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  1. https://youtu.be/Aliorc4IUIw Hey everyone, this one is probably a bit dated now but hopefully it will still be helpful.
  2. This Thread Covers all of my Chaos projects but is primarally for my Thousand Sons and Daemons with a few other bits as well that dont fit into my other Threads. Possessed Chaos Space Marines (Pages 1 - 4) Warp Talons (pages 4 - 5, incomplete) Khornate Renegade Knight (pages 5 - 12) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Possessed Space Marines. So... a bit of background information on the project. I acquired a second hand unit of pre built, possessed chaos space marines for my Thousand Sons army. I was pretty happy to get them as my army has no standard marines in it and I could do with some close combat units to compliment my Rubricae. This was a few editions ago and Possessed weren't even that good, being over priced for what they could do. I don't really play competitively though and I like the idea of the concept of the units. That being said... they stayed in a small box for a very long time, years possibly... Recently I dug them back out while sorting my projects "to do" list and decided they needed attention. Looking at them all though, I thought they looked weird. Not in the good, "look how messed up these daemonic marines are" kind of way, but ... look how weirdly uniform these are. From what I've read, I feel like the rolling maelstrom of the warp is a limitless plane that does not abide by the laws of physics and contains boundless, unreal realms that are inhabited by an infinite varieties of warp entities that include the daemons we know and love. So why... do my possessed, not only have 2 arms, 2 legs, a head and body... but some have identical bladed weapons, heads, legs... and so on. We know the answer is that its cheaper and easier to just design enough parts to spread among the models and give the illusion of variety and freedom to design your possessed. This isn't good enough for me, at least not anymore. I want MY possessed to look like any one of a billion weird things has wormed its way into the marines body... with unpredictable results. My next idea was born of how I think my Thousand Sons would feel being possessed. That is, not great. I have read the Ahriman books though and in that daemons are summoned and imprisoned in the bodies... I think. If i'm mistaken, then never mind... its a cool idea right. My Thousand Sons fear the flesh change and those who actually have flesh to change are not keen on handing over a portion of their freedom to a warp entity. They want knowledge, and power... and tools to that let them get it. In order to imprison a daemon they need vessels, not necessarily willing ones... My possessed will be painted in the colours of other chapters and legions and I want the possessons themselves to be more varied than the kits allow. My first few picture are of complete models, before I even had intentions of having and account on Bolter, never mind posting my work in progress. After these pictures the amount of WIP pics I can provide increases. I hope you all enjoy them and I welcome any and all feedback, I'm trying to improve my painting, kit bashing and sculpting with these models. My efforts were a little more tentative at first and then get more adventurous as they progress... Here is the Imperial fist, I think this was the first model I modified. Very basic, I think his wibbly left arm came from some spawn spares and I cut down his horns to make his head look different from similar ones on the other possessed (specifically his friend the Ravenguard). I had started some of the conversions before deciding I would have marines from other legions and chapters. When I did decide, this guy holding his left "fist" in the air looked like a fun mockery of the symbol so it seemed and appropriate fit. His new name: "Spikey Fist" This is my 30k World Eater, I liked how this head from the spawn sprue looks kind of like a minotaur or something and with the charging pose of the body it seemed to fit nicely. Combined with the winged backpack, I felt like I had no option but to give him a tail. "Mini Thirster" This find fellow is a Ravenguard, and while i haven't specifically been converting converting these models to pervert their original profiles... cutting up a Possessed claw and grafting it onto his face seemed like a fun way for a daemon to make fun of his body. It was for a long time the only modification I made to the model... then i noticed he shared his right arm with another model. So I took the Forgeworld Cockatrice tail I had left over from another project and fitted that instead. Even though I doubt anyone else would notice, I like that this claw also has a bird-like connection. Say hello "Beaky". This fun guy is my 40k World Eater Berzerker. Another early conversion, I used a Berzerker helmet and used the top of it to replace the top of a possessed head that had kind of Predator mandibles. I like the little connection there that they are both things that hunt for the sake of killing. I gave him a chainsword I stole from a Black Templar that wont be needing it as much anymore, and since completing it Im told (by the owner of this colourscheme) that the Black Templars took the chained weapon idea FROM the World Eaters! so that came together nicely. Oh, this is also the first example of a missing backpack. The winged backpacks are obviously quite recognisable so I cut those off and was obviously down a few backpacks, come to think of it, more than losing those winged ones would suggest. given the amount of organic looking bits of this model it was a happy coincidence that when I thought about trying a carnifex thresher tail... it was almost the exact dementions of a space marine backpack. Rise sir... "Predzerker". This handsome chap is an Ultra Marine... all I really did here was cut out a quarter of his head and replace it with the eye and head tendrils of a pink horror head. The stance and sword make him look like a bit of a fencer... which reminds me of some of the stories i've heard about the emperors children. So I picked a daemonic colour i associated with daemonettes and their Slaaneshi connection. Thats all there really is to this guy, I guess the daemon was also making fun of the blandness of Ultramarines. I think I shall call him... "Ultra Bland" Ok, from here it gets a bit more interresting and includes WIP pics of some sort or another. I originally just popped a big Spawn eye in his belly while doing the other early efforts and thought "Eye of Magnus!", so he was destined to be a Thousand Son Sorcerer that went a bit wrong. However by the time I got back around to him I was getting a bit more confidence and thought he was a bit plain. ... so I sculpted 6 other eyes onto him. Around this time I'd started posting this stuff onto the Krakendoomcool Blog and also networking with other hobbyists on Twitter for the first time. I was running out of space marine armies belonging to my friends to use in my Possessed so I started asking about on Twitter if anyone wanted to "donate" one of their men to my cause. One really nice guy (@DrakePoldragon) offered up two different chapters, and I suggest two of my models including this one. I suggest this will be the Dark Angel, and based on the poor first photo I sent he thought he was wearing a hood so that he would be blind to the truth of his actions. I laughed at the idea he would ever be blind to anything anymore... but he had a point, Dark Angels love them some Hoods and Cloaks. So I had my first crack and Green Stuffing a cloak onto a model. It was a bit tricky because of the big spike coming out of his head and that his backpack was already glued on, but I just followed a tutorial and winged the rest of it from there. I'm pretty happy with the results. I'm not as happy with the paint job on the cloak as I am with the construction but I can always go back over it. I'm happy with how this guy turned out and he lookes pretty unique for a possessed which is what I was going for. I like to call this guy "Dark Eyengel" I hope thats ok for now, I will have more stuff to post semi regularly and the rest of my projects should have WIP pics now that the projects have caught up to the present point in time. As I said, please let me know what you think, I wont be offended and I'm eager to learn more. If you have any ideas of your own, feel free to suggest them, I bought a box of vanilla marines to fuel this project for a bit longer than I originally planned...
  3. I got this Land Raider used and in very rough shape. Instead of fixing it properly, I decided to add a lot of daemonic flesh and other elements of Chaos. I have a shot of the sculpting work prior to putting on paint here if anyone is interested: https://creativetwilight.com/chaos-land-raider-conversion-6/ Anyway, I've made some reasonable progress on painting it and figured I'd share it. Here's a few more since taking the previous shots where I've worked on the Tzeentch eye on the top, and the door for Khorne. I'll be working on other smaller details next, like the tentacles, but I'm not sure what color to do those. The vehicle also has, though not painted/shown, elements for Slaanesh and Nurgle. I want the tentacles god neutral, which is a bit tricky I'm finding. Total open to ideas.
  4. Hey again, remaking this thread, it disappeared when the forum vent down, and haven't had the time or energy to remake everything, until now! so all of you that's been waiting I am sorry it took so long back now and will update with the old and the new projects. also lost the friends and such on my profile so you guys know I didn't remove you all from the list did get quite a few subscriptions last time in those 2 days, so if you still like this you can sign up again Balefire Legion is Chaos Space Marines from the black legion, who had the warp intensified their hate for the empire and set it ablaze, the green demonic glow showing out through their eyes and even burning through armour and shown in markings. They keep the dark armour of the black legion but adorn the trims with the colour of bone to match the skulls they collect from the countless victim's of every world they set ablaze. With this thread that was originally inspired by subtle discord and his legion rising chaos thread, I in return hope that my work can also inspire others and him as well. if you haven't you should definitely go have a look at legion rising too. I love feedback and ideas and suggestions, so please feel free to comment as much as you like I really like building and converting, and painting and a bit of playing. now lets get some pictures back up! all of these are still wip so missing highlights and such I know and the hellbrute of course, the auto cannon is magnetized and the power fist is snap fit and moveable http://i942.photobucket.com/albums/ad269/thamier/work%20in%20progress/image-10.jpg http://i942.photobucket.com/albums/ad269/thamier/work%20in%20progress/image-11.jpg http://i942.photobucket.com/albums/ad269/thamier/work%20in%20progress/image-12.jpg then we have my helldrake, wasn't too fond of the original so had to convert it, and since they are supposed to be warped chaos fighters I made it more fighter plane like, opened up a maulerfiend head and stuck a bale flamer in there too for good measure and some crispy loyalist marines on the base, http://i942.photobucket.com/albums/ad269/thamier/work%20in%20progress/image-14.jpg http://i942.photobucket.com/albums/ad269/thamier/work%20in%20progress/image-15.jpg http://i942.photobucket.com/albums/ad269/thamier/work%20in%20progress/image-13.jpg http://i942.photobucket.com/albums/ad269/thamier/work%20in%20progress/image-16.jpg http://i942.photobucket.com/albums/ad269/thamier/work%20in%20progress/image-9.jpg http://i942.photobucket.com/albums/ad269/thamier/work%20in%20progress/image-1.jpg http://i942.photobucket.com/albums/ad269/thamier/work%20in%20progress/IMG_0661.jpg http://i942.photobucket.com/albums/ad269/thamier/work%20in%20progress/IMG_0659.jpg http://i942.photobucket.com/albums/ad269/thamier/work%20in%20progress/IMG_1229.jpg Working on my next helldrake, did some test mock-ups and asked for feedback on them (Edit: removed these because it somehow exceeded the maximum pictures allowed in a thread) also made a couple of chaos spawns, one normal kit and one I converted from a marine. need to get my hands on some freakflex paint for realistic blood for it. http://i942.photobucket.com/albums/ad269/thamier/work%20in%20progress/IMG_1275.jpg http://i942.photobucket.com/albums/ad269/thamier/work%20in%20progress/IMG_1274.jpg http://i942.photobucket.com/albums/ad269/thamier/work%20in%20progress/IMG_1276.jpg and the standard one http://i942.photobucket.com/albums/ad269/thamier/work%20in%20progress/IMG_1273.jpg http://i942.photobucket.com/albums/ad269/thamier/work%20in%20progress/IMG_1271.jpg http://i942.photobucket.com/albums/ad269/thamier/work%20in%20progress/IMG_1270.jpg currently i am working on my deathwing terminators, not having that much money I went for the cheap option and bought a start box, then converted the dark angels to chaos here is the champion http://i942.photobucket.com/albums/ad269/thamier/work%20in%20progress/IMG_1290.jpg http://i942.photobucket.com/albums/ad269/thamier/work%20in%20progress/IMG_1291.jpg will update with more of the old stuff and of course more of the new
  5. Hey Brothers! Note to the moderators...The reason I've put this tutorial up here is that it is a WIP as well. It will be a running project involving all the armour marks and a number of legion specific pieces. In this first post is MKIV only with MKIII to follow soon. I've been meaning to get a tutorial on Heresy armour up here for some time now but have never found the opportunity. It would appear however that I have found the time now! The basic idea is to produce a number of tutorials which may help you to save money by converting almost any GW plastic power armour kit into a heresy armour mark! The focus is on more on the armour than the weapons but in the future I hope to share some methods I've used to turn standard plastic weaponry into heresy era stuff. I will also attempt to display how I would go about doing particular legions, eg head swaps for ultramarines and thousand sons, cloaks for DA and so on. Without further ado (and in good Star Wars tradition) let’s start off with number 4! Maximus Pattern http://i1110.photobucket.com/albums/h451/Zaevin/tutorial4050.jpg For the purpose of this tutorial I'm going to go mostly off the Forgeworld stereotype. The base model comes from the command squad box with the exception of the blood angels bolt pistol and the finecast backpack which is standard, just resin and not plastic. These principles can be applied to most GW plastic marine kits. One thing I want to encourage people to take note of (and I'm sure the vast majority already have) is that there are absolutely loads of different versions of power armour bits which are considered one mark or another. I can think of 5 or 6 different kinds of mark IV helmet for example, from forgeworld and games-workshop. There are even more pictures of mark IV in artwork which looks different from the generally accepted and now seemingly official forgeworld pattern. So the choice is massive for people wanting heresy era marines. Please note, this is just how I do it and I want to say that there are some fantastic armour tutorials out there! Hope you find this one useful too though Preparation What you'll need. http://i1110.photobucket.com/albums/h451/Zaevin/tutorial4052.jpg This is more or less what I used for the MKIV marine. Included among the usual suspects such as a sculpting tool and a hobby knife are Nail Perfection UK micro beads which I use to add to armour as bolts. Please for the love of the Emperor do not ask me how I found these... Anyway, like with any project it's a good idea to prepare the tools first so you know you've got everything you need Torso http://i1110.photobucket.com/albums/h451/Zaevin/tutorial4004.jpg Start with any mark VII torso and clean off aquillas and scull icons and so on until you have a smooth surface. http://i1110.photobucket.com/albums/h451/Zaevin/tutorial4013.jpg Then score a line from under each arm to the centre of the chest plate. http://i1110.photobucket.com/albums/h451/Zaevin/tutorial4014.jpg It should also lead behind the torso to the backpack join. Legs http://i1110.photobucket.com/albums/h451/Zaevin/tutorial4005.jpg For the legs you will need to remove the knee pads and smooth the cleared area to be the same level of the shin guard. http://i1110.photobucket.com/albums/h451/Zaevin/tutorial4027.jpg You should also cut away the curved part of the cod piece so that it is a flat surface. Prepared Surface Pieces http://i1110.photobucket.com/albums/h451/Zaevin/tutorial4008.jpg At this stage you should have something like this. I mostly find it's sometimes easiest to stick these three together now rather than sculpting the bits individually. ...and on to part two...
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