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  1. Hi Folks. There are as much reasons to choose and play an army than players. Or maybe not that much but a least a serious amount. So I will not pretend listing them all or even pretending covering the main ones. I will instead stick to a selfish and auto-centered exercise on why did I choose to build up an Ynnari force. I am not really an Eldar guy. I liked them and even started gathering an army in 96. I bought and stored some models, essentially after recovering some guardians from a friend on mine that left the hobby at this time and offered them to me a bargain. I have been left with a lot of guardians, falcon chassis and jetbikes. They were left there, waiting for some time. A first attempt for seriously using them was with the release of the Crafworld index. I was VERY tempted to build up a Saim-hann force. I even started building some potential models for kinsmen. But the soufflé went down. Another almost successful resurrection was the issuance of the Black Guardian list in the Eye of Terror campaign book. But the magic did not happen. Back to the pile of shame. CTA23 has been the last memorable event that affected these pointy ears. After 27 years most of the Aeldarii models were at last painted. I guess I have only 10 to 20 guardian bodies left in the waiting room. I kept Saim-hann theme – I never really abandoned it and I secretly hope for a Nuadhu Firehearth model someday… But I still haven´t played a single game: the army needed some legalization and improvements. And this is where the Ynnari trouble starts. A standard move would have been to select a few additional units and increase the army core with the usual suspects: Aspect warriors and so on. But I am not so fond of Aspect warriors in general (except Warp spiders and Dark reapers); although Aspects are the primal form of the Eldar units (I still have my 1st Ed compilation book (the yellow one), I am not that plugged into them. I instead decided to keep on moving on the guardian heavy thematic planning to add walkers and some rangers (inc. shroud-runners). The pile of shame has grown with some of these, but they remain in standby as, after a Paper-hammer* series of small games (in order to simulate and emulate my army construction) the tactical options appeared as being limited. Or better said: they almost paly as my AdMech. It is not what I want. Scouts´ models remain unpainted, even unbuilt. Another option would have been to build up a more fluff-oriented list going back to the roots of a wild rider heavy army. It is however not something that looks playable nowadays. May be for fun, but on the long run?... Paper-hammer stroke once again. It has been another fail So, what is left, except putting Aspect warriors? Ynnari. These have been a third choice, after the 2 previous errantly valuations. Yet they tick some boxes in terms of new tactical tricks. Indeed, getting these Dark-kins gives access to a series of deep striking units that will nicely balance the tactical options. Deep striking transports and skimming tanks. Fast units. Everything is into the speed aspect. I can have something that is still in the mood of that Saim-hann spirit will getting access to relatively cheap troops and units fulfilling a variety of tactical roles without slowing down the historic units of my rooster. To summarize, the decision to go Ynnari has not been a first choice. Rather a third one (And I hope they will not be axed in the next Aeldari codex so that I will not have to repent, again…). Decision has been made based on the play style and tactical options offered by the inclusion of the Dark Eldar units. It opens the rooster to a huge amount of units (probably as much as in a SM army, may it be?) so that variety and surprise effect can be guaranteed (if the collection growth allows it). What is going to include this Ynnari force: The drawbacks of Ynnari is the Yvraine tax. But as it has to be, so let it be. If you go Ynnari, you go Ynnari: so I cannot stop to Yvraine as a signature unit only. Let´s put the Yncarne too. This demonic figure has some tricky tricks to bring to the force. Add some Dark Eldars: a Patrol box for the moment (I touched it at 90 bucks…). I may increase the contingent with some Scourges and a Venom latter. As I “accidentally” get a KY Nightmare box, I also have a unit of 10 mandrakes available Corsairs may increase the rooster, especially as I have enough spare guardian bodies in order to build 2 units out of one box. What is missing from this list are the Venom, the Scourges and the Corsairs – 142 USD before discounts. Everything else is in the Pile of Shame already. In next instalments we will see how I am progressing with the painting of these models, starting with the Yncarne and Incubis. See you next time, *There are variants such as Lego-Hammer or Playmobil-hammer too. I even heard of a Hotwheels-Hammer once, but I guess the guy was talking of Steve Jackson´s Car Wars instead… PS: and I do insist that I am not starting a new army of any kind...
  2. Minuros

    Wraithblades finished

    From the album: Saim-Hann Wildhost

    Completed wraithblades
  3. Minuros

    Wraithblades wip

    From the album: Saim-Hann Wildhost

    WIP Wraithblades
  4. As the Call to Arms 2023 Challenge is getting close to its end, I will share here some family portraits of my contributions. In the Xenos Stronghold - running for Aeldari Forum - A Saim Hann War Host. Except the Wraithlord (Edit) and the red WS that have been painted prior to the Challenge but that I cannot leave away from their amtes, all the models have been painted in 2 distinct vows. Special note of the converted Venom, that is enlisted for Master of the Forge. Still in the Xenos Stronghold - running (as a proxi) for the Leagues of Votann Forum - a lone Squat trike Enlisted as a single and lonely vow In the Imperium Stronghold - running for Space Wolves SubForum - a column of Rhinos All belonging to 2 distinct vows In the Imperium Stronghold - running for Astra Militarum - some isolated SW auxilaries investing an abandoned outpost All belonging to 3 distinct vows And, finally, still in the Imperium Stronghold - running for Adeptus Mechanicus Forum - Part of an Extermination Maniple This vow was initially planned to be my main contribution to the Imperial Stronghold, but, because of shipping delays, it happened being the last one, the rest of the Imperial troops being the activated contingency plan. In total this represent a Grand Total of 201 Points: - Aeldari - 102 pts - Votann - 2 pts (but so far accounted as 2 extra points for Aeldari in the List of vows) - SW + Astra Militarum (as they are all included in SW vows) - 58 pts - AdMech - 39 pts Nota: Ruins and Scenery are inc. in the Imperium related vows.
  5. Something that I like from B&C and participating to these forums and BLogs is how it gives me will for completing projects. Challenges helps in that sense. For example I joined because of/thanks to the BCK Vehicle Challenge: it was the motivation I needed to complete a conversion I had started but left with close to zero progress for months (years). The same happens with tehe Call to arms 2023 challenge. It is a motivation to get out of the shoe box some minis I have accumulated and left aside for more than a decade. Time to resurrect an Eldar Army that never flully reached preassembly stage! So, how do we go at date? A. Preparing for te Challenge In order to test schmes, colours, muster paint pots and decide of basing, this led me into painting a Wave Serpent (WS) and a WraithLord. You can meet the stuff in previous Blog entries... B. Vow 1 It has helped me painting a party that complete the forces up to a Combat patrol level plus some extras (a second WS and a Skyrunner Warlock). Here is the result so far (completed - vows at 41 pts): C. Vow 2 It is time to get ambitious. I have sorted out my first vow in 3 working weeks ans as I do not have any kind of holliday for the next mobths, I think I can succeed into completing a second vow: - 2 Defender guardians - 2 pts - 10 Storm Guardians - 10 pts - 10 Dire Avengers - 10 pts - 1 Skyrunner Farseer - 5 pts - 2 Vypers - 6 pts - 1 Falcon - 6 pts - 2 Warlocks - 10 pts - 1 Autarch - 5 pts For a total of 54 pledged points - plus 6 extra pledged points for repainting in Aspect colours 3 Shining spears - plus 3 extra points for a converted Venom I wanted to use a a steed for a personal version of Nuadu Firehearth - and placed for the Master of the Forge sub challenge So a total of 63 pts if the 2 latters fit. But maybe is it too ambitious and is it worth splitting it into a second and a third vow??? This could be a starting point - but I still have to think about it: D. But, Can I play with this? Well, is it an optimized army list for serious gaming? Probably not. I set a total of 1675 pts if I have it done correctly, excluding 1 Jet bike and 2 Defenders and considering that I can manage something to represent the serpent Platform for the Storm Guardians. Not too bad but not the best army list neither. There is serious need for thinking about how to strengthen such a force and muster reinforcement that gives punch... If I want to play with it one day. Any suggestion is welcomed, knowing that I have ZERO gaming experience with the pointy ears.
  6. I joined B&C during the BCK Vehicle Challenge in 2022. It has been a great source of motivation in order to stop procrastination and reboost my modelling and painting. The Call to Arms challenge will be another motivation to refuel the dynamics, which has slowed down a little bit lately. My first objective is declutering of some Aeldari minis I have in a crate for 20+ years, barely assemblied and primed. At the time they were Eldars, not Aeldari... My first vow will be to paint the equivalent of a Aeldari detachment: Farseer Guardian defender squad 6 jet bikes As I have an already painted Wraithlord, I will instead make a skyrunner warlock. All are mounted and primed already. Note that it is the "equivalent" of a detachment box - made only of ooP miniatures and converted ones (the warlock essentially). But before putting hand on the mini, which will have to wait for the GO date of July 1st, here are 2 test models. First a close up of a WFB mini (Dark Emissary) I used to test combinations of reds - the result is what I would like to get on the guardians: The base is Mephiston red washed with Flesh Tearer red. highlight with Wazdakka red. I then tested it on a second Wave Serpent Model I had - some paint rescue job in fact. But the result was not as appealing as expected so I recoated everything and changed the recipe. The result is based on the same Mephiston red base coat with a slight dry brush of Wazdakka + fine lining with the same. Only use of Flesh Tearer red is in the grooves. Not too bad, but not exactly what I wanted. It has also been the firt time I tried Microsale products on decals. Well, I am not so satisfied - it left a shinny/bright effet that looks like a glossy varnish. under certain lights it looks awful. But its done and I will not scratch everything now... I might have missed something
  7. Hi guys! I've been playing Warhammer 40k for over a decade now, and have my fair share of armies. I've had small blogs scattered on various forums before, but most haven't been updated in years, are archived and/or are filled with dead images. So I figured I'd just consolidate everything into a single blog, showing some of my older stuff and then continue with stuff I'm working on now or in the future. Apologies if you've seen some of the stuff before. I'm not the fastest nor the best painter, and with my short attention span I generally move between projects often to keep me from getting bored on painting the same stuff constantly. So here's my stuff, I hope you enjoy! I'll update this first post as an index to the posts with content for easy future reference. Tyranids - Hive Fleet Leviathan This was my first army which I started in 2008, after me and a few friends got into the hobby from playing the Dawn of War video games. I just loved the little gribblies and big monsters. Too inexperienced to realize beige is a pain in the ass to paint, I settled on a Leviathan-esque paint job before Hive Fleet Adaptations were a thing. Zoanthrope - Done Carnifex - 1, 2 Gants - Done Gargoyles - Done Trygon - Done Winged Hive Tyrant - Done Hive Crone - Done Swarmlord & Tyrant Guard - Done Tervigon - Done Exocrine - Done Haruspex - Done Tyrannofex - Done Deathleaper - Done Maleceptor - Done Old One Eye - Done Tyranid Warriors w/ Ranged Bio-Weapons - Done Grey Knights I always had a weak spot for the Daemonhunters, so I started this army in 2011 when the first plastic GK models came out together with their 5th edition codex. I also started experimenting with an airbrush around this time after failing to paint their power weapons one too many times (I still fail at blending). Haven't done much with them since 7th really after the Inquisition and Grey Knights got split up in separate codexes, and their current edition codex just feels lacking. Librarian - Done Brotherhood Ancient - Done Apothecary - Done Kaldor Draigo - Done Terminators/Paladins - Done Strike Squad - Done Purifiers - Done Inquisitor Coteaz - Done Ordo Malleus Inquisitor - Done Vindicare Assassin - Done Dreadnought - Done Venerable Dreadnought - Done Nemesis Dreadknight - Done Land Raider - Done Stormraven - Done Eldar - Craftworld Saim-Hann I started collecting Saim-Hann when their 6th edition codex came out in 2013, when the plastic wind riders and wraithguard came out. Jetbikes and wraith constructs are my two favourite aspects about Craftworld Eldar and I liked the vibrant red of Saim-Hann. That they matched the jetbike playstyle didn't hurt either, of course. Autarch Skyrunner - Done Farseer Skyrunner - Done Windriders - Done Vyper - Done Dire Avengers - Done Wave Serpent - Done Fire Prism - Done War Walker - Done Crimson Hunter - Done Spiritseer - Done Wraithguard - Done Wraithlord - Done Wraithknight - Done Blood Angels - 5th Company 'Daemonbanes' I wanted to do a Space Marine army for a while, as the Grey Knight model range is (still) very limited, and I kept seeing one new Astartes release after another that I couldn't include in my army. While I originally intended to do a custom chapter, I already had a Space Hulk set and a Deathstorm box for my Tyranids, so I figured I might as well just do Blood Angels as I already liked their background and already had those models anyway. So in 2015 I began working on the Sons of Sanguinius. Since the previous armies were relatively clean looking, I went for a more grimmer, weathered look for these. I picked the 5th company as the main focus, simply because I liked the black blood drop of that company's insignia best to match the darker look I was going for, plus it seems thematic to ally with my Grey Knights considering they're called the Daemonbanes. Sanguinary Priest - Done Commander Dante - Done Sanguinary Guard - Done Assault Squad - Done Bike Squad - Done Librarian - Done Librarian Dreadnought - Done Furioso Dreadnought - Done Deredeo Dreadnought - Done Death Company Dreadnought - Done Lemartes - Done Death Company - Done Baal Predator - Done Relic Sicaran Battle Tank - Done Drop Pod - Done Sniper Scout Squad - Done Close Combat Scout Squad - Done Captain - Done Suppressor Squad - WIP 1, Done Thunderhawk Gunship - WIP 1, WIP 2 Adeptus Mechanicus & Imperial Knights - Forgeworld Xana II & House Malinax Always been a fan of the AdMech, and generally I go for the tech-priest character in any of the 40k RPGs I've done over the years. After snagging two cheap knights from a Renagade box and getting some Skitarii from the Kill Team starter set, I finally started with the cogboys in 2018. As I already had two red armies and didn't want a third, and I loved the colour scheme of House Malinax from FW, I decided to go with this colour scheme for the AdMech units as well. I know that lorewise they're hereteks/traitors to the Imperium, but I don't intend to go all chaosy/dark mechanicum on them. Skitarii Vanguard - WIP 1 Skitarii Rangers - WIP 1 Sicarian Infiltrators - WIP 1 Armiger Warglaive - WIP 1 Knight Warden - WIP 1 Scenery, Terrain & Gaming Room I'm lucky enough to have a spare bedroom (and a wife that lets me use it) as a dedicated hobby room, and have my own gaming table. I love building scenery, even though it takes me ages to complete any projects because of the amount of work required for the bigger projects. Gaming Table - Done Realm of Battle - Done Fortress of Redemption - Done Skyshield Landing Pad - Done Woods - Done Blastscape - Done Aquila - Done Imperial Sector Buildings - WIP 1 FW Industrial Sector - WIP 1, WIP 2 3D Printing Always wanted to get into 3D printing, but wanted to wait for a printer that could print high quality prints without having thick layer lines, had a large enough volume to tackle larger projects but was still affordable enough. This turned out to be the Phrozen Transform. 3D Printer - 1
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