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the BIG 9th edition room

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we dont know how the duiciar will work. Maybe its an aura - maybe its an ability you have to be within 1" of the enemy...


An aura would be too powerful. Given Crusaders Helm and Fervent Acclamation, we could be making huge swathes of the enemy force strike last. It's bound to be an Engagement Range rule.

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So today's news was just a "hold ground" secondary objective (have three units in three different table quarters, ect), and some Eldar specific stuff.

because this objective is from ITC and always taken by Eldar or Dark Eldar.

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So today's news was just a "hold ground" secondary objective (have three units in three different table quarters, ect), and some Eldar specific stuff.

because this objective is from ITC and always taken by Eldar or Dark Eldar.


It's not a bad secondary, but it's not the sort of information I've been waiting to see.


I want stuff on falling back, or how the charge phase now works.

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So it seems from the tyranids preview that if you’re within or within 3” of a terrain piece and it blocks the full base of the model then that model is -1 to hit.


Terrain is looking good this edition! I’m feeling pretty stoked!


*edited* wrong ‘seems’

Edited by LordValandil
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it depends on how many terrain buildings would get this kind of cover

Here’s the snippet I found after reading again!


***These apply to things like forests and dense industrial ruins, where protection comes more from difficulty in picking out a target, rather than the shots physically being blocked.


So looks like it might be forests and ruins maybe?

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New morale makes elite armies better in general but our Crusadersquad cant be played anymore I think. But with strategic reserves we can enter the board very safety.

Edited by Medjugorje
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New morale makes elite armies better in general but our Crusadersquad cant be played anymore I think. But with strategic reserves we can enter the board very safety.


Where have you found this? I can't seem to find it on Warhammer community.

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It was in the stream.


The Morale test, as was, will only kill a maximum of one model if failed.


Then, each model must take a combat attrition test, roll a die for each model alive, 1s kill the model.


The stream talked about putting the -1 on the second test, so Reivers might kill models on 2s as well. 

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New morale makes elite armies better in general but our Crusadersquad cant be played anymore I think. But with strategic reserves we can enter the board very safety.

MSUs will hit half faster and lose models more easily. New morale is one of the changes that doesn't beat up large units as much.


As for the bullet points:



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They are a big unit and its deadly if you cannot hide because the game is dealier then before. Tanks got no -1 to hit penalty and blast weapons are quit well. In addition Tanks can shoot you in combat.


Our morale is not that high. It seems Crusadersquads are really not worth it in sizes of 20. MSU is much better I think - we will see how they increase in points.

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5-man units with Ld 8 and rerolls are still going to mostly ignore morale, so it's not much of a change there. Taking 1 casualty plus 1/6 or 1/3 more hurts on a bigger unit, but if your 20-man crusader squad takes 11 casualties, losing 1 to morale plus about 3 more to attrition is still better than the ~6 casualties you'd take to morale under 8e rules.

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But MSU units die quicker under the new morale rules.


There is no auto-take size anymore. That's the beauty of this new edition, you have to make choices, which have consequences either way. MSU are more susceptible to morale, large units more susceptible to Blast.

I reread it already. At first I thought everything works like it used to be + the new tests. Thats very different then.


Really cool. I like it.

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They are a big unit and its deadly if you cannot hide because the game is dealier then before. Tanks got no -1 to hit penalty and blast weapons are quit well. In addition Tanks can shoot you in combat.


Our morale is not that high. It seems Crusadersquads are really not worth it in sizes of 20. MSU is much better I think - we will see how they increase in points.

Obscuring, light cover and dense cover all serve to soften the effects of shooting and can even be stacked on the same peice of terrain.


Additionally, if most of the missions score during your command phase like the 4 pillars mission having larger units who take longer to wipe as your scoring unit performing an action becomes even stronger.


We'll have to wait and see, but even if the initial doom and gloom regarding hordes is true, it doesn't mean that'll define the entirety of 9th. Just look at how much the meta shifted in 8th as GW nerfed dominant strategies rather regularly.

Edited by Fulkes
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Often you dont get cover bonus because there is a flyer or anything could see a unit or reserves were put on a place you dont receive it as normal.

If the terrain is between you and the flyer then you still get the save. Light and dense cover saves still work if your inside the terrain as well. Sure, worst case scenario it can jump a ruin to shoot at you when you're behind it, but worst case is not the only case and building a list of greviances off of worst cases is a bit silly.


Additionally I wouldn't judge the way cover works in 9th on experiances playing in 8th. The terrain is too different to even pretend they compare.

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