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Vairocanum's Projects (9/28/2020 Dark Mechanicus Cultist)

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Great update. That Angry Marine of yours has hit the mark quite well! The Ultramarine is also a great compilation of bits and craftsmanship right there. Definitely want to see him finished. up. Also, the inquisitor looks to have all the bling to make quite the character.


Keep it coming!

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Oh my, I like that collection of bits a lot...

Thanks Magos Kasen! I got side tracked and built something else, the Inquisitor will be next week's update though!


love that hammer dude you made! propper weight to him :biggrin.:

Thanks PeaceCraft! I'm glad you approve, the chunkier the better for Nurgle right!


Best blur the F-word on the Angry Marine's leg, before the Moderators remove the picture altogether.

Thanks Bjorn! I think he survived the purge since he was under spoilers (lazy so replacing with a blurred image will happen if it gets taken down). Really appreciate the heads up though, thank you!


Great job on the Praetor !!!

Thanks DSS7! Glad you like my alterations to the Praetor, revisiting old models is always a fun thing.


The Inquisitor Lord is going to be huge! Also I'm wondering, do you have any plans for a Necromunda gang with the new game incoming?

Thanks Traitor! Yep he's going to be pretty big, tall enough to stand over a true scale marine. I do have interest in creating a Necromunda gang eventually but as with army building it will depend on my budget at the time. Might start off doing some one off gangers to test the waters first.


I've somehow missed this thread, my loss i guess because it's awesome! the two khornate guys from page 12 and that female inquisitor are just top notch. 


And the dead guy reading a book of course haha, best funny mini i've seen in a long while

Thanks ElDuderino! Happy you spent the time to go through my stuff! Glad you like the Khorne guys and female inquisitor as they were all fun builds. I love funny models myself so seeing and making them is always great, glad you approve!


Great update. That Angry Marine of yours has hit the mark quite well! The Ultramarine is also a great compilation of bits and craftsmanship right there. Definitely want to see him finished. up. Also, the inquisitor looks to have all the bling to make quite the character.


Keep it coming!

Thanks hushrong! Yea figuring out how to do power feet was quite difficult originally but I guess it worked out ok. Glad you like the praetor, I really liked the chapter champion that came with Calgar but I didn't like how his  lower half was a solid block with a leg sticking out so I tried to find a better replacement. Inquisitor will be coming next week because I got side tracked and built something else.




So this week I ended up making this Chaos Bounty Hunter for INQ28 instead of working on my Inquisitor. This guy is probably going to be a part of a Dark Mechanicum Warband I plan on doing after making a bits order. I thought the bloodreaver body would work well as a base model and sculpted the armor over the bare torso. I went for a two handed gun instead of pistol and cc weapon cause I thought it'd fit well with the walking pose. Chose to use a simpler looking (and rather faceless) head as well as a back mounted web pistol cause sometimes targets need to be captured alive. Thanks for looking and C&C is appreciated!







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I saw the words chaos bounty hunter and I was instantly sold! Then when I saw him...ohhhh yeah!


To get away from doing random fluff bits about space marines I always thought about doing something on mortal, chaos pirates. I have to say thinking about that and seeing your mini he could make a sweet enforcer or armsmen. Does INQ28 have a chaos version of rogue traders?

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Saw this on instagram but hadn't the time to comment here, the guy is probably one of my favourite conversions of yours so far! I really love the feel he has, tattered but still lethal, not in complete power armour but still protected. The only thing I'm missing is a combat knife, it would really fit someone like him ;).
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I saw the words chaos bounty hunter and I was instantly sold! Then when I saw him...ohhhh yeah!


To get away from doing random fluff bits about space marines I always thought about doing something on mortal, chaos pirates. I have to say thinking about that and seeing your mini he could make a sweet enforcer or armsmen. Does INQ28 have a chaos version of rogue traders?

Thanks hushrong! I'd love to see you do some mortal chaos pirates! INQ28 is great cause it lets you be really weird with models and you don't even have to have a sense of uniformity. I don't think there is a chaos equivalent of rogue traders, but rouge traders have many different archetypes and one of them is the psychopath. I think it would be easy to corrupt one of these cause they are erratic and borderline renegade in some cases so it could probably work (the wiki has more details).


Really really stunning conversion. Thumbs up

Thanks Mikhal! Glad you like the mini, was one of the few times I didn't end up changing the model halfway through the build!


The Chaos bounty hunter looks cool, but what will he accept as payment? I doubt Chaos worshipers will be satisfied with mere gold. Souls to ensorcell the shotgun (a Daemon weapon) he wields?

Thanks Bjorn! That's an interesting point that I've also been thinking about. Definitely not any money/currency as payment, I think this bounty hunter will be more like one of those people that enjoys hunting more than eating the prey after the hunt. So maybe he works for whoever gives him the most satisfying target to hunt, also maybe he works under others to fulfill his own ambitions. 


Saw this on instagram but hadn't the time to comment here, the guy is probably one of my favourite conversions of yours so far! I really love the feel he has, tattered but still lethal, not in complete power armour but still protected. The only thing I'm missing is a combat knife, it would really fit someone like him :wink:.

Thanks Traitor! Glad you like him, I like that you noticed the not in power armor but still protected aspect cause I wanted to keep his legs relatively unarmored for faster movement when tracking down targets. The combat knife is a great idea, I'll look in my bits box to find something suitable.


Man I have to say this one is your BEST !!!!  NOW some paint.

Thanks DSS7! I'm really satisfied with the model too, paint will probably come later as I haven't even worked on my inquisitor warband from earlier this year either. I need to decide if I'll have the warband in similar colors or keep everyone different and give them all a sort of ragtag look.



So this week I finished my version of Hector Rex for BCK's conversion challenge. Needing to follow a specific guideline really helped with the build cause I didn't stray from my original idea much cause of the wysiwyg aspect of the challenge. I may come back and add some details here and there before the last day of the challenge but I'm quite satisfied with him overall. I just realized I hadn't taken a size comparison pic so I'll try to get one tomorrow and add it then. Thanks for looking and C&C is appreciated!




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edit: added size comparisons with a normal terminator & non-power armored inquisitor. 

Edited by Vairocanum
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He looks great! I love the use of bits that make up his power armor. He looks like he has some custom armor instead of looking like a terminator with =][= icons everywhere. Its also just great to see all the different sets of bits that went into making him.


As for Inq28, I like smaller scale games where its more fluff driven and minis are open to even more customization. Sadly no one in my group has the same thoughts. The closest we got was Heralds of Ruin.

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Fantastic work on the inquisitor; nice spread of parts and a really strong pose there.


The Chaos bounty hunter is looking spot on too, really liking the choice of a ranged weapon, as it's much more common to see chaos characters built with melee clearly in mind.

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