Iron-Daemon Forge Posted November 11, 2017 Author Share Posted November 11, 2017 Thanks for the comment Hushrong Update ++Call of Chaos++ Another vow now complete, with my third unit of Plague Marines for my Death Guards. As said for this unit I wanted to go all out for close combat, trying to get a bit of everything in this force. Then the Hellforge Predator. That all the armour done. I was hoping to have this model finish by Tuesday there, but as said I ended up with one of my worst headache. But it all there & ready for undercoating tomorrow & get some Leadbelcher spray as well.I also ended up going for the trophy from the Renegade set for the front of the hall. The Blood Angel been kept for the fifth Land Raider. Then here the fourth Land Raider. It currently getting weather powder applied, so I've got another layer to apply. Then it just get all the finial work finish, like some of the trophy still need to be painted & some Blood for the Blood god. Like the Land Raider show there, the Autocannon Predator the same. It almost there. I'm hoping to keep next Sunday aside to get both of these models finish as it going be a pretty busy week. With a local event next week & I'm need to get a Melta arm Iron Warrior & Two Terminators built & painted. Bit of progress on the Emperor Children trophy base on Syn warband. If all goes to plan this & the Eldar trophy should be finish by tomorrow!! While not model related, though this was cool. So I try getting into the Conquest card game after a friend give me the Chaos deck for free. But it been over a year & there just sitting there. I'm just using the Card sleeves for my Maelstorm & Command cards from now on just to protect them a bit more (how many oppent leave drinks on the gaming table during games). Also pick this up today as well - The new battle book, keep note of games, score for Maelstorm, what command points are left. As seen on my Sig I like to keep count of the games I've fought with my Iron Warriors, for me this is pretty important. As said before, this is also why I like to add trophy to remember those great fought games, though to be honesty if I have ever fought a game against a nightmare oppent or horrible hobby destroying list I don't add it as I don't want to remember those once. So with this, I'm aim on using it that the event I attend. With the local one next week. Just if there any really important moment, I want them noted down as well. In fact one of those moment - On this day back in 2012 during Throne of Skulls November. During the second day, round 4. While I've had a lot of great games, this is one of the top & I've not had a game been as close to this one since then. Pretty much it been one of the toughness games Warhammer 40,000 I've fought. With lot of epic moments with it been Big Guns never tire mission Seen below, Champion Bronn Tal slay the Space Wolf Priest in a challenge, becoming a Daemon Prince Just as soon as the Chaos Gods grant this gift to Bronn Tal, he is slay in return by the Wolf Lord By turn 4 to turn 7, we both have three models each. Champion Uzas Vel, a Obliterator on a single wound & Lord Narach who had deep strike into the Wolves deployment & taken out units of Long Fangs It pretty much came down to the single last dice roll. There was a lot of "what if", like Lord Narach had gotten me line breaker & lot of points for taken out the Long Fangs. But same time, they "could" have take Lord Narach out "if" I happen to roll a 1 when charging losing that & they would have got Slay the Warlord. There was a lot about this game that made it the best. Just remember everyone who watch the game that Warhammer World also saying it was great but really tough to watch. That way we'd get them to roll the dice to see if the turn went on as well. The current Bronn Tal with Power Axe now has a Wolf Icon to rep this game. So this is the stuff I want to remember, this is what I want to try get out of my games. I don't care about the win, loss or draw. I can leave a game I've loss but really enjoy because of all the cool moment that happen. Like Lord Narach slay all before him before the oppent tanks have to take him down, going against all the odds. Next:With my Call of Chaos vows almost there. With the Drone waiting to get base & few models to finish. I'm having a look & what I'd like to add next Iron Warriors I would like to add another squad of Berserkers to my Iron Warriors. But have them as part of the Siege Breacher theme side of thing. So have them with the shield, converted them with the Chainsword polearm & then maybe look that adding chainaxe to the backpack. Try do something cool with the Mark of Khorne on there shields. I'd also like to try make a Marine version of Warsmith Abhorred Riddick. If I have any games with him, class them as historical. Just something though be cool. More Basilisk - After seen that the get there squad. I want to add a few more Another Kytan Plasma Cannon Predator Waiting to see what the - design your own tank, has when Chapter Approve release. There going to be a few more thing. I'm trying to set some time aside & try get everything I've got for my Iron Warriors all set up again & try get a photo see how they are now. You can see the one I took last year that the start of this topic. It just give me a idea how the 5th Grand Company looking, what still need to get finish, what I'd like to add Death Guard That least two more of the Plague Crawler tanks. Which I might be getting in two week time, try get them ready so I can get a few games with this new force More Drones Need to get Typhus & convert him more like the art work Rhinos for my Plague Marine squads Try to get the Lord converted up, the one who will be the main person led this Nurgle Crusade The Nurgle Sorcerer, I've got a idea it just trying to get the right model When ever the other drone get release. Biohazard 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted November 13, 2017 Author Share Posted November 13, 2017 Just though I'd quickly show this. I didn't have the space set up the Dark Mechanicus, Chaos Guards, Death Guards & Khorne armies along side this due space. So it been about 6 years since I started this version of my Iron Warriors. Mark ten year of collecting back in 2011 & just move on to the newer & updated range of paints & try other stuff like weather powder. Like wise, Friday 17th mark 16 year in general of collecting the Iron Warriors, my main & favorited Legion & a force I've kept going back to all these years.I'm going to try see if I can re-find photos take of the past era. I did have them on the last topic before photobucket ruin things for everyone. Kobrakei, Carrack, Brother Mayhem and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted November 15, 2017 Author Share Posted November 15, 2017 UpdateI've got a event this weekend & as it tradition, still painting. So any spare few moment I've had this week been spent trying to paint the new trophy on the Basilisk. I had a great game against Syn (see his Slannesh army log on these forum) back in 2015 & so this year we've got a grudge game. It going be really cool & it a really cool Slannesh force. As always, those great games & oppent see trophy added to my Iron Warriors remember those epic games. Then quickly added this one. Base on my friend DIY Chapter & fit around the narrative my Iron Warriors created during the Fall of Cadia & the Warhammer World campaign weekend. Also getting these two Iron Warriors painted. Terminator been part of the core unit I've been using & acted as Lord Narach bodyguard during 6th & 7th ed. While the Melta arm Iron Warrior join the squad I painted back September for Throne of Skulls, with the Warhammer World Command Rhino. Also this is the first time I'm adding allies. So this Chaos Guard commander will be leading the Patrol detachment, just so I can use the Basilisk. I've always wanted to try get the Forge World Renegade commander. Just had to replace a few part. The head to fit in more with the narrative of my Chaos Guards. Chainsword was replace due to the originally one been sort broken. So I'm going to spend bit time tomorrow getting these painted. They need to be finish by Friday. Also work started in the Hellforge Predator. I've not had to much time right now, it been pretty chaotic. But hoping next week to jump back to my Call of Chaos vows. With the other Predator & Land Raider nearly there. I've been looking on what I'd like to add to my Iron Warriors. Adding on to the list from above is - Power Armour version of Warsmith Abhorred Riddick, for historical games. Though be cool convert up a all plastic version of my Warsmith, the first model that started the Iron Warriors for me for almost 16 years, which will be this Friday in fact 17th November. - I'm looking that adding a second Contemptor Dreadnought as well. Try get a siege theme going & try bring in element from the Warsmith Dreadnought from Dead Sky Black Sun novel. I'd like to get this model ready for the 24th Dec. - With the release of Necromunda. I'd like to convert a squad like the one shown in John Blanche conversion art work shown below from White Dwarf 202. Also bring in elements from Andy Chamber own Iron Warriors feature in the same White Dwarf, when shown member of the studio own conversion. So using parts from the Golith kit for this squad. Possible something might get for Christmas. Urauloth and Brother Mayhem 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted November 18, 2017 Author Share Posted November 18, 2017 Update So first up. Yesterday, 17th November mark 16 years since I started collecting my Iron Warriors. With Warsmith Abhorred Riddick been the first model & since then I've never look back with the IVth Legion been my main force in the 40k hobby. As said I'm thinking of converting up a Power Armour version of Warsmith Abhorred Riddick once more & have him there for historical games. Just since the Daemon Prince was release & a great game vs Blood Angels many a year ago, it help the Narrative on how he became a Daemon Prince. Also the metal Daemon Prince been one of my all time favorited models. ++DWARF - Winter War 2017++ So I've just return from a really long day that the gaming club DWARF Winter War event 2017. Since the 40k game was brought in to the charity event in 2013. I've been going as often as I could. It was only last year I missed out due to been really badly ill for two weeks & was really gutted Here a few new models that where painted for the event. So a Renegade commander, Terminator & Melta Iron Warrior. I also went back to the Basilisk sort out some new & replace trophy. Was just gutted when I drop the model yesterday afternoon. It cause the Ork trophy to break :( Also added the Chaos star to the top of the shield part. Just I had to go back & start file away what remain of the Imperial Icon on the shield & try cover up some of the removed paint. Then some photos from today event.Game against Syn Slannesh force, his army log can be found on the forum.Me, Syn & Bio all agree for a theme to take Siege Dreadnought & Exalted Champion in our list. My Exalted Champion building up a really great narrative thanks to epic games like these. Pretty much the amount of save he's been making in games against all odds. For example against Syn's Maulerfiend, here he is making all the saves!!! Then here the photos of Syn, Bio & myself Chaos armies, pretty much our Black Crusade. Khornestar, deathspectersgt7, robofish7591 and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SystemSyn Posted November 18, 2017 Share Posted November 18, 2017 Hey buddy, it was an awesome tournament today, I'm really glad I got to take on you and your your Iron Warriors. The Exhalted Champion does seem to be a really tough unit. Both yours and Biohazards were really hard to take down. I think your Exhalted Champion took a Maulerfiend, 5 Terminators and a Rhino to kill! Biohazard 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Biohazard Posted November 19, 2017 Share Posted November 19, 2017 My Exalted Champ did do fairly well, funnily enough it was your Mauler that killed mine as well Syn! :) Was a great day of gaming today and I just want to go on record and Grudge match you for the next one IP :tu: I’ve yet to play against these Iron Warriors. :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted November 19, 2017 Author Share Posted November 19, 2017 Update ++Call of Chaos++ With DWARF - Winter War tournament been & gone. I've now jump back to get my Call of Chaos vows complete, with just under a month. I'm almost there. With the Predator & Land Raider shown past while, I've just got to finish painting the trophy. While I've spent a bit of time today painting the Hellforge Predator & it went a lot faster than I though, again it just trophy to paint & add transfer. But I'm going to wait until next week to varnish the model as Games Workshop release a new spray varnish that meant to not frost** **It only seem to be this year I've have problem with varnish, with it frosting over models. Where before, it was only really 2015 but that was due to bad weather that led to varnish been effected. Then the second Land Raider vow getting there. I was just waiting on part to arrive as a few friends & oppents where bring parts so there armies could be rep as trophy. So possible aim to get this undercoated, leadbelcher spray & start apply shade some point tomorrow. Then it also get the Nurgle Drone undercoated & started. So trophy wise Nids base on the manger from my local store MkIII base on my friend Space Wolves Space Wolf, base on a friend/Space Wolf force I fought during Eternial Warrior event. Game up there as one of the best. Word Bearer, base on Matt a oppent from Throne of Skulls April & October 2012 Nurgle, base on Chris Stone force I use to game against in 2013 in pretty much ever single local tournament. Bloodletter skull base on a friend Khorne force. Dark Eldar base on a friend/oppent from DWARF Fire Storm event this year. Imperial Fist Primaris base on friend/oppent from Rapid Fire this year. They couldn't find the Imperial Fist model they'd kept aside for me. Ork skull base on friend after game I had on my birthday last year. Unknow Primaris Marine helmet. I'm still trying to think who to base this upon. I've not added a Iron Hand trophy for a while...... I also need to try get a fifth Nurgle Terminator so that vow complete as well. This should all be complete by the 15th December. Biohazard 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted November 26, 2017 Author Share Posted November 26, 2017 Update ++Call of Chaos++ That me just started work painting the second Land Raider I've vowed for Call of Chaos. So just been spending a few hour during today painting. Then the Biologus Putrifier, to be honesty I forgotten about this model for a few weeks until I was sort out the Death Guard models. So the base is painted, still a few part finish painting but he about 97% near finish. Then just varnish & add blood for the blood god. Then the Drone finial got it base done today. So this model will get undercoated & then spray with Death Guard green. That will mean all my Call of Chaos models will have paint. It should all be finish for the 15th December. Then pick up this lot yesterday. Plague Crawler - So second one. Just want to have it ready for my Death Guards first game which will be in a few week time & I'm also going to try get a army photo. I'm really looking forward to this. Still need to sort out a power level list & try included there Primarich as well. During the week there, Forge World posted this on there facebook page. Minotaur Artillery by Mark Filsy Phillips, anyone who on the Horus Heresy model & painting group will know how cool & inspiring his Horus Heresy Iron Warriors are.It just I'm now looking that this & thinking how could I convert this into a Chaos version. So this is going to get added to the list of models I'm planning on adding to the 5th Grand Company. With a second Contemptor & Siege Dreadnought. As well as a second Basilisk planned pretty soon. Then Nurgle, I'm really looking forward to the Myphitic Blight-haule release as well & add them to my Death Guards. Though I'm not all to sure on the Terminators Urauloth and Biohazard 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted December 1, 2017 Author Share Posted December 1, 2017 Update ++Call of Chaos++ That all my Call of Chaos vow now have paint on them. With two week to go until the deadline, I'm almost there. The Nurgle Drone. This should be finish be the end of next week & will be part of my Nurgle force for there first game in two week time which will be 120 power level. Aim to get a photo of the whole Nurgle force when this happens. Thanks to Bio. He sent a spare Nurgle Terminator. As said I'm not all to keen on the fly Terminator. So Bio has help out & make my squad of Terminator legal again with this fifth model. Again he should, if time permit be finish by the end of next week. The second Land Raider vow. Just been spend this week painting away & it almost there. I'm just waiting on transfer to arrive from fallout hobby, it my first order with them so unsure how long they should arrive. But if there not here by the 14th December, then I'll just call the Land Raider vow complete as I don't want to rush anything as there also the weather powder need added.I'm going to replace the Space Wolf trophy on the right side (above the Nurgle trophy) with a new Marine one, it will still rep Space Wolves. Just I've got a idea to try show this as a warrior from the Bloodclaws base on a game from a local event back in July after 8th ed was release. These are the transfer I've order from Fallout hobby. I'm really looking forward trying them out. As said this is the first time I've order from Fallout hobbies & looking get more these in the near future. After take some of the photos show in the post. I had a spare half hour, so though I get some transfer added using the Forge World IW sheet. I've also completed the first Land Raider vow - Sadly one of the trophy broke off. So sort that out soon. My Predator also finish. As I'm always looking to convert up & add more cool models to my Iron Warriors. I'm gone back to the Will of Iron comic. I've also notice I've missed out on series 2 & that series three is currently been sold. But thankful family have spotted those comic & I'm going to get them for Christmas. It just the art work really cool & just with character like Astorax the Sorcerer I'm wanting to try convert a new Sorcerer theme on Astorax, using the FW Iron Warrior helmet & part from the Empire Flagellants Also got a bit of time to build the second Plague Crawler. I need to get this model ready for two week ago. As said with the Drone, I've got a game arrange. Just I general dislike using unpainted models in my games, something about it that off putting. . Biohazard, brettfp and Brother Mayhem 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted December 9, 2017 Author Share Posted December 9, 2017 ++Call of Chaos++ With Call of Chaos X nearly finish on the 15th December. I'm going to call my vows complete, just with a lot on for moment. There a few thing that need to get finish but it most like going to get done when my Christmas holidays start in two week time.So here the vows Iron Warrior Predator Iron Warrior Predator Iron Warrior Land Raider Iron Warrior Land Raider Iron Warrior Exalted Champion Plague Terminator Plagueburst Crawler Tallyman Plague Surgeon Drone Foul Blightspawn Unit of Plague Marines Unit of Plague Maruies Putrifier My first order with Fallout hobbies has been posted & I'm really looking forward to trying out the transfer. I'm just waiting on them & then it add weather powder, but unsure how long the order will take since there from the USA & arrive to the UK. So this will be something I'm aim on getting done during the Christmas holidays.I've order the Chaos transfer & the Chaos stencils which I'm really looking forward to using on future models for my Iron Warriors. Been apply the Forge World Space Wolf transfer to the side of the Space Wolves trophy, been inspired by the Viking tv series. So this is rep a oppent & friend I fought that Eternal Warrior event, which was a single day & first one up here ran with the 8th ed rules. It was a really great game & I've said I would get around to added a trophy base on there company. Hellforge Predator going to be another one that will be finish during the Christmas holidays as that will also be using few of the transfer made by Fallout hobbies :D So that it, another year, another Call of Chaos complete. Since 2012 has became a big event for my Iron Warriors to take part in. So as said with my Christmas holidays starting soon. This is the time year I want to get more of my own hobby done. Right now I'm planning this, there a lot of things I want to try get done & setting a day or two aside.So this is one of them, my Forgefane squad I made two years ago. Pretty much it to get the Rhino finish. Seem to been when I painted it I think I put the models to one side & ended up forgetting about the Rhino until last month when I took the army wide photos of my Iron Warriors. So I'm aim to get the Iron Warrior crew/combi bolter built soon. With the Rhino door, want to try get that done & I'm going to try out those transfer from fallout hobbies along with the Forge World Iron Warriors sheet. I also went to Warhammer World on Monday & Tuesday. As always it great to be that Warhammer World & get inspired by all the cool display. From my main board, the Bloodoath one & spend more time checking out the Nurgle vs Dark Angels display. While there I pick up my second Contemptor Dreadnought & second Siege Dreadnought. Again there going to be built & painted during the Christmas holidays. It seem to have became traditions that I seem to end up painting Dreadnought this time of year. Since 2012 when I painted the Forge World Iron Warrior dreadnought on the 24th December. So just gathering the parts right now for the conversion. They will get built as soon as my holidays start. Also pick up some nice Khorne dice from Warhammer World. Going to pick up another set next time I'm there for my future World Eater force if & when new models are release!!! Then the third series of the Will of Iron comic arrive. I'm getting the complete second series which I missed out on for Christmas. Really looking forward to reading these during the Christmas holidays & get some ideas. Also I'm now planning on building a standard bearer for my Iron Warrior, a Battle Brother to carry the Grand Company standard. He will use the Lord rules or Exalted Champion rule & give me another HQ chose.Theme wise will be a veteran who carry this banner since the Siege of Terra. This is another model I'd like to plan & get built during the Christmas holidays. In fact work might be starting in the next few weeks on converting this model!! Bjorn Firewalker, Urauloth and deathspectersgt7 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ranman8 Posted December 10, 2017 Share Posted December 10, 2017 I've been following your work for awhile now and I must say its awesome! I have two questions though.... First is where you get the spikes you use on your vehicles from... and second is where you get all those awesome tabards you use on all your infantry? Thanks in advance! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted December 10, 2017 Author Share Posted December 10, 2017 I've been following your work for awhile now and I must say its awesome! I have two questions though.... First is where you get the spikes you use on your vehicles from... and second is where you get all those awesome tabards you use on all your infantry? Thanks in advance! I take it, you mean the once with the trophy? There from the Chaos tank upgrade sprue. Sadly can't buy them separate any more from the Games Workshop web site. But any Chaos Rhino, Predator, Land Raider & Vindicator will have them I tend to cut them off the plastic strip. The tabard from the Ork Nobz box set. While I do have around 40 of them kept to one side for future Iron Warriors, they are a bit difficult to get as a lot of bit site don't update these parts as often. Hope this help out. ranman8 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted December 13, 2017 Author Share Posted December 13, 2017 Update With Call of Chaos vows now complete. The long war is never truly ended, as there always some cool to add & something for me to look forward to paint. Just painting a few more units for my Death Guards first game. This unit is base upon Maxime Pastourel Plaguebones. My theme for this warband is a Death Guard force on a crusade in Nurgle name & will link up with my Iron Warriors 5th Grand Company with the current era of the 40k background.So with that, it just allow me to included different units, paint them up different to rep friends & other cool warbands I've seen &/or gamed against over the years. Still a bit more to paint & they should be finish by the weekend Then here the second Plague Crawler I'm also needing for there first game. Just got varnish & weather powder to add to this, which will get done during the Christmas holidays. Here my Warlord for there first game :D Also with my Christmas holidays starting soon. I like to try get as much hobby done during the next few weeks. As said I got a second Siege & Contemptor Dreadnought while I was that Warhammer World last week. So I'm aim to get the Contemptor Dreadnought built this weekend. I've got a few of the Iron Warrior FW Dreadnought heads I'm going to use for both models. I'm just waiting for Saturday to buy a few more parts for the conversion.It seem to have became tradition since 2012 I always seem to be painting a Dreadnought base model for my Iron Warriors around this time of year. I'm wanting to get the Contemptor ready for the 23rd December & paint 24th. I can't remember if I said about this. So I've started to lock in on idea for my bastion conversion. So this is a bit of a preview. I'm just need to buy the new hobby saw from my local Games Workshop store on Saturday as well & that will sort out the Vengeance artillery . There a lot more, there going to be a lot trophy. So this is one of the models I'd like to get painted during the Christmas holidays. Urauloth 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted December 13, 2017 Share Posted December 13, 2017 Your work is impressively detailed. The Astartes helmets impaled upon your tanks as trophies, are a good touch. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted December 15, 2017 Author Share Posted December 15, 2017 Thanks for the comment :) I tried taken a photo of my Death Guards yesterday, just before there first game. But the light in the hall we use for my wargaming club not that great & seen green army on a green table not help out :( But here how my Death Guards are looking. Just get a idea where the army is & what I would like to add. Since last time, the Death Guard Primarch has had a bit more detail painted. From the wing, trying follow the guide on the Archon painting by Warhammer TV. To adding the Nurgling from the Champion blister Also my fallout hobbies transfer arrive yesterday. So they've be added a few moment ago. Also add, I've try out the new varnish Games Workshop release on the 2nd December & it been great. Just during early 2017 when I use purity seal it was been a negativity experience with models frosting during spring & summer. Before that bath of spray, only issue I ever had was back 2015 was that was due to none stop storms that went on for a month & a half. But I've just try the new varnish a few moment ago (7pm) as well, it 1 degree here, there ice, there snow out side. I've not had any issue that all with the Predator show below, the Land Raider, a Plague Tank & the unit of new Plague Marines. None have frosted, pretty much it all been positive. So back to the models. Here the Hellforge Predator with one of the transfer, the Chaos star on the side. So the Hellforge Predator will get weather powder added soon along side the last bit of detail get painted. Then the Land Raider. Again just need weather powder added & last bit detail. The fallout hobbies transfer are again the Chaos star on the side & on the Heavy Bolter. Painted the red eyes as I think they just look cool on the Iron Warrior icon. As always, trophy are base upon the great games I've had against friends or that events like Warhammer World Throne of Skulls. Just notice the Space Wolf photo turn out blurry. It was to try show the Forge World transfer I'd use to mark out the game against Iain that a local event. Base upon one of his Blood Claws. Then the new unit Plague Marines I recent painted base on Max Plagueborn warband. So they will be fully painted by tomorrow. Also just for my limited ed Iron Warrior art work back. It had been sent to a place near by to get framed. As said I really like this art work & it inspired the Exalted Champion conversion for my Iron Warriors who has been building up a great story thank to the epic games he has taken part in over the past few months. Bjorn Firewalker, Doghouse, The Traitor and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Urauloth Posted December 17, 2017 Share Posted December 17, 2017 Please stop making me want to paint Iron Warriors Nice work on your Death Guard, liking that unit with the pale armour a lot. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Mayhem Posted December 17, 2017 Share Posted December 17, 2017 Lovely stuff as per usual. How do you go about making the trophies on the vehicles? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted December 18, 2017 Author Share Posted December 18, 2017 Thanks for the comments. Update That the Land Raider nearly finish. I'm going to keep some time aside during the Christmas holidays to add soot weather powder to this & the other four Land Raiders. I've been trying to get a clear photo of the Space Wolf trophy. After getting this one done, I want to get a few more added in the future as it shouldn't clash to much the grey with the metallic colour of the Iron Warriors. As well as like the transfer from the Space Wolves FW sheet. Then the Imperial Fist base on my game from Rapid Fire back in October. Then the Hellforge Predator. I've really like using the Fallout hobbies transfer & aim to get some more in the near future. Also see if there able to make a list of campaign Here the second Contemptor Dreadnought. Inspired by Brother Heinrich Night Lord Contemptor Dreadnought, my friend Alan Son's of Horus Contemptor Dreadnought & my friend Space Wolves Contemptor. Just out of the Contemptor models, I like the Son's of Horus version & adding element from the Iron Warrior one. I'm still trying to get some parts before this model ready for painting for Saturday. I still need to add a flamer, so going to have a look that the Grey Knight Terminator, try have it sort of morphine into the Dreadnought combat arm to try show the Obliterator virus is starting to take hold of the model.I'd also like to try get element of Berossus's from Dead Sky Black Sun into this model as well, so if there any suggestion. Augmented and extensively engineered since his interrment, Berossus’s mechanical form towered above the other dreadnoughts of his grand company, his leg assemblies strengthened and widened to allow him to carry heavier and heavier breaching equipment. The dreadnought’s upper body was scarred and pitted, the testament of uncounted sieges engraved on its adamantium shell. One arm bore a mighty, piston-driven siege hammer, the other a monstrous drill ringed with heavy calibre cannons. Four thick, iron arms ending in vicious picks, blades, claws and heavy gauge breachers sprouted from behind Berossus’s sarcophagus and hung ready for use over his armoured carapace. -Dead Sky, Black Sun One thing would be to add those arm's with the picks, blades & claws for example. One thing to look that the Genestealer Cult models. Again any idea & suggestion just try get those finial part done. Trophy wise - Dark Eldar will be base against my friend Dark Eldar I fought that DWARF Fire Storm even back in August. This was a game where my Chaos Siege Knight was took out so much with it. So this will be in a orange colour scheme - Blood Angels, old grudge army. - Bloodletter, base on a game against my friend Daemonkin. When Lord Narach & his Terminators held out against two Bloodthister, unit of Bloodletter, unit of Bloodcrusher, two unit of Berzerker & a unit of Cultist for 5 round of combat. It was really epic. - Then arrive in post, going add a Space Wolf trophy base on my friend Iain game from Eternial Warrior event early this year & as seen on the Land Raider show just there. My holidays start on Friday as well. So I'm going to get my second Siege Dreadnought built that will also be using the classic Forge World Iron Warrior dreadnought helmet as well.I'm wanting to use both Siege Dreadnought & the Contemptor dreadnought shown here in next year Throne of Skulls event. When I go to event, I'm just there to get some epic & fun games & just give me a deadline get new models painted & weekend of using them in games. The 5th Grand Company standard bearerJust gathering the parts to convert the standard bearer. Again aim for a few event next year. Just with the way detachment run with extra HQ's, though be cool to use this model gaming wise as a Chaos Lord, with re-roll 1's to hit rep by the banner. So once the Christmas holidays start I should get this model converted. I think it just the base I need to sort out what I'd like to do. Lovely stuff as per usual. How do you go about making the trophies on the vehicles? Just to check, do you mean the once on the spike or the front of the tanks?? Biohazard 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted December 22, 2017 Author Share Posted December 22, 2017 Update My Christmas holidays started today & some of my plans where to try get as much building as possible. Didn't go quite to plan as sign of a headache where starting, but clear away later on. I did mange to get Battle Brother Varik Drago, Honour Stand Bearer of the 5th Grand Company, IVth legion built. A veteran who has been carry the Grand Company banner since the Great Crusade & has kept it standing during the Horus Heresy, Siege of Terra, Iron Cage, Legion War & now the Long War. Gaming wise he going to count as a Chaos Lord in the event I need another HQ chose, just with the way detachment are needed for army selection. The Primaris Marine trophy that the back going to rep Dave Imperial Fist. Just with the game against Dave during Throne of Skulls Septemeber been a really important game & something that led to us always arrange a grudge game during the Throne of Skulls event to build up the narrative. I think the Marine trophy on the banner going to be a Space Wolf I fought during Throne of Skulls November 2012. I've said before, the game, image below. It been one of the hardest fought games I have ever had in the Games Workshop hobby & it had a lot epic moment. From Bronn Tal slay a Wolf Priest, turning into a Daemon Prince only to be slay by the Wolf Lord.With the game seen just three models each from turn 4 up to turn 7, everyone watching this game find it difficult to say how it was going but one of the most fun games they've watch. It has been some time since I've had a game that hard & close fought. Show Varik along side fellow commander of the 5th Grand Company. Also getting the Contemptor Dreadnought ready for painting tomorrow. Biohazard, Radiation and deathspectersgt7 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted December 22, 2017 Share Posted December 22, 2017 Great update but I am smittens with that contemptor in bare metal. Love the buzz saw on his fist too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted December 22, 2017 Share Posted December 22, 2017 Great job. Did the Iron Warriors capture the flamestorm cannon-armed Predator from the Blood Angels? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SystemSyn Posted December 23, 2017 Share Posted December 23, 2017 Everything in the past few updates in looking awseome buddy! The Standard Bearer is a really cool conversion, I'm looking forward to seeing him painted up. And the new Contemptor is shaping up nicely. The circular saw blade in the fist is a nice touch. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted December 24, 2017 Author Share Posted December 24, 2017 Thanks for the comments Update Mange to get yesterday & a few hour today try get as much hobby done. With Christmas just a few hour away, I've got a few PS4 games that I'm going spend the next few days playing. Always seem to end up painting a Dreadnought base model around this time of year since 2012. Not sure why to be honesty, just always seem to happen. There still few part finish painting. But see it with fresh eyes in a few days time. Again this Dreadnought was inspired by Brother Heinrich model for his Night Lord. Warhammer community Eddie with his Fallen & then my friend version for his Son's of Horus. There still a Space Wolf trophy add to the back as well as the part didn't arrive until yesterday & forgetting to undercoat them today :( Blood Angel rep the Blood Angels armies I use to game against back 2002 as they where my old grudge force to game against that a gaming club I use to go to. While the Dark Eldar rep friend & oppent from DWARF Fire Storm event early this year. Also here the standard bearer - Varik Drago. I was going to wait until Wed to paint this model. But ended up just wanting to paint & that led to Varik been that this stage. Hopeful the Chaos icon/transfer can be seen on the T face. It was something I wanted to try out & try make this unique to Varik. As well as using the Fallout hobbit transfer on the shoulder pad as a way to help mark out his rank with in the Grand Company. The Imperial Fist trophy been base on my friend Dave game from Throne of Skulls September 2013. Just this stand out as one of the top best games I've fought & why me & Dave always arrange grudge games when we both attend events that Warhammer World, building onto the narrative. While the trophy on the banner will be base on this game against the Space Wolves. I've said before that this has been one of my top games, with a lot of epic moment happing & both myself & the Space Wolf hobbiest having just three models each by end of turn 4 to turn 7. Again this has been a important game & though this & Dave game where the once I really wanted rep on the Standard Bearer Varik. I did get some work done to the Bastion. But on Friday I had sign of headache about happen, it did clear. But though be best not to saw any parts. But I'm going to use there as poster, like my Armies on Parade board & Dreadclaw model. Also pick this model up yesterday. It really cool & I'm aim try get it base some point tomorrow when time permits, Bjorn Firewalker, hushrong and Biohazard 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted December 24, 2017 Share Posted December 24, 2017 Excellent work. I love the informational posters. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CMDR_Welles Posted December 25, 2017 Share Posted December 25, 2017 Mr Sassypants is bestest Warlord. Would pet 12/10 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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