hushrong Posted February 22, 2017 Share Posted February 22, 2017 Oh my bones are shaking at that awesome captain! Man, that head looks looks great. Can't believe I have never seen that bit. I have been thinking of getting that bare head stormcast bit for an emperors children myself...because it's fabulous. Solar_Pattern and Vairocanum 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Traitor Posted February 22, 2017 Share Posted February 22, 2017 I don't know why I had missed this model... He looks great, you're getting better and better with static poses, which have always been more challenging to me than giving movement to the model as you need him to not appear dull and simple, but yours are always full of character and quite epic! Vairocanum 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pyroclast91 Posted February 22, 2017 Share Posted February 22, 2017 Awesome work brother the BA captain looks fantastic I really like the studded greaves and the combination of bits you used it all flows together really well Vairocanum 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vairocanum Posted February 26, 2017 Author Share Posted February 26, 2017 (edited) That DA is great Vairocanum, very menacing. I like the Blood Angel too  Nemac Thanks Nemac! I'm happy to hear that he looks menacing, I wanted to do a model showing the civil war of the DA with a more medieval knight feel on the model.  Great kitbash for the captain. Thanks Pearson73! Choosing which bits to use took a while but I'm happy it came out nicely.  Oh my bones are shaking at that awesome captain! Man, that head looks looks great. Can't believe I have never seen that bit. I have been thinking of getting that bare head stormcast bit for an emperors children myself...because it's fabulous. Thanks hushrong! Glad you like the captain! The bit I used was actually from the thunderwolf cavalry box with the sideburns shaved off. The new bare head from stormcast eternals is definitely fabulous, looking forward to seeing what you'll do with it!  I don't know why I had missed this model... He looks great, you're getting better and better with static poses, which have always been more challenging to me than giving movement to the model as you need him to not appear dull and simple, but yours are always full of character and quite epic! Thanks Traitor! I used to only do models with movement in my old armies but I eventually came to really enjoy these static poses. I wanted to capture a feel of him addressing his company before commencing the war so I tried to keep him with out his weapons drawn and barking orders.  Awesome work brother the BA captain looks fantastic I really like the studded greaves and the combination of bits you used it all flows together really well Thanks Pyro! I'm glad the time spent on the rivets paid off! For me the longest step of kitbashing is always the planning stage cause I change ideas a lot before settling on the end product so I'm happy to hear that the different parts flow together well!    On time with updating this week . I was originally working on a count as jokaero but I couldn't get the bionics and overall feel of the model to look how I wanted to so I'll need to try and acquire some more mechanicus bits before I'll start again. So instead I built these two armsmen for my rouge trader. husrong and sockwithaticket had previously suggested that the rogue trader could do with some body guards which I thought was a good idea and came up with these two. First up is the swordsman/knight armsman, I loosely based him off of the knights from the "edge chronicles" series. I chose to give him smaller feet so that he could seem more agile. Second is the duelist armsman, he's got augmetic arms for steadier shooting and various gear on his backpack to use in whatever situation arises. I'm kind of blanking out on what to work on for next week, but hopefully I'll update on time again. Thanks for looking and C&C is appreciated! Edited July 2, 2017 by Vairocanum Olis, deathspectersgt7, hushrong and 4 others 7 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted February 26, 2017 Share Posted February 26, 2017 Friggen COOL !!!! The Dual plasma pistolier would do well hunting in the Hives . Vairocanum 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted February 27, 2017 Share Posted February 27, 2017 Looking awesome! The armsmen/bodyguards are looking good! I love the use of bionic to further their specialities. Is the duelist missing an eye? Also, did you sculpt the box on the swordsmans back? Vairocanum 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magos Kasen Posted February 27, 2017 Share Posted February 27, 2017 Love the armsmen! Vairocanum 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Traitor Posted February 27, 2017 Share Posted February 27, 2017 They both look great! While I love the plasma gunslinger back pack I think that the one that I ought to praise you for is the duelist one, such neat greenstuff dials! Vairocanum 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NightHunters Posted February 27, 2017 Share Posted February 27, 2017 Great work chap, as mentioned live the use of bionics to enhance the individuals story! Â Presuming the bionic arms on the plasma are also the result of an unfortunate gets hot role! Happy conincidence! Vairocanum 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MikhalLeNoir Posted February 27, 2017 Share Posted February 27, 2017 Jap, the Traitor is right. Really great greenstuff work. However, like the.gunslinger more because of choom reasons^^ Vairocanum 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vairocanum Posted March 1, 2017 Author Share Posted March 1, 2017 Friggen COOL !!!! The Dual plasma pistolier would do well hunting in the Hives . Thanks DSS7! The pistolier would probably take out the heretic and the wall behind him . Looking awesome! The armsmen/bodyguards are looking good! I love the use of bionic to further their specialities. Is the duelist missing an eye? Also, did you sculpt the box on the swordsmans back? Thanks hushrong! I knew I wanted to use bionics of some sort but was very limited in bits so I did what I could. The duelist is not missing an eye just scarred (used a catachan head). I've posted a short blurb below on the box. Love the armsmen! Thanks Magos Kasen! They were fun to kitbash, glad you like! They both look great! While I love the plasma gunslinger back pack I think that the one that I ought to praise you for is the duelist one, such neat greenstuff dials! Thanks Traitor! The dials were actually fairly simple, I've posted a pic and short blurb below. Great work chap, as mentioned live the use of bionics to enhance the individuals story! Presuming the bionic arms on the plasma are also the result of an unfortunate gets hot role! Happy conincidence! Thanks NightHunters! Haha yea I like that idea a lot, like he's blown up his hands gets new ones and just goes "Sweet, I can shoot even steadier now." Jap, the Traitor is right. Really great greenstuff work. However, like the.gunslinger more because of choom reasons^^ Thanks Mikhal! The back box was relatively straight forward with the most "difficult" part being the dials which was still relatively simple. I quite happy with the gunslinger too, he went through a lot of bits change before arriving at the current form. So for the mechanical box on the back of the knight is actually pretty straightforward. Under the GS of the box itself is some plastic card to keep the general shape. The buttons are pretty self explanatory so you can just cut the squares with a hobby knife. The dials look tricky but are actually quite straight forward. You take a ball of GS and press it to the place you want a dial and then make an indent in the center, in my case I used the pole thing from the space marine bikes. You let the indented circle cure and then just make a tiny triangle to complete it. I took the pic below just now so the GS is not cured enough to sculpt the triangle yet, but it should still convey the general idea. Also I wanted to ask a question regarding mechanicus/skitarii box sets. I'm having trouble finding bionic parts still in stock so I was thinking of maybe picking up a box set of something. Which box sets would someone recommend for bionics? I'm leaning more towards quantity, but if there's a set with "better quality" bionics I'd appreciate suggestions for that too. Thanks in advance! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted March 1, 2017 Share Posted March 1, 2017 Yeah some cool pointers on sculpting! Â I am not too sure about AM bits but I do look forward to seeing what else you build with bionics. Vairocanum 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Traitor Posted March 1, 2017 Share Posted March 1, 2017 Thanks for the guide, will have to try it out! About AM boxes I would recomend the following: - Skitarii Rangers/ Vanguards: lots of bits in this box, but most of them are robed so the bionics don't show up as much. However if you want to make tech like models with robes (steampunk basically) they're perfect. - Sicarian Ruststalkers/ Infiltrators: probably the best if you simply want bionics and still have a robe. They have lots of thin mechanical parts that can be used on other models with creepy results. Also the ruststalker heads are way too cool! - Kataphron Destroyers/ Breachers: if you need the tracks for something this are gorgeous models with surprisingly detailed bits, here you have weapons, armor, heads, power plants... Hope it helps! Vairocanum 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ryltar Thamior Posted March 1, 2017 Share Posted March 1, 2017 Those are some very nice Armsmen! (and, for that matter, pretty much everything else in this thread - particularly the truescales) What're the heads for your Rogue Trader and the Swordsman from? Vairocanum 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vairocanum Posted March 5, 2017 Author Share Posted March 5, 2017 (edited) Yeah some cool pointers on sculpting!  I am not too sure about AM bits but I do look forward to seeing what else you build with bionics. Thanks hushrong! I need bionics for my servitor and jokaero. Later on I also plan on building a warband led by a dark mechanicus magos so I'll likely need some more bionics for that too.  Thanks for the guide, will have to try it out! About AM boxes I would recomend the following: - Skitarii Rangers/ Vanguards: lots of bits in this box, but most of them are robed so the bionics don't show up as much. However if you want to make tech like models with robes (steampunk basically) they're perfect. - Sicarian Ruststalkers/ Infiltrators: probably the best if you simply want bionics and still have a robe. They have lots of thin mechanical parts that can be used on other models with creepy results. Also the ruststalker heads are way too cool! - Kataphron Destroyers/ Breachers: if you need the tracks for something this are gorgeous models with surprisingly detailed bits, here you have weapons, armor, heads, power plants... Hope it helps! Thanks for the in depth response Traitor! I think I'll go for a Ruststalkers box then, seems like the closest thing to what I need. Now to budget properly so I can buy even more bits .  Those are some very nice Armsmen! (and, for that matter, pretty much everything else in this thread - particularly the truescales) What're the heads for your Rogue Trader and the Swordsman from? Thanks Ryltar Thamior! I'm glad you liked the conversions! The rogue trader head is one of the heads from the deathwatch sets and I believe the swordsman head was from a warhammer fantasy empire set (not sure which one though cause I got the head off a friend of mine).    So this week I decided to redo my assassin because I wasn't satisfied with my first go at the torso. I'm a lot happier with the results this time although it could still be better. I took Traitor and Svarmetall's advice into mind and reposed the leg to make the model leaning forward more. I also tweaked the head and gave her a mask instead of the old head which was just a press mold of a sister repentia head. Need to still smooth out the GS in a few places but I'm satisfied with how it turned out. Thanks for looking and C&C is appreciated!  Torso Detail & Side View: Edited July 1, 2017 by Vairocanum NightHunters, Isengrin, Doghouse and 4 others 7 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Traitor Posted March 6, 2017 Share Posted March 6, 2017 Definitely looking better now, though maybe I would have made her even more inclined forward :P! The torso looks good and the mask has certainly been an improvement in my opinion. Vairocanum 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted March 8, 2017 Share Posted March 8, 2017 Assassin looks good! Also, checking out the torso and the detail I realized you could totally sculpt your own sisters of battles. Â Now I am filled with jealousy. Vairocanum 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Markus_ Posted March 12, 2017 Share Posted March 12, 2017 Lovely green stuff and conversions work in this thread! This is what it's all about. Vairocanum 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vairocanum Posted March 13, 2017 Author Share Posted March 13, 2017 (edited) Definitely looking better now, though maybe I would have made her even more inclined forward ! The torso looks good and the mask has certainly been an improvement in my opinion. Thanks Traitor! I gave into laziness and opted not to break off and redo her head due to the hood so that's why she isn't more forward. I'm really not familiar with sculpting more form fitting armor instead of the usual bulk of space marines so I'm glad it worked out alright.  Assassin looks good! Also, checking out the torso and the detail I realized you could totally sculpt your own sisters of battles.  Now I am filled with jealousy. Thanks hushrong! Glad you like the assassin, failed the first time but glad the remake was fine. Sisters of battle are still way more detailed and better looking than what I did, but now I think I'd be more open to converting existing sister of battles models .  Lovely green stuff and conversions work in this thread! This is what it's all about. Thanks Markus_! Glad you like the conversions! Now if I could settle down with the hobby butterfly and try to make an army as good as yours then I'd be thrilled. Still got a small force of 40k Death Guard that's been sitting in bits for close to 5 years now.    A little later than usual but still making my Sunday update, this week I've built something a little different. Sort of a boring blurb so feel free to skip this part if you would like. I'm a big fan of comedy in the Warhammer universe so I've built quite a few comedic models like a plasma gunner holding the gun away from his face or an angry marine giving you the bird with a powerfist. 2014 was the last update of my favorite 40k webcomic Wobbly Model Syndrome. I quite liked the art style and wanted to make a model from their series a long time ago but never got around to trying. I recently saw one of their comic strips while looking for some pictures of Argel Tal and gave a read through all their comics again.  Inspired by The Traitor who recently sculpted a whole daemon prince, I set about sculpting a figure myself (although a lot less detailed). This is my rendition of Horus in the style of Wobbly Model Syndrome, the work is a little rough but it's technically my first sculpted model so I'm just going to settle for it. Thanks for looking, and C&C is appreciated.  The particular comic strip I based off of: RIP Wobbly Model, Website Down Edited July 1, 2017 by Vairocanum MordentHex, Jolemai, Nemac Vradon and 7 others 10 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mechanist Posted March 13, 2017 Share Posted March 13, 2017 For a first go that definitely captures the feel of the strip. One thing I've discovered in my own sculpting is how to better get sharp edges on greenstuff and this might be a good time to try around the shoulderpad trim and belt, though the softer rounded appearance fits the comic well you've got a few marks there that would benefit from a clean up as well. I use the tiniest little rolls applied after the layers are fully cured along the edge of trim and then just work them to a sharper edge. Not really that inspiring I know but a bit of playing round with the tiniest little bits to get in the habit of a final clean up can really bring a good but soft piece to something more finished looking. Still it made me chuckle and would be cool to see some paint on him. Vairocanum 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted March 13, 2017 Share Posted March 13, 2017 Now that is what horus really looks like . Vairocanum 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Traitor Posted March 13, 2017 Share Posted March 13, 2017 Hahaha, great sculpt, all hail the Warmaster! I'm honoured to have inspired you to make this, best comical model ever! Also, are the arms and the legs guitar strings glued to stay in that way or are you using something else? He seems to be a little angry about something, I wonder what it could be :P? Vairocanum 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted March 14, 2017 Share Posted March 14, 2017 Wobbly model was a great strip. That Horus does it proud! Vairocanum 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AndyNoMore Posted March 14, 2017 Share Posted March 14, 2017 That Horus sculpt is ace! Vairocanum 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sockwithaticket Posted March 14, 2017 Share Posted March 14, 2017 Yes! I loved WMS so much, was really bummed when it stopped. Vairocanum 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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