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The Garon Nebula is a region in the Segmentum Tempestus, close to the Ork empire of Octavius and the advance path of Hive Fleet Leviathan.


In the back of the Black Templars Codex there is a reference to the Garon Crusade which leads into the Garon Nebula.


The Hell Stars are a group of closely packed Stars in the Garon Nebula. The Garon Nebula resides close to two Ork Home Worlds, V'Run and Jurn.

I found this in Lexicanum, 40k wiki, and other sites.


Is that first paragraph taken from the Tyranid codex? My crack team of operatives have been searching through the various codices and I've discovered the map in the Black Templar Codex... I've definitely got some thinking to do. I've always said the Castigators were located within the Ultima Segmentum, but it seems now I have the choice of either moving them to the Hell-Stars, or changing the name of my Hell-Stars.


I'm actually inclined towards the former. It'd certainly be interesting to have them near Leviathan and those Orks...

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Just a thought: the very fact that they are AFAIK always referred to in the official fluff as the "Hell Stars of the Garon Nebula" seem to suggest that there could be other places named "Hell Stars" which wouldn't be in the Garon Nebula...


It could even suggest that (at least one of) the "other" Hell-Stars are even more famous than these. A little bit like most of the time people will spontaneously say "Paris, Texas" when speaking about this town, but won't feel the need to make any precision when talking about the capital of France... :D


The main problem I'd see with moving the Castigators there is that the place is already crowded with official chapters: the Black Templars have a Crusade there, the Soul Drinkers are in the area too, as well as some Crimson Fists and Howling Griffons (at least according to the Soul Drinkers novels)...


Well, that's your decision but, if I were you, I'd rather create my own group of stars (and give yourself the opportunity to devellop your own Imperial Sector one day if you wish to ;) ) than risking that GW one day decides to have a "Hell Stars Summer Campaign" which could have a negative impact on your work...

Edited by Nash Trickster
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Just a thought: the very fact that they are AFAIK always referred to in the official fluff as the "Hell Stars of the Garon Nebula" seem to suggest that there could be other places named "Hell Stars" which wouldn't be in the Garon Nebula...


It could even suggest that (at least one of) the "other" Hell-Stars are even more famous than these. A little bit like most of the time people will spontaneously say "Paris, Texas" when speaking about this town, but won't feel the need to make any precision when talking about the capital of France... ;)


You make a good point, but then some of the (unreferenced) quotes I've read on the internet have suggested that the Garon Nebula 'contains the Hell Stars'.


The main problem I'd see with moving the Castigators there is that the place is already crowded with official chapters: the Black Templars have a Crusade there, the Soul Drinkers are in the area too, as well as some Crimson Fists and Howling Griffons (at least according to the Soul Drinkers novels)...


I didn't know this. I'm not keen to be near the Soul Drinkers! ;)


Well, that's your decision but, if I were you, I'd rather create my own group of stars (and give yourself the opportunity to devellop your own Imperial Sector one day if you wish to ;) ) than risking that GW one day decides to have a "Hell Stars Summer Campaign" which could have a negative impact on your work...


Well, I thought I had named my own area of space when I came up with the Hell Stars. And I had idly considered moving them across to the official Hell Stars, but it does seem like a bit of a rough area to be in. I'm now leaning towards keeping the Castigators in their own area. I did quite like the 'X Stars' name, though. There are the Halo Stars, the Ghost Stars, the Ghoul Stars and the Grendl Stars. I'll have to think about something that'll work... :sick:


Thanks for the heads up, Nash.

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The main problem I'd see with moving the Castigators there is that the place is already crowded with official chapters: the Black Templars HAD a Crusade there, the Soul Drinkers are in the area too, as well as some Crimson Fists and Howling Griffons (at least according to the Soul Drinkers novels)...



I have altered the statement to the correct tense, that crusade is over and "ill-fated" the only official Crusade in the area is the Ophidium Gulf, but they have not made their scheduled check with the Eternal Crusader.


Whether or not the Soul Drinkers and Howling Griffons are there is really unspectacular, because that tract of space is enormous and the Loki Sector is on the other end away from where the Garon Crusade was operating.

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I didn't know this. I'm not keen to be near the Soul Drinkers! ;)
That's partly why I mentionned it, just to let you know that by moving there you'd get "special" neighbours :cuss


I'm now leaning towards keeping the Castigators in their own area. I did quite like the 'X Stars' name, though. There are the Halo Stars, the Ghost Stars, the Ghoul Stars and the Grendl Stars. I'll have to think about something that'll work... :devil:
The name doesn't need to be "dark" though... I quite like how Dan Abnett named the most dangerous tract of space in the Helican Sector "Lucky Space", for one needs to be lucky to ever get out of it.


I don't know if this "nickname" exist in english (I guess so but I couldn't find it on Google) but the french sailors call the places located south of the 50th southern parallel "les 50èmes Hurlants" (which I guess would translate as "the 50th Howling")... And I've thus thought about naming a tract of space "The Howling Stars" (named so because there would be very strong Warp currents and/or stellar winds in that region), but, since I haven't used it yet, and if you like the name of course, I'd gladly leave it to you ;)

Edited by Nash Trickster
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Their was a previous "howling" although that was an event as opposed to a place. It would be interesting if the Castigators homeworld was past a very rough Warp Route, so they are the last line of defense for the worlds past it (this also lends to their belief that they are the guardians of humanity.


Another scenario might be to leave them in the actual Hell Stars, this is obscure enough to let you do your thing without GW interference but it also lets everyone else know where the Castigators are situated so they can infer your regular enemies.

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I have altered the statement to the correct tense, that crusade is over and "ill-fated" the only official Crusade in the area is the Ophidium Gulf, but they have not made their scheduled check with the Eternal Crusader.


Whether or not the Soul Drinkers and Howling Griffons are there is really unspectacular, because that tract of space is enormous and the Loki Sector is on the other end away from where the Garon Crusade was operating.


Well, I've not seen the Nebula on any (reliable) Galaxy map. It's difficult to make any calls on just how big an area the Hell Stars encompass. Plus, as Nash mentions, it's all-too-easy for GW to make a "Hell Stars summer campaign", and then I'm screwed. Something I've always encouraged is to exist in the cracks of the 40k universe - that way I'm safe®.


I don't know if this "nickname" exist in english (I guess so but I couldn't find it on Google) but the french sailors call the places located south of the 50th southern parallel "les 50èmes Hurlants" (which I guess would translate as "the 50th Howling")... And I've thus thought about naming a tract of space "The Howling Stars" (named so because there would be very strong Warp currents and/or stellar winds in that region), but, since I haven't used it yet, and if you like the name of course, I'd gladly leave it to you :tu:


I do like "The Howling Stars". It gives an idea of a wild, tempestuous area of space. Based off that name, I had the idea that warp currents are unpredictable or dangerous. The Castigators would be well-placed in such an area, and it would also tie in with the vessel that originally crashed on Losanco Secundus.


Barret and I were discussing last night about diverging from the "X Stars" archetype. After all, there are areas like the Damocles Gulf, the Perditus Rift, the something Veil (from Mass Effect). We'd considered the Hades Veil, the Tartarus Gulf... but the Howling Stars... it sounds very interesting indeed.


Thank you, Nash... I'll have to think about it.


Their was a previous "howling" although that was an event as opposed to a place. It would be interesting if the Castigators homeworld was past a very rough Warp Route, so they are the last line of defense for the worlds past it (this also lends to their belief that they are the guardians of humanity.


Another scenario might be to leave them in the actual Hell Stars, this is obscure enough to let you do your thing without GW interference but it also lets everyone else know where the Castigators are situated so they can infer your regular enemies.


Good spot on 'the Howling' from the rulebook. I don't think it would impact too much if I used the name. I was also thinking about rough warp routes, so it could well work.

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I have altered the statement to the correct tense, that crusade is over and "ill-fated" the only official Crusade in the area is the Ophidium Gulf, but they have not made their scheduled check with the Eternal Crusader.


Whether or not the Soul Drinkers and Howling Griffons are there is really unspectacular, because that tract of space is enormous and the Loki Sector is on the other end away from where the Garon Crusade was operating.


Well, I've not seen the Nebula on any (reliable) Galaxy map. It's difficult to make any calls on just how big an area the Hell Stars encompass. Plus, as Nash mentions, it's all-too-easy for GW to make a "Hell Stars summer campaign", and then I'm screwed. Something I've always encouraged is to exist in the cracks of the 40k universe - that way I'm safe®.


I don't know if this "nickname" exist in english (I guess so but I couldn't find it on Google) but the french sailors call the places located south of the 50th southern parallel "les 50èmes Hurlants" (which I guess would translate as "the 50th Howling")... And I've thus thought about naming a tract of space "The Howling Stars" (named so because there would be very strong Warp currents and/or stellar winds in that region), but, since I haven't used it yet, and if you like the name of course, I'd gladly leave it to you :tu:


I do like "The Howling Stars". It gives an idea of a wild, tempestuous area of space. Based off that name, I had the idea that warp currents are unpredictable or dangerous. The Castigators would be well-placed in such an area, and it would also tie in with the vessel that originally crashed on Losanco Secundus.


Barret and I were discussing last night about diverging from the "X Stars" archetype. After all, there are areas like the Damocles Gulf, the Perditus Rift, the something Veil (from Mass Effect). We'd considered the Hades Veil, the Tartarus Gulf... but the Howling Stars... it sounds very interesting indeed.


The Perseus Veil, its the space past those human colonies on the Perseus Arm. Not to jack anything from Mass Effect but you could exist out there, beware rampant Tyranids and the flickering Astronomican though. If you really feel adventurous maybe the Castigators have been purging local worlds of Genestealer infestations that may be summoning a new bigger Hive Fleet. Or maybe the Castigators have already made contact with it and are fighting it unbeknownst the the Imperium.


THe Howling Stars does sound tempestuous (is that even a word?). Do you plan on keeping Losanco Secundus in the Ultima Segmentum, or are you going to move it? If you put it in the Segmentum Tempestus you are "fairly" centrally located, and here there is no doubt to be some rough warp currents.


Maybe you should put it on one of the Spiral Arms or even close to the Core. Densely packed stars=lots of gravity=tough traveling.

Edited by Marshal2 Crusaders
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The Perseus Veil, its the space past those human colonies on the Perseus Arm. Not to jack anything from Mass Effect but you could exist out there, beware rampant Tyranids and the flickering Astronomican though. If you really feel adventurous maybe the Castigators have been purging local worlds of Genestealer infestations that may be summoning a new bigger Hive Fleet. Or maybe the Castigators have already made contact with it and are fighting it unbeknownst the the Imperium.


THe Howling Stars does sound tempestuous (is that even a word?). Do you plan on keeping Losanco Secundus in the Ultima Segmentum, or are you going to move it? If you put it in the Segmentum Tempestus you are "fairly" centrally located, and here there is no doubt to be some rough warp currents.


Maybe you should put it on one of the Spiral Arms or even close to the Core. Densely packed stars=lots of gravity=tough traveling.


That's the one - Barret mentioned it to me last night but I forgot the name. As for stranding the Castigators out on the edge of known space, I'm not inclined to do so. For two reasons, really. One - most people place their DIYs on the Eastern Fringes. Two - it seems to take away too much from the Redemptors, who are stranded on the edges of known space, fighting where the light of the Astronomicon is weak and they have very little contact with the Imperium.


I'm content with leaving Losanco in the Ultima Segmentum, but perhaps relatively central, rather than on the eastern fringe. I did have fluff at one stage that Captain Timon and the Fourth were the only Company to've fought the Tau.

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I think that's quite a good parallel. Maintaining order - the Imperium and the Castigators are all about maintaining the status quo. It speaks into the mindset of the Imperial citizen that they're terrified to let anything decay.


I was reading the Dark Heresy rulebook yesterday and it made me realise just what a terrifying place the Imperium is. Not even because of the civil rights abuses, etc, etc. But because of this:


Each astropath employs slightly different symbols and each has a preferred style or "flavour". Some messages take weeks of poring over tomes of augurs and symbolism before they can be reconstructed, though the best astropaths can do this word for word. Some remain a mystery forever. Some messages are received by astropaths at entirely the wrong end of the galaxy and must be passed on to others who are nearer the place in question.


Some messages simply do not get to their intended recipient or are drastically misinterpreted along the way. In addition, there are too few astropaths. Most worlds, especially those with small populations or on the fringes of the Imperium have no astropaths at all, and must rely on the infrequent visits of passing ships or Administratum census-takers to make contact with the outside galaxy at all. for this reason the Adeptus Terra cannot react quickly to ever event in the Imperium.


Perversely, for the largest empire that humanity has ever known, many planets within the Imperium feel isolated and alone in the long night of space. Across all the peoples and planets of the Imperium, fear gnaws away at the psyche, worming mistrust and desperate faith into the conscious and unconscious mind. Time and again the universe has proved itself and uncaring and frightening place. People sicken, the warp rages, xenos attack and worlds die. The people of the Imperium watch their neighbours for signs of heresy and witchery. Mankind prays to the Emperor to protect them from the woes of the universe, of which there are many.


So I can see the Castigators (and Space Marines in general) acting as overlords, in a sense. Like knights in a feudal state. They would protect their area, but also send Marines out further afield.

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Wow, the universe in 40k is rough. I like that astropathic messages are like a galactic game of telephone ;) . But earlier you had referenced the 5th Company being similar to the Marcher Lords of England and Wales, so from that I got the image that the companies most responsible for maintaining order in the realms of the Castigators would be the 5th. While what you said about Captain Timon having been the widest traveled (at least, I think thats what you said) would work well with his role as Master of the Fleet.


Another Direction: How do you envision the Chapter Master? Do you ever expect to use him or represent him in model form? Does he have an Honor Guard? Is he more of a figurehead or is he still a combat leader (as in constantly fighting, all marines are combat leaders :) ) ?

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Wow, the universe in 40k is rough. I like that astropathic messages are like a galactic game of telephone ;) . But earlier you had referenced the 5th Company being similar to the Marcher Lords of England and Wales, so from that I got the image that the companies most responsible for maintaining order in the realms of the Castigators would be the 5th. While what you said about Captain Timon having been the widest traveled (at least, I think thats what you said) would work well with his role as Master of the Fleet.


My feeling is that Caphius, as Master of the Watch, would be most responsible for Losanco's security. Anteas, as Master of the Marches, would be nominally responsible for defending the Howling Stars (the name's growing on me, I must admit) whilst Sirius is Master of the Arsenal and Timon is Master of the Fleet. With that said, in the Ultramarines, Agemman is Regent of Ultramar - so perhaps Escalus would be in charge of Losanco whilst Caphius would be in charge of the planetary system and possibly the Sanctuary, also.


Another Direction: How do you envision the Chapter Master? Do you ever expect to use him or represent him in model form? Does he have an Honor Guard? Is he more of a figurehead or is he still a combat leader (as in constantly fighting, all marines are combat leaders :) ) ?


Quintilius is an interesting character - Darth Potato and I were discussing him last night. At the moment he seems very distant, quiet, introverted and austere. But Chapter Masters are typically charismatic leaders. At the moment the closest comparison would be the Imperial Fists Chapter Master, Vladimir Pugh.


With all the focus on the Captains and the inter-Chapter politics, we tend to see the Captains as the charismatic leaders instead. Sometimes I feel bad for Quintilius, because it's as though we're not doing him justice.


Quintilius has led the Castigators for the last hundred years. His grizzled face speaks of his long centuries of service; before he ascended to the venerated office of Master, he had served the Chapter with honour for over three hundred years. In battle, he is a formidable figure, surrounded by the devastatingly skilled warriors of the Chapter's Honour Guard.


But Quintilius is acutely aware that the duties of a Chapter Master do not solely reside upon the battlefield. he does what he must to quell the more zealous voices within the Chapter and to mediate fractious truces with the Adeptus Astra Telepathica and the Navis Nobilite, organisations of psykers and mutants upon whom the Chapter's existence depends.


Those organisations that share long-standing relations with the Castigators see Quintilius as a moderate; under his command, the Castigators have enjoyed strengthened relations with the Adeptus Mechanicus, the Inquisition and even other Chapters of the Astartes.


He does have an Honour Guard - I had seen them almost as a Sword of Damocles, loyal to the Chapter over the Chapter Master, but I had thought that made them seem a little too sinister. The Honour Guard is led by a Marine known as the Seneschal - the current Seneschal is Acerbus. the Honour Guard serve to bodyguard the Chapter Master and other notable Chapter figures - the Chapter's Ancient, for example. (In fact, the current Ancient, Rhetoricus, was once an Honour Guardian.)

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He does have an Honour Guard - I had seen them almost as a Sword of Damocles, loyal to the Chapter over the Chapter Master, but I had thought that made them seem a little too sinister. The Honour Guard is led by a Marine known as the Seneschal - the current Seneschal is Acerbus. the Honour Guard serve to bodyguard the Chapter Master and other notable Chapter figures - the Chapter's Ancient, for example. (In fact, the current Ancient, Rhetoricus, was once an Honour Guardian.)

I remember discussing this. Does it stil stand that the Seneschal has the power to execute the Chapter Master if he is suspected of heresy, or someother unforgivable crime?

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How do I get in on these conversations!?!?! :)


Well, if you have MSN, PM me your address and we'll include you. ;)


SO Ruleswise the Seneschal is the Chapter Champion?


Per the latest Codex, yes, I suppose so. The Castigators don't have a "Chapter Champion", though. They don't have "Company Champions", either. Every Castigator is supposed to exemplify and embody purity and skill.

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Unfortuantely for me I have a mac so no MSN :)


The discussion about Piracy in the other thread has led me to a new line of questions for the Castigators:

Is there piracy around the Howling Stars? How big is the Castigators Fleet?



I finished my first model but my camera is in Hawaii unfortunately so it looks like I wont be putting any pictures up anytime soon. I am happy with the color scheme but jumping from Mechrite to Blood Red is a bit shocking and a red-gore highlight doesnt work with Mechrite because of its purplish properties. A mix of Blood and Mechrite helped smooth it out so I am happy with it. Thorns are hard to represent in paint but I think I did OK. I like the Chapter alot and I am glad your letting me do them, I cant think of another army that will be as fun to play with.

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Well, I imagine there might be. I don't intend to detail the whole of the Howling Stars - I leave ventures like that to the Anargo Sector team! There is piracy across much of the Imperium, though.


As to the Castigators' fleet, they have two Battle-Barges (the Holy Enterprise and the Sacred Endeavour) and then six Strike Cruisers (I named them earlier in the thread, though the only ones I can recall are the Thrice-Blessed Sword, Inviolate and the Defiant.) Along with their attendant escort vessels, also.


Thorns aren't necessarily a common visual element on the Castigators - only some in the Chapter will use them, most particularly the zealots.

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The test model was a Sternguard Veteran so I figured that he has seen enough of his brothers die at arms to be Fiery and Zealous. Is this Ok?


Sure, it will be cool to see some Sternguard. Don't forget the Veterans wear a slightly different scheme:




the Holy Enterprise? Any inspiration for that one? :P


I get my in-jokes where I can. :P

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the Holy Enterprise? Any inspiration for that one? :confused:

Heh yeah that's why he's also got the Defiant on the list (two Star Trek ships were called that - I actually gave him that name earlier in the thread), and also I bet the Sacred Endeavour is named after the USS Endeavour.

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