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Kinda disappointing to be honest.


The Brutalis is alright - though I'm not sure why it's not just an upgrade sprue for the Redemptor. I was hoping for something more distinct. Also despite being the "punchy" dread to the Redemptor's "shooty" dread, it's got not far off the same ranged firepower. Maybe there's some rules in there that'll help with that, we'll see.


The Desolators are a real letdown for me. Don't like the design of the missile launchers - they're far too busy and of course being Primaris they need guns attached to their guns. I was hoping they'd be Gravis personally - maybe with something shoulder mounted, cyclone missile launcher-esque. I guess being MkX is fine but there's nothing other than a backpack scanner to mark the torsos out. They're just intercessor bodies. I know the same was true of Devastators but some kind of modification to nod towards being the heavy weapon toting guys would have been nice.


No matter they say, nobody was asking for more Primaris Lieutenants. Hard pass. 


And then they've stuck some Heavy Intercessors in there. Which is fine. I like the models but there's only so many I need. Just underlines my feeling that the Desolators should have been Gravis and maybe this was a chance for a Gravis Lieutenant.


Overall, meh.


EDIT: As an aside it felt like when Indomitus came out, the Primaris stuff was leaning back into the gothic style that the first stuff lacked. The bladeguard, shield lieutenant and captain etc. This is just sliding back to the tacticool look and feel which is a shame.

Edited by Doobles88
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3 minutes ago, Kastor Krieg said:

Also, this explains the name - Strikeforce Agastus, because we're aghast at not only the price, but also the design choices :D

At least the Dread is properly Primaris now with the shields on kneepads :facepalm:



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2 hours ago, Special Officer Doofy said:

This whole game is over the top silly, knights running around with chainswords in space. The guys with the giant nerf guns fit right in.

Care to show us which ones you mean? Because there is a difference between over the top cool and over the top silly. 

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I am profoundly unimpressed by either the Desolator and the Brutalis aesthetic. Seems like a lazy design choice, but it will probably be overpowered on the tabletop to compensate for it's lack of physical appeal. 


Also the much requested Primaris Lieutenant with the PF option available?? Uhhh.. what? Did anyone here actually wanted to add their 94847393rd lieutenant but with a powerfist this time? Something is fishy here..not enough Lieutenant sales GW?

Edited by Skywrath
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Did they say anything about them being non-LoS on the stream? Maybe the larger launcher is non-LoS but the rotary is multi shot direct fire only? I'm hoping it's not just the Sgt than can shot non-LoS with his larger launcher...


Edit: Ah it does say in the article. Seems to be the whole unit but no details beyond that.


Also: Now, after 10,000 years FOD becomes an issue that needs addressing?! Those tube covers are such an odd detail and I'll either have them all closed if possible or cut them off and shave the hinges down. They just look daft open to me.

Edited by Burni
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Loving the salt :).


Anyway jokes aside.


Happy with it all, I think the Primaris Dark Reapers will grow on me.


But 3 sets to start.




I wonder how the castellans will look without the added missile pods... I do really like that part the pods just look odd.

Edited by Brother Captain Arkley
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24 minutes ago, Skywrath said:

I am profoundly unimpressed by either the Desolator and the Brutalis aesthetic. Seems like a lazy design choice, but it will probably be overpowered on the tabletop to compensate for it's lack of physical appeal. 

I guess it will all be very binary: either you like or you hate them


The Dread is nice but nothing exceptionnal. So "unimpressive" is a good way to describe it I guess.


The Desolators are,... Well from the leaks, silouhettes and spoilers I was anticipating them to be crappy. But I wasn´t anticipating them to be that crappies. So I guess I belong to the "hate them" side :sick:



24 minutes ago, Halandaar said:

Never thought I'd say it, but the Lieutenant is the best of the new kits :blink:


Sadly this is true...

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33 minutes ago, Borbarad said:

Care to show us which ones you mean? Because there is a difference between over the top cool and over the top silly. 


Nothing in 40k is realistic. Tanks are almost obsolete in 2023 (there's also a mini docu series on Netflix right now about it) but in the year 40,000 they are still around, with treads. The fact that there are little melta pistols that can melt through a tank but people are running around with swords and shields. The fact that there is almost no planets in our galaxy that have similar terrain, atmosphere and gravity to sustain human life but somehow in Warhammer humans are everywhere and it's not an issue. 


The cool to silly ratio is completely subjective, feel free to draw your own lines as I and others will draw our own lines.

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1 minute ago, Robbienw said:

The missile rifles are not good.  I know oversized weapons are a key part of 40k miniature desing, but these look really unbalanced.

Yeah the pods are not helping here...


The pods imho should have been backpack mounted ala Aggressor Boltstorm boys. Then the Castellan might have been a bit more balanced.

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3 hours ago, Marshal Reinhard said:

On the one hand the missile weapons look stapled together. On the other they're so ridicilous it kinda becomes a charm in its own right.


This is where it diverges for me, I think they lack that charm. I think there's a distinction between "gloriously over-the-top and silly and I love it" and "silly but also wants to be taken seriously as cool sci-fi military", and YMMV but the Desolation models definitely fall into the latter category for me. These are embarrassingly bad IMO.

Edited by Tymell
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Lieutenant with all his options looks pretty good.


The Brutalis is just a Redemptor with melee hands which is perfectly fine, but nothing "wow" about that either.


The Not!Devastator guns just look silly, especially the Sergeant one-handing them. I know Marines (especially Primaris) have superhuman strength, but there's something about the designs and size which throw them off and makes them resemble the oversized weapons you'd get on action figures as a kid (inb4 "hurr but warhammer models are just action figures too")


Edited by Lord Marshal
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11 minutes ago, Robbienw said:

The missile rifles are not good.  I know oversized weapons are a key part of 40k miniature design, but these look really unbalanced.

They instantly made me think of the kind of ludicrous guns characters like Cable and Bishop sported in 90s Marvel comics.

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16 minutes ago, Captain Idaho said:

Tanks are absolutely not obsolete in 2023. Talk to infantry in the military and they'll tell you that tanks are very much important in modern warfare.


I have talked to myself, my brother, my father, my grandfather, my uncles, my cousins. I was even named after the last ship my grandfather was on, the USS John R. Craig. Drones and ballistic missles (not to mention nuclear armaments) will render them useless. They were a solution to trench warfare and grinding attrition of WW1 and WW2. The amount of steel and resources required to built and maintain are better allocated elsewhere. And their little use today will be dwarfed in say 38,000 years.


But that is getting off topic. Marine players have more models and options than anyone else but they still tend to be the ones to complain the most on the internet. All I said was the over top silly Missle launchers fit in with most of the over the top not realistic stuff of Warhammer 40k. Feel free to not like, I don't care. I don't even play marines.

Edited by Special Officer Doofy
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I'm pretty happy with this box. 


I love a Dreadnought, so the Brutalis is right up my street. 


Lieutenant kit sounds like it'll be full of options to replace the various individual models, which will be nice and should offer up loads of bits.


Another squad of Heavy Intercessors? Ye, why not. 


The Desolators - I think they look 'alright', but that's about it currently. I agree with a lot of sentiment in here that the guns are just too busy. From the images i've seen, I can't tell which parts are going to be attachments, but I think once the community has the kit, we will see these guys looking a little more streamlined.


Definitely will be getting one of these boxes, and then waiting for the solo release of the Brutalis (unless anyone wants to sell theirs to me?)

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Yeah sure, ballistic missile trumps tanks. I'll concede that. :laugh:


Anyway, the amount of push back on these Desolation squad blokies... seems like GW probably should do some market research with actual 40K fans.


They'll sell, there's always people who will buy, but could they sell more or help bring more people in Space Marines? I don't know about that. The Heresy releases in plastic absolutely have seen folk go "ooo I might start up some Heresy", but I don't think these models do that at all.

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