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The Shattered Heart Warband. Make it louder.


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Thanks a bunch guys your comments really help to validate my ideas. I liked the beserker head a lot too, but I have made some final adjustments. He's all grown up now. I've kitted him out and somehow he just looks so much more menacing now. He is giving off awesome predator vibes. :D I think I will watch that movie tomorrow while I paint.


Im not on my laptop so I can't do the fancy quotey thing, but I am planning to do some more of that tomorrow and just ramble and update while I wait for paint to dry


His name is Verlictor, the Unmasked















Honestly when I start these things I have only vague impressions of what I want to acheive with the kits. I have no idea how they are going to turn out. I'm just as impressed as you are. And you guys do such a good job on picking up on the little things.


I got lucky as I had spare warp talon shoulder pads from when I obliterated that kit when I was still cutting my teeth.

They really help to take them up a notch, as they say. ;)

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His name is Verlictor, the Unmasked


Ironic, really, considering both of the new variants are, well, masked ;)


Personally speaking, I preferred the 'zerker head, but out of the two new options, I think I'd choose the helmeted head because it makes him look more sinister and inhuman. The pose is still brilliant.

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I now have the urge to cut up my Possessed to 'biggerfy' them, I will be good and ignore said urge until I pick up another box so I can start with fresh bits.
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Yeah I don't know I may still go back to the berserker head. It's a cool and iconic piece, and I haven't actually used it anywhere else so far... Plus it's got those cool fangs.


I really thought I had it with the chaos re-breather head. I haven't actually used that head anywhere in the army either... Decisions decisions...


Thanks for the comments dudes, I just woke up, so I'm going to make brekky and get at it!

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I've gone back to the berserker head. It just feels right. It's from the right era. Just for krauty. :) I did see the irony but he's called unmasked because he has unmasked and embraced his natural instincts. ;)


Also because I think that's the last time I'll do the behind the scenes thing. In future I will just try to post the finished conversions. It's just tough because you never know when your finished!


I think I got it now.






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Hey wow I ran out of likes trying to catch up the thread. I really enjoy converting space marines, and its something I could talk about all day (and will.) But right now I think it's too soon to pat myself on the back, (though of course I do value everybody's input, you guys are right on the ball, and much better with words than I am.) For now I just want to stay focused on painting my vow. 


Whenever i sit down to paint I feel the need to first tidy everything and take care of all my chores. I'm just funny like that, I can't work in a messy work space. Unless that work produces mess, which is probably will I favour building and converting. :)


So I spent most of the day cleaning and organising my vow. Everything is ready and organised, even primed. So a solid two or three weeks of painting should see me through easily. Then I can have a blow out and grab the plastic demon prince and some more possessed...


Until then thanks again to everyone, I can wait to build up more marines tbh. I will probaby do the whole thing over again to fill out all the squad and options.

Actually there is alot of stuff I want to do.... (mind wanders...)

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Just for me? Aw, shucks, I'm flattered ;)


The 'zerker head works very well. Admittedly, the Raptor helmet was also very cool -- maybe you should magnetise both and keep them interchangeable ;)


Also because I think that's the last time I'll do the behind the scenes thing. In future I will just try to post the finished conversions.


Oh? Is there any particular reason for this...?

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Only because I am becoming too indulgent with myself. I need to focus on my painting for awhile that's all. I have a pretty decent back log off wip that I would like to finish up for the plague marines.


Then I will feel less guilty about buying new stuff.


That's what my vow was about. I'm just getting carried away. Unfortunately it's time to focus again. Both here and at work. But luckily I enjoy painting, and I enjoy my job, so no complaints really.


Just been a funny week for me. Things should settle soon.

Plus I get tired of the constant image spam from me. Maybe if I wait a few days I will actually get things settled, even painted! Then we can look at the finished product first and unravel it.


I think I need to create some distance between me and the thread, because right now I'm like "wow dude look at this dude I builded!"


I also think you guys are giving me way too much credit.

I'm just humble joe the builder man.


I have also discovered Slannesh. And it was as though the Internet spread her legs wide open for me. (figuratively speaking)


I'm going to kit-bash the sang-guard kit with the warp-talons kit. It took me like 8 hours to make that decision. Then I will collect the forge world emperor children range and paint it black.


But there is a lot of stuff I want to do for the black legion too. Both plastic and forge world. Just too many big dreams, I'm like a deer caught in the headlights.


I'll be back with more not to worry. I was supposed to paint this weekend but I I decided to take the weekend off the hobby. Then I decided to buy something and built it.


If I come back next week with anything less than 6painted cultist and a plague dreadnought I want you guys to slap me.


I'm really just waiting for this job to come off. We are supposed to be signing the contracts this week. It's been a few weeks of agony now. I will move to monthly pay and work a 10-6 roster. So just some lifestyle changes I am trying to manage.


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I like the berserker head. But I'm still partial towards the chaos re-breather head. At the moment he is looking very low tech. His back pack is the only piece of gear he's got. I think I like the re-breather face because it just looks more techy.


Either way I want to sculpt some hair for the dude. Maybe some predator style dreadlocks. For that reason I don't really fancy the berserker head, the forehead seems to pronounced.


I'm actually at work atm

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Lastly, I just wanted to explain the trouble I'm having with my laptop.


Basically I cannot lock the mousepad. (So trivial!) But this really makes it difficult to type up my updates. As when I get too enthusiastic with my typing I lean all over the mousepad, it will sent the whole thing haywire! Eating my updates, or posting them before I have finished typing.


Simple solution is to fix the laptop so I can type easily and comfortably. Or I could get a wireless keypad. Then I can do a better job of replying to comments individually. It's just too difficult to manage on my phone. I prefer the mobi version on my phone.


Then the next problem is that I really need a new desk and chair to keep my laptop at. To save me having to pack up my painting stuff. Right now I'm either on my bed or on the floor. Niether of which are very comfortable.


Anyway I figure, you guys have stuck with me this far! It won't be long until I address the issues to make my updates and replys more profession. But it's something that's really bothering me.


In the meantime I'll just stick to my phone. Which I'm probably too comfortable with, I I use my phone to communicate with my family and friends, girlfriend etc. so it's very intimate ;)


Anyway sorry for all the do dather, I just felt it would be worth explaining. I really don't mean to overlook anyone's comments. Who knew keeping a thread could be so difficult. Once my vow is complete I will look at fixing all the myriad things that go into producing these threads, hats off to the guys who do it every week and make it look easy.


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Less chit chat more paint slap!

Or scrub, as it were.


I've started on the cultist with the intention of finishing them up tonight. I'm really happy and impressed with how they are looking so far. They have a lot of skin area so will be a good chance to practice mr krautster's advice.


I really wouldn't have been able to get this far without all the sage advice I have been receiving, both here and in the ETL thread.


The cultist mini's really intimidate me, they are so awesome! Having a scheme I am confident with really helped. It was a breeze actually!


I think all my earlier trepidation is due to the fact that I have basically run out of new things to build :(


Only bikes and warp talons left, then I will start to look at tanks and demons and demonengines.


Also I still need to fill out my BL squads (which I'm excited about!) also raptors....


Anyway here will are, still need to work on the flesh and apply rust to the weapons.





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I really like the green on your cultists, because it resembles the colour worn by workers at the morgue (at least that's what I imagine), which seems very apt for Nurgle. I think I'd even add a last highlight along the most prominent edges (no drybrushing, though! Those edges are so sharp that carefully adding a highlight shouldn't be much of a problem).


Regarding the skin, it looks like now is the point to break out the washes (like I described). However, once again, resist the temptation of just drybrushing the skin afterwards: Chances are, you'll be happy enough with the effect as is. And even if not, some very controlled highlights on the faces and most bulging muscles are all you need. Believe me when I say that I am certainly no expert at edge highlighting -- but adding some highlights to these guys like I described wouldn't be hard, and you'll learn something valuable that way. Trust me! :)


As always, keep up the great work! :)

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Cheers fornight welcome to the party, we have dancing! You're right, many people have said that, but I'll never tire of hearing it & I'm not sure if believe you :p


@ krautscientist - thanks again man. I did try to follow your advice. I did a little bit of everything and made a mess of some things. I wasn't brave enough to use the wash directly from the pot, but close. I got carried away with the purple and red washes, then tried to smooth it all with another flesh wash.


I'm not really sure where I finished, we'll just have to look at the pictures. It was really good though, particularly painting the faces and drybrushing them up and selectively painting in the shadows.


I think my biggest problem with painting is that I thin my paints too much. So I'm slowing learning to be more brave. I do understand the concept of layering but I can only really achieve it via drybrushing. Whenever I try to take myself too seriously things become a mess. I'm still in shock that you use your washes straight from the pot! I know they are only washes... But still!


I must have had a traumatic experience as a kid, I think I ruined my first tactical marine with too thick paint. So ever since I discovered flow-aid I just haven't been able to not use it.


thanks again for the support, they are already tiers above where I anticipated they would be. I think in my mind I know what to do, but it's great to have an outside influence to spur me on when I falter. It's also great tons each thread ice all written up in here, otherwise I get really distracted searching google. Have you ever searched how to paint rust effects? You end up in some funny places :)


Now something worth mentioning is that l first started with space wolves (more on this later.) back in the day you used to have to mix shadow grey with space wolves grey and blend it up. I never really got that far, but we would basecoat with shadow grey, the 50/50 drybrush, then line edging pure space wolves grey.


There was a reason I brought that up....


anyway here are the cultist. I still need to paint the backpacks and some tinny Tin here and there. Also an icon on the cc guy. I'm just tired of looking at them and I feel like I'm just hurting them now. So they are off the desk and I'm currently looking at my dread.


Thanks again folks!


Dem cultist




As I said the skin is a little bit all over the shop. I kinda got lost and it got late so I just gave up. Still really pleased though. Advices welcomed.


Also this happened




Note to self - milliput is much easier to sand than greenstuff. But more brittle and less resilient. I'm so over these rhinos. I've had them for nearly 5 years? Maybe painted the 6 times? Stripped them, broke them, rebuilt them. Repainted. They have been through the wars. So I'm just over it. There was no way I would have been able to fit the front plate, so I went with press molds. We'll have to see how the look painted up. I wasn't happy with the green stuff I sculpted earlier, so I removed it.


Honestly I'm just going to paint them and be done with it. Hit and miss.


So now the dreadnought.




I'm I the midst of painting him now :)

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Black Legion force is looking really cool BrotherJim.  I'm looking forward seen how the unit of Possessed turn out, also be great to see a army photo once ETL all finish.  Are you planning use any formation from the Black Legion supplement?

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The cultists look fine. The guy in the middle of the front row seems to be the most successful in terms of the skin tone, but they are all looking good. Ultimately, it's always about finding a way of painting you are comfortable with, of course. Let me be clear, though: Using those washes directly from the pot works just fine (and is often the preferrable option, really), and once the wash is on, you have ample time to get rid of any excess before it dries -- it's quite unlike regular paint in that way.


Aw, but why did you take those sweet Verminlord horns off the Dread? They were the best part of the conversion -- or is this just a temporary measure...?

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@ Insane - thanks brother! I was vaguely thinking I would build up the Black Legion Warband, plus the Cabal, plus The Tormented.


I need to fill out my fast attack options. So that's the next step conversion wise. At the moment the army is just a design blueprint. Once I nail everything down I will max out all the squads.


I was thinking I need to do an army shot soon, just so I can see it all working together and plan my next step. And to highlight any gaps. Just really want to grab the demon prince first.


& really want to finish my vow. I could paint the possessed now and not lose too much time ( I want to! ) but it would knock me off track.


Once I return to the Black Legion I will never leave again. I've been dreaming up some cool characters I need to build and paint black. I was actually kinda gutted I had to paint Diagon green. He would have looked wicked in Black.


Thanks for checking in!


@ Krautster - I'm sorry matey I didn't want to tell you this. Those horns aren't from the vermin lord. I live in Australia so conversions like that are far far too expensive. I made them from paperclip pins and green stuff. :D


I hope you don't feel cheated. :) hehehe tricked you ;)


Literally I just pinned them in, cut them down, rolled up a sasauge from green stuff and smooshed it on. Then I (get this) grabbed my pliers and kinda nommed on them. Super lazy, super easy. I was suprised it worked at all! The ridges in the pliers created the, well ridges, I guess you would called them.


I was really happy with the technique. But I just felt the horns were too large. All my dreadnoughts will have horns in this way. I'll come back and tinker with him after I finish my vow.


I have been using blu tac and chaos horns to try different ideas. There are a lot of cool options for dreadnoughts. I have three so I will experimentus maximus once I finish my vow.


This weekend I want to do an overview of everything left I the house and what my plans are for it. It's going to be tricky though as winter has just set in, so there is very little sunlight here during the day.


While I have your attention dear Krautster,

I was thinking today that I am going to build you a berserker as a gift. No arguments. I just need to round up some bits of e-bay. He will be in the same style as my other berserker character. After I finish the ETL but before I recommence the black legion. I am going to build you a gift to say thankyou for all your advice.


I'm getting ahead of myself even mentioning it. But it would be too awkward for me to reply without mentioning it. I've never been good at keeping secrets. And especially seeing as you keep being so helpful :p


Now this is isn't just for helping me. I have lurked the 40k forums far and wide, and read your comments here there and everywhere. The community is very lucky to have a man of such statue living amongst us.


I thought I would try and emulate you and try to be more pro-active about commenting on the threads I read. But I don't have the charisma like you, to get my point accross without sounding like a jerk. Or the patience to gently encourage.


I more the kind of person who yells at people. "Your doing it wrong! Get out of my way!" Rah!!! Angry man!!


Haha... Anyway just pm me about it, or you'll see it happen and I'll pm you when the time approaches. It won't be hard because I am using the MKVII legs from the old assault squad. So it'd won't be too difficult.


While I'm on this I thought long and hard about building berserkers straight from the chaos box. It's just too much to start with as the squads are always big, and always running. (At least they should be.)


I will go via way of the raptors. I will attempt to convert 5 sets of legs using the sang guard legs as reference. So two touching down, two "flying" running left or right. And one guy kind floating. Neither running nor touching down. Just kinda floating there as a centre guy.


I seem to do ok if I have a set of legs to reference. But building them straight out of you imagination just always ends in heartbreak.


I'm really excited to bring my painting and conversions into the same realm. I just really need to get through my back log of stuff.


I've run out of greenstuff so I am just quickly going to hammer out the dread and rhinos before it gets here. Gaps or no gaps.


Cheers again and sorry for the ramble.

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Look what I just fund  




Now look at that blue. That is army painter wolf grey. Which predates my actual grey space wolves army. Which means these are the very first pair of assault marine legs I ever converted! I will talk more about this later as I review and build my characters. But these God damned legs started all this madness!

Hahaha so they will form the base for my gift. It seems fitting. It has begun. May the Four bless us all.

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Whoa, mate, I am just incredibly flattered! And I love the idea of owning a 'zerker champion converted by you, of course, both because I am a greedy bastard like that and because I really like your conversions! You don't even need to have him running, btw, as I can appreciate a good, solid resting pose just as well -- but really, just go for it. Your conversions are awesome, and I am absolutely confident that any Khornate madman you build for me will be, as well! I am really excited about this! :)


But seriously, it's easy to get passionate about your thread because your conversions are completely awesome and because your models have all the makings of something really special. And if I can help elevate them to an even higher level with a bit of advice here and a cheap painting trick there, the honour's all mine! ;)


Learning that those horns were actually scratchbuilt only makes me love them more -- seriously, though: They absolutely *NEED* to go back on that Dreadnought, because they were the part that really sold the model! The Dread is nice enough now, make no mistake, but he basically looks like a loyalist Dread with some bitz tastefully tacked on. Those horns, though, they really turned him into a character -- trust me, you want the horns on the Dread ;)

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Haha stop it mate, you're making me blush.


I just wanted to make some notes, no pretty pictures today I'm afraid.


The good news is: it's a long weekend this weekend! (The queens birthday.)


The bad news is: I am working tomorrow.


Good: more money.


Bad: less free time.


I was all hyped up to work on my vow, I can really do a lot with a whole extra day off. Too bad, I didn't anticipate we would have to work. But I need the money so no choice really. I will probably buy the demon prince with the money I make, so that will be some compensation.


I've always been more inclined to have a day off to myself than to earn more money.


Anyway, there is a package at home waiting for me. It is either the greenstuff I ordered, or the bits for Krauty's zerker. I hope it's the latter.


We'll see how we go over the weekend. I'll just get through tomorrow, catch up all my chores on Sunday, then have Monday off and see what comes off it. Due to the public holiday, I don't think I will receive my bits until Tuesday coming. So I won't be able to do the conversion until next week.


I was starting to think I might be able to complete my vow this weekend, given the extra day off. But it's not likely now I'm working. And it will depend which package has arrived.


Things might be quiet for a little while, but rest assured I am onto it.

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There there BrotherJim, I'm sure you'll find some time to work on things here and there. No need to be so doom and gloom about it.


I'm doing the horns on the dread again. There are lots of reasons I stripped the old ones. They were too long and spindley, I didn't like the ribbed effect for plague noughts, they were too focused around the icon, and felt seperate from the model, it was my first try, I wanted to try something else. At first I just did all the horns at once in a frenzy. This time I might try to do each one separately, and actually put some (very minor) effort into it. I know the idea works in general, so now I will try to refine it.


I really want horns like on top of the Glotkin, he's a real monster, I like him. Long and thick and curved and pointy, or broken.

Last time I used my pliers. This time I used my tweezers. Not the needle nose type, but the flat ones. I took alot of photos, I won't post them all. I think horns like this would be better suited to khorne, so I went back to just using my fingers and trying to make them look round and pointing, rather than just looking like hamfisted sausages...


I'll just continue to update on the fly otherwise it becomes too convoluted to try to puzzle out later. I tend to work on everything at once, just chasing ideas rather than finishing miniatures.

















At this stage I like the earlier version more. But I'm trying to be patient and push myself a bit. He definitely needs the horns, I was also thinking about adding a shoulder banner. (Made from green stuff.) still a long way to go

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Very glad to hear that you're returning to the idea of adding horns to the Dread! Now I still think the one you had on there before were just about perfect, and interestingly enough, some of the things you cite as detractors were actually the best parts of the horns for me:

  • the fact that they were centered around the icon really had a great way of directing the viewer's gaze, but then I have always liked that particular icon bit a lot, so yeah...
  • the fact that there were actually clusters of horns made for an even more organic and disturbing look -- you could basically imagine how they had erupted from the Dread's carapace and then grown to that length
  • I really liked that ribbed, twisted look as well -- they immediately made me recall the Verminlord, as you know, and that seems like a pretty Nurgley connection to make, as the Horned Rat is basically a less jolly Nurgle in animal form ;)

One thing I really love about the model right now is that hideous, bony spike you have added as a CC weapon, though -- that's a brilliant touch! As for possibly shoulder decoration, what about a wooden shield from one of the WFB/Age of Sigmar chaos kits? The ones from the Chaos Marauders, Putrid Blightkings or Beastmen Gors would work really well and look suitably Nurgley as well.

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I know I know man, at the time that was exactly what I was going for, and for all the reasons you stated. It's good to know we are all on the same page. It just felt like cheating, attracting the attention away from the vanilla nought and directing the viewers gaze towards the nurgle icon.


I liked them for all the reasons you stated. I can always go back to something I have done before ( so long as I take photos to help jog my memory.) I still intend to make clusters. It's hella fun just working all this out. I just wanted to play some more. The angle, position, curvature, rotation of the horns can all have a really dramatic effect on the personality of the model. So it's fun tinkering about.


I need to pick up some plastic tube so I can attempt some sprouts, I also have a BA death company nought, I might bust him out and chase down some ideas while I wait for this to dry. Although I have work tomorrow so I can stay up too late. (Being responsible is such a drag.)


Thanks for the feedback, don't worry, there will be clusters, many a cluster!


Last shot




I honestly think I can fit more in if I do it piecemeal. Just takes forever waiting on GS. I think that's why they call it the long war ;)


Not a bad idea re the shield btw, but I think I really wana make banners from GS in the long run, and the dreadnought seems like a good place to practice.



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Ok, so I said that if I came back with any thing less than 6 painted cultist and a painted dread I wanted you guys to slap me.


Sadly, there will be no slapping this week




Still working on the horns




Here are the units I have completed so far





And here is what's left of my vow




I am currently painting the rhinos.

Last night I allowed myself some distraction, and I thought we might take a look at what's in the pipeline for the army.


But to do that I want to dig through my photo bucket, so I will update from my laptop after I get lunch sorted and knock off some of my chores.


In the meantime here is a teaser photo




Ok two teaser photos :D





I wonder where this could be going? Hehehe

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