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Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine II - Q3/Q4 2024


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What if the reason that GW hasnt made a Suppressor kit that isnt ETB that they were waiting for this game to release? They already redesigned Gravis armor compared to the first units that had them so it might not be too wild of an assumption that they also redesigned Primaris Jump Pack units when they gave the developers Titus' jump pack design, he looks like a less wonky design of the same armor that Suppressors have. 

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So...the question is...which variant load-out will he have when given a model and how big will his tactical rock be? I mean...I know, you don't just go around asking about the size of your tactical rock but some leaders get somewhat overblown about how tactical their rock is, some like it to be a two feet thing while others just want it to be managed with one foot. I know some of the other leaders prefer their rock to be taller and some like it wider, I mean some prefer their artificial tactical rocks made from different materials, we don't judge here. So will Titus get a natural, free range tactical rock or is he more old fashioned and want an enemy on his tactical rock? These are important questions after all, don't want to have tactical rock envy!


Could be their chance to have a primaris captain with chainsword option. Master-crafted, one hopes.




I reckon Titus will have a "tactical dead Carnifex" .... With one foot leaping off it with his fancy new jump pack, Thunder hammer in Hand..... :wink:

Listen, if he isn't doing a backflip in gravis armour with a two handed thunderhammer he is not going to look epic enough on a knight base with a tactical carnifex. :wink:



Hah! The silliness is so over the top, it will forever be a meme.

Edited by Khornestar
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  • 11 months later...
1 hour ago, Joe said:

Setting aside the fact this should have had the license pulled in February

What do you mean ?

Anyway I saw the rumor posted by Insider Gaming on twitter also. I don't know if it is a reliable source.
But I can't see any post teasing this anywhere on Focus' or Saber's social media so it seems very surprising for me they'll show something.

Edited by Dried
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12 minutes ago, Slave to Darkness said:



Last game wasnt that good. 


I thought a lot of it was good - just the back half of the story was a bit...eh? Some great lines though. I think the use of QTE was a bit meh, but I can why. Bolter needed upgrading a bit in punch and sound, but thought the ability to make Ork Suey was cathartic.


Got the scale and weight of everything pretty much.


What didn't you like?

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3 hours ago, Mazer Rackham said:

No Mark Strong.


Am disappoint.


No open wallet.


costs too much. waaaaay above Saber Interactive's price range. Hell, he was above Relic's price range too, but Danny Bilson had brain worms and blew way too much budget on frivolous stuff.


that said, they should have known they weren't going to be able to get him and planned for a new protagonist.

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Yes, but I don't know if Brian Bloom could carry - "But I am finished with you...Ork." :tongue:


4 hours ago, Wispy said:

that said, they should have known they weren't going to be able to get him and planned for a new protagonist.


Agree, 100%.

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8 hours ago, Joe said:

Setting aside the fact this should have had the license pulled in February, Saber Interactive have an awful reputation for delivering sub-par products and mismanaging projects to the Nth degree.


I have very little faith in this.

I mean should they though??? They’re US based, no matter where the team making it is or was the contract is with a US company 

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5 hours ago, Slave to Darkness said:



Last game wasnt that good. 

It’s the best 40K game we’ve had by some distance 


Main game was average but the multiplayer was great!!


Space marines actually felt like Space Marines, Movement,Weight, Speed was all spot on… Even had playable Dreadnoughts 

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8 minutes ago, WARMASTER_ said:

It’s the best 40K game we’ve had by some distance 


Main game was average but the multiplayer was great!!


Space marines actually felt like Space Marines, Movement,Weight, Speed was all spot on… Even had playable Dreadnoughts 


Agreed except for the holy Relic that is Dawn of War 1 and 2.

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5 hours ago, Wispy said:


that said, they should have known they weren't going to be able to get him and planned for a new protagonist.

Oh yeah now I think each sequel should be a different Space Marine chapter.

I definitely want to play a Space Wolf with this gameplay.

Edited by Dried
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I played so much Space Marine when it came out, I have been waiting this whole time for a proper sequel, and I hope it delivers even some of what the first game did.  I really thought they did a great job with the physics and blending of ranged and close combat for the time.  I even thought the multiplayer was solid, although it annoyed me that my team/squad was just a random mix of different chapters.  It would have been so cool if you could have somehow been matched with all Blood Angels or something.  I did occasionally encounter clans that were all one chapter and was always jealous. 


In terms of a story, has there ever been a 40k video game where the Inquisitor didn't end up being secretly corrupted/the main villain?  I feel like that's happened more than once.  :biggrin:

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Titus once again having a plethora of weapons, Thunder Hammer, Melta Rifle, Bolt Carbine, Power Sword, Occulus Bolt Carbine, in addition to the rifle, pistol and chainsword we've already seen. Curious is that every time we see him with a jumppack he has fast attack markings, no inquisition chain, and no loincloth, and in the second jumppack scene he has a standard blue helmet on.

I doubt it's a second character since we can see the same gap in his right ear when there is no helmet, so I think Titus might've had to climb the ladder of ranks again.

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