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“You can run, but you’ll only die tired.” “Whom did ye call short-arse?” Here are some Squats I converted and painted some years back. The armoured ones are Mantic Forgefathers with helmet faces in particular resculpted. Note double skull kill markings on the marksman’s helmet. “I’ll cut ye down to proper size, tally!” Badoom! Broadbeard, a loudmouth one-Dwarf illegal radio station sending live from his heists and battles. My character in a Kill Team-RPG campaign. More here: WIP “Need a light?” Beep…! Beep…! This terrain piece’s name goes along the lines of “Mining operations network (MON) Omnibeacon” and I’ll explain my thoughts about it once it’s finally painted and photographed with something better than my backwards cellphone. It is entirely built out of plastic caps, plasticard, some “pins” of various shaped, small nails, super glue and a little greenstuff. It was a Christmas scratchbuild. Of course, like an iceberg it’s supposed to be 9/10 under ground, since it’s a Space Dwarf construction. Art “The stronghold oldsters back at home might not have approved, but around these parts there aren’t any stronghold or oldsters. Or home, for that matter. Chap, in the Biker ‘guilds’ you’ll be your own man, with your own ride far away from safety and responsibilities. Us outriders have our own customs, so thus you’ll have me with this spiky, radical beard style, see? At least I didn’t tint it teal.” “Life is a trampler. I like to keep a rug of a beard around to better receive life as it is in the hallway.” "Pal, come now. Really? If you think I look weird now you should’ve seen me before the flamethrower accident." And finally a drawing: Squat Power Boarder A mercenary prone to casual violence, Trough Mac Broigum has served the psychopathic Rogue Trader Tyrel “Destroyer” Cathek for over seven decades of ceaseless voyages between distant stars. As his master has cut a bloody swathe through long-lost Human colonies and Xeno worlds alike, so has the abhuman Trough served Cathek with savage glee. Trough Mac Broigum has participated in more xenocides and extermination campaigns than most senior Inquisitors can lay claim to, and he has often been at the forefront of the burning and slaughter. Trough leads an sabotage squad of Squat clansmen who have mastered the difficult vehicle known as the power board, a self-propelled ride capable of great leaps and even some limited flight. The Squat power boarders are experts at striking through backstreets and narrow alleys after heavier units have opened a breach, rushing through urban mazes and space station corridors to deliver a lethal cargo of demolition charges, incendiaries, gas canisters, neurotoxins or virus bombs to soft strategic locations (such as waterworks or aeroprocessors) in the midst of population centers. Trough and his ilk will celebrate every triumph of mass civilian extermination with strong beverages, and will constantly retell their most daring feats of martial power board acrobatics in the face of enemy resistance. [centre]_____________________[/centre] Drawn for Oldhammer Art Contest II. Usually I base my doodles loosely on official sources at best (these fictive worlds are always best for freewheeling exploration and imagination of one’s own), but this one was different. The Squat Power Boarder is a reference to three things from Book of the Astronomican: The tabards of Rogue Trader troopers, the signum of Tyrel “Destroyer” Cathek, and the power board of Stugen Deathwalker. “Kickee Cool” on the boots was a nonsense catch-phrase which I used for a Shadowrun Dwarf kickboxer during a short RPG session. I know nothing about Shadowrun, but I made said dwarf (with neon hair & beard implants, constantly shifting glowing colours) with the wacky spirit of Rogue Trader 40k in mind. Squattish Grav-Jack Grav-jacks are gravity repulsor units fitted to landbound vehicles, treasured and rare through the Imperium of Man, yet commonplace among the Kin of Squats. A halfway house between a skimmer and a groundbound tank, a heavy vehicle equipped with grav-jacks may fire up the anti-gravitic engines to lessen ground pressure. A light thrust may prove sufficient for the vehicle to escape becoming mired in mud, marshes, crystafields and still more alien kinds of treacherous soil. Yet should the vehicle run stuck, a strong thrust will be employed to lift it out of the trapping ground. Grav-jacks have limited energy and will require recharging via the vehicle's batteries between uses, yet grav-jack patterns employed by the Leagues of Votann have been noted to be powerful enough to function as grav-chutes for heavy vehicles during their entire descent through atmosphere, something which is far beyond the wilted abilities of Imperial relic grav-jacks. Grav-jacks are believed to have originally been designed to move freight-containers during the Dark Age of Technology, and a lot more can be found out about them here. The basis for these extensive conversions are the tracks of a resin Ramshackle Gnu armoured transport vehicle. The rest of the behemoth build is yet to be finished. Comments and criticism are as welcome as always. Cheers!
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- Leagues of Votann
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Hello everyone! I am returning from a year of self banishment from posting on the forum due to my inexcusable failure to complete my vow at the last call to arms. Sadly, no progress has been made on eldar since I lost motivation after a few of them broke and the pieces that broke off vanished into the warp. However, over the year I've been collecting a new Leagues of Votann army! I've always been a fan of dwarves, and I've always been bigoted against elves, so it only seemed natural to pick these guys up. As I get them painted up, I will post on here their completions. As of now, I have an Einhyr Champion completed, so here you are!
Greetings, Kin! Have you any Truths to share? Any sayings of your own, above and beyond those written in official material? Any and all sayings are welcome, with or without explanations, so do not be shy! I wrote the following Truths for this Squat project log update, and I thought it best to share here as well. - - - The makers cast us from the crucible from the very beginning. We have always been cloned. We were crafted to mine the heavens. Grasp and ken. Delve deeper. All is toil. All springs from toil. A fine burden. Weighed and wanting. Sparks upon the anvil. Rock holds. Debt must be paid. Doubt becomes debt. Claimed in sweat, kept in blood. A grudge stands. Strike truth. On heavy scales. Harken in quiet. Talk till regret. Crowning Glory
- Squat
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Hey there, we've been waiting for two years until we finally got a long desired novel about the "recently" introduced "new" faction that is the Leagues of Votann. It was rather quickly sold out (both version) but to my surprise, it hasn't been talked about in here. Is the interest simply non existing or what happened? I, for one, wasn't able to get a copy due to my missing the release but still. Someone should/ might've read or started it by now, right? Very curious about your thoughts about this one. Please, don't turn this into another "Oh god it's Gav" threads. We had our very share of such posts in the past. Imho, his worldbuiling in Luther was superb (and the novel itself) so that's probably what I'm most intrigued of. Cheers, Kel
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- Leagues of Votann
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So I’ve fallen in love with the Votann a little and just painted up my first mini. He still needs a name but I’m very pleased with how he turned out. the camera plays up the orange a little, it’s slightly more subtle in daylight.
This one was not on the rooster of mine. Yet, because of an unexpected event (need to find a cardbox to ship a sold item on Wallapop), I encountered a small platic bag, full of lead and white metal scrap. Among these scraps, an SCT! By SCT I meant a never assemblied Squat Guild Trike. So, here is my third vow: assemble, paint and base this piece of hobby´s history. I guess it will be enlisted for the Leagues of Votann. The molding is quite detailled and faces are really better than anything in plastics, Only Resins models can get that close. Yet design is worth its 30-35 y.o. Respect of scale is, lets say respectfully, non existing. And the set of plastic arms on the standard sprue are anything but adapted to the model. I will have to recut I guess, just to get at least one hand on the gas throttle... It will not be as dynamic as the genuine illustration, but it can be a nice small project to spend the week-end. It will mainly be dry brushing after all.
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Why can't I resist new things?
Cyrox posted a blog entry in Waffling on - a Hobby blog about everything
As the title says, why can't I resist new things? When the return of the Squats was teased on April Fools Day, and then confirmed shortly afterwards as the Leagues of Votann, I got very excited! The Squats were actually coming back - this was an army that was around when I first discovered the GW universe, and it reminded of those good times that you always look back on fondly. I ended up making a couple of videos about it which went down quite well, and I looked forward to seeing what GW had in store for the Leagues. Then came an article about the Votanns, which it turns out are ancient ancestor cores, containing all sorts of information including complete STC patterns. I was even more excited, this sounded amazing. Then they said they were all clones. Wait what? At first this annoyed me, and coupled with the release of Horus Heresy 2.0, I started to lose a bit of interest. But then they started showing cool things... but still I resisted. Then they showed the Brôkhyr Thunderkyn, and my head was turned. I could see them painted like the power loader from Aliens... Then it was NOVA open 2022. They got me. Believe it or not, the thing that did it was a picture of the Hekaton Land Fortress photoshopped to look like the TMNT Turtle Van. It was stupidly awesome, and I could see that colour scheme again that I'd envisioned for the Thunderkyn - a JCB/Industrial Yellow and Dark Grey or Black. Some people have commented on how different the range is and how it doesn't seem to mesh or follow a common theme, but thats what I love about it. I also don't mind the cloneskyn thing anymore, it actually sounds like an interesting take on the lore. Now I find myself wanting the Army box so I can start building a Leagues of Votann force. To be honest all of the above is just nonsense - its just me trying to justify spending more money on minis when there's a cost of living crisis going on, not to mention the fact that my pile of shame is just ridiculous. Why can't I resist new things? If anyone wants me I'll be on eBay. -
Foreword: This is probably going to age like milk, but the new(ish) Leagues of Votann faction has caught my imagination, and when the muse hits - well, you know the drill. This is tagged as proto-canon, since we know very little of what the faction is about so I try to limit it to what we do. I hope you find it enjoyable. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A Quick Question. He'd offered the question when he was granted the audience. The Lorekeeper had insisted, his thick white beard kept in place with braid locks. "Only the one question. The mighty Votann of our Kin has a great deal to consider!" Mikal remembered standing before the face, power filling the chamber with electrostatic force, making his own short beard become rigid. The braid locks were not just for show then. He felt the great weight of intellect bear down on him, an impression of engrammic brows heavy with abstract thoughts which did not fit mortal understanding, a remoteness of intellect in the chill presence of the icy blasts released from macro-conductors, cycling the hyper-cool fluid. Even his breath formed ice crystals in the cryptovault, the great bastion of the Votann. He cleared his throat. Mikal... It was just one, quick question. Mikal! "Wha, whu?" Mikal snapped open his eyes, gazing at the stars above a planet he didn't know. He shuffled his body, feeling the plating of his combat suit grind and shift against something behind him. Ah yes. His bike. The bulky hover-machine matched his uniform, rounded plates of hard plasteel and ablative ceramic. It was odd to see it sitting on the ground, resting on the levitators. It wasn't as sleek as the bikes of the Aeldari, but nowhere as brutal as those of Orkish buggies. It was practical, serviceable and importantly, it would function on any of the Hearthworlds, where heavy machines relying on friction would be snared by the hight gravity that produced Kin like he. His boot was knocked again by a solid kick. "Are you with me yet?" The question was different to the one he'd asked, but no less pertinent. he looked up into the round, hairless face of Oda, her long blond hair tumbling out of her collar and over her combat suit. "What time is it?" he pulled the long dustcoat from where it lay over him as a blanket, reaching for the Korthshot, the lightweight, multi-purpose weapon common to the Herrkyn Riders. He checked it over, another machine which would work in any gravity environment. Antiquated by virtue of the Votann Idiosyncrasy, it kept pace with human or alien weapons by virtue of special munitions. He broke it open and checked the six cylinders, each unspent primer winked at him from the rims of the .60 calibre shells. Satisfied, he struggled to his feet, shrugging the long leather jacket over his shoulders like a cloak. Oda ignored his question. "The League of Iron has reported Greenskin activity near Hellfire Pass. Theyn Raldrik wants us to outflank them. "Hearthkyn afraid of getting shot up are they?" he offered a wry smile. "Anything else?" "No Mikal, the answer hasn't come," she smiled at him and retired to her own vehicle, beginning the warm-up process. It was the second anniversary of his request to the Mighty Votann. Plenty of time yet. The varying warble of levitators and aero-turbines lifted the Herrkyn aloft, the throttle almost begging him to release it to cut over the plains ahead as the outriders left the gully providing them with shelter. The tall tufts of grass sheared and spattered him, spilling chlorophate across his face, as he buzzed across, eyes thankfully protected from the acrid wetness by sturdy goggles. The column of smoke from the Ork patrol was as good as a signal flare. Three waggons pelted for the pass, the only gap in the Kurpesh foothills, each vehicle transporting a cantankerous mob of the brutish troops. Mikal opened up the engine of his bike with a throaty roar, angling the levitator discs to kick him into a strange catapulting gait which threatened to pitch the bike over, but the gravity here was nowhere near as punishing as home, so he rammed the machine forward, into the fray. He levelled his Korthshot, over the handlebars, tactical relays aligning the weapon and autosense to compensate for the jink and bob of the bike now the terrain had roughened. He sighted a pugnacious wretch manning the Big Shoota atop the waggon, and boom the noise rolled over and past him, purple-red gore erupting from the neck of the beast, the oversized skull and piggy red eyes locked in a look of wonderment as it bounced over the carapace of Mikal's bike. He heard Oda laughing as she bombed past him, putting a thunderous shot into the engine block of the second wagon, watching a torrent of oil and greasy slime cover the driver. He slewed the vehicle towards Oda, but the Herrkyn was faster, sawing back on her reins and lifting up and over the ramshackle machine. The latter found a ditch, and slammed into the earth with a crunch, spilling brawny Orks everywhere in meaty confetti. Mikal zoomed past, tossing a handful of krak grenades into the bunch. Their howls and bawdy bawling dwindled as the Riders sped on. Between them, Oda and Mikal pulled up to the second vehicle, the female rider angling for a double strike. Mikal closed with the waggon, Oda firing rapidly to cover him and he slung the grapnel, a clang-clunk announcing it had purchase. He heaved back, savagely wrenching the handlebars, and the solid adamantine claw bit hard into the front fender of the wagon, but the vehicle was too heavy and the Ork driver too keen for a shunt, as he laughed and cackled, the shootas and sluggas of the boyz inside now beginning to thump and careen around him, rattling his body with every strike against his combat suit. "Oda!" She gunned in, snagging the line between him and the waggon with a tow hook, and both bikes heaved together, ripping the front axle away from the left side of the clumsy vehicle in a shear of protesting metal. Mikal cut the line, just as it twanged taut, and the whipcrack snapped back at the Ork driver, making him recoil as his vehicle ploughed a rut into the earth before tipping over, almost in slow motion, and beginning a long bounce and tumble as it toppled end over end in a crumpling, mangled mass. A fireball blossomed into the air with the crackle of cooking off munitions. "One to go!" Oda called over the comms line. "No, peel off!" "What?" "Peel, Oda, now!" Sigils of the League of Iron painted green across his visor and a moment later, brilliant yellow and red hornets painted a pattern all over the Ork waggon as the weapons of E-13B, CMC-17 and OCR-13 spoke. Cannon fire, las and plasma weapons cut in, reducing the trukk to molten slag, still grazing along the land as a sloughing bullet, until it crashed harmlessly into the mouth of Hellfire Pass, effectively blocking it. The remaining Ork tumbled out, brawling and shooting, but the Hearthkyn and their Theyn responded, raining death on the bestial foes with their Boltshots. Oda slowed to a crawl, allowing Mikal to catch up. He holstered his gun as they made formation, a sedate promenade describing a wide arc to keep them clear of gunfire. She had her finger to her ear, receiving a comms transmission. "Mikal? The Votann has answered," her blue eyes were wide with awe. "You are called." It meant another trip to the Hearthworld, to get his answer in person, the pilgrimage was traditional. He grinned, meeting her gaze. "Oda...I have a quick question for you..." She revved the throttle and her blonde plait loosed out behind her head in a golden rope. "You'll have to catch me!" He grinned as she whooped and flew away. Some answers were worth waiting for.
- Leagues of Votann
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Just a small little teaser, presumably for reveals later today (spotted on Reddit):
One sign of the new Leagues of Votann codex being well-written, may be the better background discussions which arise around it to wrestle with the origins of the Squats in 40k. A core theme of the question marks about the Kin and their beginnings, revolves around free will and slavery. To be clear, the codex itself presents the Kin (called Squats by Imperials and Demiurg by Tau) from their own point of view, revolving around kinship, ancestors and perfectionist work to mine and forge marvels across the stars. The explicit part of the codex contains wondrous vistas of Kin astral mining success in the galactic core, touches on cultural development among ancestors to foster perfectionism, and also delves into crazy themes such as acquisitive Kin showing no regard for others living on planets which they have deemed worthy of strip-mining for mineral wealth; the prior mineral assessments include present infrastructure on the planet, as so much junk to salvage. Yet there are implicit themes in the codex, with quasi-corporate heraldry being a nod to Squat origins, and with a remarkably ordered society bred through centralized cloneskeins. What can be read between the lines present a fascinating part of the mysterious background, a worthwhile discussion of which starts around here in a thread on Dakkadakka. To pick a succinct post by Mad Doc Grotsnik that drills down to the hidden horror hinted at by the Squat background writing: Furthermore, the first prototypes of humans in Mesopotamian mythology were unable to reproduce, and only later did the gods grant them this power. Cloneskein echoes? Now, what do you think? Regardless of stance, the fertile fields of reasonable speculation provided by the background is a sign that this time around, Games Workshop did Squats right. Cheers
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- Squats
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So, with the release of Chrismas Box sets of LoV, it's quite reasonable to Jump into start a new hole Project Anyway, this post serves as a motivation to keep my project going and is my 1st post at Bolter and Chain Sword, and hopefully, this doesn't end up in my already massive pile of shame. (Please let me know if a post like this is not allowed here to be posted and I'll try to do this somewhere else) English is not my 1st language. If I sound weird or accidentally offend you, I promise I didn’t mean it and please take my sincere apologies in case you do.
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The range together. It really feels like a few people wildly jumped the gun on the Votann, I've seen pages of complaining on some forums when it's not really possible to get the right vibe from the range until its seen how it all ties together.
With GenCon behind us an several confirmed rumors on that deleted rumors list confirmed, I thought it might be fun to discus one of the more far out claims from that list (sorry, don't have the quote): the Squats are coming back. We have nothing beyond that so we don't know if they'll be returning as a full army, a unit for AM, or a Kill Team. What would you like to see? How would you like them to play? Do you think this rumor still deserves a lot of salt? I personally hope that Squat is shorthand for Demiurge. A while ago it seemed like if GW was going to return to space dwarves, it would be as something new and the Demiurge were the likely prospect (sorry, don't have the quote). This was before Squats showed up in Necromunda though. Still I'd like another non-imperial army and would like the T'au auxiliaries to get some love.
Getting my army planning underway. I need a little help deciphering the specifications and assembly manual. Refer to Codex page 93 (CX), Refer to Instruction pamphlet (PA) PA, 5-11, step 6: C120. That is a Autoch-pattern bolt pistol ? C121. That is the same weapon as C120 ? C117. That is a Autoch-pattern bolter? C118. That is another Autoch-pattern bolter, (not pistol)? C102, C103, C122. Those are all each Plasma Sword, and Plasma Axe? C123. Is that a Gravitic concussion grenade? PA 5-11, step 8: C113, C115, C116. Those are both Autoch-pattern pistols? Different variants of a pistol? C114. That is a EtaCarn Plasma Pistol? C109, C110. Those are Plasma Sword and Plasma Axe, (if so, then what are C102, C103, C122)? PA 5-11, step 9: C7, C8. Those appear to be same weapon as C118, C119? PA 5-11, step 13b: C17. That's a HYLas Auto Rifle? PA 5-11, step 14b: C27. That's an Ion Blaster? PA 5-11, step 15b: C37. What is that? PA 5-11, step 16b: C46 + C47. How do I tell if that's a L7 Missile Launcher Focused or Blast? PA 5-11, CX page 93: I'm having trouble trying to find a specimen of EtaCarn Plasma Pistol EtaCarn Plasma Beamer Ion Pistol Magna-rail rifle. Thanks in advance.
This is the start of a League of Votann army. I am going for a scheme similar to the Space Marine Raptor chapter. This is more of a paint up army than a playable army so I am not that fuzzed witch faction the belong to. I still have no idea what to do with the bases, probably just grassy ones. Cpt. Danjou
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- Leagues of Votann
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So these are the first of my Votanns, not ready, and I have no idea what to do with the bases yet. I wanted a scheme close to the Raptors space marine chapter. More to come. Cpt Danjou
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- Leagues of Votann
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First off I have limited time, but I since I took some pictures I thought I could just run down my last game quickly. Unfortunately I do not have my models entirely painted, and had to proxy some of the Aggressors, but the list looked something like this: -Khan -LT. -Libby -Chappy on Bike - Apothecary - Incursors / - Assault Intercessors - 5 Aggressors - 5 Bladeguard - Warsuit - 3 Outriders - 2 ATV's (MM) - Thunderstrike (?) Speeder - Eliminators with Lasfusil - Repulsor (!) - 3 Eradicators (vanilla) We played Secure missing artifacts. I couldn't tell you the entirety of the Votann list, but I know he 'held back' as he was not using Berzker type units, and had only 2 of their Terminator equivalents. Still the whole army (as usual) felt like an 'anti marine' force. (Tons of AP-2, S5+ , 2 D) I should apologize here because as usual I completely forgot to take a picture of the entire table top from top down. Anyway, we played the angled deployment of Secure Missing Artefacts. The White Scars went first. We play with fairly heavy terrain so in theory about 75-80% of an army can be hidden, if not at least in some protective terrain. My Secondaries were the White Scars one (Have to kill something after charging it... much harder than the Wolves one.) Oath, and Engage on All Fronts. Some of my deployment: Below: My corner hiding the Repulsor/Speeder. Below: My mid table obscurring ruin is packing a lot of models. I didn't want turn 1, since the fire lanes were so tight and armies hidden. I did get a little aggressive with my Warsuit, so at least he would be able to shoot, but other than Litanies, there was little else to do. My T1 I move out to middle with the bikers, and I 'tease' the Incursors (Behind crates at center off picture). The shooting I do with the Warsuit is through a building at his troops. This does put the Warsuit in danger, and the minus 1 damage, and Void armour makes shooting the troops in cover nearly useless, but I wanted to see if it was worth baiting him out. Essentially I advanced the rest of the army. His Turn 1 does see him come in and nearly shoot up the Warsuit, but the 'termie' equivalents take the bait and run up destroy the Warsuit. Bit Turn 1 moment is probably the Incursors at mid that "blew smoke" and hit Transhuman on Turn 1 for 2 CP that definitely saved them. I find against Votann that Transhuman feels virtually useless so I prefer to use it early (before I have 2-3 "Grudge" tokens on units.) I felt lucky to have 4 Incursors still alive. Turn 2 I manage to get full Primary scoring, but I'm pushing it and have to engage the Votann or risk getting blown off the board. Turn 2: Above: I reinforce mid with the ATV's and take melta shots at his heavy tank. Which did very little. My Speeder would also pop some lascannons into it, but at the end I maybe took it down to half wounds. The mid was well reinforced. The Aggressors advance to where the Warsuit had just been destroyed. The Aggressors shot everything at his troops deeper in a ruin, but with cover + Void armour the damage was a joke. The Bladeguard followed the Aggressors into an assault on the 'termie equivalent' to jointly kill ALL but 1 model which did not break to moral and I tri-pointed the model to prevent him from shooting my aggressors/bladeguard. VERY lucky on this move. Above, another huge moment. I advanced the Outriders after bringing one back from the dead, and assaulted his heavy tank, and caused him some real issues here. (This is beside the ruin that all of the Aggressors/Bladeguard are in. This caused him some serious scoring issues. A bigger move I made was in the lower right side of the table: The Assault Intercessors (7 with hammer) got out, advanced for 1, I CP rerolled it for a 6. Moved 12" (Plus the disembark) and my Chaplain got off the aura adding to advance/charges and he was sitting there with the Eradicators waiting for the Assault Intercessors. I made that charge as well deep into his zone tying up 3 of his bikers, and a 10 man squad, stealing his objective. The problem was I couldn't damage his army. No rerolls of damage/to wound allowed. BUT in this Assault Intercessor move I managed to kill enough that I could entirely wrap him with the consolidation move preventing him from falling back. This lead to another crazy situation where he just failed moral but only 2 models were left, preventing him from shooting this squad as well. So although I couldn't score the White Scars secondary, the good news is I robbed him of primaries, and he was a little taken back by how aggressive my army was (I did give him a full break down and he's played my White Scars before. There were no 'gotcha' moments. I think he just didn't see a way that I would make 5 Assaults in turn 2. His scoring was bleak. He took some secondary where his guys could pan for gold or something silly and he scored it. I think he got 1 on the primary, and I would score Oaths, and 4 quarters this turn. His Turn 2 he brought in a special character on the side that my Bladeguard/Aggressors were. He is a brutal character with a 3+D3 hammer! He also brought in his second 'termie' unit on my flank where the Eliminators were exposed. This would be tricky. He failed his character assault, my Bladeguard/Aggressors mopped up the 'termie' unit, but I can't score it because the White Scars secondary is only if I charged that turn. Ugh. On the lower right his bikers and troops were dying to my Eradicators. He shot up my Speeder and that was gone. I also lost an ATV, and a half. (I Know I can't bring one back but I thought of healing the last one to 8 wounds but instead I opted to bring a missing Bladeguard back from the dead.) My Turn 3 above: The Bladeguard (after finishing off a unit ) would charge into this unit with the Khan in tow giving them +1 to wound. These guys just came in from reserves and are notoriously tough to get rid of: T5, 2 wounds, but they hit hard, and are -1 Damage on top of Void armour!. I got lucky, the Bladeguard smoked them to a man, but BARELY. I mean right to the wound they all died. I finally get some points for White Scars secondary! (The turn 3 bladeguard charging ability meant the +1 damage white scars ability made my Bladeguard 3 damage, reduced to 2 damage, just enough to kill a model.) The big one was in the center. I don't have a shot of it, but I advanced the Aggressors towards his hammer character that just arrived and I shot it nearly to death with the boltstorm gauntlets (Kind of funny since he has 2+/4+ and ALL damage is reduced to 1 on him so I didn't think I'd do a thing. ) So aggressors HAD to kill this guy on the charge, because I'm sure on the counter charge that character would outright kill the whole squad. But the Aggressors BARELY got lucky enough to kill him. It was T3, so although my Aggressors should have been 3 damage a fist, it was reduced to 1 and he failed just enough saves, netting me more White Scars points. Then the Chaplain would assist above (not shown... I took the picture too soon) and kill off the last biker to get another White Scars secondary, capping me at 5 for the turn.) This took him off the objective entirely. We scored his turn 3, and then realized he would not be able to catch up. There was just no way. He had only 1 secondary point every turn to my nearly full scoring. My models started disappearing very FAST, but I had maxed most of my secondaries, and his T4 he would get rid of the Aggressors but they had tied up his tank, and HQ's again. So he just couldn't score. So I can't remember the final score but after 4 it was official and it was a good 40 point differential, maybe more. Conclusion: - White Scars are in tough. This was hard, and at first I didn't take pictures because even my Chaos struggles VERY hard against this. I honestly think I made some crazy yolo charges that panned out. Also his units not quite dying (while very annoying) prevented him from destroying my most aggressive units. Still, this army, until turn 3 really can't damage much yet isn't resilient enough to hang around long. - Stuff that worked: Khan ( fun but hate that he's on foot.. please GW, give us a bike model already), Bladeguard, but they work for everyone. -1 to hit power from the Psyker. VERY Big in this game at key moments. Chaplain - the true force that makes this whole thing work. Assault Intercessors. You know I keep wanting to pull them out, but they just are my favourite troop to be honest.... Incursors always do nothing, but usually score. That's their role in life, and I can't pull them either. - Stuff that kind of works: Repulsor. I can't believe it but after the big points reduction I've probably used it in 3 or 4 games now and it still stinks. Lascannons kind of stink, and having this unit I think my opponent smartly ignored it. It did nothing all game (maybe 2-3 wounds off a vehicle.) Aggressors. LOVE the idea of putting these in White Scars and advancing every turn but the shooting is almost a complete waste on anything above a guardsman and most of my opponents play tougher armies. The Thunderstrike speeder. It's fun, it's fast, it's made of paper and doesn't last. It almost always trades down. - Stuff that stinks: ATV's. Still horrid. GW needs to do a LOT here to make this unit not stink. Outriders. Still such a mediocre unit. I've used these things a zillion times, I still think classic bikes are better. They REALLY need unique weaponry and more than chainsword options. I still love the Scars, but every time I win with them it feels like total luck. Nevertheless a win is a win and it was fun to take them out again. Thanks for checking it out.
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- White Scars Chapter
- Leagues of Votann
- (and 3 more)