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  1. Hi Folks, While chating in the Amicus Aedes forum, @TheArtilleryman raised a point about impact of time on army sizes, model counts and point values. The topic is large and may require an overview of arguments and opinions shared in the tread there: One of the points raised is the one of recreating old WD Bat Reps and how we evaluate the impact of the various Editions and their evolutions on the posibility to recreate these in a satisfying way. From time to time, WD gets such articles of recreating BatReps; "Battle at Glazer Creeck" comes to my mind. My own experience on the topis has been rather limited and is not that recent. Indeed it touches a recreation of "Heretic" a BatREp focussing on the first "Apoc" games editions ago. And the recreation was not that recent as it was based on 9th Ed rules early in its life cycle. I could extrapolate and explain a lot about this experience, but it would be certainly end up close to a fake report as my memory lost most of the details. Years have passed. I blurrily remind me of a boring game at the time. I fielded at SM side with my SW and it ended up being a full deroute. Today I am tempted to put the blame on my poor deployment and on the table top scenery setting. But it might as well be for rules distortions between the 40k with Apoc rules from the WD and 9th Ed rules. I do not know. Yet latter in the night, the question of what would be the point values of the 2 armies under today´s point costs raised. I have been hooked and I spent some little time going over the internet, looking for pics of the WD involved to recreated the roosters on a Model-per-Model basis. An excel table speadsheet and after revising costs in the Munitorum Field Manual Rev. 2.0 and Legends Field Manual Rev. 1.9, and here we are: ASTRA MILITARUM - INDEX Unit # Pts value Subtotal Codex or Index Primaris psyker 1 60 60 AM Leman russes 7 170 1190 AM Chimeras 1 85 85 WM Demolishers (Tank Commanders) 2 225 450 AM Ogryns 1 130 130 AM Rough riders 2 60 120 AM HW team 2 50 100 AM Command squad 2 65 130 AM Infantery squad 1 60 60 AM Total 2325 pts SPACE MARINE PARTY - CODICES, INDEX SW & LEGENDS Unit # Pts value Subtotal Codex or Index Predators destructor 4 130 520 SM Predator anihilator 1 130 130 SM Razorbacks 3 95 285 SM Speeders tornados 3 95 285 Legend Whirlwind 1 180 180 SM Rhinos 6 75 450 SM Sentry guns 2 60 120 Legend Techmarine 1 55 55 SM Captain 1 80 80 SM Librarian 1 65 65 SM Sanguinary priest 1 90 90 BA Medic on bike 1 65 65 Legend Chaplain 1 60 60 SM Attack bike 1 55 55 Legend Death company 1 250 250 Legend Tactical 1 10 10 SM Blood Claw 1 140 140 SW DW termies 1 180 180 DA Total 3020 pts Armies are probably illegals. SM for sure. But it does not matter. It is a scenario afterall, so you do what you want. Uder todays ruels their structure would be questionnable too. Sais this, on the paper, Astartes get a bigger point value in their mustered forces. Yet, they do still look like being a little bit outgunned by the AM to me adn over poulated in useless models (6 rhinos... Gosh). But it might be worth giving it a second view as the games mechanics changed so much that it is possible it is less impactful today: including mechanisms with Objectives would be probably give more consistency and depth to the game trathe than the Victory Points for elimination of units as it used to be. I still believe the AM might be a tad favoured by the scenario though and as LR compare better in respect of SM Predator tanks... Lack of infantery in the AM army might however be quite tricky for controlling objectives if the scenario is reworked to fit better to today´s core rules. What do you think?
  2. GW have released 40k Datasheets for the Vespids and the Aquillons: https://www.warhammer-community.com/en-gb/articles/O4PRDfFd/bring-the-heroes-of-kill-team-hivestorm-to-warhammer-40000-with-free-datasheet-downloads/
  3. Introduction Like many established Imperium worlds, Dakota Minor has a planetary defence force simply known the Dakota Minor Defence Corps (or DMDC). Most of its number are conscripted from the local population; a small number of citizens willingly join to escape the tedium of farm life that is prevalent on Dakota Minor. The DMDC is organised in a manner similar to Astra Militarum regiments, albeit more limited in their makeup. For the most part, it consists of dozens of infantry battalions, mechanised infantry battalions and light armour squadrons. DMDC corpsmen are on average sub-par for the standards of the Astra Militarum; physical standards, marksmanship and discipline is moderately enforced. In addition, much of their equipment is passed downed from the Asokan Rifles, (as part of an agreement between the governors of Dakota Minor and Asoka), and so the DMDC is forced to make do with whatever equipment and munitions they are provided. Their second-hand arsenal limits them to small arms, transports and scout units, along with a variety of weapons and equipment that saw limited production on Forge World Agripinaa. The undiscliplined and under-equipped DMDC corpsmen are overwhelmed by the advancing Orks, on the outskirts of Dakota Primus. Dakota Minor does not have its own division in the Astra Militarum, instead offering its best recruits to the Asokan Rifles and the Sartorian Rangers as part of its tithe. DMDC Archer-Sentinel The Archer-Sentinel is a variant of the Sentinel walker, armed with a Typhoon multiple missile launcher and a Hunter-Killer missile. It was only produced on Forge World Agripinaa and only in production for 50 years, after many Astra Militarum regiments dismissed it as “useless and redundant”. The DMDC received a massive shipment of this Sentinel variant form the Asokan Rifles in 843M41, and then-Governor Golffe believed she scored a great deal. After many wargames and simulations, it was discovered that the Archer Sentinel was not suitable for long range combat due to requiring direct line of sight, nor was it suitable for close quarters due to its high profile and minimum range required for its missile salvoes. These drawbacks were easily exploited during the Ork invasion in 884M41, whose preference for close quarters combat forced DMDF Sentinel pilots to launch their payload near point-blank or be swarmed by Orks. DMDC Archer-Sentinel, with its standard loadout of Typhoon missile launcher, hunter-killer missile and searchlight. Personalised markings are common on DMDC vehicles. The DMDC were nonetheless forced to employ these legions of walkers to hold back the Orks in the Liberation of Dakota Minor, fuelling and arming them at little as possible. Sentinel pilots were drafted from the infantry battalions, and would received the minimum training required to drive the walkers. The war of Dakota Minor would be a victory for the Imperium, but only an academic review could prove if the near-sacrifical tactics of the Archer-Sentinels were to thank for the success. DMDC 50th Infantry Battalion The 50th Infantry Battalion is one of the "esteemed" battalions of the DMDC, having been the winners of multiple wargames held annually on Dakota Minor. Their accomplishments were less a result of skill and more lack of competition. The life of the DMDC is a privileged and uneventful one (relative to the rest of the populace of Dakota Minor) and the wargames are seen by many DMDC Battalions as a large social event, with troopers engaging in fraternisation and consumption of alcohol. Despite their success in the wargames, the 50th Battallion are no stranger to the festivities of the annual wargames. DMDC 50th Battalion corpsmen holding their ground in the ruined processing plant of Dakota Primus. The Ork Invasion in 884M41 was the first true trial-by-fire for the DMDC as a whole, and they were woefully unprepared for the xeno menace. The combination of poor skill, poor discipline, and subpar equipment saw entire battalions decimated under the green tide. The 50th Battalion was fortunate to be assigned an Astartes support during the defence of Dakota Primus, the capitol hive. With the Astartes leadership, the 50th corpsmen rallied behind the superhuman figthers and fought tooth and nail against the Ork invaders. After eight weeks of combat, the Orks were eventually driven out of the hive and into the Adatok Wastelands to the north. DMDC 50th Battalion corpsmen, alongside Adeptus Astartes of the Salamander chapter, force the Ork invaders out of the hive and The 50th Battalion would receive a commendation directly from Chaplain Numasus of the Salamanders, for their "outstanding courage and feat of arms in the face of the xenos menace", during the defence of Dakota Primus. They would be the only DMDC element to receive battle honours from the chapter at the conclusion of the war for Dakota Minor. The honour was begrudgingly given by the Salamanders chaplain, but Captain R'Keth felt that the 50th's bravery in the defence of their world needed to be acknowledged, despite the performance of the other batallions. Had the Salamanders been any other Adeptus Astartes chapter, their appraisal of the DMDC could have been far more damning...
  4. Seeing as photobucket killed my last thread, I thought I'd start a new one that wasn't corrupted by placeholders. It was always my intention to include some Halfling/Ratling snipers in my Squat army but I wanted plastic or resin... and to be honest, the new Ratling snipers looked a bit too like mini Catachans for my taste so it was obvious that I'd have to sculpt my own. As a result... that's what I did and I ended up with these: http://i.imgur.com/DUlJWEx.jpg http://i.imgur.com/WY0oEY0.jpg When I posted them, a few people suggested that I should get them cast... so I did: http://i.imgur.com/NwipVpu.jpg Once I get around to it... and life gives me a bit of a break... they should be available to purchase from here: https://insoemporium.blogspot.co.uk/ So if you are interested... keep an eye on it :)
  5. This army is the next big thing in competetive games seeing how their gun lines are superb and numerous. How do we best them? I've got theoretical but no practical this edition. Decent terrain is a must against them I feel. For too long an open table has been considered "normal". My initial theoretical are decent numbers (My go to answer) mixed with reasonable fire support and an attack force. I have Cataphractii Terminators and Vanguard who can spear head an attack, along with a Rhino full of Sternguard, which is ideal for most armies but I do worry against Astra Millitarum.
  6. Order name and History The Imperial Guard regiment formerly known as Gehnum's 87th "The Boomers" was a unit that was primarily an armoured division. The remnants of the Gehnum's 75th "Walkers" regiment, an infantry regiment was added to bolster troop numbers after a disastrous attack on a world invaded by the Xenos race known as the Dark Eldar. Discipline was a problem within the ranks to begin with, many troopers disturbed by what they witnessed during that campaign. When the High Command made Colonel Buryon J. Mason the unit leader, morale increased to such a point, that they made significant head way in retaking the planet from the enemy. It was on that planet, known as New Ground, that the Boomers first encountered the Order of Machaeram. Links with the Order, were tenuous to begin with, the Sisters initially believing that the Guard were contaminated by their exposure to the Xenos. The Guard wanted nothing to do with the Sisters, believing them to be over zealous and too willing to sacrifice those Loyal to the Emperor over "trivial" matters. It was not an easy relationship, but trust was eventually gained over the following years, as the regiment was officially ordered to support the Sisters in their undertakings, mainly to rid the sector of the Dark Eldar. The regiment was known for favouring heavy bombardment tactics, before sending the infantry portion to take the enemy in close quarters. Having to support the Sisters, their tactics changed slightly, insofar as their Basilisks now added their firepower to the immolators and Exorcists. The infantry would advance before the Battle Sister groups, acting as snipers and scouts, advising their allies on the best targets to attack. The Betrayal It was upon the return to their homeworld that Mason's turn to Chaos became evident. At the height of the last campaign, an artefact of unknown origin was discovered. The Sisters' Canoness, Irene Chang had ordered the despicable object turned over to the Inquisition to be dealt with. The Colonel was willing to comply, as he had no intention of allowing it to be used against the Imperium. His ship was to be the one to take it to a World near to Gehnum, where an Inquisitor would ensure that it would be destroyed. The voyage was a long one, the Empyrean was in turmoil, to such an extent, that the ship had to leave the Warp and became stranded between systems, even the sub light engines unwilling to function. It was during this time that the betrayal occurred. Details have never been established, but it is assumed that for reasons known only to him, that Mason decided to make the artefact his. Sending a cryptic message to the Canoness he had fought besides for over two decades, he made haste to leave his home forever. The Canoness was enraged at his betrayal, vowing to find him and take his head personally. Spending the next fourteen years, they both fought upon a mountain top, the advantage seemingly belonging to her. His body was flung over the edge, but never recovered. Canoness Chang still pursues any hint of his activity within the Imperium, knowing that he survived the descent. Home planet Gehnum was a world known for commerce, light manufacturing and had a small Mechanicus presence to the south pole. A hardy people due to the harsh winters and hot summers, the natives were surprised when told of the Imperial decree that they would be tithed men and women for the Guard. After Mason's betrayal, the world was put under Inquisitorial review, to establish whether the world was fallen to Chaos. The review is still under way... Regiment Founder Colonel Leon Dally was responsible for the initial raising of the regiments, a veteran of thirty years in other Guard formations. Whilst not of Gehnum, his demeanour made him popular with the Gehnumites. A loud, brash man, his apparent inability to speak at less than a shout, was the inspiration for the nickname for the regiment. He was killed in action, when his custom shotgun misfired as he was trying to take down a Tyranid Broodlord. His loss was greatly lamented. Notable Guardsmen Buryon J Mason (Laterly known as Buryon the Trecherous) Formerly a loyal and circumspect man, Mason's betrayal of the Imperium was a genuine shock to those who had fought at his side. The careful and diligent Colonel was replaced by a slavering maniac, who welcomed mutants, heretics and malcontents to his warband. The specific details of his fall are still unknown. Lieutenant F.T Huw was Mason's second and was one who had doubts about the direction his commander was taking the regiment. Mason forced Huw to endure possession by a Daemon of Slaanesh. The rite nearly killed the Lieutenant, but both man and Daemon have accommodated each other, their tempting whispers in Mason's ear of possible futures all the more difficult to resist. Sergeant Lita L Sommers was also possessed by a Daemon, a Lesser Daemon of Khorne known only by a word physically impossible to utter with a human throat. Unlike Huw, Sommers was more than willing to share her body with a Daemon. Her strength, already formidable was enhanced beyond mortal comprehension. Gunner first class Wallace "Wally" King was another who was possessed by a Daemon. A Tzeentch Lord of Change. However, as King was still inside his Chimera at the time, the fusion of man, machine and Daemon has resulted in a gestalt that is extremely disturbing. Significant battles joined The sacking Mons Hak'te The planet was assaulted by Dark Eldar, their desperation to gather slaves leaving them open to attack. With the help of the Order of Machaeram, the Xenos were routed. The battle of Gehnum The supposed final battle of "the Boomers". The Canoness of the Order of Machaeram had finally cornered Mason atop a mountain and after a furious duel, had forced his body over the mountain edge. Canoness Chang knows that that was not his end, his handiwork appearing in other parts of the sector. There will be another reckoning...
  7. The New Eden Rifles Renowned for their stoic steadfast nature and their stubborn refusal to accept defeat the New Eden Rifles have gained a name across the length of the Imperium as all but unbreakable in defence and just as determined in assault. The New Eden Rifles regiments combine a defiant nature with a plucky and almost irreverent attitude to war and their enemies that has, on occasion, caused their allies to question their reliability on the field of battle but once battle is joined they quickly change their minds. The New Eden regiments are siege masters without equal in the Sub-Sector Incogni meeting their enemies with unbroken trench works and shelling them relentlessly from artillery batteries. Regimental History The planet that would become known as New Eden was discovered in the later days of the Great Crusade. Noted for its virgin arable lands and harsh but beautiful landscape its was inhabited by a primitive hunter gatherer nomads whose technology was equivalent to ancient Terran Stone Age. It was quickly earmarked for settlement and before long settlers arrived from across the vast expanse of space. Its lands were perfect for farming and soon the surface was dotted by vast sprawling farming estates ruled over by wealthy nobles whose lands were worked in turn by criminals, slaves and indentured freemen supplemented by those natives of the planet whom had been deemed useful for integration with the Imperium at large. Qualified overseers and tradesmen arrived from across the breadth of humanities worlds to help supply the farm workers and soon New Eden was a flourishing Agri World supplying foodstuffs across much of Sub-Sector Incogni and further afield. It was not to last however and in the closing days of M.39 the region of space that Sub Sector Incogni bordered on, known as the Bleak Stars, became a hot bed of activity for the xeno species known as the Orks. A lawless region that had escaped the reach of the Emperor’s Great Crusade it easily was subdued by the by the beastial xenos and soon they would push into Imperial help space. Faced with Xeno invasions across multiple Sub-Sectors, including Incognil, the Imperial High Command was unable to meet every push against the xenos and in the vast bloated bureaucracy of the Imperium Incogni and New Eden were either forgotten or deemed unimportant and resources were sent elsewhere. As orkoid vessels pushed into the sector what little Imperial forces that were their were quickly brushed aside. Deciding to cut their losses and regroup on one of the newly established fortress worlds Sub Sector Incogni was declared a loss and the Imperium turned its back on those whom still dwelt there. Declared lost by the Imperium the world of New Eden was far from fallen. Its PDF stood defiant against the off-world xenos. Defences were quickly set up and soon New Eden’s farmlands were divided by sprawling trench works and make-shift bunkers. The planets defenders prepared to sell their lives dearly and it wasn’t long before the Orks arrived on-world. Expecting to find frightened farmers and flimsy defences, like they had on the rest of the Imperium’s worlds so far, the orks were instead surprised to find stoic lines of defenders in their path. Their would be no easy victory on New Eden. Steadfast defiance and unbreakable determination met bestial and unthinking rage and it wasn’t long before New Eden’s verdant fields were turned into a bloody quagmire of blasted apart corpses, both xeno and human, and craters bloomed across the ground like pox marks. But the orks are a race bred for war, they thrive on it, and whilst the ork numbers seemed exhaustible the PDFs were not. Despite their intractable defence their numbers began to dwindle and so the Planetary Governor issued a decree, known forever after as simply “The Emperor’s Call”. A lotto would be taken with every citizen of New Eden, from the lowest criminal slave labourer to the Planetary Governor himself, entered. A day of the year would be drawn at random and every person born on New Eden on that day would be drafted into service in the PDF. It was an initiative the Governor would prove himself committed to when his only child, a daughter, was taken in the first Call. His position was simple, New Eden would stand even if he had to spend every last drop of blood on the planet to do so. When Imperial Forces eventually pushed the orks back in the early days of M.40 they expected to arrive in Incogni to find destroyed worlds overrun by greenskins. Instead they found New Eden still standing, her once verdant fields covered in vast elaborate trench works and defensive positions that ran like spider webs across every clear surface. And when the trench works had fallen the men and women of New Eden had fought for every inch of their cities. Roads were choked with razor wine and make-shift tank traps. Machines and animals, once used to tend to farms or clear land had been turned to war. Weed spraying trucks had been outfitted into crude flame thrower tanks and plows had been reforged into dozer blades. Despite being abandoned for as long as it had New Eden still held on defiant. The newly arrived Imperial crusade quickly helped the New Eden inhabitants reclaim their planet. As the last orkoid was burned in righteous fire Lord Commander Ferius, commander of the Imperial Crusade, commented on that is was as If by the Emperor’s divine providence itself that the world had held. He promised them whatever aid they needed to restore New Eden to its former glory, a gift for their loyalty, when the orks were pushed back to the Bleak. It was a surprise to him when the commander of the planets defenders, the former Planetary Governor whom himself had been taken in the thirteenth Call, declared that he and his men would come with them to see the orks driven from the Imperium for good. Thus was the 1st New Eden Rifles formed. Lord Commander Ferius was good to his word and ensured aid to the planet following the defeat of the orks and it wasn’t long before New Eden was recovering. Crater’s were turned to water supplies and the trenches were kept, a reminder of the regiments proud past. It wouldn’t be long before they would be used again, however, with the orks of the Bleak rising again and again to threaten the Imperium throughout the new few Millennium. Notable Campaigns Pilium Crusade (M.39) The newly founded 1st New Eden Rifles accompany Lord Commander Ferius on his next crusade following his success against the orks, along with many other regiments and no less then two companies of the Space Marines against the traitor forces near the warp storm known as the Pilium Anomaly. Despite great success contact against the enemy eventually the contact is lost with the forces after they enter the Anomaly itself and eventually they crusade is considered lost. Fall of Gokh (M.39) The 22nd New Eden Rifles form part of the Imperial Forces besieging the seccesionist forces on the world of Gokh. Despite horrendous casualties on both side, including losses due to the employing of Phosphex artillery by the planets defenders the Imperial forces are victorious and the Secessionists are put to the sword. The Battle of Bridge 432 (M.40) Assisting the forces of the Iron Heralds Astartes Chapter elements of the 34th and 22nd New Eden Rifles help hold of a previously unknown Xeno species known as the Desmerax. The turning point of the battle comes when the Rifles hold the Bridge, designation 432, against countless waves of xenos before the Heralds can eliminate the xeno leaders, breaking their forces and sending them back into the Bleak. The Second Battle for New Eden (M.40) Although it has come under constant assault over the years from orks as well as other xeno races the second major invasion of New Eden came in the later part of M.40 when a vast force of Traitor Astartes sworn to the Blood God, Khorne, invaded. The New Eden Rifles would stand firm as always and the waves of frothing madmen were met with ranks of sustained fire and constant artillery bombardment. The invasion would be broken and the planet held, but not before extensive damage was caused again to the planets farming again. The Charge of the 1st New Eden Light Horse Brigade (M.41) On the desert world of Al-Ermain Imperial Forces had been fought to a long standing stale mate against traitor forces. Facing impressive trench works and bristling gun emplacements the forces of the Guard were unable to push any further forwards without sustaining heavy casualties. Several sorties from the infantry and tank brigades had simply caused substantial losses on the Imperial forces without gaining any true ground. Knowing that a victory here was essential to capturing the world Captain Johanne Winters of the 1st New Eden Light Horse Brigade ordered his men charge straight into the gun lines. Seen as a suicidal assault Johanne was determined his men would break the enemies lines. It was a ploy that worked when surprised by this seemingly mad man and his men’s charge the traitors guard fled their positions or surrendered in a panic, unsure how else to react. With the gun lines broken with minimal casualties the Imperial forces went on to secure victory and Johanne was awarded the Star of Terra, one of only two Guardsmen of New Eden to ever receive the award. The Black WAAAAAGH!!! (M.41) Ork Warboss Drizog Blacktoof leads a vast orkish invasion from the Bleak into Sub-Sector Megara, sector of the Iron Heralds homeworld and neighbouring sub sector to Incogni. No less then seven combined regiments of the New Eden Rifles, including the 13th New Eden Rifles led by the heroic Colonel Katrin Pendt and the 1st New Eden Light Horse, still led by the unflappable Johanne, are deployed to help the Iron Heralds defend their homeworld. Joined by forces from throughout the Sub-Sectors the Orks are eventually defeated when Drizog is slain by Chapter Master Seric in single combat. Colonel Katrin is awarded a relic bolter by the Chapter Master due to her part in the defence on the Pelion Fields. Homeworld Its vast farmlands tended by criminals, slaves and indentured common folk New Eden is somewhat of a melting pot of cultures from across the immediate area of the Imperium. This peculiar blend of different cultures had strangely bred a strong bond between the planets inhabitants. It is a camaraderie that serves them well both in the fields as when as on the battle fields. Although officially an Agri World New Eden has started to bare many similarities to a Fortress World. With the ever present orkoid threat in the Bleak Stars as well as the fact that the Imperium never truly recovered from the losses from the first orkish invasion means that New Eden is frequently assaulted by disparate ork warbands, although nothing on full WAAAAGH!!! status. The New Eden PDF is well drilled and experienced, working to maintain the vast trench networks and gun emplacements that have become as much a part of New Eden’s landscape as its sweeping farmlands. Most native born New Edene, as they are called, end up working on the planets farms as either overseers or qualified craftsmen of some sort on the farms or in one of the three major hive settlements on the city that have grown around the planets space ports. These hubs are a vast market of sorts with food stuffs and other farmed goods being exported across much of the nearby Imperium and all sorts of criminals and farm machinery arriving daily to feed the labour needs of the vast farming estates. Recruitment There are two ways one can end up in service in the Guard on New Eden. The first is service within the planets PDF and is typically a voluntary commission. Any and all, from lowest criminal to highest noble, are welcome to swear their lives to the service in the PDF and if they do so they are trained and equipped to defend their homeworld and can expect to spend the rest of their lives in the trenches of New Eden, either keeping them repaired or fighting in them. The other way is through the Emperor’s Call. A practice established in the early defence of the planet it has been kept as a standard practice to help meet the Imperial Tithe alongside the planets food output. Much like the first Calls a date will be drawn at random and any and all those born on that day must report to their local recruitment centre where they will be deemed fit for service or otherwise. Even those unfit for direct service will often find themselves drafted for service into the regiments support crews. These recruits are then stationed with the PDF for a short while to receive basic training and equipment before being sent off world in service to the Emperor. It is this way that the New Eden Rifles Regiments are usually split equally amongst men and women and recruits will range from criminals and poor labourers to the highest ranking nobles. All are equal once they answer the call however and the regiments original officers are drawn from PDF where their service and experience has given them the skills needed to lead the newly founded regiment. It is not uncommon for ab-humans to be sent to New Eden for service on the various farms. Each have their own uses in the vast Agri complexes and these services can serve equally well in the Guard. Because of this they aren’t exempt from the Call, just like any and all on the planet. Regiment Organisation Regiments from New Eden are typically divided into separate core formations depending upon their previous skills and employment. The most common of these are the regiments of ‘Rifles’. These tend to follow the standard size and layout as prescribed in the Tactica Imperialis. It is these regiments that most think of when they think of the regiments of New Eden. Implacable in defence and attack they have a down to business attitude matched with an almost irreverent attitude towards war and their enemy that mas many doubt their effectiveness until they see them in battle. New Edene have a strong sense of camaraderie that will often see them going to great lengths to save a wounded comrade. It is this combined with their never say die attitude that has seen them stand defiant when many other regiments have fallen. Other forms of regiments drawn from New Eden often relate to specialisations that the drafted soldiers had before their Call. Regiments such as the ‘Light Horse’ regiments formed of those herdsmen whose job was to ride animals similar to the now extinct horses of ancient Terra to shepherd the vast herds of farm animals on New Eden as they make their way across the landscape. Others are formed from the farm vehicle operators drafted into ‘Armour’ or ‘Artillery’ regiments depending on the needs at the time. It isn’t uncommon for New Eden Regiments to serve alongside each other in warzones where Imperial Commanders just refer to them as ‘New Eden Rifles’, but not in front of the soldiers themselves whom seem to have developed a friendly competitiveness between regiment types. Regiment Wargear The standard New Eden Trooper is equipped as follows: 1x M36 Lasgun: The standard work horse of the Astra Militarum the M36 is one of the most common patterns of lasgun in the Imperium at large. All guardsmen receive one upon being inducted to the guard. It has been commented that a lasgun is far more valuable to the Imperium then the man whom hold it, a saying that the New Edene regiments take objection too. It is from this weapon that the New Eden Rifles get their name. 4x Charge packs: Standard ammunition pack for most imperium las weaponry. Can be recharged crudely by throwing into a camp fire. This does reduce the life of the charge pack however. A fair trade off as far as the New Eden Rifles are concerned, not that they would admit this in front of the Commissariat. 2x Frag Grenades: Standard Imperial Issue fragmentation grenades 2x Krak Grenades: Standard Imperial Issue krak grenades. 1x Auto Pistol: A favourite side arm amongst Astra Militarum forces. Issued to troopers to use as a last resort. The New Eden Rifles tend to favour them once enemies have breached their trench lines, favouring the smaller size in the close quarters. 2x Auto Pistol Magazines: Standard Imperial Issue magazines for an Auto pistol containing solid metal jacket rounds, 1x Combat Knife: Good for cutting enemies if all else fails. Or your field rations if all chewing fails. Just don't let the Brass catch you doing the later. 1x New Eden Trooper Uniform: Typically dark grey combat fatigues similar in style to the plain thick grey clothes worn by the planets farm workers. Indeed it has been noted that they may be the surplus of exactly that. They are sometimes, but rarely, changed with slight camouflage patterns depending on the warzone the trooper is fighting in. They are designed to offer protecting in even inclement weather although only to a point. 1x Flak Armour: Standard Imperial Issue flak armour, based off the design worn by Cadian Shock Troopers. Not that the New Edenes care about where it comes from as its often the only thing between them and a bloody death on some back water world of the Imperium. The helmet often has an inbuilt short range vox suite 1x Rucksack with Entrenching Gear: Masters of trench warfare most every New Eden Rifleman is provided with basic gear for entrenchment, including shovels and wire cutters. More specialised units within the regiments are provided with more gear and training for full trench construction. 1x Basic Field dressing: For very, very basic emergency first aid (Increases trooper survival by 1.5% compared to untreated wounds) 1x Sleeping Bag or Blanket: Sleeping in luxury… 1x Mess Kit, stale dry rations and two days (mostly clean) water: eating only the finest foods… 1x Dog Tags: When you need to know who that bloody mess was. 1x Rechargeable lamp pack: Basic hand held lamp pack, good for late night reading. 1x Imperial Infantryman’s Uplifting Primer: Standard issue text that covers everything from how to on gear maintenance, combat tactics, field first aid and prayers and guide to proper devotion to the God Emperor. Commissariat recommends this to to be the ONLY thing you are reading at night. Punishment for loosing or damaging this text is severe. Other more specialised regiments or troopers may be issued with: Heavy Weaponry consisting of possibly: Mortar, Heavy Bolter, Lascannon, Auto Cannon or Missile Launcher. Usually issued to two man teams due to the size and encumbrance of the weapon. Specialised Weaponry consisting of possibly: Flamer, Grenade Launcher, Plasma Gun, Sniper Las-Rifle. Depending of situational needs Medical Kit: Slightly more comprehensive kit issued to company medic for first aid in combat situations. Vox Caster: Standard communication device issued to ensure good communication in battle environments. New Eden Proto-Steed: A strange blend of bio-mechanics and nature creating a steed similar to the horses of ancient Terra. Ridden into battle by particularly fool hardy troopers. Regimental Markings New Eden regiments tend to follow a fairly standard regimental marking system, with squads being issued a unique three digit number upon enlistment. Command staff are typically issued a two digit number with a skull in the middle and more elite or specialised regiments have three digit numbers starting with a zero. Regiments are often issues with a second number, typically the date of their birth date and the reason they were called in the draft. Regardless all troopers, from the lowliest conscript to the highest ranking officer, carry the rising sun symbol of New Eden on their left shoulder pad. Notable Regiments 1st New Eden Rifles: Founded following the liberation of their homeworld from orks the 1st New Eden Rifles continued on their glorious service until they disappeared into the Pilium Anomaly along with the rest of the Crusade they were with. Only their regimental standard was ever recovered and it rests with honour on Terra in the Hall of Heroes. In honour to the first scions of New Eden the number was retired with honour. 1st New Eden Light Horse Brigade: The first founded regiment of Light Horse designation the 1st New Eden Light Horse has served faithfully since then, having fought the length and breadth of the Imperium. They have been all but wiped out on several occasions but they are always rebuilt and continue to serve faithfully. They are currently commanded by Captain Johanne Winters, a unflappable scion of New Eden’s noble houses possessed of steel nerves and unshakable courage. 13th New Eden Rifles:”Katrin’s Own”: 22nd New Eden Rifles “The Blood Hounds”: 34th New Eden Rifles: 102nd New Eden Mechanised“The Free-born” : The first regiment ever from New Eden to consist entirely of the free children of indentured criminals on New Eden it was formed specially at request of Inquisitor Stromnash to serve during the Siege of the White Spire. Following the Imperial victory they were released back into Imperial service. 255th New Eden Heavy Armour Division “The God Killers”: Notable Heroes Colonel Katrin Pendt: TBA Captain Johanne Winters TBA Lord Commissar Jon Abram TBA First Lieutenant Sharia Tothe TBA Major Luthias Brom TBA
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