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[DH1e] The Damocles Contingency (OOC)

Mazer Rackham

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So, I get why Falk is concerned about revealing everything, but as GM said we now automatically know everything that everyone else does, I'm assuming we are fairly secure here?


Also, looking back, did Nicios actually open the scroll Lady Gwynne gave him?

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1 hour ago, Lord_Ikka said:

Clearly you haven't played a White Wolf/Onyx Path game :biggrin:


Yeah man, but his dice go up to twenty ;p


1 hour ago, Lysimachus said:

So, I get why Falk is concerned about revealing everything, but as GM said we now automatically know everything that everyone else does, I'm assuming we are fairly secure here?


Nowhere is 'secure' on Damocles, but it's quiet enough to chat in the cafe. Hardly anyone is about, and the general apathy of the Imperial citizen, plus their desire not to get caught up with a group of shady individuals who have what looks to be two cops, a Doctor Who reject, a robed torque drill, a bloke whose name might likely be I-sleep-with-knives, and a couple of hivers who look like they lost at cards is enough to dissuade asking the time.


1 hour ago, Lord_Ikka said:

Not yet, been kind of an eventful few hours. Probably a good time to open it...


Should have looked at the label first - Health advice: May contain traces of nuts, gluten and explosions.

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4 hours ago, Lord_Ikka said:

Clearly you haven't played a White Wolf/Onyx Path game :biggrin:


Indeed not, I don’t even know what those words mean in this context.


Aside for a single session of D&D I was a substitute in years ago (player was ill and I happened to have free time, I basically rolled dice when told and that’s it) all my pen and paper (or should that be screen and keyboard) RPG experience has been here on the B&C in the nook.

Edited by Trokair
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In context, White Wolf stuff is a D10 system, lots of D10.


Some of the background and lore is very good. Sidenote: White Wolf RPGs, especially Werewolf, are where ADB cut his teeth, and this is an avenue to publishing, as you get the credit....


14 minutes ago, Trokair said:

...all my...RPG experience has been here on the B&C in the nook.


We're sorry for potentially having mentally and emotionally scarred you, but it was in a good cause, and we do not offer refunds on souls.


Many apologies for the inconveniences. Please consider leaving us a review on 'Trust-no-one-Pilot'.

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6 minutes ago, Mazer Rackham said:

In context, White Wolf stuff is a D10 system, lots of D10.


Some of the background and lore is very good. Sidenote: White Wolf RPGs, especially Werewolf, are where ADB cut his teeth, and this is an avenue to publishing, as you get the credit....

Very much so- Werewolf is a great game to get newbie RPG players into, as your character's are super-powered right off of the bat compared to normal humans, which makes combat (also a big part of Werewolf) less of a death-prone challenge. D10s are used entirely, with successful rolls on an 8+ and then you get better results via the number of successes vs the test's goal.


Some of the other games are also very fun- Changeling and Hunter are my personal favorites, but all aside from Promethian are fun (Promethian is just difficult as you play a Frankenstein-esque monster who normal humanss instinctively hate). Vampire would probably work really well as PBP, because the political intrigue can be much better worked out via text than roleplaying, at least in my experience. Anyway, the White Wolf/Onyx Path games are very interesting and more story/narrative-driven rather than mechanic-driven like D&D, Pathfinder, and even our 40k RPGs. 

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2 hours ago, Mazer Rackham said:

Nowhere is 'secure' on Damocles, but it's quiet enough to chat in the cafe. Hardly anyone is about, and the general apathy of the Imperial citizen, plus their desire not to get caught up with a group of shady individuals who have what looks to be two cops, a Doctor Who reject, a robed torque drill, a bloke whose name might likely be I-sleep-with-knives, and a couple of hivers who look like they lost at cards is enough to dissuade asking the time.


Which one is Reynard...? :laugh: (I quite liked Eccleston and Tennant, but it's all gone downhill after that... :cool:)


Ok cool, I've written a post to try and pull some ideas together, but I'll wait until Bardas' investigation of the servoskull and Nicios' reading of the scroll are sorted before posting, just so we've got all the available info first.


Side point: Do any of our characters read Braille? I know Rostek is mute/deaf rather than blind, but as a courier might he have picked up a bit of Braille as well?



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I'm just making sure, but you guys know you can just psychic this thing right? I was just trying to avoid beating you over the head with it. I mean, what's the risk of a bloodthirster over a lady's recipe for potato salad?


5 hours ago, Lysimachus said:

Which one is Reynard...? :laugh: (I quite liked Eccleston and Tennant, but it's all gone downhill after that... :cool:)


As long as it's not Doctor Pepper, I think we'll be fine.

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27 minutes ago, Trokair said:

While popping into my local store this afternoon I picked up two new D10, so the old ones can be condemned and my luck can turn, yes?


Yes. You must now let your other dice recharge. Luck builds up over time, like nostril hair.

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@GM: Just to clarify, Reynard wasn't taking the cloak for himself, he was thinking someone else could pose as a courier and he could pretend to be a guard (thereby staying in the background), so not actually carrying anything extra himself?


But fair point on encumbrance, there are a few bits he could share out?


Stuff lifted from the dead thug:

5 Ration Packs (4 Best Quality)

Anti-tox and anti-rad pills

Caffeine and Sugar Pills

Full Water Canteen


Does everyone want to take a Ration Pack?


Also got 2 Fire Bombs, 3 Clips for the autogun. Falk could take one of these if AT wants, so he'd have 4 Clips and Reynard 2? The Fire Bombs are useful against Carapace with Pen6, but someone else is welcome to carry one of them if they want?


Also it's been mentioned about sharing out the 500 Thrones between us, which may not be a bad idea (but I'd suggest we don't spend it, as I assume there will be some situation where we need it later in the game... not that I'm questioning your generosity, boss... :laugh:)


Will the above do enough to resolve the encumbrance problem?


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14 minutes ago, Lysimachus said:

Also it's been mentioned about sharing out the 500 Thrones between us, which may not be a bad idea (but I'd suggest we don't spend it, as I assume there will be some situation where we need it later in the game... not that I'm questioning your generosity, boss... :laugh:)


Could do with a handcannon capable of firing those high-power shells we picked up, I imagine there is something that needs shooting with them.


A strength 2, toughness 2 scum has half the carry capacity of your average character. Perhaps rent a few cherubim constructs to carry your spare guns like a proper acolyte :p

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2 hours ago, A.T. said:

Perhaps rent a few cherubim constructs to carry your spare guns like a proper acolyte :p


If we keep the game characters long enough to progress that far... one day it will be mine! :cool:


(That and upgrade his fancy laspistol into a counts-as Hellpistol...)

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Mazer, thanks for the expanded reply in lieu of Seb knowing, I actually had a follow on question that probably makes more sense to ask here now.


Once Bardas as supplies/tools he will need a double layered faraday cage in a secure (well relatively) location.

3 hours ago, Mazer Rackham said:

"Fer Englund, Jayhmes."


Wait, wrong Boromir.

One dose not simply walk into the hive spires?  

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12 minutes ago, Trokair said:

Mazer, thanks for the expanded reply in lieu of Seb knowing, I actually had a follow on question that probably makes more sense to ask here now.


Once Bardas as supplies/tools he will need a double layered faraday cage in a secure (well relatively) location.

One does not simply walk into the hive spires?  

@Mazer Rackham - Did the Old Miner have any visible tattoo's that I could mention to Bardas when Kerr Restal brings the news?

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