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2 hours ago, Mandragola said:

Nice silent judge, and thanks re: the vestal. I really like that veiled face in the judge. 

I’m thinking of giving my Silent Judge a Vratine grenade launcher. This way she’ll cause perils, plus I just think it’s unusual and cool to have a character firing grenades, loitering at the back. It might even be somewhat sensible if she’s with a unit of needle sisters, as she’ll make them count as 12” further away. 



I was thinking of playing into the Excrutia Armitus shutting down reactions to her/ any unit containing the Armitus and using her to get get Oblivion Knights into a target without being blasted. 


Though the 12 inch range modifier is pretty big on our shooty units. 

Edited by Loquille

I've been working on a custode for....about a month lol. I really like the gold recipe I use on my night lords and have been curious how it translates to a full model. Good news, I feel like it works pretty well. Bad news, even a test model took me too long lol. And I still have the final highlight stage to on the gold, not to mention all the other colours.



That looks really good @SkimaskMohawk like a sort of burnished gold. Is that some conversion work on the head too?


Just adding a fun diorama to the side of some Epic/AT terrain (was thinking of Donkey Kong)



Thanks pacific! Yea there's some conversion work; it used to be one of my buddy's that he made to match his sigilite themed proto deathwatch marines. The head is a shaved down fantasy chaos warrior head with an ad mech crest from what I can tell .


Also love the 6mm on the epic terrain. One of the funnest parts of AT is adding 6mm marines and stuff to the bases of the titans.

47 minutes ago, No Foes Remain said:

Those tanks are great for bits alone, need to get another deimos rhino and turn it into a pimped out command rhino...

They are great for this. I did the same for my Dangles. in fact I have just finished painting a grav raider (Galantine) using most of the bits of the command land raider.


Finally finished the Raptora Cadre, every time I thought I was done I would find something else. But they’re done now 


/Doesn’t look to closely for fear of spotting something else




Rather than doing something sensible like finish a unit, I’ve started converting jetbikes for my SoS. Well, one jetbike. 







the plan is to add bits of GS to make it look like she’s wearing SoS armour and add a gun of some kind. I’m far from sure what that should be, though today I’m thinking needle cannons. I can probably convert those from the stunners the bike comes with. 

not sure about the head. It’s good to have as it’s unquestionably a SoS, but riding on a jet engine with no head or eye protection is silly. I have some thoughts so I’ll see what I come up with. The hair might have to go I think. 

likewise there’s no cloak. It wouldn’t work brilliantly I think.

2 hours ago, Pacific81 said:

Amazing skin/tone work there with the colours, I will guess and say that he does not look best pleased at the moment!

thanks the skin is just two colours using wetblending. Then a grey glaze for the stubble. Il be adding some gore as he has a nasty gash down the other side of his face 

Long time lurker on this thread of fantastic inspiration, so wanted to start sharing my Heresy. Just finished this Chaplain for my Salamanders. Tried to keep him clean and brutal looking vs. the more ornate, gothic 40k look.



On 12/13/2022 at 9:58 AM, Mandragola said:

Rather than doing something sensible like finish a unit, I’ve started converting jetbikes for my SoS. Well, one jetbike. 







the plan is to add bits of GS to make it look like she’s wearing SoS armour and add a gun of some kind. I’m far from sure what that should be, though today I’m thinking needle cannons. I can probably convert those from the stunners the bike comes with. 

not sure about the head. It’s good to have as it’s unquestionably a SoS, but riding on a jet engine with no head or eye protection is silly. I have some thoughts so I’ll see what I come up with. The hair might have to go I think. 

likewise there’s no cloak. It wouldn’t work brilliantly I think.

What is this "finish a unit" that you speak of?

So I really burned out, despite loving the hobby. Been picking up things here and there that interest me but not doing anything with them (latest was picking up a copy of Kill Team 2018, mainly for the terrain sprues because Sector Imperialis is expensive these days and I want my urban board).




However I've a week off early in the new year and I'm determined to change this. Hopefully put some paint down on some miniatures and build some stuff.




Still looking for decent combat shields to use on MkIV armour for my Sixth, not a fan of the Popgoesthemonkey ones.



Edited by Hfran Morkai
Formatting went weird.
4 hours ago, Hfran Morkai said:

Still looking for decent combat shields to use on MkIV armour for my Sixth, not a fan of the Popgoesthemonkey ones.




Conversion world do an array of lovely shields, you might find something you like there:

https://conversionworld.de/index.php?pageId=suche&language=en&aktuellerTag=Shields&tag1=&tag2=&tag3=&kategorie=Bitz by Type

2 hours ago, Eternal Despair said:


Conversion world do an array of lovely shields, you might find something you like there:

https://conversionworld.de/index.php?pageId=suche&language=en&aktuellerTag=Shields&tag1=&tag2=&tag3=&kategorie=Bitz by Type

I bought two of their Flamberg for my Dark Angels they are really nice and I recommend them. 

Finished a recon up, all the other guys range from just needing the weathering powder to needing highlights, lenses and basing. PXL_20221217_162511167.thumb.jpg.57ce55451149dc1e18c67ae92cbf79db.jpgPXL_20221217_162348358.thumb.jpg.bcc68cc3298db50d8cc334f8a616985c.jpgPXL_20221217_162427146.thumb.jpg.6700cb90c3b46f9b0922129dd3644e86.jpgPXL_20221217_162447808.thumb.jpg.410d5b70ceb1292a74b3f08f6f552f8c.jpg


Kept them really plain as theyre snipers, though the glow on stuff kinda undermines it lol. I brushed on the varnish and it dried a little wonky on some places, and the weathering powder might have been a little too heavy on some parts of the base, but I'm pretty pleased with it as a basic troop that's going to be in my backline. 


Finally got the death guard sorted out.




These guys were ultimately very frustrating to do. It started with getting my new phone to take satisfactory pictures of the initial test model. Then it was discovering that the wraithbone spray was not curing properly, with a lot of bubbles and tears and stuff. Next it was the replacement spray was too light and the heads wildly stood out. Then overspray on the non-white parts that needed to be fixed. Then seeing obvious, large, moldlines that I had missed. Then my drill bit breaking for the barrels. Then more camera problems with depth of field. Finally my previous collage app not being supported on this phone.


I'm glad it's over. I'm glad I'm fully satisfied with the results. I can't wait to do it on a clean slate of models. I really hope it goes better on the next batch lol.


As for the actual scheme, I ended up adding verdigris and changing the lenses to blue from my imagined magenta-red. The lenses were a reference to Lords of Silence, and the verdigris was mostly to better define the gas masks. I was worried about the two clashing, but they're just different enough to work nicely together. Might get confusing when I add phosphex/alchem in that looks like this lol.





Edited by SkimaskMohawk

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