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AT Chat, Lists, and Conversions For All Stompy Robot Lovers

Fajita Fan

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Since I am kitting out my Venator Maniple for the event, I feel a melee Reaver is a fluffy centerpiece....Gatling and Missile for rule of cool, fist to mop up after the Warhounds. It makes thematically sense for my display case at any rate...
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As I sit here and paint my Knights the one thing I really hope we eventually get are expanded rules on Knight Houses and weaponry. I know they said (for some stupid reason) there would be no Porphyrion or Mechanicum Knights but I don't really believe that. I'd love rules to run Knight-only battles and even field a Knight House in the regular game (as nigh suicidal as that would be).
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While I am waiting for mycopy of Titan Death to ship, I am WIPing some possible colours....

Fureans is pretty straihjt forward, so I put some time in the other options:

The green / grey of Krytos:


which may finally have led me to a nice green for my Alpha Legion Project by accident :)


and I think I know why there are no pics of Vulpa yet….


The bruised Red/ Purple look is really hard to get Right :P


For the bruised red I'd use burnt cadmium red from Vallejo with a purple glaze over the top

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Stream news


Legio Vulpa Homeworld is Anvilus (same World the drop pod comes from)

80-96 pages per book, for next 3-4 books planed. They will have narrative, missions, rules etc.

next white dwarf may have rules?


In the future Legio specific maniples: Mortis Reaper maniple was mentioned

exotic weapons like saturnyne lascutter may be released as a pdf for people to print our themselves

Edited by Artellus Numeon
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From the stream, they basically said that they can do these book (Titandeath) every 6 months or so.  Read that as you wish. 


Also Fureans decal sheet was confirmed so I guess we will get sheet for every faction in Titandeath. Though this might not be news-news. 


There was also mention Taranis getting house rule potentially in the future so... knight houses might get rules, maybe?


Also in future there will be  legion specific maniples, but sounds like this is... more distant future. 

Edited by Zhiv
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Also they are looking into restocking the Gryphonicus and Mortis transfer sheets which are now on LCTB, Reaver weapons cards and command terminals as well.

Seems they sold tons.

Estimated number of players at more than 10K, Titan Battleforce box sold "numbers through the roof"

Reaper maniple (not defined yet?) will be a specific Mortis maniple

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I can’t like all those posts Mendi! So consider all of the above liked.


Couldn’t watch the stream live today but will watch it later. Thanks for summarising.


At least we know where we stand with the Imperator. I’d guess twice the height of a Warlord is resin Warhound sized? So the price in that ball park? Big commitment but something I’d maybe consider as I love AT.

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They also mentioned one guy found Andy's challenge for the inspiration for the narrative scenario on the ice planet. It came from WD 113 and a "Battle of the Ice Planet" games / tournament (?) event they organised back in the day.

The transfers representing warlord / reaver / warhounds can be used for kill marks but also to represent the place of the specific titan within a maniple (on the titan's banner).

Once again they mentioned ursus claws as a top demand hence high likelihood to see them in resin at some point (not really new).

They also mentioned the possibility of working on a kind of list connecting specific Titan Legios with specific Space Marines Legios. There is definitely a need/demand there.

And last point they mentioned is the Horus Heresy Weekender teasing some potential reveal then (as most of us do expect).


That is basically all the elements I wrote down from the stream, then I rushed to help my wife with the groceries :biggrin.:

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I can’t like all those posts Mendi! So consider all of the above liked.


Couldn’t watch the stream live today but will watch it later. Thanks for summarising.


At least we know where we stand with the Imperator. I’d guess twice the height of a Warlord is resin Warhound sized? So the price in that ball park? Big commitment but something I’d maybe consider as I love AT.


Thanks :biggrin.:

Well, even if unlikely at the present stage, they can always change their mind if there is enough demand for such a huge titan. In resin, I'm not sure I would jump on it, but in plastic, that would be at least one (providing I secure a job in the meantime …)

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missed the mortis transfer sheet....


they only mentioned that Fureans is getting theirs? what about Atarus?


when is this Heresy weekender?


thanks Mendi for the summary


Atarus gets its rules in the expansion and ALL the legio in the expansion are getting their sheet.  Also apparently Mortis and Gryffindor (kek) are getting reprints. 

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Notes courtesy of schoon on dakkadakka



- - Legio Vulpa homeworld is Anvilus (exclusive fluff bit)
- - Titans are only let loose on worlds where they intend to level everything
- - In the Horus Heresy, whole Legios were destroyed - first time they were up against something their equal, much like the Space marine Legions
- - They have a long-term plan for many more supplements and products
- - All the Knight Banners and Titan heraldry have meaning
- - The missions in the book barely touch on the true scope of Beta Garmon - they hope fans will generate more
- - They've been meeting about resin weapons, and the Ursus Claw is getting higher on the list
- - They have started to consider Imperator kit for "someday"
- - Warbringer is between Reaver and Warlord
- - To keep up the pace of supplements (sounds like a target of 2 per year) they cannot take a deep dive on any one thing (Legio, class, etc.)
- - They like to hint at the fluff as opposed to shove it in your face
- - Beta Garmin has some interesting planets, with all sorts of hazardous elements, including un-exploded ordnance from test ranges to vaccum, etc.
- - They want to keep doing more campaign books
- - They will also start adding info on what Space Marine Legion fought with what Titan Legio
- - FAQ is on the way after Titandeath reports filter out (a month or two?)
- - For minor weapons, they anticipate doing PDF Weapon Cards
- - Campaign system gives you a means of linking your games - equipment, crew experience, salvage, etc.
- - Also give some guidance on map-based campaigns - ala Mighty Empires
- - They may do Legio-specific dice in the future


Bring on the Fureans sheet!


Also, they shouldn't be putting anything important on LCTB. If it's coming back for certain, say it's temporarily out of stock. It's a really bad look for such a new game.

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thanks Zhiv, I knew about the rules, I was just wondering when the rest of the titandeath legios will get their transfers.


I have the Atarus 28mm transfer sheet but those are way too big for AT titans. So its kinda weird that AT sheet is not already out.

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Legio Vulpa Homeworld is Anvilus (same World the drop pod comes from)


I'm a little surprised it's not Mars. 'Cause, like:


“There was Grand Master Maxen Vledig of the Deathbolts conversing with Princeps Senioris Ulriche of the Death Stalkers, their apparent bonhomie masking decades of disputes involving ancient territorial rights along the borders of the Lunae Palus and Arcadia regions.”

Excerpt From: Graham McNeill. “Mechanicum.”


Not that it's an incredibly meaningful contradiction. Vulpa could have originated from Mars and relocated, but held onto a fortress base on Mars. Or they could have been forced to take on Anvillus during the Heresy because of the Martian blockade.

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