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I attended the Renegade Open held in Plymouth, MN on 19 November. I walked through most of the events with friends over about an hour. I saw the 40K Friendly, the Barbicon Front (Horus Heresy) event, and Operation (Bolt Action). Here's some photos and commentary from my visit. Part One: The GW stuff Part Two: The Boards/Hobby stuff Part Three: Swag and conclusion Part Three: Swag and Conclusion After taking some pics, I headed to the vendor room. The vendor room was much smaller than in years past, but it wasn't a total letdown. I bought some can covers to keep my adult beverages nice and cool. I used my birthday as an excuse to take advantage of some deals. For $130 US, I purchased: a shining spears box an autarch box 2 shroud runner boxes 1 rangers box 1 sector imperialis debris box That retails for $333! My little closet store continues to grow. Thank goodness there wasn't anything Drukhari or Harlequin on sale. Conclusion While I can't say I had a great time playing at the Renegade Open, it was nice to pop in, take some pics, see where the hobby is outside my group, and get inspiration from players and organizers. As we head into winter here, I expect to have more time for gaming and building/painting. While I'm not going to be meeting some of the quality at Renegade, I do have some ideas and goals to make this crazy hobby a little more interesting and enjoyable. Thanks for reading!
I attended the Renegade Open held in Plymouth, MN on 19 November. I walked through most of the events with friends over about an hour. I saw the 40K Friendly, the Barbicon Front (Horus Heresy) event, and Operation (Bolt Action). Here's some photos and commentary from my visit. Part One: The GW stuff Part Two: The Boards/Hobby stuff Part Three: Swag and conclusion Part Two: The Boards/Hobby stuff I love the B&C, but I love mini gaming in general. I think there's an opportunity for inspiration and practical advice from the historical scene. This post focuses on that, but there's still 40k boards for those that disagree. Space Hulk (?) Board I don't know if this was for a space hulk event, but since it was in the 40K Friendly room, assume it was regular 40K with some special rules. It's a nice mix of mat and plastic/resin. The paint job really unifies the board, making it look like it's an actual scene and not just some random terrain on a random mat. A Korean War Board Warlord Games was at the Renegade Open, and the author of their Korean War rules was there. He even did this board with a company partner. This really had me flashback to the mid-80s when I got started in historicals, even though I played games set in the middle ages or 19th century. The level of detail and closely placed pieces where what really sold me as a teen. If you look closely, the board is made of MDF pieces. These are cut similar to a puzzle. You can essentially build a modular board with these and easily store them in a very small space via stacking. It is a clever design for people like me without an attic or basement for their hobby. A City Board The Bolt Action event was called Operation :cuss:. While I don't know the details of that narrative event, there were some amazing examples of creativity and dedication that I wish I had the talent, time, and storage space to do. This board went crazy on the detail. The streetlights were actually lit, the craters went into the table, and several buildings had multiple floors that could be removed. Those rooms were also detailed with different paint jobs or wall papers in each room, complete with the burn marks and debris of a warzone. One touch I liked was the street sidewalks were made from foam rubber. This gave them an innate texture, were at the right height from the scale perspective, and were silent when placing stuff on them. Fighting in the Desert This gent definitely themed his army transport display. I'm sure you know the inspiration. The POW Camp Board I'm not sure what is going on in this narrative game, but there's a camera crew, and a military band running around in the game. There were a lot of little details that I wouldn't have expected to see in a Bolt Action game. Misc Cobblestone mats can look good if the terrain pieces are designed for them. MDF buildings look pretty good if they're painted better than what I usually see in 40k events. This one has a lot going on. More to Come Part Three will be posted later.
I attended the Renegade Open held in Plymouth, MN on 19 November. I walked through most of the events with friends over about an hour. I saw the 40K Friendly, the Barbicon Front (Horus Heresy) event, and Operation :cuss: (Bolt Action). Here's some photos and commentary from my visit. Part One: The GW stuff Part Two: The Boards/Hobby stuff Part Three: Swag and conclusion Part One: The GW Stuff The Renegade Open is one of the larger local tournaments for GW events including 40K, Fantasy/Age of Sigmar, and now Horus Heresy. It definitely has a "Minnesota Nice" vibe, and while I don't do competitive events, it is clear that fun is the goal and the organizers do a great job of logistics, fundraising and other sundry things required for a successful 3 day event. Given our host, let's proceed to some photos. While I don't play competitively, I have attended the totally anti-con Waaaghfest a few times. Some of that crew attended the Renegade Open. You can get a sense of their attutide by their board and scenario designs. I am unfamiliar with this scenario's details, but it involves candy and pint glasses. A Nurgle themed board This board reminds me of the original Lost and the Damned book illustrations. Yes, that is a giant ambull offboard. It is difficult to tell, but those "pestilent balls" are covered in flies. I didn't get a close up. :( Leave a request in the comments, and I'll post some pics of boards from Waaaghfest '21 that include chibi berserkers, a candyland board, and MN's own Prince. Some Heresy Pics Several of the boards used for the Heresy event really tried to drive home the scale of that setting. A closeup of that Dark Angels unit to give a sense of building scale. Some shots of another board that reminds me of Rogue Trader aesthetics. In parting, it was cool to see two Thousand Sons players. Both were running resin Magnus. Nice to see that model IRL. The 40K Friendly The tables were packed a bit tight to let me get pictures without potentially interfering with the players. These are far from all the factions or talent levels present. Some Aeldari Scouts Is it too late for me to use this scheme? I've already got the purple helms and brown leathers. Some Custodes I actually am quite drawn to the NMM models. The owner really got a good purple, which is something I struggle with. Some Knights/Armigers Some Necrons This is the first time I've seen that flagship monolith. I'm glad I don't need to transport these models! Some Orks Some Tyranids
A BUG'S LIFE 2022 A Monthly Tyranids Painting Challenge Hello and welcome to the second official moderately low-stakes painting event for the Tyranid forum! This is purely a fun event, with the end reward being more lovely painted models for you to enjoy on the table, with shout-outs to anyone performing spectacularly! FORMAT Anyone who has entered B&C painting events before will be familiar with the format: In this thread, make a vow in a post to commit to painting the models you wish to, and share a photo of the unpainted model(s) you wish to paint for the event, along with their name and power level. By the 22nd August, share a photo of your painted model, finished to Battle Ready Standard, as defined by GW on the previous link. Basically, that's all parts painted with: Base, shade paint, then technical on the base. *NEW RULE* Over the course of this time everyone involved will have 5 vows where they can pledge any amount of models at a time. A vow must be completely finished before a new one is made. Badges (and bragging rights) will be awarded for the following categories*: Ripper - the badge of shame, all vows broken Gaunt - participation and completion of any vow Stealer - completion of 25* or more Power Level Warrior - completion of 50* or more Power Level Broodlord - completion of 75* or more Power Level Tyrant - completion of 100* or more Power Level *TBC If you like, models can be cross-entered into other events like Grotsmasha's Monthly Painting Challenge, so you can get extra kudos and share your work with those outside the Tyranids Section. TIMING The event will run for three months from Monday 23rd May until Midnight GMT Monday 22nd August (3 calendar months), after which we'll have a showcase and a tot up of who's managed to paint the most in that time! The 'active' month will reset on the first Monday of each month. This topic will open on 23rd May, and will be used to record vows and progress over the event. PLEDGES Over the 3 months, we'll each pledge to paint at least one model with the TYRANIDS keyword [including all models from the Tyranids Codex, Genestealer Cults Codex, and Forge World Books], however a soft target should be 10 Power Level or roughly 200 points per month. If you can stick to this and achieve it, you'll have a 30 Power Level Tyranids force to play some games with or reinforce an existing army! Your pledge can be as simple or ornate as you like, e.g.: I, Xenith, Commander of the Hive, pledge to paint a unit of three Biovores to the value of 6PL or ~150 points in the month of June 2021 Accompany that text with a picture of the pledged models, and you're good to go! If you like, post WIP photos in this thread, or start your own WIP log in the Tyranids section. BADGE In honour of your taking part, there's a signature badge in progress which all entrants can proudly display (and to promote the competition). 2022 badge That's all really! Just like the Hive Fleets, this post will evolve as time goes on and new challenges arise, and this post will record the entries into the challenge, so check on your progress here. SUMMARY At the start of the event, make a pledge in this thread what you want to paint, with a photo and point values. Paint the models Before the end of the event, share photos of the painted models in this thread Repeat steps 1-3 up to 4 more times. ??? Profit Smite that grey pile!
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Hi All Gateway Gamers are excited to announce Siegeworld 2021! We will be back at the Gateway Center on 8/21 and 8/22 in Collinsville just outside of St. Louis! As always, there will be the 40K GT, Sigmar GT and Endless Apocalypse. More details at: And follow them on Facebook to see updates and sponsors:
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Greetings Commanders! War dominates the Imperium and the High Lords of Terra have determined that several crusading armies are required to bring humanity back to the Light of the Emperor! High Command has determined that your inability to complete your objective of purging the heretic, eradicating the alien and burning the traitor is a direct result of inadequate manpower and insufficient equipment. As such, new machines of war have been assigned to your regiments. You now have the best weapons the Imperium has to offer. New uniforms, equipment and weapons have also been allocated to your forces. It is now your responsibility to raise new regiments, to crew these vehicles and bring glory to the Emperor's name. Objective: Raise as many units as possible, to be parade ready (assembled and painted) by February 4th. Critical dates: Sign up period - November 26th - February 3rd This is an open event, so participants can pledge or add to their pledges throughout the entire period of the event. Once you have made your pledge and posted your before picture, you may commence building and or painting the pledged unit To enter, post your before picture with your pledge: "In the name of the Emperor and Lord Commander , I Commander <name> of the <regiment>, shall raise a <unit> by February 4th." November 26th - February 3rd : Hobby period Hobby in earnest! WIP and update posts are encouraged! February 4th : End of event Pictures of the completed unit must be posted by 23:59 in your local time Those who successfully carry out these orders, will be provided a medal honouring their service to the Emperor and Imperial Guard. Event notes: You can pledge at any time throughout the event. There is no minimum or maximum pledge. Pledged units shall not be completed beyond primer, or a single solid base coat. Exception: Each participant will be permitted to pledge a single unit that is partially completed (i.e. beyond simple priming or base coating). If you are unsure, post the an image of the proposed unit and the the Commissariat and aide de camp can make the necessary determination. During this event you can pledge for any valid unit from the current Astra Militarum 9th edition Codex. You may also pledge terrain features / buildings for this event. This includes kit bashes, conversions, sculpted miniatures and scratch built miniatures. Badges will be issued at the end of the event that can be added to your signature. These badges will indicate different levels of completed units per FoC or overall. To facilitate pledge tracking, you can indicate the type of FoC of the unit you pledged using the forum emojis Any further questions can be directed to you local Commissar. Carry on troops and good luck!
As the flames of war engulf the galaxy in scales not seen in generations, ancient and forgotten relics are returned to the battlefield to wreak terrible destruction upon His foes; the years of neglect made manifest in their fury as xenos and traitor alike are taught a harsh reminder of the might of the Imperium of old. Introduction Don't we all have some models somewhere left unfinished, and gathering dust? Projects stalled, or miniatures abandoned by the dread hand of GW's rules..? It is time to correct these injustices, and return these forgotten models to active duty! Relics of the Armoury Participation The goal of this event is to give old Guard models the love they deserve, so anything Guard (GW or FW, counts as etc and within the B&C's rules of course) is eligible to vow. Any stage of completion, from still in the box to part assembled or even mostly painted - the aim is to get models finished that have languished for whatever reason. This even includes non-legal units, so it could be a few lasgun troopers or that sniper Veteran you forgot about; as long as it's a Guard unit it counts. If you're unsure consult your nearest friendly neighbourhood commissar for assistance before vowing. Event Period Relics of the Armoury runs from now until the 31st of May, by the B&C's clock i.e. any completion post time up to and including the 31st of May. Pledging to the Event Make your vow in any way you wish, at any point during the event, to this topic with a WIP starting picture. You may add models to it at any time also, just be sure to let the commissariat know when you do. If you wish you can denote your pledge with a participation badge in your sig: [url=][img=][/url] Successfully Completing A successful vow is one that has all of your vowed models declared completed with an associated picture by the deadline, and will earn you a new signature award image! Failing Your Vow If you fail to complete your vow you will shame yourself and your regiment before your peers, and the commissariat will be very disappointed. For a particularly egregious failure a missive may be written to your parents detailing your poor performance and the consequences thereof. Any questions let us know, otherwise make your vow soldier!
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Cleansing of Ioria Campaign - Phase 3 Sieges and Decisive Battles The final scene in the Crusade to cleanse Ioria commences! Regiments and Inquisitional parties participating in this phase are to proclaim their attendance by providing the Administratum the required details on their forces and its representative as well as listing the unit and associated value. Vows may be performed in the tradition of your regiment or Inquisitor, or follow the registered standard: I, , hereby pledge the forces of [REGIMENT/WARBAND/ORDO] under [COMMANDER/INQUISITOR] to the capture of Ioria in the name of the Emperor. The contribution of [uNIT] at [POINTS] will do their duty no matter the cost. The phase begins immediately, and vows may be made at any time during the phase's run. Phase 3 will end at 2200 GMT/B&C time on Sunday the 2nd of April, make sure your vow is done by then! Participating regiments and Ordos that have already given their background pieces don't need to do so again as this will have been recorded from phase 1. As a reminder the bonus FOC choices for phase 3 are: HQ, Heavy Support and Lords of War. As before a single FOC unit is eligible even down to the components, whether that is an entire Scion Platoon, a single Taurox, a Platoon Command Squad or an Infantry Squad and their dedicated transport Chimera for example. Signal your participation in this grand endeavour with this sig image: Campaign: Cleansing of Ioria Phase 3 - Imperial Guard ID Recruit Regiment Commander WIP Points Completion 1 brettfp 42nd Savlar Chem Dogs Capt. Slip Saveryx WIP 185* Completion 2 Jam Master Flex 82nd Cadian Armoured Group Knight Commander Pask WIP 535* Completion 3 Mactire Midgardian 12th Commissar Thedren Voalt WIP 55* Completion 4 our_baz E Company of the 7th Levallosian Life Guards Colonel Leukas Prins WIP 140* Completion 5 elmo 711th CCAB [Redacted] WIP 40* Completion 6 GKTerminator First Firestorm Sentinels Lord Edric Shade WIP 460* Completion 7 Cap'n Heckus Agamemnos Prime Planetary Defense Force Colonel Bolivar Hesk WIP 85* Completion 8 WarriorFish 144 Arukan Lord Commander Firionel WIP 40* Completion Campaign: Cleansing of Ioria Phase 3 - Inquisition ID Acolyte Ordo Inquisitor WIP Points Completion 1HodConclave of Holy FireInquisitor Larine BladeauWIP150Completion2Jam Master FlexOrdo MalleusInquisitor IlseWIP95*Completion3HondaCOHORT:110011ARTIKUS-110011WIP360Completion4ArkanissOrdo HereticusLord Inquisitor ArkanissWIP382Completion
As the vile Tau attempt to spread false lies across the Eastern Fringe, the might of the Imperium stirs to remove their taint from the sector. Introduction With new Munitorum approved strategies available to all Guardsmen regiments in the recent publication +++978-1-78826-771-7+++ nearby regiments should prepare to for deployment to the Eastern Fringe to expel the Tau menace. The Munitorum requests that each regiment deploy a new detachment to best determine the effectiveness of the new strategies. Chalnath Expanse Liberation Participation The goal of this event is to rustle up those old and new models and put them together into a coherent, painted fighting force. Before pledging any models commander that are participating must declare one of the 8th Edition Force Organization Detachment they will attempt to complete (or at least complete the minimum number of units required for the detachment to be considered legal). As usual a pre-painted picture of the model(s) / unit(s) pledge is required (primed miniatures are acceptable). Pledged models can be assembled or assembled. If you're unsure consult your nearest friendly neighbourhood commissar for assistance before vowing. Event Period The Chalnath Expanse Liberation runs from now until the 12th of April, by the B&C's clock i.e. any completion post time up to and including the 12th of April. Pledging to the Event Make your vow in any way you wish, at any point during the event, to this topic with a Detachment declaration and a starting picture. You may add models to it at any time also, just be sure to let the commissariat know when you do. For those loyal soldiers who participate in the name of the Emperor they may have the honour of using the below image in their signature line: [img=] Successfully Completing A successful vow is one that has all of your vowed models declared completed with an associated picture by the deadline, and will earn you a new signature award image! Failing Your Vow Per standard Munitorum procedure: If you fail to complete your vow you will shame yourself and your regiment before your peers, and the commissariat will be very disappointed. For a particularly egregious failure a missive may be written to your parents detailing your poor performance and the consequences thereof. Remember: +++The alien fails because it can not embrace the Emperor +++
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