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+++ Hidden Hands of the Emperor +++


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In answer to the question in the post above: Now you have. 


IMG 20170710 002116

What do you think? Good or out of place?
I built the turret that comes with it equipped with lascannons so I can decide whether I need more horde murdering or holes punched in tanks. I'll probably hit up some bits sites to see if I can find something approximating a Predator turret. 
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Welcome to the Ravenspire!!!!

On a separate note:

I, Valaas, for the glory of the Raven Guard and the 4th Company, vow to complete a squad of Sternguard Veterans, including Veteran Sergeant Race Bannon, by 11:59 PM on September 15, 2017

IMG 20170602 213709

These better go quicker than the Stormtalon!!!!



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VOW #1 Complete!

Phew that took a little longer than expected....going to have to pick up the pace!


Stormtalon Complete:


More picks in my 4th Company Project Log.
As always comments, questions and suggestions welcome.



Valaas, that is beautiful, and I've definitely made up my mind that my "flyer" is going to be a Stormtalon, and that I will shamelessly copy your work.


Edited by Rocmistro
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Valaas, that is beautiful, and I've definitely made up my mind that my "flyer" is going to be a Stormtalon, and that I will shamelessly copy your work.




Thanks very much for the complement, happy if it helps others with their painting.


One word of advice don't waste to much time on the cockpit interior....I spent ages detailing it up and putting chapter specific shoulders etc on the the tech marine...once the canopy is on 75% is obscured.



Update 2/10: Praetor


Shadow Warden Gherith Arendi, Commander of the Black Guard.



I 'borrowed with pride' extensively from this guy


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Always been a fan of this Sicarius model, which sports just the right amount of bling for a RG commander i think. Just changed the shoulder pad and stuck brass etchings over the most obvious Ultra symbols.


Also tried a new black recipe (Abaddon Black with progressive 'The Fang' blue grey blend and pure 'The fang' edge highlights). Recommended.


Love the RG symbol on the cloak! Any tips on how to freehand that, for someone who is rubbish at freehand!

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Yeh thats something I keep going back and forth about doing... I suspect I probably will in the end. :ermm:


Any suggestions on highlighting Castellan and Death World Forest Green? Oh and Zandri dust.

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Valaas, can't wait to see those sternguard! What kind of gear are you thinking about?


Mr Race Bannon is going to be getting a stalker pattern boltgun:


99550101476 RavenGuardMorDeythanStrikeSquad04

Then I think 1 combi-flamer (playing a lot of ZM at the moment) and maybe a comb-grav or combi-plasma.....though I will have a rake in the bits boxes to see if i have any more combi -weapon bits, otherwise it will be 2 special issue bolters.
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Valaas, can't wait to see those sternguard! What kind of gear are you thinking about?


Mr Race Bannon is going to be getting a stalker pattern boltgun:


Then I think 1 combi-flamer (playing a lot of ZM at the moment) and maybe a comb-grav or combi-plasma.....though I will have a rake in the bits boxes to see if i have any more combi -weapon bits, otherwise it will be 2 special issue bolters.



They are going to look awesome. It's a brilliant idea to use the Mor Daythan bodies as Sternguard...I might have to steal this one :wink: .

Edited by Mr. Poe
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Valaas, can't wait to see those sternguard! What kind of gear are you thinking about?


Mr Race Bannon is going to be getting a stalker pattern boltgun:


Then I think 1 combi-flamer (playing a lot of ZM at the moment) and maybe a comb-grav or combi-plasma.....though I will have a rake in the bits boxes to see if i have any more combi -weapon bits, otherwise it will be 2 special issue bolters.



They are going to look awesome. It's a brilliant idea to use the Mor Daythan bodies as Sternguard...I might have to steal this one :wink: .



Can you guess which models I'm using for my Vanguard?.......


Dark Fury Assault squad of course.....I find by using they Raven Guard specific 30K units to represent special 40K units gives us the model variation the other non-codex chapters have.

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In answer to the question in the post above: Now you have.

What do you think? Good or out of place?
I built the turret that comes with it equipped with lascannons so I can decide whether I need more horde murdering or holes punched in tanks. I'll probably hit up some bits sites to see if I can find something approximating a Predator turret.


The Space Marines now have their own Falcon. :D

I think it looks good.


I was thinking about trying to get the manned metal razorback turrets for retro reasons (someday in the future).

Do people like them in general or are they rather seen as ugly?

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Nice one. Edge highlighting disguised as weathering works well, a lot better than most approaches to black I've seen so far. The heat stains on the assault cannon could tend towards darker purple/violet towards the end, makes them pop out more. :happy.:

Cheers Majornesse,


The ends of the assualt cannon are a fairly strong transparent blue, but they seem to be getting lost in the photos because of the black mount that breaks up the heat bloom area.


I'll try and get some better pics

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Gratz! I have ordered the Transfer Sheet myself last week, hehe. But I always wondered what to do with this etched brass thingies …

With the brass etch you can do a variety of things with them....they are very malleable and wont go back into their originally form once you try to bend them


the red arrows show the unpainted "VII" from Secret weapons. On these models it signifies there Squad number


Here I am using the "III" as the Company number and the Fist logo instead of decal as the banner is textured and this will match better than a decal


On this Scout (he is the Spy for my Primaris marines)I'm using it as his Chapter Icon



on this model I used it to give him more fist logos.

I plan on using more on vehicles as they are released for primaris marines

including maybe the brass etch storage from secret weapons

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Love the RG symbol on the cloak! Any tips on how to freehand that, for someone who is rubbish at freehand!



Well, from someone who is rubbish at free hand:sweat:


I painted with the model i was trying to copy displayed on my comp screen at all times. Then taking it by section slowly. With a dark background colour it's easy to start over if smudging. If i had to do it on any other cloak, i'd draw the 'pentagon' that frames the raven guard symbol, applying any warping to the shape as dictated by the cloak's folds, then fill in the void.

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