their sorcerors bind the souls into what remains of the buildings as a permanent reminder to the imperium of the horrors that are destined to befall them

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@keirdale - yes I have been meaning to but I would like to pick up my codex so I can learn all the cool names of things and write with some authority. I'll start soon - it really just takes the right mood! Thanks though!


@ ACC - nice one ;)


I just want to write an epic triology. Like one of the classics.


I wrote some stuff last night. I need to outline my story. It's going to be way harder then I first thought. I am basically just making all the cool stuff from the heresy series happen :D as I appreciated the comments I will post up my first ever draft





Warzone Catonica.


The Black Legion translate and destroy the outer defenses in ship to ship engagement. There is a firce battle in orbit to sweep away the imperial defences.

There is ship to ship engagement. The terminators board a capital ship and capture its command deck.

Once near space is clear the chosen and Lord Vadormir, along with The troops and cultist board and capture the orbital bombardment platform. They turn its main gun to bear on the planet Catonica.


The planet Catonica. It is a vast and vibrant ecosystem - full of all variety of flora and fauna. The planet is catacombed within inner realms of rivers adjoining caves of visceral life. The planets that grow their produce light, which stimulants more growth and life within and without the planet.


In this way Catonica is a living and breathing planet, and has never successfully been mapped; it's tectonic plates are constantly shifting readjusting to the flowing and formations of new cave and river systems; all of which are a seething mass of growth and life.

The ability to navigate the planet is a tradition kept up by the original nobles and shamans of the planet.


The people were indigenous tribemans who never developed beyond the hunter gatherer caste. This is due to the limitations set apon their lifestyle by Catonica, whom they called the Dreamtime. It was said that the reason Catonica kept evolving so many different lyfesystems, is because she was the constantly searching for the most beautiful creations, and so her face was never settled, never still.


Despite all this chaos; there is some stability. The City of Shimmering Dreams, amongst the Halls of Depthless Light, deep within the Valley of Catonica's largest Cave system, the only stable one, where all the rivers met and the noble people of Catonica settled and made their city of light.


Catonica's prime resource is crystals, crystals created by the seething mass of her outer layers, constant grindings, the salt of the earth, often epressed and ejecting in the buds of flowers, such was the rapid state of her lifecycle (subject to debate)


That is the primary resource the Imperium is mIning Catonica for. And the reason they keep the arcologies open; to find away to replicate of produce the crystals of Catoncia. There is a tradition method for purifying the crystals and making them into the most blessed spice. It is said that the user can be granted endless vision, telepathy unbridled, potential-unshackled. It is said the spice can rapidly elevate the pykers mastery level, his understanding of all things - it is said that one can have Holy Communion with Him on Earth.


Though; if prepared incorrectly - the spice can have often disasterous results. Often ending the user up in the laps of the Chaos gods themselves.


And so.


The Black Legion destroy Hive Primus, which is positioned directly next to the Shimmering City of Caves. The Great halls of Light are pentrated from above. The hive tower come raining down through the halls of the heavens.


Jacobite is a boy working in the hive tower, as a miner. He operates a loading/digging machine. His life in the hive is pretty average. He hasn't been uphive at all. He has natural indengious blood mixed with white imperial blood. He is amougst the third generation of this new type.


He feels conflicted about working for the imperium, but knows they offer him the best chance at life. He would rather go out exploring Catonica, seeking out its secrets, but those days are over. His family is of middle noble birth, he has ties to most things, and could follow his peoples ways, forgoing the Imperium and seeking out the ancient paths within.


But the money is good and there is a hot chick at the social sports club. Life's tough- being a teen.


We explore the lower inner hive, he finishes his shift and we seen the inner Metropolis crystal city, as he makes his way home. We see inside the local idegenoius life, through his family and flashbacks, stories from his mother.



There is a corrupt noble lord of the imperium hive, who is seeking to manufacture the spice artificially. He holds all the Miliatry power in Catonica (which isn't much) His goal is to unravel Catoncais secrets at any cost. He has paid a handsome fee to any noble savage vagabond type who can help him in this quest. He is working with a sinister sciencist - they have hired a guide of local noble blood to explore the under realms.


There is a hot chick scientist who is in love with Catonica and seeks to understand her for all the right reasons. She is at odds with her senior who is obviously corrupt. She is deep in Catoncias Mirror realms, she has a imperial guardsman escort,


The Black Legion live aboard their ship Vengance Claw. They travel through the warp by means of foul machine sorcerery, demonic pacts and the sacrificing of many cultists, both willing an unwilling, and the guile of Lord Socerer Valerion. Lord Valerion holds uneasy alliance with Lord Vadermir 'the Hunter.'


The two of them lead the Shattered Heart Warband by natural sectional, and the fact they always come the same conculsions. They haven't had a reason to fight yet. They are of the same stock and hold old bonds.


Lord Socerer Valerion keeps his Possessed 'the Jackulvar' on a tight leash, when he lets them loose they often cause enough carnage to summon the Demon Prince The Carrion Revenant.


Lord Vadermir concerns himself with his line troops, the chosen rank is much vied for. The Warriors plot and plan and fight amougst themselves for the privilege of duelling against Lord Valormir and fighting in his company. The strong grow stronger, and the weak perish.


The Warband is constantly growing, but one thing that never changes; is the terminators. Indominatible force that they are.


Typically; the Virlent Malador arrive late. They come in time to help shoot up some ships in orbit, enter in the wrong side of the station, fight their way to the command centre and met the black legion in its observation deck.


They view the planet Catoncia and there is a discussion regarding their goals here. Noxious has been hearing whispers of a substance buried with the planets main city centre. There is a man who lives in the tower, and one in the city aswell, who's hearts have turned to darkness, and he can hear their dreams and whisper to them as they sleep. These men have fallen to Chaos and will offer up Catonica as a gift.


The Four Forces have directed him here to unleash a substance storm that will ultimately corrupt the planet Catonica and devote her to Nurgle. She will become a rotting writhing bed of corspes and denegerate filth fit only to worships the foulest of gods.


But still alive - which is probably something, in this day and age of man and his Mighty Imperium.


From the observation deck, the Chaos Space marines Fire the Main Cannon at the hive metropolis Prime One (there are 5 - which act as stable heads/anchors in the crust of the planet.)


The hive tower is struck low, it buckles, falls, the towers heavy spines top, breaks and crashes straight through the outer crust of Catonia, spitting her open to the heavens. The whole world comes raining down on our poor heroes.


Jacobis the kid, the worker, is in a lower section of the hive. He makes the fall quiet literally in a building and feels Catonica break beneath him, the tower plunges further destroying the outer crust and levelling the geohive/cave exposed.


The hot chick scientist - Lisa - is deep in the planet and feels the tremors- she's about the have a very bad day.


The corrupt lord is in his tower and makes the full journey - the tower head smashes through three layers deep into Catonicas womb. It is the furthest from the base of the tower.


From the Black Legions postion atop the orbital defence grid Catonica has suffered a firce wound. She has a bright red gash across her surface and is bleeding smoke to the heavens.


The Black Legion return to their ships, the Virluent Malador seek to destroy or capture the last remaining platform - to make up for they're lateness.


The Black Legion Socerer Valerian joins the Terminators cabal (the are very devout and basically fallen - along with their terminator lord - they need and awesome name- they are kinsmen - true men.) Originals.


The Sorcerer Lord Valerion uses his possesed to corrupt and compel whole swathes of Imperial guardsman and ship vassals on board the command ship. He has found; in the moment of pure terror; the moment created by his Jarkulvar, that human beings are completely defenceless. They freeze, in terror and horror, and would seek any means to spare themselves from it; thus he enters their hearts and opens them up to chaos. They come willingly or die screaming. There are scenes of horror as he and his Jarkulvar devour and corrupt hordes of guardsmen.



The Black Legion descend on the Planet. I would like to use drop pods. For now we will say they land ships and craft near the base of the Hive.


Imperial defences are strong. The black legion use the capital ship and the spear top to their vanguard assault. Crashing it in a kamikaze attack into the main planetary gun defending the city.


Them imperium have invested serious money in this planet. There are noble houses involved. This is somebodies dirty secret. The guardsmen are well armed and heavily equipped. There is commander amougst them. He is new to the job having just been promoted by the death of his senior. He is haven't a bad day. He needs a haircut.


He is competent and through him we see the Imperial defence network. What's left of it. The main city is underground which was slowly being excavated. The upper city is largely all old imperial and the orginal dropsite. The hive tower is runied. What's left are its life support systems, many hive style factories and industrial refineries. Nothing really compare to the giant gaping gash in the planet, exposing her innards.


The view down into Catonica now reveals a paradisecal wonderland. All the lavish joy of Catonicas wild inner garden range sputtered throughout with broken hive shells and industrial wastelands. As if a city had be chewed up and eaten by the planet. It was the most beautiful thing the linesman had ever seen.


The Imperials had Guns and they had Tanks. They had three main guns defending the hive city. One of which had been destroyed in the fallout. Two remained one at the spine of the tower and one about halfway along the wound/gash.


Typically; an Admech Magos was visiting the Hive, having dealings with the hive lords and imperial governors. He has his skittari with him.


It was clear from the armour and the tooling of the guardsmen that this was not your average planet.


The Black Legion arrive and there is a battle to capture and destroy the furthest tower. For all their fancy armour; the imperials die all the same. Lord Vadermir rears and reigns his troops. He takes a keen interest in their progression and ablities, and it's obvious that running his army is serious business for him. We witness him through the eyes of a cultist who has fallen into his favour. The cultist revers him and hold hims up in great light. We witness Vadmir killing but it is done in an off hand manner.


There is abit of a tank battle between the imperial and Black legion tanks. The imperials have more and better postioning. But the Black Legion have their dreadnoughts and small demonengines to complement them. The terminator translate into the tower and capture it from within. They pull the same trick twice and use it to destroy the other gun at the base of the tower.


That's bad for the imperials; luckily; they have a knight.


Lord Valerion, and his possessed with the new cultist storm the bastion defending the base of the tower. The virulent Malador assault the city from without. The rest of the Black Legion arrive and they have concurred the outer city.


They enter the planet Catonica.


End book one.


Book two.

The empire strikes back.


The space marines arrive. Unlike the Black Legion, they don't have the warp on their side, they translate into space at a very predictable spot, and the crafty Black Legion pommel them for their lack of creativity.


But they break through and the black legion abandon their postion in the defence grid. Retreating to the other defence grid the Virulent Malador had captured. Then begin to move the station out of its orbit.


The Desert Eagles chapter having sent one battle company in response to a call from lord Inquistor Irumesus immediately consolidate and launch drops pods to defend Catonica.


At ground lower base one, a postion they have reinenforced at the base of the tower.

The Black Legion and Virlent Malador drive their tanks into the planet as they enter the ruin of Catonicas caves, they witness the drop pods raining down over head, into the gap made in the planets crust.


The canyon is a vast open space, the hive tower head has carved a massive crater, creating a new centre. A wound within a wound. Other wise the city centre was a vast sprawling place, full of gothic and archaic cathedrals and grandiose industrial machainisms; all over grown by Mother Nature, there was still strong evidence of the orginal temple centre.


Although the city Cartilos seemed to be the centre, and most heavily defended; all felt the pull towards the crater created by the crown of the hive tower. Something was down there.


The space marines engage the Black Legion and they die heroically. There is much fighting. We see the Black Legion and Plague Marines fight against the space marines in their own ways. All amougst the ruin of a geo-necropolis over grown gothic hive realm within a planet.


Lord Vadomir is conflicted as to whether to follow Noxious to keep an eye on him, or stay fighting the space marines with his troops.







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@ds - I will try to write that in - but I honestly just can't sell it happening! It seems so far fetched!


Though if anyone were to do; it would be the Death Spectres :D


Most likely they will end up as trophies adorning my transports :D

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Just incase people wanted some closure




Some scrambled notes.


Now that I have my basic story down I can begin fleshing out the different scenes. I enjoy writing, the first thing I want to do is complete the story, then I can focus more on specific scenes. And have fun and indulge right into that.


So I am concerned about how I will finish the story; it needs to be suitably epic. However I've developed quite the soft spot for my creation - Catonica - I wouldn't want to see any real harm done to her.


So I was thinking that Noxious, using the Corupt noble lord who is working with the Dark Magos (tech priest) the three of them will descend into the planets core(ish) by way of the crashed crown section. The crown of the hive tower crashed through the surface of the planets crust, into the geofront, where it crashed through the floor deeper into other chambers - creating a new way into Catonica.


The three of them will attempt to set of their plague storm, but I want the humans to thwart their efforts. The imperial scientist girl, with the local worker boy, probably meet a noble shaman of the local people, and they will un-do Noxious's foul spell. Or interject somehow, probably with the help of the space marines. I want to have the main fight between the BL lord Vadermir and the Desert Eagles Commander have them sprawling all over the place and accidentally fight their way into the hidden realms interrupting the plans of Noxious, or beating him to the punch somehow.


Noxious is frantically searching for some elixir or ingredient that can only be found on Catonica. Vadermir basically finds this with his fighting the commander.


As I was saying - basically; rather than have the planet devour itself, the warp storm will be manipulated to heal the planet and seal her off, to cast a veil over her. Hidden between realms in a new realm all for herself. That way she isn't in the warp, nor corrupted, the planet can just be sealed away forever; and I will never create something so beautiful again.


It seems unlikely that such a lush planet could exist in the Imperium anyway.


In any case I may just adjust the setting a little. It was great to make a start and get the ball rolling. I just need a basic framework to build of, once I get all the ins and outs sorted, I will be free to indulge writing scenes as it suits me.


So; Book 1


(As above)


Book 2


This will basically be the war in the geo-front. The Black Legion storming the inner city, which is being defended by the Desert Eagles (I may change the name of the chapter.)


There is an epic fight inside the palace, everytime I write the story everything gets bigger. The locals now had developed beyond hunter gatherers and had built a palace in the geo-front cave canyon that is pre imperial.


The battle for the palace seems to be the centre of the action, however it is just a decoy. Noxious is using the Black Legion to tie up the Imperials while he searches

for the true prize of Catonica.


Deep in her heart they find a machine machism some kind of clockwork technology computer and that proves that Catonica is not a natural planet at all, but some kind of aritfical intellegence. Or perhaps there is just some kind of deep refinery machination in her belly that is not natural, and her constant evolvtuonary feats are not natural, that she is being pushed through her lifecycle by this machine creation.


Lord Vadormir and the Desert Eagles Commander are having an epic battle, they end up in the heart of the Catonica, with their chosen and command squads.


Lord Vadormir and the Desert Eagles Lord mortally wound one another and fall of a cliff edge


Fade to black


Book 3


Our characters and chosen find themselves lost in Catonicas belly, the troops are catching up and there is battle to secure this inner realm. Noxious plans are interupted and he's pissed. The best he can manage is to summon a demon prince of Nurgle to defend him while he tries to figure out the machination. He killed the noble lord for proving useless.


The tech priest Magos has retreated to an area of safety. His battle automatas are fighting against the demonprince with the Space marines and the Black Legion are striding their way to through the battle.


Vadermir wakes in a realm of light. He is in a dream state of some kind of communion fantasy. The desert eagle lord is there and their wounds have been healed. I imagine they have landed in some kind of pool or riverbed. They fight and kill each other again. Again and again. They have found the hidden realm and drunk the fountain of youth, they cannot die here.


The battle in the inner realm destroys the clockwork machination and return the realms to their natural order, Vadormir and Jeager are seen fighting in the middle of the space.


The planet is collapsing and this would be a good time for the hot chick to save the day. Vadermir decides to give the imperials a chance and confronts Noxious over his tricky, they fight and this buys the imperials the time they need to set the machine right. But still the planet is collapsing and everybody agrees it would be a good idea to leave; so they all form a tactical retreat separately.


The defence platform has been moved out of it orbit by the Virlenet Malador, they use it to cripple the Desert Eagles flagship, making it possible for the Black Legion and Virlent Malador to return to their ships and exit the system.





Phewy; we made it. Definitely rushed the end out there. I think it's all enough for one book actually, not three. I will need to write another and another.


Things I don't like - the space marines show up too late - I think I would rather have the Black Legion fight against them from the beginning. But that would make it rather dificult for them to reach the planet at all.


I think it needs to be a remote planet with little value, Catonica seems too much. The story seems to be more about her than the Black Legion.


So the Black Legion need strong enemies and a good reason to pick a fight with them. I don't want to go full 13th Black Crusade, I think that will just be something that happens on the epilogue.


Ok I have a new idea about raiding parties, perhaps Noxious gets the scoop on a imperial type Death Star God Hammer weapon of doom and he and the Black Legion set of to steal it. At any rate I like the idea of my guys running constant raids and supply runs in imperial space, I'll just have to keep chipping away at it.





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Started to fill out some scenes


Please let me know what you think







As the Black Legion entered the ravaged ruin of Catonias geofront, they see the Desert Eagles drop pods raining down over head.


Vadermir grunted in an almost satisfactory approval. Perhaps it was envy. He couldn't help but be impressed with the precision and speed at which the Imperial Lackeys deployed. They were taking a strong gambit; committing what appeared to be all of their battle company to the defence of Cationcas innercity palace realm; with no way to know the nature or numbers of the Chaos Forces; Vadermir had to acknowledge their resolve. That kind of risk-taking was telling towards the character of the force's commander; he was obviously a man of action, preferring to lead from the front. Vadermir guessed his new enemy was a swordsman; rather then a taciturn man of the Bolter, playing it safe behind his wall of firepower. The Imperials were on a death mission; and they dived right in, head first.


Further out he could see landers delivering their cargos; Thunderhawks and Stormbirds were landing at the base of the inner palace, no doubt placing tanks and guns to claim and reinforce their postion at the Inner Gates. It seems the battle for the surface entrance was only the entree, and the main course was about to begin.

Good thing Vadermir was born with a infinite appetite.


Between the Black Legion and the Palace; the city sprawled out, a haphazard arrangement of living accomodations, market squares, church towers, rivers and garden areas. The destroyed and ruined hive was littered throughout, cruel and aggressive industrialised material sputtered the inner realm garden metropolis. Broken hive sections, mechanical lifters and gerters and grinders, broken haz tanks and wonky ladders, all variety of over and underhive now bedecked the inner city. With its glorious winding streets and lazy groves, it now looked like some kind of bizarre wonderland, a surreal manifestation of natures struggle against and rejection of the machine. It was a strange thing to see a bridge descending out of the ground into the middle of a shopping plaza hung precariously overhead. If Valormir hadn't spent a lifetime and more inside the Eye, such sights might have unnerved him - but rather; they comforted him. When things were upside and back to front was when him felt most at home. He unlimbered himself and ignited his lighting claw as he strode into this new arena at the head of his Black Legion forces.

(Insert weapon desciption here.)


Parts of the roofs outer crust were still collapsing inward and falling down. The city was a ruin and the battle had not even begun. The cave was far wider that the damage caused by the falling hive. The foot print of the hive tower gouged a straight line was clean along the length of this new open space.


The moons moons of Catonica reaches the long rays for the first time and kissed the surface of the planets sacred city grove.


It seems the people of Catoinca favoured open living garden areas to any other variety. The amount of land within the city that was dedicated to gardens and rivers seemed absurd. The arrival of the Imperium of Man had changed all that; as was their course. Vadermir could see where they had planted all their most important tools of their conquering. The Catherals of Imperial Truth, the Telepathica, the industrial manufactories, the Biologica hababitates. All sharing the same stark gothic cold grey of crued Imperial Logic.


In the outer city, the drop pods came down in waves, first five, the another and another. Vadormir took a moment to muse about his opponents stradegy. If it had been him; he would try to plug the hole as soon as possible. To keep the enemy trapped on the surface and bottlenecked in the passages that lead down here. It was taking too long to bring the tanks down; through the narrow and twisting isles, the freight elevator had been ruined along with the hive; though Vadermir would not have trusted it regardless.


"Fan out" he roared through his vox amplifier, his voice all grinding gravel.

"Make way for the tanks," he bellowed "Cultist do not engage the enemy Vanguard, move around them, protect the tanks, demon enigines; provide covering fire. Consolidate on the palace gates."


"Vezgetta" he voxed his Berserker Champion directly.



"What?" Came the guttural reply.


"I'll leave the vanguard to you, make sure you kill them all. Meet me at the palace gates."


Vadermir began running; he pounced and took off at full sprint his long cloak catching the wind and flying out behind him, his chosen hustled to keep up with him, their path took them directly up the centre; directly under the still raining drop pods. There was no way he could outpace the Desert Eagles vanguard, he could hear their jumppacks roaring already, that was typical Imperial overcompensation; assault marines; in assault pods. At least that meant there would be less of them.

He knew with Vezgetta bringing up the rear, he would be free to keep pushing forward. Whatever else to be said about the man; he certainly could kill.



Vezgetta climbed atop his Landraider transport. With nothing for the twin-linked

Lascannons to target, it was about as useful as a metal box. From his vantage he could see Vadermir loping up the field, he hoped he would make it past the vanguard; no doubt there were some veterans or champion amongst their rank; too often in the past Vadermir had robbed him of the glory of killing those proud commanders. This would be Vezgettas chance to elevate himself, it had been too long since he had had a real challenge. He pained to unleash himself. He rolled his shoulders in anticipation.


Vezgetta could feel his blood surging through his muscles, he closed his eyes and tilted his head back, rolling it side to side. The promise of potential and new hieghts of glory only moments before him. With the Icon of Khorne embedded into his backpack, framing a halo around his head, with the lord Berseker's helm atop; there could be no doubt to his rank and status amongst the Black Legion filling the entrance of the cave. His many chains and trophie skulls hung loosely down his back, forming a part of the wolfpelt cloak which was gift from Valerion upon his inception to the Black Legion, in jet Black armour with fierce Gold edging he looked all the part a Renegade Berzerker. His was a profile that was a testament to hard choices and long years of inner war. He rubbed his chin around the inside of his gorget, a part of his Mk8 armour, he gunned his heavy chainaxe and snarled to shake of old memories. He flexed his hands and felt his blood there too, thinner, faster, pumping through him, igniting him with new strength and will to kill.

He could hear his twin heart beats pounding a new staccato in his ears. A new rhythm for the dance to come, a new legacy. Vezgetta took a deep breath and focused on the task at hand; he found that always worked best


The enemy came in waves, in their glorious white and gold armour, bounding over terrain by use of their jumppacks. They stuck to ridgely outlined battle doctrines, 3x5s, 3 waves of 5 drop pods with 5 assault marines in each; so typically boring. The furthest drop pods arrived first, so that by the time the last salvo landed they could together assault enmasse in a cascade of perfectly timed waves of the Emperor's righteous fury. Hoping to break against the enemy like a child's game of marbles, flung with such force as to scatter the gathered horde.

Behind him and all around him, the Black Legion and their Chaos Forces poured into the chasm. Like a vintage wine of Holy Terra, spilled on a administra's sacred robes; they bled into the chasm, black on green, soiling Catonica's sacred gardens with a new kind of cancer. They would absorb the attack like they did everything before them; absorb, devour, destroy; KillMaimBurn.


Vezgetta took a quick glance to make sure his Berserker Dreadnought was to his right; in his shadow. Mazdakka was his saftey net, as long as the Blessed Dreadnought was nearby, he knew he was free to lose himself in the bloodbath of Khorne's Blessings. The Nought's chains rattled against its legs as it flexed its twin claws in anticipation. The Icon of the Skull Throne stood proud on his armament, ebedded into its very being, the Blood God was as much a part of it as its reinforced armour and its fetol interior. The many skulls adoring his armour and hung forms chains, told a splash story of the the Berskers furious bloodletting tides. He was a sea of living carnage and Vezgetta was always comforted knowing he was near to hand; the dreadnought was the only member of Vezgetta furious company that had ever outpaced him. Granted though, he had his Dreadnoughts massive strides to account for that fact; no doubt Vezgetta would have killed him otherwise. When Mazdakka fell into his Berserker Fury he could often carry the tide of the whole battle with him. Vezgetta secretly hoped the Imperials had brought enough armour with them to rile the mighty dreadnought's temper.


As the Desert Eagles closed in he noticed them dismiss Vadormir and his chosen. That was good, as they did he identified the command section, they were outfitted with combat shields and a variety of power weapons, 5 in total, swords and axes, there was a leader with him, Vezgetta could tell by the stupid ropes on his chest and they way the others followed his actions. He was armed with a two handed longsword, just long enough to warrant two hands, but short enough to be swung easily with one; much like Vezgettas own Maletta


His heart beat faster as his blood beat electric hot and singing the sweet song of Khorne to him. He imagined his enemies blood spattering across his face, the wash of his chainaxe's exhaust as it pushed its hot breath on him.

A promise of things to come.

He flexed his hands and felt Meletta there, the great reaper

(Insert axe description here)


Vezgetta couldn't resist this last opportunity to bait the enemy, he raised his chainaxe far over head

"IMPERIAL DOGS" he roared through the vehicles vox speaker the sound amplified and echoing in the vast canyon space, thrusting his chest forward and sweeping Maletta before him as he bellowed



He spat vile as he issued his challenge.


Roaring at the top of his lungs and thrusting his mighty axe skyward he roared "I WILL TAKE ALL OF YOUR SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!!! Punctuating each threat with Matilda; as though the enemy were standing before him and him were pointing on their chest. MARK MY WORDS; THERE IS NAUGHT; NAUGHT BUT BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!" By waving his axe forward he gave the signal for the Chaos forces nearby to fire upon the descending eagles, they screamed with him a unholy chorus of chaos; a promise of pain and death everlasting. They unleashed their salvo. It was unlikely they would hit any of the deft flying assault marines; but it certainly makes for dramatic effect. With all the big guns nearby firing for effect, Vezgetta went to meet the Emperors finest warriors.


The Black Renegade leaped off the Godhammer Landraider its front assault jaws springing open to spew his shocktroops out into the gardens; and right into the path of the descending enemy. Vezgetta landed amougst them and took off, like a spring sprung from is housing. He barely took three paces before realising the time was now, as he coasted in his own wake, he swept his great axe before him.



He took this moment to recognise the danger he faced; 5 of the Emperors Emissaries, the Angels of Death, descended upon him. They plunged in a heroic intervention, an hammer of wrath style attack that had them over committed to this moment. Part of Vezgetta, deep deep down, registered this threat, he wouldn't call it fear, for he had never known fear, but a part of him recognised his imminent death, and that set of a trigger - chains reactions went off in his physical biology at the face of his imminent death; his heart pumped, blood rushed through his arteries and veins, pumping white hot electric energy through him. Bursting and new; revitalised with brilliant red hot adrenaline bloodthirsty and angry - he would not be denied! It was his right! He was right! and he was mighty and no one could deny him! He knew the Blood God was with him. This energy spewed from him in palpable waves. He growled and dug deep, winding and building momentum, he took a firm grip of his great axe Merletta and swung her two handed across himself and out and up to meet this new threat, and the Blood God swung with him.


The Imperials delivered their attack with the perfection and the timing of one of the Ommissarh's great equations, carrying the weight and inertia of the thrusters of their jumppacks into the attack, with the assault grenades of the reserve wave landing amongst the black legion, the Vanguard Veterans swung their weapons in unity with their battle litanies final syllable being uttered on their descent. Their biologically engineered superstructure, their enhanced bones and muscles with twin hearts and organs working overtime, combined with the kinetic force of the Mk7 power armour; they were together the pinnicle of the Imperials genetic legacy, combined with the most mighty manufacturiums of Mars. There was no predictable force in the universe that should have been able to stop their attack.


The Great Axe Meletta roared and sang coming to life in the hands of her blessed owner, imbued with new meaning in this sacred moment, she met the cold caculated Imperial Steel with a violent expulsion of light and energy as the two forces clashed in the open wound of Catonicas bleeding surface. All who saw it were blinded briefly at the shock of the two forces meeting, like sunlight at dawn, when the light meets the darkness and when the veil is torn; there was a shrieking sound accompanied by a shockwave effect as sudden and rapid energy unleashed at the meeting of these two mighty foes. The violence of the light passed as soon as it arrived and there was a vacuum effect in the area with an hollow wail. Vezgetta just had time to notice the name of the sword before it landed; being swung in an over head fashion, down the long straight length of its side read IMPERIALAS; THE MOST RIGHTOUS.

(Insert sword descriptor here)



In the centre of this new storm, this mini clash of titans, Vezgetta the Black Renegade, the New Successor; Champion of Khorne swinging his great axe across himself locked weapons with Bringer of Dawn, The Desert Eagles Battle Company Commander Ezekial Ryder, Champion of the Emperors Will and finest swordsman of the Chapter. He landed gracefully under the retrograde of his jumppacks exhaust; and the firce rebuttal of the Renegade attack; the ravaging beast had to come to meet him; and meet him well; he must say. Ryder had not expected him to move from his position atop the Landraider.


Vezgetta railed himself and growled once again, his holy blood ran through him beating red hot in his ears and flooding his vision, the world became sharper, more focussed, he could feel the energy coiling around his will, with supreme effort of will he turned aside the enemies initial attack, and they were both as quick to rebuke; again and again, backhand, forehand, overhead; their weapons locked again as they wrestled for the upper hand. They both dug in and pushed back behind their weapons; Ryder leaning into his Blade and Vezgetta blocking with his haft. He took this moment to look at the warrior before him.


He looked like every other space marine Vezgetta had ever seen. Underneath his helm he was sure to see all cool blue grey flint in his eyes, sandy blonde hair, he had a steely death stare and a solid jawline, his face was unmarked by wound or ravage, save for the two steel studs embedded in his forehead. That was good too; he was a man of some experience then. Vezgetta didn't know how he knew these things, but he knew it would be the case. When you took a mind to kill a man; and look him in the eye; that was bonding in itself. Locked together now as they were in furious denial of each others will to be right, Vezgetta got the feeling it was going to be a long night.


He sought to hasten the proceedings, as was his way, he slipped his grip on Merletta and deflected his opponents attack into the ground; shouldering him as he did so. Vez was hoping to have brought the man unbalanced, failing to do so, he quickly followed up with reaching sweeps of his chainsaw, the extra haft working fluidly in his hands to maximise potential.


The ShockZerkers were just as quick to recover themselves, engaging the veterans on their arrival and weathering the storm of the liege lord's counterattack. They swung their heavy axes in baying and ferocious reps overhead, underhand, always reaching, always hungry for more, they worked like the many teeth of a great shark with a veracious appetite. The field became a mess and riot of violence and death.

(Expand upon)




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Sounding great so far, especially the detail given to the abundance of nature in the city and its contrast to the marks of the Imperium and how this plays out in the traitor's mind. It's too easy to just focus on all the violence and combat whilst writing in the Warhammer (and many other) settings, so these aspects are important to remember. 

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Thanks for the feedback Pearson,


Yeah I was totally suprised by how easy is was to write about the Planet Catonica. She totally came to life on her own and I had no trouble at all finding the words to describe her - I just need more of them! I need to get a hard copy of the thesaurus to keep in my backpack, my phone is good, but I like old heavy books :)








Puesdo update incoming. This will be my last week of laziness. A terrible accident has befallen Lord Commander Vadermir - and I'm annoyed at myself for my negligence. Basically one of his demonic horns broke off. I am so peeved that I didn't get a legitimate army case for the force.


I've actually spent $120 on more miniatures this month, I did sell some old ones too; but it burns me up because I really should have bought the army case, or at least my codex.


Lesson learned the Hard way I'm afraid. It's a real pain in the arse too because his icon spikes have broken off too - the icon comes from the marauder horseman kit - and is not so easily replaced as the others. Honestly I've dropped tools for 3 weeks and look at what has happened!


I'm really annoyed at myself over this - but at least it gives me something to do :)

I was always happy leaving the painting abit shoddy because I wanted to do his cloak anyway, but having these bits break off is a real kick in the balls. So being a man and buying my army case is now top priority.


Here is the damage




It's majorly embarrassing and frustrating. Combined with the troops vs acetone incident from last week, I feel like I am right back where I started 6 months ago.


Not to worry though! My spirits are high! This lesson has taught me that my BlackLegion Characters are the most important thing to me I have created - and I will need to work harder to do them the justice they deserve.


I went in to the store today to pick up my copy of white dwarf, I will show some photos I took; to distract and amaze you all from this most recent disaster.


Stay tuned

So I went into the Warhammer store today , as mentioned, to pick up my copy of white dwarf. I took my Death Guard :p along to show the fellas what I have been working on. It was really gratifying and the miniatures were very well received. The manager is a really cool fellow and a very talented painter, he also has an old school Space Wolves army on display, so we bonded immediately and I have been lurking around the store for awhile.


Here is a link to their Facebook post. I have liked the status so I suppose if you wanted to stalk me on Facebook you could add me through there. I have recently deleted whole swathes of hot chicks and popular hot shots as I embrace my childhood hobby and come out of the closet. I never liked those people much anyway and they very rarely have anything positive to contribute to my news feed. It is the dawning of a new era in my life.




I always get anixty about going into the store after all the bad experiences I have had with the red-shirts over the years. It's been 23 years or so so I've seen a lot of changes and it doesn't take much to get me fired up about the good Ol days.


Fortunately the manager is a veteran hobbiest so the store has a really positive vibe. So it was nice to show the dude what I have been working on; and to hear exclamations of "wow! These are awesome!"


Now that Killteam is out its much more reasonable that I will get to the store regularly - where I will be able to steal the mans painting skills by osmosis and hopefully get cool games of Killteam happening that I can report and write stories about.


Here are some photos I took of the Plague marines exploring Catoinca. Kinda rushed them.










So after months locked in my hobby room - it was refreshing to get outside. I have actually been thinking a lot about the Planet Catonica and I have been taking many photos of Sydney to help inspire me. I hope it's ok if I share them here. Despite the fact I haven't done any work for three weeks; this is going to be a massive update.


Try to think of it as the calm before the storm.

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