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  NightHunters said:
I just love the way you do the faces brother, great work!

Totally agree.


That Praetor is so many times kick ass, dude. Just love what you've got going on. The battered armor and face really demand attention. Very reminiscent of the paratroopers who painted and blackened their faces from the US Airborne Divisions during the D-Day operation.


EDIT: And Lorenzen, have you ever posted any insight as to how you do the faces on your models? If you wouldn't mind, I'm sure it's something we could all immensely benefit from. :)


EDIT #2: Aha, nevermind. For anyone else that's blown away by the wonders Lorenzen creates on his miniatures' faces, here is a tutorial explaining how he does it.

Edited by Darth Potato

glad you all like him so far, ive cleaned up the face a bit (less blood) and am going to do a bit more to him before i go to the gym to break myself, but once im back ill post up some more pics for ya'll


*ninja edit*


okay so maybe ill post one before i go..




i think im going to strip and redo the chainblade.. i can do better, and can add some stringy gore to it as well then.

Edited by Lorenzen
Very nice! The eye looks better. It looks like an old wound now. Which is pretty sweet. I'll agree with you on the chainblade, it just doesn't match your usual standard. Curious to see how you'll do the stringy gore.



improved the blade a bit, still needs lots of work (mainly the scroll work, which atm is all sorts of unfinished and crap.. i may actually fill it in and just have a blank blade), also given him a base.. not sure if im going to change it out for something a little bigger (may see if i can find a 30mm base or something)

  • 3 weeks later...

yeesh its been a while since i updated this.. work has been getting in the way far FAR too much.


because of my poor showing i decided id put something new up rather than "look at this model that has mild alterations to it" to make up for the big gap.




i present to you the start of my first "proper" vehicle for the death guard.. the pic doesnt show it off very well but there is psuedo pre shading on the go to mimic the colour transitions on the infantry, its quite heavy but its also my first proper attempt. i'm hoping to put more stuff up over the weekend and generally get back on track with these.. only got in from work an hour ago so i think its time for some sleeeep.

  Lorenzen said:


improved the blade a bit, still needs lots of work (mainly the scroll work, which atm is all sorts of unfinished and crap.. i may actually fill it in and just have a blank blade), also given him a base.. not sure if im going to change it out for something a little bigger (may see if i can find a 30mm base or something)


I think he's my favorite yet. Love the pose, the sword, the gritty battle worn look. Thank you.

Looking through this thread, I was awed by the colours you used for the Death Guard. This will be a good source for conversion on a captain, I will be watching this thread closly, great job!

glad you all like them, im reworking the base for the praetor, the 25mm felt to cramped for me so expect something a bit fancier soon.


the eagles oil wash is going to be sealed tonight, then the fun parts can be done. i prefer it to the spartan however i will be getting a typhon to fit my siege/attrition vibe & from what i know its a less annoying kit to work with.


(the caestus is actually my favourite, but thats for my 40k army)

okay only a small update today, i've been working on the storm eagle some more, generally just getting things blocked in and getting a picture of how i want it to look in my mind.. ive also tentatively named it The Poisoned Mist in reference to the upper reaches of barbarus.




still lots to do, its far too clean looking atm!

Idk if you already said this or not, but if i were to not use an airbrush, what would you basecoat your deathguard with and what gw wash would you use on them? Because I'm set on doing deathguard and i'm taking inspiration from your work
its not something i've really considered, i think id probably mix rakarth and pallid wych flesh, shade with grey and still use an oil wash for the main colour.. i dont think any of the gw washes work as well for that particular task as white spirit and oil paint.. though a mix of earthshade, sepia and lahmian medium (sepia is too orangey for me, earthshade is too muddy.. somewhere in the middle would be better) could work if used in the manner of the fw paint guide i guess.
Damn why haven't I commented on this wonderful thread yet? I've actually ben lurking around here since you started this massively awesome army and it just keeps getting better and better :) Consider me a fan and keep up the good work ;)

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